Example #1
 public function get($key)
     if (!isset($this->data[$key])) {
         return Promise\reject();
     return Promise\resolve($this->data[$key]);
Example #2
  * create redis client connected to address of given redis instance
  * @param string|null $target
  * @return \React\Promise\PromiseInterface resolves with Client or rejects with \Exception
 public function createClient($target = null)
     try {
         $parts = $this->parseUrl($target);
     } catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
         return Promise\reject($e);
     $protocol = $this->protocol;
     $promise = $this->connector->create($parts['host'], $parts['port'])->then(function (Stream $stream) use($protocol) {
         return new StreamingClient($stream, $protocol->createResponseParser(), $protocol->createSerializer());
     if (isset($parts['auth'])) {
         $promise = $promise->then(function (StreamingClient $client) use($parts) {
             return $client->auth($parts['auth'])->then(function () use($client) {
                 return $client;
             }, function ($error) use($client) {
                 throw $error;
     if (isset($parts['db'])) {
         $promise = $promise->then(function (StreamingClient $client) use($parts) {
             return $client->select($parts['db'])->then(function () use($client) {
                 return $client;
             }, function ($error) use($client) {
                 throw $error;
     return $promise;
Example #3
 public function loadEtcResolvConf($filename)
     if (!file_exists($filename)) {
         return Promise\reject(new \InvalidArgumentException("The filename for /etc/resolv.conf given does not exist: {$filename}"));
     try {
         $deferred = new Deferred();
         $fd = fopen($filename, 'r');
         stream_set_blocking($fd, 0);
         $contents = '';
         $stream = new Stream($fd, $this->loop);
         $stream->on('data', function ($data) use(&$contents) {
             $contents .= $data;
         $stream->on('end', function () use(&$contents, $deferred) {
         $stream->on('error', function ($error) use($deferred) {
         return $deferred->promise();
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         return Promise\reject($e);
Example #4
 * Creates a `Promise` which resolves with the first event data
 * @param ReadableStreamInterface|WritableStreamInterface $stream
 * @param string                                          $event
 * @return CancellablePromiseInterface Promise<mixed, Exception>
function first(EventEmitterInterface $stream, $event = 'data')
    if ($stream instanceof ReadableStreamInterface) {
        // readable or duplex stream not readable => already closed
        // a half-open duplex stream is considered closed if its readable side is closed
        if (!$stream->isReadable()) {
            return Promise\reject(new \RuntimeException('Stream already closed'));
    } elseif ($stream instanceof WritableStreamInterface) {
        // writable-only stream (not duplex) not writable => already closed
        if (!$stream->isWritable()) {
            return Promise\reject(new \RuntimeException('Stream already closed'));
    return new Promise\Promise(function ($resolve, $reject) use($stream, $event, &$listener) {
        $listener = function ($data) use($stream, $event, &$listener, $resolve) {
            $stream->removeListener($event, $listener);
        $stream->on($event, $listener);
        $stream->on('close', function () use($stream, $event, $listener, $reject) {
            $stream->removeListener($event, $listener);
            $reject(new \RuntimeException('Stream closed'));
    }, function ($_, $reject) use($stream, $event, &$listener) {
        $stream->removeListener($event, $listener);
        $reject(new \RuntimeException('Operation cancelled'));
Example #5
 /** @test */
 public function rejectShouldRejectWithRejectedPromise()
     $mock = $this->createCallableMock();
     $promise()->then($this->expectCallableNever(), $mock);
Example #6
 public function create($path, $unusedPort = 0)
     $resource = @stream_socket_client('unix://' . $path, $errno, $errstr, 1.0);
     if (!$resource) {
         return Promise\reject(new RuntimeException('Unable to connect to unix domain socket "' . $path . '": ' . $errstr, $errno));
     return Promise\resolve(new Stream($resource, $this->loop));
 /** @test */
 public function resolveShouldRejectWhenResolvedWithRejectedPromise()
     $adapter = $this->getPromiseTestAdapter();
     $mock = $this->createCallableMock();
     $adapter->promise()->then($this->expectCallableNever(), $mock);
 public function testWillTryAllIfEachRejects()
     $rejected = Promise\reject(new \RuntimeException('nope'));
     $connector = $this->getMock('React\\SocketClient\\ConnectorInterface');
     $connector->expects($this->exactly(2))->method('create')->with('google.com', 80)->willReturn($rejected);
     $cm = new ConnectionManagerRandom(array($connector, $connector));
     $promise = $cm->create('google.com', 80);
 public function testRejectedWillNotStartTimer()
     $promise = Promise\reject();
     Timer\timeout($promise, 3, $this->loop);
     $time = microtime(true);
     $time = microtime(true) - $time;
     $this->assertLessThan(0.5, $time);
 public function testTwoTriesWillStartTwoConnectionAttempts()
     $promise = Promise\reject(new \RuntimeException('nope'));
     $connector = $this->getMock('React\\SocketClient\\ConnectorInterface');
     $connector->expects($this->exactly(2))->method('create')->with('google.com', 80)->willReturn($promise);
     $cm = new ConnectionManagerRepeat($connector, 2);
     $promise = $cm->create('google.com', 80);
Example #11
 /** @internal */
 public function checkConnectedSocket($socket)
     // The following hack looks like the only way to
     // detect connection refused errors with PHP's stream sockets.
     if (false === stream_socket_get_name($socket, true)) {
         return Promise\reject(new ConnectionException('Connection refused'));
     return Promise\resolve($socket);
 public function create($host, $port)
     try {
         $connector = $this->getConnectorForTarget($host, $port);
     } catch (UnderflowException $e) {
         return Promise\reject($e);
     return $connector->create($host, $port);
Example #13
 public function testSenderRejection()
     $connector = $this->getMock('React\\SocketClient\\ConnectorInterface');
     $connector->expects($this->once())->method('create')->willReturn(Promise\reject(new RuntimeException('Rejected')));
     $sender = Sender::createFromLoopConnectors($this->loop, $connector);
     $request = new Request('GET', 'http://www.google.com/');
     $promise = $sender->send($request, $this->getMock('Clue\\React\\Buzz\\Message\\MessageFactory'));
     Block\await($promise, $this->loop);
Example #14
  * @param string $data
  * @return PromiseInterface
  * @throws Exception
 public function send($data)
     try {
         stream_set_blocking($this->sock, true);
         fwrite($this->sock, $data);
         return Promise\resolve();
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         return Promise\reject($e);
 public function refresh() : PromiseInterface
     return $this->getTransport()->request('repos/' . $this->repositoryId() . '/branches')->then(function ($json) {
         foreach ($json['broadcasts'] as $broadcast) {
             if ($broadcast['id'] != $this->id()) {
             return resolve($this->getTransport()->getHydrator()->hydrate('Broadcast', $broadcast));
         return reject();
Example #16
  * @param RequestInterface $request
  * @return PromiseInterface
 public function sendRequest(RequestInterface $request)
     if (isset($this->promises[$request->getRequestId()])) {
         return promise\reject(new ClientException("ID {$request->getRequestId()} already in use"));
     $this->responseBuilders[$request->getRequestId()] = new ResponseParser($request->getRequestId());
     $this->promises[$request->getRequestId()] = new Deferred();
     foreach ($request->toRecords() as $record) {
     return $this->promises[$request->getRequestId()]->promise();
Example #17
 public function refresh() : PromiseInterface
     return $this->getTransport()->request('hooks')->then(function ($json) {
         foreach ($json['hooks'] as $hook) {
             if ($hook['id'] != $this->id()) {
             return resolve($this->getTransport()->getHydrator()->hydrate('Hook', $hook));
         return reject();
Example #18
 public function lookup(Query $query)
     $id = $this->serializeQueryToIdentity($query);
     $expiredAt = $this->expiredAt;
     return $this->cache->get($id)->then(function ($value) use($query, $expiredAt) {
         $recordBag = unserialize($value);
         if (null !== $expiredAt && $expiredAt <= $query->currentTime) {
             return Promise\reject();
         return $recordBag->all();
 public function refresh() : PromiseInterface
     return $this->getTransport()->request('settings/env_vars?repository_id=' . $this->repositoryId())->then(function ($json) {
         foreach ($json['env_vars'] as $envVar) {
             if ($envVar['id'] != $this->id()) {
             return resolve($this->getTransport()->getHydrator()->hydrate('EnvironmentVariable', $envVar));
         return reject();
  * @return PromiseInterface
 public function refresh() : PromiseInterface
     return $this->getTransport()->request('jobs/' . $this->jobId() . '/annotations')->then(function ($json) {
         foreach ($json['annotations'] as $annotation) {
             if ($annotation['id'] != $this->id()) {
             return resolve($this->getTransport()->getHydrator()->hydrate('Annotation', $annotation));
         return reject();
Example #21
 /** @test */
 public function rejectShouldMakePromiseImmutable()
     $adapter = $this->getPromiseTestAdapter();
     $mock = $this->createCallableMock();
     $adapter->promise()->then(null, function ($value) use($adapter) {
         return Promise\reject($value);
     })->then($this->expectCallableNever(), $mock);
Example #22
 public function refresh() : PromiseInterface
     return $this->getTransport()->request('repos/' . $this->repositoryId() . '/caches')->then(function ($json) {
         foreach ($json['caches'] as $cache) {
             if ($cache['slug'] != $this->slug()) {
             return resolve($this->getTransport()->getHydrator()->hydrate('Cache', $cache));
         return reject();
Example #23
  * @return PromiseInterface
 public function refresh() : PromiseInterface
     return $this->getTransport()->request('accounts')->then(function ($json) {
         foreach ($json['accounts'] as $account) {
             if ($account['id'] != $this->id()) {
             return resolve($this->getTransport()->getHydrator()->hydrate('Account', $account));
         return reject();
Example #24
 public function fetchDirectory($path, $revision = null, $showAttic = false)
     if (substr($path, -1) !== '/') {
         return Promise\reject(new InvalidArgumentException('Directory path MUST end with trailing slash'));
     // TODO: path MUST end with trailing slash
     // TODO: accessing files will redirect to file with relative location URL (not supported by clue/buzz-react)
     return $this->fetchXml($this->uri->expand('{+path}{?pathrev,hideattic}', array('path' => $path, 'pathrev' => $revision, 'hideattic' => $showAttic ? '0' : null)))->then(function (SimpleXMLElement $xml) {
         // TODO: reject if this is a file, instead of directory => contains "Log of" instead of "Index of"
         // TODO: see is-a-file.html
         return $xml;
     })->then(array($this->parser, 'parseDirectoryListing'));
Example #25
  * @covers React\Dns\Query\RetryExecutor
  * @test
 public function queryShouldForwardNonTimeoutErrors()
     $executor = $this->createExecutorMock();
     $executor->expects($this->once())->method('query')->with('', $this->isInstanceOf('React\\Dns\\Query\\Query'))->will($this->returnCallback(function ($domain, $query) {
         return Promise\reject(new \Exception());
     $callback = $this->expectCallableNever();
     $errorback = $this->createCallableMock();
     $retryExecutor = new RetryExecutor($executor, 2);
     $query = new Query('igor.io', Message::TYPE_A, Message::CLASS_IN, 1345656451);
     $retryExecutor->query('', $query)->then($callback, $errorback);
  * @return PromiseInterface
 public function isActive() : PromiseInterface
     return $this->getTransport()->request('hooks')->then(function ($response) {
         $active = false;
         foreach ($response['hooks'] as $hook) {
             if ($hook['id'] == $this->id()) {
                 $active = (bool) $hook['active'];
         if ($active) {
             return resolve($active);
         return reject($active);
Example #27
 public function testAwaitAllWithRejectedWillCancelPending()
     $cancelled = false;
     $promise = new Promise\Promise(function () {
     }, function () use(&$cancelled) {
         $cancelled = true;
     $all = array(Promise\reject(new Exception('test')), $promise);
     try {
         Block\awaitAll($all, $this->loop);
     } catch (Exception $expected) {
         $this->assertEquals('test', $expected->getMessage());
Example #28
 public function createClient($address)
     if (strpos($address, '://') === false) {
         $address = 'tcp://' . $address;
     $parts = parse_url($address);
     if (!$parts || !isset($parts['host'])) {
         return Promise\reject(new InvalidArgumentException('Given argument "' . $address . '" is not a valid URI'));
     if (!isset($parts['port'])) {
         $parts['port'] = 4242;
     // default to automatic probing protocol unless scheme is explicitly given
     $probe = 0;
     if (isset($parts['scheme'])) {
         if ($parts['scheme'] === 'legacy') {
             $probe = Protocol::TYPE_LEGACY;
         } elseif ($parts['scheme'] !== 'tcp') {
             return Promise\reject(new InvalidArgumentException('Given URI scheme "' . $parts['scheme'] . '" is invalid'));
     $promise = $this->connector->create($parts['host'], $parts['port']);
     // protocol probe not already set
     if ($probe === 0) {
         $connector = $this->connector;
         $prober = $this->prober;
         $promise = $promise->then(function (Stream $stream) use($prober, &$probe, $connector, $parts) {
             return $prober->probe($stream)->then(function ($ret) use(&$probe, $stream) {
                 // probe returned successfully, create new client for this stream
                 $probe = $ret;
                 return $stream;
             }, function ($e) use($connector, $parts) {
                 // probing failed
                 if ($e->getCode() === Prober::ERROR_CLOSED) {
                     // legacy servers will terminate connection while probing
                     // let's just open a new connection and assume default probe
                     return $connector->create($parts['host'], $parts['port']);
                 throw $e;
     return $promise->then(function (Stream $stream) use(&$probe) {
         return new Client($stream, Protocol::createFromProbe($probe));
 public function testListenerThrowsExceptionWhenRejectedPromiseWithThrowable()
     if (!interface_exists('Throwable')) {
         $this->markTestSkipped('The Throwable interface does not exist.');
     $loop = Factory::create();
     $error = new \Error();
     $promise = Promise\reject($error);
     $event = $this->getMockBuilder(GetResponseForControllerResultEvent::class)->disableOriginalConstructor()->getMock();
     $listener = new PromiseListener($loop);
     try {
         $this->fail('->onKernelView() throws exception on rejected promise');
     } catch (\Throwable $e) {
         $this->assertEquals($error, $e);
  * @covers React\Dns\Query\CachedExecutor
  * @test
 public function callingQueryTwiceShouldUseCachedResult()
     $cachedRecords = array(new Record('igor.io', Message::TYPE_A, Message::CLASS_IN));
     $executor = $this->createExecutorMock();
     $cache = $this->getMockBuilder('React\\Dns\\Query\\RecordCache')->disableOriginalConstructor()->getMock();
     $cache->expects($this->at(1))->method('storeResponseMessage')->with($this->isType('integer'), $this->isInstanceOf('React\\Dns\\Model\\Message'));
     $cachedExecutor = new CachedExecutor($executor, $cache);
     $query = new Query('igor.io', Message::TYPE_A, Message::CLASS_IN, 1345656451);
     $cachedExecutor->query('', $query, function () {
     }, function () {
     $cachedExecutor->query('', $query, function () {
     }, function () {