listen() public static method

Listen in on a given event to have a specified callback fired.
public static listen ( string $event, mixed $callback ) : true
$event string Name of event to listen on.
$callback mixed Any callback callable by call_user_func_array
return true
Example #1
 public function registerEvents()
     $job =& $this->job;
     Event::listen(Event::JOB_PERFORM, function ($event, $_job) use(&$job) {
         $job = $_job;
Example #2
  * Initialises the command just after the input has been validated.
  * This is mainly useful when a lot of commands extends one main command
  * where some things need to be initialised based on the input arguments and options.
  * @param InputInterface  $input  An InputInterface instance
  * @param OutputInterface $output An OutputInterface instance
  * @return void
 protected function initialize(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $this->parseConfig($input->getOptions(), $this->getNativeDefinition()->getOptionDefaults());
     $config = $this->getConfig();
     // Configure Redis
     Resque\Redis::setConfig(array('scheme' => $config['scheme'], 'host' => $config['host'], 'port' => $config['port'], 'namespace' => $config['namespace'], 'password' => $config['password']));
     // Set the verbosity
     if (array_key_exists('verbose', $config)) {
         if (!$input->getOption('verbose') and !$input->getOption('quiet') and is_int($config['verbose'])) {
         } else {
             $this->config['verbose'] = $output->getVerbosity();
     // Set the monolog loggers, it's possible to speficfy multiple handlers
     $logs = array_key_exists('log', $config) ? array_unique($config['log']) : array();
     empty($logs) and $logs[] = 'console';
     $handlerConnector = new Resque\Logger\Handler\Connector($this, $input, $output);
     $handlers = array();
     foreach ($logs as $log) {
         $handlers[] = $handlerConnector->resolve($log);
     $this->logger = $logger = new Resque\Logger($handlers);
     // Unset some variables so as not to pass to include file
     unset($logs, $handlerConnector, $handlers);
     // Include file?
     if (array_key_exists('include', $config) and strlen($include = $config['include'])) {
         if (!($includeFile = realpath(dirname($include) . '/' . basename($include))) or !is_readable($includeFile) or !is_file($includeFile) or substr($includeFile, -4) !== '.php') {
             throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The include file "' . $include . '" is not a readable php file.');
         try {
             require_once $includeFile;
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             throw new \RuntimeException('The include file "' . $include . '" threw an exception: "' . $e->getMessage() . '" on line ' . $e->getLine());
     // This outputs all the events that are fired, useful for learning
     // about when events are fired in the command flow
     if (array_key_exists('events', $config) and $config['events'] === true) {
         Resque\Event::listen('*', function ($event) use($output) {
             $data = array_map(function ($d) {
                 $d instanceof \Exception and $d = '"' . $d->getMessage() . '"';
                 is_array($d) and $d = '[' . implode(',', $d) . ']';
                 return (string) $d;
             }, array_slice(func_get_args(), 1));
             $output->writeln('<comment>-> event:' . Resque\Event::eventName($event) . '(' . implode(',', $data) . ')</comment>');
Example #3

use Resque\Event;
use Resque\Logger;
// Test job class
class TestJob
    public function perform($args)
        // Don't do anything
// Lets record the forking time
Event::listen(array(Event::WORKER_FORK, Event::WORKER_FORK_CHILD), function ($event, $job) use($logger) {
    static $start = 0;
    if ($event === Event::WORKER_FORK_CHILD) {
        $exec = microtime(true) - $start;
        $logger->log('Forking process took ' . round($exec * 1000, 2) . 'ms', Logger::DEBUG);
    } else {
        $start = microtime(true);
// When the job is about to be run, queue another one
Event::listen(Event::JOB_PERFORM, function ($event, $job) use($logger) {
// Add a few jobs to the default queue
for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {