Example #1
  * Send command
  * @param Client $client Pushy client
  * @return null|string null if no receipt, string if there is
 public function send(Client $client)
     // Init api params
     $apiParams = array_merge(['token' => $client->getApiToken(), 'user' => $this->message->getUser()->getId(), 'device' => $this->message->getUser()->getDeviceName(), 'message' => $this->message->getMessage(), 'title' => $this->message->getTitle(), 'url' => $this->message->getUrl(), 'url_title' => $this->message->getUrlTitle(), 'timestamp' => $this->message->getTimestamp()], $this->message->getPriority()->getApiParameters());
     // Set optional sound
     if ($sound = $this->message->getSound()) {
         $apiParams['sound'] = (string) $sound;
     // Create request message
     $requestMessage = (new RequestMessage())->setMethod('POST')->setPath('messages.json');
     // Set API params
     foreach ($apiParams as $param => $value) {
         // Skip param if null
         if ($value === null) {
         $requestMessage->setPostBodyField($param, $value);
     // Send request
     $response = $client->getTransport()->sendRequest($requestMessage);
     // Return receipt if there is one
     if (isset($response->receipt)) {
         return $response->receipt;
Example #2
  * Set up
  * @covers \Pushy\Client::__construct
 public function setUp()
     // Set up mock user
     $this->mockUser = Mockery::mock('\\Pushy\\User')->shouldIgnoreMissing();
     // Set mock priority
     $this->mockPriority = Mockery::mock('\\Pushy\\Priority\\PriorityInterface')->shouldIgnoreMissing()->shouldReceive('getApiParameters')->andReturn([])->getMock();
     // Set up mock message
     $this->mockMessage = Mockery::mock('\\Pushy\\Message')->shouldIgnoreMissing();
     // Set mock transport
     $this->mockTransport = Mockery::mock('\\Pushy\\Transport\\TransportInterface')->shouldIgnoreMissing();
     // Set up client
     $this->client = new Client('KzGDORePK8gMaC0QOYAMyEEuzJnyUi');
Example #3
  * Test: Send command
  * @covers \Pushy\Command\SendMessage::send
 public function testSend()
     // Stub mock client getAPiToken and getTransport
     // Stub mock transport sendRequest and response object
     $responseObject = (object) ['receipt' => 'receiptid'];
     // Stub mock message methods
     // Stub sound
     // Stub mock priority getApiParameters
     // Ensure we get a receipt back
     $this->assertEquals($responseObject->receipt, $this->sendMessageCommand->send($this->mockClient));
Example #4
  * Test: Get/Set sound
  * @covers \Pushy\Message::getSound
  * @covers \Pushy\Message::setSound
 public function testGetSetSound()
     $this->assertEquals($this->mockSound, $this->message->getSound());