$product['cover'] = 1; //trim($cover[0]); // save picture @file_put_contents(PT_PATH . 'picture/' . $product['id'] . '.jpg', base64_decode($cover[1])); } } // preg product's star if (preg_match('/5つ星のうち ([0-9.]+)/i', $html, $star)) { $product['star'] = $star[1]; } $db->beginTrans(); $product = filter::apply('refresh', $product, $html); // Save $id = $product['id']; unset($product['id']); list($sql, $value) = array_values(update_array($product)); $value[':id'] = $id; $rs = $db->prepare("UPDATE `a_good` SET {$sql} WHERE `id`=:id")->execute($value); if ($rs === false) { $db->rollback(); json_return(null, 1, 'Load page\'s data fail, please retry.'); } // Commit if (!$db->commit()) { $db->rollback(); json_return(null, 9, 'Load page\'s data fail, please retry.'); } $product['id'] = $id; template::assign('v', $product); $html = template::fetch('_tr'); json_return($html);
// session start define("SESSION_ON", true); // define project's config define("CONFIG", '/conf/web.php'); // debug switch define("DEBUG", true); // include framework entrance file include './common.php'; // simplify use class use pt\framework\debug\console as debug; use pt\framework\template; use pt\framework\db; // include your project common functions. // this is a demo that have some useful functions. include COMMON_PATH . 'web_func.php'; if ($_POST) { if (empty($_POST['username']) || empty($_POST['password'])) { json_return(null, 1, 'Username / Password can\'t be empty.'); } $db = db::init(); $user = $db->prepare("SELECT `id`,`username`,`password`,`md` FROM `a_user` WHERE BINARY `username`=:user")->execute(array(':user' => $_POST['username'])); if (!$user || $user[0]['password'] != md5(md5($_POST['password']) . $user[0]['md'])) { json_return(null, 1, 'Incorrect password.'); } else { $_SESSION['uid'] = $user[0]['id']; json_return(1); } } template::display('login');
if (defined('SESSION_ON')) { $sessionName = ini_get('session.name'); if ($_POST && isset($_POST[$sessionName])) { session_id($_POST[$sessionName]); } else { if (isset($_GET[$sessionName])) { session_id($_GET[$sessionName]); } } session_start(); } header("Power-By: pt-framework [https://github.com/page7/pt]"); // need resflesh all browser catch if (isset($_REQUEST[config('web.reflesh_var')])) { header("Expires: Wed,01 Jan 2014 00:00:00 GMT"); // :p pt的开发日期 header('Last-Modified:' . date('D,d M Y H:i:s') . ' GMT'); header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); header("Pragma: no-cache"); } // language if (config('web.i18n')) { \pt\framework\language::init(); } // template if (config('template')) { \pt\framework\template::init(); } if (DEBUG) { $GLOBALS['_initTime'] = microtime(TRUE); }
// Delete // Delete case 'delete': if ($_POST) { $id = (int) $_POST['id']; $db = db::init(); $db->beginTrans(); $rs = $db->prepare("DELETE FROM `a_good` WHERE `id`=:id")->execute(array(':id' => $id)); if (false === $rs) { $db->rollback(); json_return(null, 1, 'Operation failed.'); } action::exec('delete', $id); if ($db->commit()) { json_return(1); } json_return(null, 9, 'Operation failed.'); } break; // List page // List page case 'default': default: $keyword = ''; template::assign('keyword', $keyword); $db = db::init(); $sql = "SELECT * FROM `a_good` WHERE `user`=:uid ORDER BY `id` DESC"; $list = $db->prepare($sql)->execute(array(':uid' => $uid)); template::assign('list', $list); template::display('index'); }