Example #1
  * Set items constraints
  * @return void
 public function initRules()
     $this->rules['no_certificado'] = V::numeric()->noWhitespace()->setName('Numero de certificado');
     $this->rules['clave'] = V::notEmpty()->noWhitespace()->setName('Contraseña de la llave privada');
Example #2
 public function index($params)
     $levels = Config::loadData('level');
     $this->render('index.php', ['name' => $params['name']]);
Example #3
 public function __construct(Client $client, $key)
     $this->client = $client;
     $this->key = $key;
     $baseUrl = $this->client->getConfig('base_uri');
     Validator::notEmpty()->url()->endsWith('/')->setName("URL for NewRelic's Insights API must be valid and have a trailing slash")->assert($baseUrl);
  * @param   $param
  * @return  string
  * @throws  EntityValidationException
 public function password($param)
     if (!v::notEmpty()->length(2, 100)->validate($param)) {
         throw new EntityValidationException('User', 'password', $param, 'length must be between 2 and 100');
     return $param;
  * @param   $param
  * @return  string
  * @throws  EntityValidationException
 public function fuelTypeName($param)
     if (!v::notEmpty()->length(1, 100)->validate($param)) {
         throw new EntityValidationException('VehicleCSV', 'fuelTypeName', $param, 'length must be between 1 and 100');
     return $param;
Example #6
 protected function setValidationRules($validator)
     $required = new Validator();
     $validator->attribute('name', $required);
     $validator->attribute('content', $required);
  * @param   $param
  * @return  string
  * @throws  EntityValidationException
 public function postalCode($param)
     if (!v::notEmpty()->length(2, 100)->validate($param)) {
         throw new EntityValidationException('Address', 'postalCode', $param, 'length must be between 2 and 50');
     return $param;
 private function validateField($parameters, $fieldName)
     if (v::key($fieldName)->validate($parameters)) {
         if (v::notEmpty()->validate($parameters[$fieldName])) {
             return true;
     return false;
  * @param   $param
  * @return  string
  * @throws  EntityValidationException
 public function uniqueReference($param)
     if (empty($param) || is_null($param)) {
         return $param;
     if (!v::notEmpty()->length(1, 100)->validate((string) $param)) {
         throw new EntityValidationException('Vendor', 'uniqueReference', $param, 'length must be between 1 and 100');
     return $param;
Example #10
 protected function postChild($categoryId)
     try {
         v::arr()->key('name', v::string()->notEmpty()->length(1, 300))->key('parent_category', v::notEmpty()->int()->equals($categoryId))->assert($_POST);
         $newCategory = (object) (['id' => null] + $_POST);
         header('HTTP/1.1 303 See Other');
         header('Location: ' . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
     } catch (NestedValidationExceptionInterface $e) {
         return ['category/editCategory' => $editProduct, 'messages' => $e->findMessages(['name' => 'Name must have between 1 and 300 chars'])];
 public function validateAddress($address)
     //@TODO: properly check all types.. strings need to be double checked for alnum, cause of typecasting.
     $rules = v::key('firstname', v::notEmpty()->setName('First name'))->key('lastname', v::notEmpty()->setName('Last name'))->key('address', v::alnum(".,-'")->notEmpty()->setName('Address'))->key('secondary_address', v::when(v::notEmpty(), v::alnum(".,-'"), v::alwaysValid())->setName('Address 2'))->key('city', v::alnum()->notEmpty()->setName('City'))->key('state', v::alnum()->notEmpty()->setName('State'))->key('zip', v::when(v::notEmpty(), v::postalCode('US'), v::alwaysValid())->notEmpty()->setName('Zipcode'));
     if ($rules->validate($address)) {
         return true;
     try {
     } catch (ValidationExceptionInterface $exception) {
         //            $this->error = $exception->getMainMessage();
     return false;
 public function test_findMessages_should_apply_templates_to_flattened_messages()
     $stringMax256 = v::string()->length(5, 256);
     $alnumDot = v::alnum('.');
     $stringMin8 = v::string()->length(8, null);
     $v = v::allOf(v::attribute('first_name', $stringMax256)->setName('First Name'), v::attribute('last_name', $stringMax256)->setName('Last Name'), v::attribute('desired_login', $alnumDot)->setName('Desired Login'), v::attribute('password', $stringMin8)->setName('Password'), v::attribute('password_confirmation', $stringMin8)->setName('Password Confirmation'), v::attribute('stay_signedin', v::notEmpty())->setName('Stay signed in'), v::attribute('enable_webhistory', v::notEmpty())->setName('Enabled Web History'), v::attribute('security_question', $stringMax256)->setName('Security Question'))->setName('Validation Form');
     try {
         $v->assert((object) array('first_name' => 'fiif', 'last_name' => null, 'desired_login' => null, 'password' => null, 'password_confirmation' => null, 'stay_signedin' => null, 'enable_webhistory' => null, 'security_question' => null));
     } catch (ValidationException $e) {
         $messages = $e->findMessages(array('allOf' => 'Invalid {{name}}', 'first_name.length' => 'Invalid length for {{name}} {{input}}'));
         $this->assertEquals($messages['allOf'], 'Invalid Validation Form');
         $this->assertEquals($messages['first_name_length'], 'Invalid length for "fiif" fiif');
Example #13
 public function __construct($data)
     $this->data = $data;
     $this->fields = array('firstname' => array('value' => $this->data['firstname'], 'validators' => array('notEmpty'), 'errors' => array('Firstname is empty')), 'email' => array('value' => $this->data['email'], 'validators' => array('email', 'notEmpty'), 'errors' => array('Email is not valid', 'Email is empty')), 'url' => array('value' => $this->data['url'], 'validators' => array('notEmpty', 'url'), 'errors' => array('Url is empty', 'Url is not valid')), 'cv' => array('value' => $_FILES['cv'], 'validators' => function () {
         return v::exists()->validate($_FILES['cv']["tmp_name"]);
     }, 'errors' => array('File is empty')), 'content' => array('value' => $this->data['content'], 'validators' => function ($value) {
         return v::when(v::int(), v::positive(), v::notEmpty())->validate($value);
     }, 'errors' => array('content is not valid')), 'int' => array('value' => $this->data['int'], 'validators' => function ($value) {
         return v::allOf(v::int(), v::positive(), v::notEmpty())->validate($value);
     }, 'errors' => array('int is not valid')), 'uppercase' => array('value' => '', 'validators' => function ($value) {
         return v::string()->uppercase()->validate($value);
     }, 'errors' => array('uppercase is not valid')));
Example #14
 public function validate($addr)
     // Do our special validations first
     // State should only be set for the US
     if ($addr->getField('Country') != 'US' && v::notEmpty()->validate($addr->getField('State'))) {
         $this->addError('State', $this->STATE_ONLY_FOR_US);
     // Country must be an ISO3166-1 Country Code
     if (!array_key_exists($addr->getField('Country'), Iso3166::get())) {
         $this->addError('Country', $this->COUNTRY_VALID_CODE);
     // Perform some general validations and return ourself
     return parent::validate($addr);
  * @RPC\Route("/api/auth/login")
  * @RPC\Method("POST")
 public function login()
     $credentials = json_decode($this->request->getContent(), true);
     try {
         v::create()->key('email', v::notEmpty())->key('password', v::notEmpty())->assert($credentials);
     } catch (ValidationException $e) {
         $errors = $e->findMessages(['email', 'password']);
         throw new \pmill\Doctrine\Rest\Exception\ValidationException($errors);
     $password = $credentials['password'];
     /** @var User $user */
     $user = $this->authenticationService->authenticateWithCredentials(User::class, $credentials, $password);
     $token = $this->authenticationService->generateTokenFromObject($user);
     return ['token' => $token];
 private static function ProblemaValido($request)
     $tituloValidator = validator::notEmpty()->alnum()->length(4, 15);
     $problemaValidator = validator::notEmpty()->length(100, 1024 * 5);
     $entradaValidator = validator::notEmpty()->alnum("()")->length(3, 50);
     $salidaValidator = validator::notEmpty()->alnum("()")->length(3, 50);
     if (array_key_exists("titulo", $request)) {
     } else {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException("Falta titulo");
     if (array_key_exists("problema", $request)) {
     } else {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException("Falta redaccion de problema");
     if (!array_key_exists("tiempoLimite", $request)) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException("Falta tiempolimite");
     return true;
Example #17
 $userName = $_POST[username];
 $password = $_POST[password];
 $unidade = $_POST[unidade];
 $name = $_POST[name];
 $email = $_POST[email];
 //Validation using respect/validation
 $valid = true;
 if (!v::noWhitespace()->length(4, 20)->notEmpty()->validate($userName)) {
     $userNameError = "Por favor digite novamente o nome de usuário, entre 4 e 20 caracteres, sem espaços em branco";
     $valid = false;
 if (!v::notEmpty()->validate($password)) {
     $passwordError = "Por favor digite a senha não pode ficar em branco";
     $valid = false;
 if (!v::notEmpty()->length(1, 5)->validate($unidade)) {
     $unidadeError = "Por favor digite novamente o unidade, no formato A-00 (letra, traço e número)";
     $valid = false;
 if (!v::length(3, 80)->notEmpty()->validate($name)) {
     $nameError = "Por favor digite novamente o nome do morador, entre 3 e 80 caracteres";
     $valid = false;
 if (!v::email()->validate($email)) {
     $emailError = "O e-mail informado não é válido.";
     $valid = false;
 if ($valid) {
     $instance->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);
     $date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
     //2015-10-15 15:12:23
  * Get Fields Definitions
  * @access public
  * @return array
 protected function getFieldDefinitions()
     return ['auth_id' => ['Authorisation ID', V::notEmpty()->numeric()], 'auth_pass' => ['Authorisation Password', V::notEmpty()->string()], 'card_num' => ['Card Number', V::notEmpty()->string()->length(16, 16)->digit()->noWhitespace()->creditCard()], 'card_cvv' => ['Card CVV', V::notEmpty()->string()->length(3, 3)->digit()->noWhitespace()], 'card_start' => ['Card Start Date', V::date('my')], 'card_issue' => ['Card Issue Number', V::string()->length(null, 2)->digit()->noWhitespace(), ''], 'card_expiry' => ['Card Expiry Date', V::notEmpty()->date('my')], 'cust_name' => ['Customer Name', V::notEmpty()->string()], 'cust_address' => ['Customer Address', V::notEmpty()->string()], 'cust_postcode' => ['Customer Postcode', V::notEmpty()->string()], 'cust_country' => ['Customer Country', V::notEmpty()->string()->countryCode()], 'cust_ip' => ['Customer IP Address', V::notEmpty()->string()->ip(), $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']], 'cust_email' => ['Customer Email Address', V::notEmpty()->string()->email()], 'cust_tel' => ['Customer Telephone Number', V::notEmpty()->string()->phone()], 'tran_ref' => ['Transaction Reference', V::notEmpty()->string()], 'tran_desc' => ['Transaction Description', V::notEmpty()->string()], 'tran_amount' => ['Transaction Amount', V::notEmpty()->float()->min(1.0)], 'tran_currency' => ['Transaction Currency', V::notEmpty()->string()->length(3, 3)->alpha()->noWhitespace()], 'tran_testmode' => ['Test Mode', V::notEmpty()->bool(), false], 'primary_recipient_dob' => ['Date of Birth (of Primary Recipient)', V::date('Ymd')], 'primary_recipient_surname' => ['Surname (of Primary Recipient)', V::string()->length(2, 64)->alpha('-'), ''], 'primary_recipient_postcode' => ['Postcode (of Primary Recipient)', V::string()->length(2, 16)->alnum(), ''], 'primary_recipient_account_number' => ['Account Number (of Primary Recipient)', V::string()->length(1, 32)->alnum('+-'), '']];
Example #19
 private function assertName($name)
 protected function getValidationRules()
     return [v::attribute('name', v::notEmpty()->alpha()->length(2, 100)->UniqueDimensionUOMName()), v::attribute('symbol', v::notEmpty()->alpha()->length(2, 2)->UniqueDimensionUOMSymbol()), v::attribute('routeTransaction', v::instance('app\\Models\\RouteTransaction')), v::attribute('statusId', v::notEmpty()->int()->positive()), v::attribute('createdAt', v::notEmpty()->date()), v::attribute('expiresAt', v::notEmpty()->date())];
 private function validateForm($params)
     if (!v::notEmpty()->validate($params['first_name'])) {
         return ['isValid' => false, 'message' => 'First name is required.'];
     if (!v::notEmpty()->validate($params['last_name'])) {
         return ['isValid' => false, 'message' => 'Last name is required.'];
     if (!v::notEmpty()->validate($params['email'])) {
         return ['isValid' => false, 'message' => 'Email is required.'];
     if (!v::email()->validate($params['email'])) {
         return ['isValid' => false, 'message' => 'Business Email should be a valid email.'];
     if (!v::notEmpty()->validate($params['password'])) {
         return ['isValid' => false, 'message' => 'Password is required.'];
     if (!v::equals($params['confirm_password'])->validate($params['password'])) {
         return ['isValid' => false, 'message' => 'Password mismatched.'];
     return ['isValid' => true, 'message' => 'User saved.'];
Example #22
  * @PrePersist
  * @PreUpdate
 public function validate()
Example #23
 public function validate($item)
     $metaData = Transaction::get('array');
     foreach ($this->fieldsToCheck as $field) {
         if (is_a($this, 'Academe\\SagePay\\Validator\\Model\\Address')) {
             // I'm assuming/hoping that Billing and Delivery validation rules are identical
             $data = $metaData['Billing' . $field];
         } else {
             $data = $metaData[$field];
         $value = $item->getField($field);
         if ($this->hasError($field)) {
             // We only store one error per field, so if we have already got an error for this
             // field then don't waste time checking others. This also means that we can have
             // more specific fields in the child objects which over-ride these completly.
         // State is only used when the country is US, the validation rules stores assume country is US.
         // so here we tweak them.
         if ($field == 'State' && $item->getField('Country') != 'US') {
             $data['required'] = false;
             $data['min'] = 0;
             $data['max'] = 0;
         // If the item is required, check it's not empty
         if ($data['required'] && !v::notEmpty()->validate($value)) {
             if ($field == 'PostCode') {
                 // Add an exception for Postcodes when the country is one which does not have postcodes
                 if (!in_array($item->getField('Country'), $this->countriesWhichDontHavePostcodes)) {
                     $this->addError($field, sprintf($this->CANNOT_BE_EMPTY, $field));
             } else {
                 if ($field == 'Amount') {
                     // 0 equates to empty, so do a special check
                     if ($item->getField('Amount') != '0' && !v::string()->notEmpty()->validate($item->getField('Amount'))) {
                         $this->addError($field, sprintf($this->CANNOT_BE_EMPTY, $field));
                 } else {
                     $this->addError($field, sprintf($this->CANNOT_BE_EMPTY, $field));
         // If there is a minimum or maximum check the length.
         // TODO: Check whether this code works well when only one or the other is set
         $min = isset($data['min']) ? $data['min'] : null;
         $max = isset($data['max']) ? $data['max'] : null;
         if ($min != null && $max != null) {
             // Check the length of the field
             if ($field == 'State') {
                 print_r("\n\nMin: {$field} : {$min}, \n\n");
             if (!v::length($min, $max, true)->validate($value)) {
                 if ($min == $max) {
                     $this->addError($field, sprintf($this->BAD_LENGTH, $field, $min));
                 } else {
                     $this->addError($field, sprintf($this->BAD_RANGE, $field, $min, $max));
         // Check the contents of the field
         if (isset($data['chars'])) {
             // We build two regexes, one for testing whether it matches and the other for
             // filtering out the bad characters to show the user which are not valid.
             $regex = $this->buildRegex($data['chars']);
             try {
                 if (!v::regex($regex)->validate($value)) {
                     $cleanupRegex = $this->buildRegex($data['chars'], false);
                     $badChars = preg_replace($cleanupRegex, '', $value);
                     $this->addError($field, sprintf($this->BAD_CHARACTERS, $field, $badChars, $regex));
             } catch (\Exception $e) {
                 throw new \Exception("preg_match has a problem with this regex '{$regex}'");
     return $this;
Example #24
 protected function _configure()
     $this->_addValidator('name', Validator::notEmpty()->length(2, 32));
     $this->_addValidator('testField', Validator::string()->endsWith('test'));
 public static function isPositiveInt($num)
     return v::notEmpty()->int()->positive()->validate($num);
Example #26
  * Informa a descrição da operação
  * @access public
  * @param  string $descricao
  * @return Cielo
 public function setDescricao($descricao)
     if (!v::notEmpty()->validate($descricao)) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Descrição %s é inválido.', $descricao));
     $this->descricao = $descricao;
     return $this;
Example #27
  * Configura o número do cartão
  * @access public
  * @param  string $cartao
  * @return Cartao
 public function setCartao($cartao)
     if (!v::notEmpty()->creditCard()->validate($cartao)) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('O número do cartão deve ser válido.');
     $this->cartao = filter_var($cartao, FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT);
     return $this;
Example #28
  * @inheritdoc
 public function setTitle(string $title)
     try {
         $this->title = $title;
     } catch (AllOfException $e) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('Title is invalid');
Example #29
 public function upsertUserProcessAction()
     $id = $_POST['id'] ?? null;
     if ($id && !ctype_digit($id)) {
         $this->flasher->error('E01 Invalid user ID: ' . $id);
     $user = null;
     if ($id) {
         $user = Gatekeeper::findUserById($id);
         if (!$user) {
             $this->flasher->error('E02 Invalid user ID: ' . $id);
     // Validation
     try {
         v::alnum('- .')->setName('First name')->check($_POST['firstName']);
         v::alnum('- .')->setName('Last name')->check($_POST['lastName']);
         if (!$user) {
         $_POST['username'] = $_POST['email'];
         $_POST['groups'] = array_map('intval', array_filter($_POST['groups']));
     } catch (ValidationException $e) {
         echo $this->twig->render('users/upsert.twig', ['flashes' => $this->flasher->display(), 'user' => $user ?: $_POST, 'groups' => $this->gk_groups]);
         return false;
     if ($user) {
         $user->firstName = $_POST['firstName'];
         $user->lastName = $_POST['lastName'];
         $user->email = $_POST['email'];
         $user->username = $_POST['email'];
         if (!empty($_POST['password'])) {
             $user->password = $_POST['password'];
         foreach ($user->groups as $group) {
         foreach ($_POST['groups'] as $group) {
         (bool) $_POST['active'] ?? false ? $user->activate() : $user->deactivate();
         $this->flasher->success('Successfully updated user.');
         $this->redirect('/users/add/' . $user->id);
     } else {
         $groups = $_POST['groups'];
         if ($user = Gatekeeper::register($_POST)) {
             foreach ($groups as $group) {
         if (Gatekeeper::getLastError()) {
             $this->flasher->error($this->site['debug'] ? Gatekeeper::getLastError() : "Could not create user!");
             echo $this->twig->render('users/upsert.twig', ['flashes' => $this->flasher->display(), 'user' => $user ?: $_POST, 'groups' => $this->gk_groups]);
             return false;
         $this->flasher->success('Successfully created user.');
     return true;
Example #30
 public static function required($details, $value)
     // required==FALSE
     if ($details === FALSE) {
         return TRUE;
     if (is_array($value)) {
         return count($value) > 0;
     } else {
         if ($value === '0') {
             // Zero as a string is valid
             return TRUE;
         } else {
             return RespectValidator::notEmpty()->validate((string) $value);