</p> </div> <div class="col s12 m4 hide-on-med-and-down"> <p class="center-align"><?php echo Yii::powered(); ?> </p> </div> <div class="col s12 m4 hide-on-med-and-down"> <p class="right-align">Webdesign by <a href="http://www.camus.cz">C@mus</a></p> </div> </div> </div> </footer> <?php echo CookieWidget::widget(['message' => Yii::t('front', 'This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website.'), 'dismiss' => Yii::t('front', 'Got It'), 'learnMore' => Yii::t('front', 'More info'), 'link' => Url::to(['site/content', 'id' => Yii::$app->params[Yii::$app->language]['cookiePolicyId']]), 'theme' => '/basic-assets/css/cookieconsent-dark-bottom.css']); ?> <?php echo Scrollup::widget(['theme' => Scrollup::THEME_IMAGE, 'pluginOptions' => ['scrollText' => Yii::t('front', 'to top'), 'scrollName' => 'scrollUp', 'topDistance' => 400, 'topSpeed' => 3000, 'animation' => Scrollup::ANIMATION_FADE, 'animationInSpeed' => 400, 'animationOutSpeed' => 400, 'activeOverlay' => false]]); ?> <?php $this->endBody(); ?> </body> </html> <?php $this->endPage();
<?php $this->beginBody(); ?> <?php echo GhostHtml::a(Html::img(Yii::$app->homeUrl . 'css/system_images/go_admin.png'), ['/content/content-page/index'], ['style' => 'position:absolute; z-index: 99999; top: 0; left: 0']); ?> <?php echo Breadcrumbs::widget(['links' => isset($this->params['breadcrumbs']) ? $this->params['breadcrumbs'] : []]); ?> <?php echo $content; ?> <?php echo Settings::getModel()->enable_seo_tracking == 1 ? Settings::getModel()->seo_tracking_script : ''; ?> <?php use raoul2000\widget\scrollup\Scrollup; Scrollup::widget(['theme' => Scrollup::THEME_IMAGE, 'pluginOptions' => ['scrollText' => "To top", 'topDistance' => 400, 'topSpeed' => 3000, 'animation' => Scrollup::ANIMATION_SLIDE, 'animationInSpeed' => 200, 'animationOutSpeed' => 200, 'activeOverlay' => false]]); $this->endBody(); ?> </body> </html> <?php $this->endPage();