storeAll() public static method

A loop saver.
public static storeAll ( array $beans ) : array
$beans array list of beans to be stored
return array
Example #1
  * Test Joins.
  * @return void
 public function testJoins()
     list($a1, $a2, $a3) = R::dispense('area', 3);
     list($p1, $p2) = R::dispense('person', 2);
     list($v1, $v2, $v3, $v4) = R::dispense('visit', 4);
     $a1->name = 'Belgium';
     $a2->name = 'Arabia';
     $a3->name = 'France';
     $v1->person = $p1;
     $v2->person = $p1;
     $v3->person = $p2;
     $v4->person = $p2;
     $v1->area = $a3;
     $v2->area = $a2;
     $v3->area = $a2;
     $v4->area = $a1;
     $v1->label = 'v1 to France';
     $v2->label = 'v2 to Arabia';
     $v3->label = 'v3 to Arabia';
     $v4->label = 'v4 to Belgium';
     R::storeAll(array($v1, $v2, $v3, $v4));
     $visits = $p1->ownVisit;
     asrt(is_array($visits), TRUE);
     asrt(count($visits), 2);
     $names = array();
     foreach ($visits as $visit) {
         asrt(isset($visit->label), TRUE);
         asrt(isset($visit->name), FALSE);
         asrt(isset($visit->visit_id), FALSE);
         $names[] = $visit->label;
     $labelList = implode(',', $names);
     asrt($labelList, 'v1 to France,v2 to Arabia');
     $visits = $p1->with('ORDER BY ASC')->ownVisit;
     asrt(is_array($visits), TRUE);
     asrt(count($visits), 2);
     $names = array();
     foreach ($visits as $visit) {
         asrt(isset($visit->label), TRUE);
         asrt(isset($visit->name), FALSE);
         asrt(isset($visit->visit_id), FALSE);
         $names[] = $visit->label;
     $labelList = implode(',', $names);
     asrt($labelList, 'v2 to Arabia,v1 to France');
Example #2
  * Test traversal with embedded SQL snippets.
  * @return void
 public function testTraversalWithSQL()
     $tasks = R::dispense('task', 10);
     foreach ($tasks as $key => $task) {
         $task->descr = 't' . $key;
     $tasks[0]->ownTask = array($tasks[1], $tasks[9], $tasks[7]);
     $tasks[1]->ownTask = array($tasks[5]);
     $tasks[9]->ownTask = array($tasks[3], $tasks[8]);
     $tasks[2]->ownTask = array($tasks[4]);
     $tasks[7]->ownTask = array($tasks[6]);
     $task = R::load('task', $tasks[0]->id);
     $todo = array();
     $task->with(' ORDER BY descr ASC ')->traverse('ownTaskList', function ($t) use(&$todo) {
         $todo[] = $t->descr;
     asrt(implode(',', $todo), 't1,t5,t7,t6,t9,t3,t8');
     $task = R::load('task', $tasks[0]->id);
     $todo = array();
     $task->withCondition(' ( descr = ? OR descr = ? ) ', array('t7', 't6'))->traverse('ownTaskList', function ($task) use(&$todo) {
         $todo[] = $task->descr;
     asrt(implode(',', $todo), 't7,t6');
Example #3
  * Test Via and Link together.
  * @return void
 public function testViaAndLink()
     list($John, $Anna, $Celine) = R::dispense('employee', 3);
     $John->badge = 'John';
     $Anna->badge = 'Anna';
     $Celine->badge = 'Celine';
     $project = R::dispense('project');
     $project->name = 'x';
     $project2 = R::dispense('project');
     $project2->name = 'y';
     $John->link('participant', array('arole' => 'designer'))->project = $project;
     $Anna->link('participant', array('arole' => 'developer'))->project = $project;
     $Celine->link('participant', array('arole' => 'sales'))->project = $project2;
     $Anna->link('participant', array('arole' => 'lead'))->project = $project2;
     R::storeAll(array($project, $project2, $John, $Anna, $Celine));
     $employees = $project->with(' ORDER BY badge ASC ')->via('participant')->sharedEmployee;
     asrt(is_array($employees), TRUE);
     asrt(count($employees), 2);
     $badges = array();
     foreach ($employees as $employee) {
         $badges[] = $employee->badge;
     asrt(implode(',', $badges), 'Anna,John');
     $employees = $project2->with(' ORDER BY badge ASC ')->via('participant')->sharedEmployee;
     asrt(is_array($employees), TRUE);
     asrt(count($employees), 2);
     $badges = array();
     foreach ($employees as $employee) {
         $badges[] = $employee->badge;
     asrt(implode(',', $badges), 'Anna,Celine');
     $projects = $John->sharedProject;
     asrt(is_array($projects), TRUE);
     asrt(count($projects), 1);
     $projectList = array();
     foreach ($projects as $project) {
         $projectList[] = $project->name;
     asrt(implode(',', $projectList), 'x');
     $projects = $Anna->sharedProject;
     asrt(is_array($projects), TRUE);
     asrt(count($projects), 2);
     $projectList = array();
     foreach ($projects as $project) {
         $projectList[] = $project->name;
     asrt(implode(',', $projectList), 'x,y');
     $projects = $Anna->via('participant')->sharedProject;
     asrt(is_array($projects), TRUE);
     asrt(count($projects), 2);
     $projectList = array();
     foreach ($projects as $project) {
         $projectList[] = $project->name;
     asrt(implode(',', $projectList), 'x,y');
     $projects = $Celine->via('participant')->sharedProject;
     asrt(is_array($projects), TRUE);
     asrt(count($projects), 1);
     $projectList = array();
     foreach ($projects as $project) {
         $projectList[] = $project->name;
     asrt(implode(',', $projectList), 'y');
     $roles = $Anna->ownParticipant;
     asrt(is_array($roles), TRUE);
     asrt(count($roles), 2);
     $roleList = array();
     foreach ($roles as $role) {
         $roleList[] = $role->arole;
     asrt(implode(',', $roleList), 'developer,lead');
     $project2->sharedEmployee[] = $John;
     $projects = $John->sharedProject;
     asrt(is_array($projects), TRUE);
     asrt(count($projects), 2);
     $projectList = array();
     foreach ($projects as $project) {
         $projectList[] = $project->name;
     asrt(implode(',', $projectList), 'x,y');
     $projects = $John->via('participant')->sharedProject;
     asrt(is_array($projects), TRUE);
     asrt(count($projects), 2);
     $projectList = array();
     foreach ($projects as $project) {
         $projectList[] = $project->name;
     asrt(implode(',', $projectList), 'x,y');
Example #4
  * Test self-referential N-M relations.
 public function testSelfRefNM()
     $friend1 = R::xdispense(FRIEND);
     $friend1->name = 'f1';
     $friend2 = R::xdispense(FRIEND);
     $friend2->name = 'f2';
     $friend3 = R::xdispense(FRIEND);
     $friend3->name = 'f3';
     $friend1->{FRIENDLIST} = array($friend2, $friend3);
     $friend3->{FRIENDLIST} = array($friend1);
     R::storeAll(array($friend1, $friend2, $friend3));
     $friend1 = $friend1->fresh();
     $friend2 = $friend2->fresh();
     $friend3 = $friend3->fresh();
     asrt(count($friend1->{FRIENDLIST}), 2);
     asrt(count($friend2->{FRIENDLIST}), 1);
     asrt(count($friend3->{FRIENDLIST}), 1);
     $friend = reset($friend3->{FRIENDLIST});
     asrt($friend->name, 'f1');
Example #5
  * Test trashAll().
 public function testMultiDeleteUpdate()
     testpack('test multi delete and multi update');
     $beans = R::dispenseLabels('bean', array('a', 'b'));
     $ids = R::storeAll($beans);
     asrt((int) R::count('bean'), 2);
     R::trashAll(R::batch('bean', $ids));
     asrt((int) R::count('bean'), 0);
     testpack('test assocManager check');
     $rb = new OODB(R::getWriter());
     try {
     } catch (RedException $e) {
Example #6
  * Switching aliases (->alias) should not change other list during
  * storage.
  * @return void
 public function testShadow()
     list($project1, $project2) = R::dispense('project', 2);
     list($irene, $ilse) = R::dispense('person', 2);
     $project1->developer = $ilse;
     $project1->designer = $irene;
     $project2->developer = $ilse;
     R::storeAll(array($project1, $project2));
     $ilse = R::load('person', $ilse->id);
     $irene = R::load('person', $irene->id);
     asrt(count($ilse->alias('developer')->ownProject), 2);
     asrt(count($ilse->alias('designer')->ownProject), 0);
     $ilse = R::load('person', $ilse->id);
     $irene = R::load('person', $irene->id);
     asrt(count($ilse->alias('designer')->ownProject), 0);
     asrt(count($ilse->alias('developer')->ownProject), 2);
     R::storeAll(array($ilse, $irene));
     $ilse = R::load('person', $ilse->id);
     $irene = R::load('person', $irene->id);
     asrt(count($ilse->alias('designer')->ownProject), 0);
     asrt(count($ilse->alias('developer')->ownProject), 2);
     asrt(count($irene->alias('designer')->ownProject), 1);
     asrt(count($irene->alias('developer')->ownProject), 0);
     R::storeAll(array($ilse, $irene));
     $ilse = R::load('person', $ilse->id);
     $irene = R::load('person', $irene->id);
     asrt(count($ilse->alias('designer')->ownProject), 0);
     asrt(count($ilse->alias('developer')->ownProject), 2);
     asrt(count($irene->alias('designer')->ownProject), 1);
     asrt(count($irene->alias('developer')->ownProject), 0);
Example #7
  * Shared lists can only be formed using types.
  * If you happen to have two beans of the same type you can still
  * have a shared list but not with a sense of direction.
  * I.e. quest->sharedQuest returns all the quests that follow the first one,
  * but also the ones that are followed by the first one.
  * If you want to have some sort of direction; i.e. one quest follows another one
  * you'll have to use an alias: quest->target, but now you can't use the shared list
  * anymore because it will start looking for a type named 'target' (which is just an alias)
  * for quest, but it cant find that table and it's not possible to 'keep remembering'
  * the alias throughout the system.
  * The aggr() method solves this inconvenience.
  * Aggr iterates through the list identified by its first argument ('target' -> ownQuestTargetList)
  * and fetches every ID of the target (quest_target.target_id), loads these beans in batch for
  * optimal performance, puts them back in the beans (questTarget->target) and returns the
  * references.
  * @return void
 public function testAggregationInSelfRefNM()
     $quest1 = R::dispense('quest');
     $quest1->name = 'Quest 1';
     $quest2 = R::dispense('quest');
     $quest2->name = 'Quest 2';
     $quest3 = R::dispense('quest');
     $quest3->name = 'Quest 3';
     $quest4 = R::dispense('quest');
     $quest4->name = 'Quest 4';
     $quest1->link('questTarget')->target = $quest2;
     $quest1->link('questTarget')->target = $quest3;
     $quest3->link('questTarget')->target = $quest4;
     $quest3->link('questTarget')->target = $quest1;
     R::storeAll(array($quest1, $quest3));
     //There should be 4 links
     asrt((int) R::count('questTarget'), 4);
     $quest1 = $quest1->fresh();
     $targets = $quest1->aggr('ownQuestTargetList', 'target', 'quest');
     //can we aggregate the targets over the link type?
     asrt(count($targets), 2);
     //are the all valid beans?
     foreach ($targets as $target) {
         //are they beans?
         asrt($target instanceof OODBBean, TRUE);
         //are they fetched as quest?
         asrt($target->getMeta('type'), 'quest');
     //list target should already have been loaded, nuke has no effect
     $links = $quest1->ownQuestTargetList;
     //are the links still there, have they been set in the beans as well?
     asrt(count($links), 2);
     //are they references instead of copies, changes in the aggregation set should affect the beans in links!
     foreach ($targets as $target) {
         $target->name .= 'b';
         asrt(substr($target->name, -1), 'b');
     //do the names end with a 'b' here as well ? i.e. have they been changed through references?
     foreach ($links as $link) {
         asrt(substr($target->name, -1), 'b');
     //now test the effect on existing shadow...
     $quest1 = R::dispense('quest');
     $quest1->name = 'Quest 1';
     $quest2 = R::dispense('quest');
     $quest2->name = 'Quest 2';
     $quest3 = R::dispense('quest');
     $quest3->name = 'Quest 3';
     $quest4 = R::dispense('quest');
     $quest4->name = 'Quest 4';
     $quest1->link('questTarget')->target = $quest2;
     $quest1->link('questTarget')->target = $quest3;
     asrt((int) R::count('questTarget'), 2);
     //now lets first build a shadow
     $quest1->link('questTarget')->target = $quest4;
     //$quest1 = $quest1->fresh();
     $targets = $quest1->aggr('ownQuestTargetList', 'target', 'quest');
     //targets should not include the new bean...
     asrt(count($targets), 2);
     //this should not overwrite the existing beans
     asrt((int) R::count('questTarget'), 3);
Example #8
  * Test batch alias loadAll.
  * @return void
 public function testBatchAliasLoadAll()
     $ids = R::storeAll(R::dispense('page', 2));
     $pages = R::loadAll('page', $ids);
     asrt(is_array($pages), true);
     asrt(count($pages), 2);
     asrt($pages[$ids[0]] instanceof OODBBean, true);
Example #9
  * More variations...
  * @return void
 public function testEmbeddedSQLPart2()
     list($book1, $book2, $book3) = R::dispense('book', 3);
     $book1->position = 1;
     $book2->position = 2;
     $book3->position = 3;
     $shelf = R::dispense('shelf');
     $shelf->ownBook = array($book1, $book2, $book3);
     $id = R::store($shelf);
     $shelf = R::load('shelf', $id);
     $books = $shelf->with(' ORDER BY position ASC ')->ownBook;
     $book1 = array_shift($books);
     asrt((int) $book1->position, 1);
     $book2 = array_shift($books);
     asrt((int) $book2->position, 2);
     $book3 = array_shift($books);
     asrt((int) $book3->position, 3);
     $books = $shelf->with(' ORDER BY position DESC ')->ownBook;
     $book1 = array_shift($books);
     asrt((int) $book1->position, 3);
     $book2 = array_shift($books);
     asrt((int) $book2->position, 2);
     $book3 = array_shift($books);
     asrt((int) $book3->position, 1);
     $shelf = R::load('shelf', $id);
     $books = $shelf->with(' AND position > 2 ')->ownBook;
     asrt(count($books), 1);
     $shelf = R::load('shelf', $id);
     $books = $shelf->with(' AND position < ? ', array(3))->ownBook;
     asrt(count($books), 2);
     $shelf = R::load('shelf', $id);
     $books = $shelf->with(' AND position = 1 ')->ownBook;
     asrt(count($books), 1);
     $shelf = R::load('shelf', $id);
     $books = $shelf->withCondition(' position > -1 ')->ownBook;
     asrt(count($books), 3);
     // With-condition should not affect storing
     $shelf = R::load('shelf', $id);
     $books = $shelf->with(' AND position = 1 ')->ownBook;
     asrt(count($books), 1);
     asrt(count($shelf->ownBook), 1);
     $book = reset($shelf->ownBook);
     $book->title = 'Trees and other Poems';
     $books = $shelf->withCondition(' position > -1 ')->ownBook;
     asrt(count($books), 3);
     asrt(count($shelf->ownBook), 3);
     $shelf = R::load('shelf', $id);
     $books = $shelf->with(' AND position = 1 ')->ownBook;
     // Also with trashing -- just trash one!
     $shelf->ownBook = array();
     $books = $shelf->withCondition(' position > -1 ')->ownBook;
     asrt(count($books), 2);
     // With should cause a reload of a list
     $shelf = R::load('shelf', $id);
     $books = $shelf->with(' AND position = 2 ')->ownBook;
     asrt(count($books), 1);
     $books = $shelf->withCondition(' position > -1 ')->ownBook;
     asrt(count($books), 2);
     $book = reset($books);
     $book->title = 'Venetian Music';
     // Should not affect storage (fact that we used with twice, unsetting prop)
     $shelf = R::load('shelf', $id);
     asrt(count($shelf->ownBook), 2);
     // Alias
     list($game1, $game2, $game3) = R::dispense('game', 3);
     list($t1, $t2, $t3) = R::dispense('team', 3);
     $t1->name = 'Bats';
     $t2->name = 'Tigers';
     $t3->name = 'Eagles';
     $game1->name = 'a';
     $game1->team1 = $t1;
     $game1->team2 = $t2;
     $game2->name = 'b';
     $game2->team1 = $t1;
     $game2->team2 = $t3;
     $game3->name = 'c';
     $game3->team1 = $t2;
     $game3->team2 = $t3;
     R::storeAll(array($game1, $game2, $game3));
     $team1 = R::load('team', $t1->id);
     $team2 = R::load('team', $t2->id);
     $team3 = R::load('team', $t3->id);
     asrt(count($team1->alias('team1')->ownGame), 2);
     asrt(count($team2->alias('team1')->ownGame), 1);
     $team1 = R::load('team', $t1->id);
     $team2 = R::load('team', $t2->id);
     asrt(count($team1->alias('team2')->ownGame), 0);
     asrt(count($team2->alias('team2')->ownGame), 1);
     asrt(count($team3->alias('team1')->ownGame), 0);
     $team3 = R::load('team', $t3->id);
     asrt(count($team3->alias('team2')->ownGame), 2);
     $team1 = R::load('team', $t1->id);
     $games = $team1->alias('team1')->ownGame;
     $game4 = R::dispense('game');
     $game4->name = 'd';
     $game4->team2 = $t3;
     $team1->alias('team1')->ownGame[] = $game4;
     $team1 = R::load('team', $t1->id);
     asrt(count($team1->alias('team1')->ownGame), 3);
     foreach ($team1->ownGame as $g) {
         if ($g->name == 'a') {
             $game = $g;
     $game->name = 'match';
     $team1 = R::load('team', $t1->id);
     asrt(count($team1->alias('team1')->ownGame), 3);
     $found = 0;
     foreach ($team1->ownGame as $g) {
         if ($g->name == 'match') {
             $found = 1;
     if ($found) {
     $team1->ownGame = array();
     $team1 = R::load('team', $t1->id);
     asrt(count($team1->alias('team1')->ownGame), 0);
     $team1->ownBook[] = $book1;
     $team1 = R::load('team', $t1->id);
     asrt(count($team1->alias('team1')->ownGame), 0);
     asrt(count($team1->ownBook), 1);
Example #10
  * Test find and export.
  * @return void
 public function testFindAndExport()
     $pages = R::dispense('page', 3);
     $i = 1;
     foreach ($pages as $page) {
         $page->pageNumber = $i++;
     $pages = R::findAndExport('page');
     asrt(is_array($pages), TRUE);
     asrt(isset($pages[0]), TRUE);
     asrt(is_array($pages[0]), TRUE);
     asrt(count($pages), 3);
Example #11
  * test emulation via association renaming
  * @return void
 public function testAssociationRenaming()
     list($p1, $p2, $p3) = R::dispense('painting', 3);
     list($m1, $m2, $m3) = R::dispense('museum', 3);
     $p1->name = 'painting1';
     $p2->name = 'painting2';
     $p3->name = 'painting3';
     $m1->thename = 'a';
     $m2->thename = 'b';
     $m3->thename = 'c';
     R::renameAssociation('museum_painting', 'exhibited');
     // Also test array syntax
     R::renameAssociation(array('museum_museum' => 'center'));
     $m1->link('center', array('name' => 'History Center'))->museum2 = $m2;
     $m1->link('exhibited', '{"from":"2014-02-01","til":"2014-07-02"}')->painting = $p3;
     $m2->link('exhibited', '{"from":"2014-07-03","til":"2014-10-02"}')->painting = $p3;
     $m3->link('exhibited', '{"from":"2014-02-01","til":"2014-07-02"}')->painting = $p1;
     $m2->link('exhibited', '{"from":"2014-02-01","til":"2014-07-02"}')->painting = $p2;
     R::storeAll(array($m1, $m2, $m3));
     list($m1, $m2, $m3) = array_values(R::findAll('museum', ' ORDER BY thename ASC'));
     asrt(count($m1->sharedMuseum), 1);
     asrt(count($m1->sharedPainting), 1);
     asrt(count($m2->sharedPainting), 2);
     asrt(count($m3->sharedPainting), 1);
     $p3 = reset($m1->sharedPainting);
     asrt(count($p3->ownExhibited), 2);
     asrt(count($m2->ownExhibited), 2);
     R::storeAll(array($m1, $m2, $m3));
     list($m1, $m2, $m3) = array_values(R::findAll('museum', ' ORDER BY thename ASC'));
     asrt(count($m1->sharedPainting), 1);
     asrt(count($m2->sharedPainting), 2);
     asrt(count($m3->sharedPainting), 1);
     $p3 = reset($m1->sharedPainting);
     asrt(count($p3->ownExhibited), 2);
     $paintings = $m2->sharedPainting;
     foreach ($paintings as $painting) {
         if ($painting->name === 'painting2') {
             $paintingX = $painting;
     $m2 = R::load('museum', $m2->id);
     asrt(count($m2->sharedPainting), 1);
     $left = reset($m2->sharedPainting);
     asrt($left->name, 'painting3');
     asrt(count($m2->ownExhibited), 1);
     $exhibition = reset($m2->ownExhibited);
     asrt($exhibition->from, '2014-07-03');
     asrt($exhibition->til, '2014-10-02');
Example #12
  * Test limited support for 1-to-1 associations.
  * @return void
 public function testOneToOne()
     testpack('Testing one-to-ones');
     $author = R::dispense('author')->setAttr('name', 'a');
     $bio = R::dispense('bio')->setAttr('name', 'a');
     R::storeAll(array($author, $bio));
     $id1 = $author->id;
     $author = R::dispense('author')->setAttr('name', 'b');
     $bio = R::dispense('bio')->setAttr('name', 'b');
     R::storeAll(array($author, $bio));
     $x = $author->one('bio');
     $y = $bio->one('author');
     asrt($x->name, $bio->name);
     asrt($y->name, $author->name);
     asrt($x->id, $bio->id);
     asrt($y->id, $author->id);
     $id2 = $author->id;
     list($a, $b) = R::loadMulti('author,bio', $id1);
     asrt($a->name, $b->name);
     asrt($a->name, 'a');
     list($a, $b) = R::loadMulti('author,bio', $id2);
     asrt($a->name, $b->name);
     asrt($a->name, 'b');
     list($a, $b) = R::loadMulti(array('author', 'bio'), $id1);
     asrt($a->name, $b->name);
     asrt($a->name, 'a');
     list($a, $b) = R::loadMulti(array('author', 'bio'), $id2);
     asrt($a->name, $b->name);
     asrt($a->name, 'b');
     asrt(is_array(R::loadMulti(NULL, 1)), TRUE);
     asrt(count(R::loadMulti(NULL, 1)) === 0, TRUE);