pause() public method

public pause ( )
Example #1
 public function pause()
     if ($this->oldMode !== null) {
         // Reset stty so it behaves normally again
         shell_exec(sprintf('stty %s', $this->oldMode));
         $this->oldMode = null;
Example #2
 public function __construct(Stream $stream, LoopInterface $loop)
     $this->stream = $stream->stream;
     $this->decorating = $stream;
     $this->loop = $loop;
     $stream->on('error', function ($error) {
         $this->emit('error', [$error, $this]);
     $stream->on('end', function () {
         $this->emit('end', [$this]);
     $stream->on('close', function () {
         $this->emit('close', [$this]);
     $stream->on('drain', function () {
         $this->emit('drain', [$this]);
Example #3
 public function toggle(Stream $stream, $toggle)
     // pause actual stream instance to continue operation on raw stream socket
     // TODO: add write() event to make sure we're not sending any excessive data
     $deferred = new Deferred();
     // get actual stream socket from stream instance
     $socket = $stream->stream;
     $toggleCrypto = function () use($socket, $deferred, $toggle) {
         $this->toggleCrypto($socket, $deferred, $toggle);
     $this->loop->addWriteStream($socket, $toggleCrypto);
     $this->loop->addReadStream($socket, $toggleCrypto);
     return $deferred->promise()->then(function () use($stream) {
         return $stream;
     }, function ($error) use($stream) {
         throw $error;
Example #4
// with random colors:
// $ phpunit --color=always | php random-colors.php
use React\Stream\Stream;
use React\EventLoop\Factory;
use Clue\React\Term\ControlCodeParser;
require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
$loop = Factory::create();
if (function_exists('posix_isatty') && posix_isatty(STDIN)) {
    // Disable icanon (so we can fread each keypress) and echo (we'll do echoing here instead)
    shell_exec('stty -icanon -echo');
// process control codes from STDIN
$stdin = new Stream(STDIN, $loop);
$parser = new ControlCodeParser($stdin);
$stdout = new Stream(STDOUT, $loop);
// pass all c0 codes through to output
$parser->on('c0', array($stdout, 'write'));
// replace any color codes (SGR) with a random color
$parser->on('csi', function ($code) use($stdout) {
    // we read any color code (SGR) on the input
    // assign a new random foreground and background color instead
    if (substr($code, -1) === 'm') {
        $code = "[" . mt_rand(30, 37) . ';' . mt_rand(40, 47) . "m";
// reset to default color at the end
$stdin->on('close', function () use($stdout) {
Example #5

// this example shows how the containerExport() call returns a TAR stream
// and how we it can be piped into a output tar file.
require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
use React\EventLoop\StreamSelectLoop;
use Clue\React\Docker\Factory;
use React\Stream\Stream;
$container = isset($argv[1]) ? $argv[1] : 'asd';
$target = isset($argv[2]) ? $argv[2] : $container . '.tar';
echo 'Exporting whole container "' . $container . '" to "' . $target . '" (pass as arguments to this example)' . PHP_EOL;
$loop = new StreamSelectLoop();
$factory = new Factory($loop);
$client = $factory->createClient();
$stream = $client->containerExportStream($container);
$stream->on('error', function ($e = null) {
    // will be called if the container is invalid/does not exist
    echo 'ERROR requesting stream' . PHP_EOL . $e;
$out = new Stream(fopen($target, 'w'), $loop);
Example #6
  * gracefully shutdown connection by flushing all remaining data and closing stream
  * @param Stream $stream
 public function endConnection(Stream $stream)
     $tid = true;
     $loop = $this->loop;
     // cancel below timer in case connection is closed in time
     $stream->once('close', function () use(&$tid, $loop) {
         // close event called before the timer was set up, so everything is okay
         if ($tid === true) {
             // make sure to not start a useless timer
             $tid = false;
         } else {
     // shut down connection by pausing input data, flushing outgoing buffer and then exit
     // check if connection is not already closed
     if ($tid === true) {
         // fall back to forcefully close connection in 3 seconds if buffer can not be flushed
         $tid = $loop->addTimer(3.0, array($stream, 'close'));
Example #7

use Clue\React\Buzz\Browser;
use React\Stream\ReadableStreamInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
use React\Stream\Stream;
use RingCentral\Psr7;
$url = isset($argv[1]) ? $argv[1] : '';
require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
$loop = React\EventLoop\Factory::create();
$client = new Browser($loop);
$out = new Stream(STDOUT, $loop);
$info = new Stream(STDERR, $loop);
$info->write('Requesting ' . $url . '…' . PHP_EOL);
$client->withOptions(array('streaming' => true))->get($url)->then(function (ResponseInterface $response) use($info, $out) {
    $info->write('Received' . PHP_EOL . Psr7\str($response));
}, 'printf');
Example #8
$container = 'asd';
//$cmd = array('echo', 'hello world');
//$cmd = array('sleep', '2');
$cmd = array('sh', '-c', 'echo -n hello && sleep 1 && echo world && sleep 1 && env');
//$cmd = array('cat', 'invalid-path');
if (isset($argv[1])) {
    $container = $argv[1];
    $cmd = array_slice($argv, 2);
$loop = LoopFactory::create();
$factory = new Factory($loop);
$client = $factory->createClient();
$out = new Stream(STDOUT, $loop);
$stderr = new Stream(STDERR, $loop);
// unkown exit code by default
$exit = 1;
$client->execCreate($container, $cmd)->then(function ($info) use($client, $out, $stderr, &$exit) {
    $stream = $client->execStartStream($info['Id'], false, 'stderr');
    // forward custom stderr event to STDERR stream
    $stream->on('stderr', function ($data) use($stderr, $stream) {
        if ($stderr->write($data) === false) {
            $stderr->once('drain', function () use($stream) {
    $stream->on('error', 'printf');
  * @dataProvider loopProvider
 public function testDoesNotWriteDataIfClientSideHasBeenClosed($condition, $loopFactory)
     if (true !== $condition()) {
         return $this->markTestSkipped('Loop implementation not available');
     $loop = $loopFactory();
     $server = stream_socket_server('tcp://localhost:0');
     $client = stream_socket_client(stream_socket_get_name($server, false));
     $peer = stream_socket_accept($server);
     $streamA = new Stream($peer, $loop);
     $streamB = new Stream($client, $loop);
     // end streamA without writing any data
     $streamA->on('close', $this->expectCallableOnce());
     $streamB->on('data', $this->expectCallableNever());