Example #1
  * Actually do the logging.
  * @param EventInterface $event
 public function log(EventInterface $event)
     $params = $event->getParams();
     $method = '?';
     $exception = isset($params['exception']) ? $params['exception'] : '';
     $sql = isset($params['sql']) ? $params['sql'] : array();
     $this->logger->critical(get_class($event->getTarget()) . "::{$method} - {$exception}", $sql);
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function getController(Request $request)
     if (!($controller = $request->attributes->get('_controller'))) {
         if ($this->logger !== NULL) {
             $this->logger->warning('Unable to look for the controller as the "_controller" parameter is missing');
         return FALSE;
     return $this->getControllerFromDefinition($controller, $request->getPathInfo());
 private function logAndDispatchEvent($name, Lock $lock, $lockName)
     if ($this->logger) {
         $context = array('service' => $this->originalServiceClass, 'method' => $lock->getMethod(), 'lock' => $lockName);
         $this->logger->log(\Psr\Log\LogLevel::INFO, $name, $context);
     if ($this->eventDispatcher) {
         $this->eventDispatcher->dispatch($name, new LockEvent($lock, $this->originalService));
Example #4
  * Return an error into an HTTP or JSON data array.
  * @param string $title
  * @return array
 public function error($title = null)
     if ($title == null) {
         $title = $this->debug ? 'The application could not run because of the following error:' : 'A website error has occurred. Sorry for the temporary inconvenience.';
     $type = $this->request->getHeader('Content-Type');
     $mesg = $this->exception->getMessage();
     $file = $this->exception->getFile();
     $line = $this->exception->getLine();
     $code = $this->exception->getCode();
     $statusCode = method_exists($this->exception, 'getStatusCode') ? $this->exception->getStatusCode() : null;
     // Check status code is null
     if ($statusCode == null) {
         $statusCode = $code >= 100 && $code <= 500 ? $code : 400;
     // Check logger exist
     if ($this->logger !== null) {
         // Send error to log
     $this->isJson = isset($type[0]) && $type[0] == 'application/json';
     // Check content-type is application/json
     if ($this->isJson) {
         // Define content-type to json
         $this->response->withHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
         $error = ['status' => 'error', 'status_code' => $statusCode, 'error' => $title, 'details' => []];
         // Check debug
         if ($this->debug) {
             $error['details'] = ['message' => $mesg, 'file' => $file, 'line' => $line, 'code' => $code];
         return $error;
     // Define content-type to html
     $this->response->withHeader('Content-Type', 'text/html');
     $message = sprintf('<span>%s</span>', htmlentities($mesg));
     $error = ['type' => get_class($this->exception), $error['status_code'] = $statusCode, 'message' => $message];
     // Check debug
     if ($this->debug) {
         $trace = $this->exception->getTraceAsString();
         $trace = sprintf('<pre>%s</pre>', htmlentities($trace));
         $error['file'] = $file;
         $error['line'] = $line;
         $error['code'] = $code;
         $error['trace'] = $trace;
     $error['debug'] = $this->debug;
     $error['title'] = $title;
     return $error;
  * Send a message to Queue about indexing entry.
  * @param EventInterface $event
 public function index(EventInterface $event)
     try {
         $connection = new AMQPConnection('localhost', 5672, 'guest', 'guest');
         $channel = $connection->channel();
         $channel->queue_declare('search-index', false, false, false, false);
         $params = $event->getParams();
         $msg = new AMQPMessage(json_encode($params));
         $channel->basic_publish($msg, '', 'search-index');
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $this->logger->warn("Queue Service when indexing entries: " . $e->getMessage());
Example #6
  * @return $this
  * @throws NotifyException
 public function send()
     //  get data-objects from persistence layer.
     $eventObject = $this->getEvent($this->params->event_id);
     $userObject = $this->getUser($this->params->recipients);
     //	create and configure view
     $child = new ViewModel(array('user' => $userObject, 'event' => $eventObject));
     $child->setTemplate($this->params->type ? 'attend' : 'unattend');
     $layout = new ViewModel();
     $layout->addChild($child, 'content');
     $phpRenderer = new PhpRenderer();
     $resolver = new Resolver\TemplateMapResolver();
     $resolver->setMap(array('layout' => __DIR__ . '/../../../view/layout/email.phtml', 'attend' => __DIR__ . '/../../../view/email/attending.phtml', 'unattend' => __DIR__ . '/../../../view/email/un-attending.phtml'));
     foreach ($layout as $child) {
         $child->setOption('has_parent', true);
         $result = $phpRenderer->render($child);
         $child->setOption('has_parent', null);
         $capture = $child->captureTo();
         if (!empty($capture)) {
             $layout->setVariable($capture, $result);
     //  create and configure message.
     $message = new Mail();
     $message->body = $phpRenderer->render($layout);
     $message->email = $userObject->email;
     $message->name = $userObject->name;
     $message->subject = $this->params->type ? "Þú hefur skráð þig á viðburðinn: {$eventObject->subject}" : "Þú hefur afskráð þig af viðburðinum: {$eventObject->subject}";
     //	now we want to send this to the user/quest via e-mail
     //	so we try to connect to Queue and send a message
     //	to mail_queue
     try {
         $connection = $this->queueFactory->createConnection();
         $channel = $connection->channel();
         $channel->queue_declare('mail_queue', false, true, false, false);
         $msg = new AMQPMessage($message->serialize(), ['delivery_mode' => 2]);
         $this->logger->info("{$userObject->email} is " . ($this->params->type ? '' : 'not ') . "attending {$eventObject->subject}");
         $channel->basic_publish($msg, '', 'mail_queue');
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         throw new NotifyException($e->getMessage(), 0, $e);
     } finally {
         if (isset($channel) && $channel) {
         if (isset($connection) && $connection) {
         $eventObject = null;
         $userObject = null;
     return $this;
Example #7
 private function send($recipients, $subject, $body)
     $channel = false;
     $connection = false;
     try {
         $connection = $this->queueFactory->createConnection();
         $channel = $connection->channel();
         $channel->queue_declare('mail_queue', false, true, false, false);
         foreach ($recipients as $recipient) {
             $message = new Mail();
             $message->name = $recipient->name;
             $message->email = $recipient->address;
             $message->subject = $subject;
             $message->body = $body;
             $msg = new AMQPMessage($message->serialize(), ['delivery_mode' => 2]);
             $channel->basic_publish($msg, '', 'mail_queue');
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         while ($e) {
             $this->logger->critical(get_class($this) . ":send says: {$e->getMessage()}", $e->getTrace());
             $e = $e->getPrevious();
     } finally {
         if (isset($channel) && $channel) {
         if (isset($connection) && $connection) {
Example #8
  * {@inheritDoc}
 public function refreshIndex(IndexInterface $index)
     try {
         $this->client->indices()->refresh(['index' => $index->getName()]);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
     return $this;
Example #9
  * @param string $endpoint
  * @return bool
  * @throws \Exception
 public function isApiRateLimitReached($endpoint = '/statuses/show/:id')
     $rateLimitStatus = $this->fetchRateLimitStatus();
     if ($this->hasError($rateLimitStatus)) {
         $message = $rateLimitStatus->errors[0]->message;
         throw new \Exception($message, $rateLimitStatus->errors[0]->code);
     } else {
         $leastUpperBound = $rateLimitStatus->resources->statuses->{$endpoint}->limit;
         $remainingCalls = $rateLimitStatus->resources->statuses->{$endpoint}->remaining;
         $remainingCallsMessage = $this->translator->transChoice('logs.info.calls_remaining', $remainingCalls, ['{{ count }}' => $remainingCalls, '{{ endpoint }}' => $endpoint, '{{ identifier }}' => substr($this->userToken, 0, '8')], 'logs');
         return $remainingCalls < floor($leastUpperBound * (1 / 10));
Example #10
  * @return $this
  * @throws NotifyException
 public function send()
     //  create an ID for this digest
     $emailId = $this->getHash();
     //	calculate time range and create from and
     //	to date objects for the range.
     $from = new DateTime();
     $from->add(new DateInterval('P1D'));
     $to = new DateTime();
     $to->add(new DateInterval('P8D'));
     $this->logger->info("Queue Service says: Fetching upcoming events");
     //  fetch all events
     $events = $this->getEvents($from, $to);
     //NO EVENTS
     //	if there are no events to publish, then it's no need
     //	to keep on processing this script
     if (count($events) == 0) {
         $this->logger->info("Digest, no events registered, stop");
         return $this;
     } else {
         $this->logger->info("Digest, " . count($events) . " events registered.");
     //	get all users who want to know
     //	about the upcoming events.
     $users = $this->getUsers();
     $this->logger->info("Digest, " . count($users) . " user will get email ");
     //	create and configure view
     $child = new ViewModel(array('events' => $events, 'from' => $from, 'to' => $to));
     $layout = new ViewModel();
     $layout->addChild($child, 'content');
     $phpRenderer = new PhpRenderer();
     $resolver = new TemplateMapResolver();
     $resolver->setMap(array('layout' => __DIR__ . '/../../../view/layout/email.phtml', 'news-digest' => __DIR__ . '/../../../view/email/news-digest.phtml'));
     //	try to connect to Queue and send messages to it.
     //	this will try to send messages to mail_queue, that will
     //	send them on it's way via a MailTransport
     try {
         $connection = $this->queueFactory->createConnection();
         $channel = $connection->channel();
         $channel->queue_declare('mail_queue', false, true, false, false);
         foreach ($users as $user) {
             $child->setVariable('user', $user);
             foreach ($layout as $child) {
                 $child->setOption('has_parent', true);
                 $result = $phpRenderer->render($child);
                 $child->setOption('has_parent', null);
                 $capture = $child->captureTo();
                 if (!empty($capture)) {
                     $layout->setVariable($capture, $result);
             $result = new Mail();
             $result->name = $user->name;
             $result->email = $user->email;
             $result->subject = "Vikan framundan | {$from->format('j. n.')} - {$to->format('j. n. Y')}";
             $result->body = $phpRenderer->render($layout);
             $result->id = $emailId;
             $result->user_id = md5((string) $emailId . $user->email);
             $result->type = 'Digest';
             $result->parameters = 'allir';
             $result->test = false;
             $msg = new AMQPMessage($result->serialize(), ['delivery_mode' => 2]);
             $channel->basic_publish($msg, '', 'mail_queue');
             $this->logger->debug("Queue Service says: Fetching users who want upcoming events, {$user->email} in queue ");
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         throw new NotifyException($e->getMessage(), 0, $e);
     } finally {
         if (isset($channel) && $channel) {
         if (isset($connection) && $connection) {
     return $this;
Example #11
  * Actually do the logging.
  * @param EventInterface $event
 public function log(EventInterface $event)
     $params = $event->getParams();
     $method = isset($params[0]) ? $params[0] : '';
     $this->logger->debug(get_class($event->getTarget()) . "::{$method} - {$event->getName()}");
Example #12
  * Run the handler.
  * @return $this
  * @throws NotifyException
 public function send()
     $emailId = $this->getHash();
     $users = $this->getUsers($this->params->recipients, $this->params->test, $this->params->sender_id, $this->params->group_id);
     $group = $this->getGroup($this->params->group_id);
     $this->logger->info("Group-email in " . ($this->params->test ? '' : 'none') . " test mode");
     //	now we want to send this to the user/quest via e-mail
     //	so we try to connect to Queue and send a message
     //	to mail_queue
     try {
         //	create and configure queue
         $connection = $this->queueFactory->createConnection();
         $channel = $connection->channel();
         $channel->queue_declare('mail_queue', false, true, false, false);
         //	create and configure view
         $child = new ViewModel(array('user' => null, 'group' => $group, 'body' => call_user_func(new Paragrapher(), $this->params->body)));
         $layout = new ViewModel();
         $layout->addChild($child, 'content');
         $phpRenderer = new PhpRenderer();
         $resolver = new Resolver\TemplateMapResolver();
         $resolver->setMap(array('layout' => __DIR__ . '/../../../view/layout/email.phtml', 'script' => __DIR__ . '/../../../view/email/group-letter.phtml'));
         //FOR EVERY USER
         //	for every user, render mail-template
         //	and send to mail-queue
         foreach ($users as $user) {
             $child->setVariable('user', $user);
             foreach ($layout as $child) {
                 $child->setOption('has_parent', true);
                 $result = $phpRenderer->render($child);
                 $child->setOption('has_parent', null);
                 $capture = $child->captureTo();
                 if (!empty($capture)) {
                     $layout->setVariable($capture, $result);
             $result = new Mail();
             $result->name = $user->name;
             $result->email = $user->email;
             $result->subject = $this->params->subject;
             $result->body = $phpRenderer->render($layout);
             $result->user_id = md5((string) $emailId . $user->email);
             $result->id = $emailId;
             $result->type = 'Event';
             $result->entity_id = $group->id;
             $result->parameters = $this->params->recipients;
             $result->test = $this->params->test;
             $msg = new AMQPMessage($result->serialize(), ['delivery_mode' => 2]);
             $this->logger->info("Groupmail to user:{$user->email}, group:{$group->name_short}");
             $channel->basic_publish($msg, '', 'mail_queue');
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         throw new NotifyException($e->getMessage(), 0, $e);
     } finally {
         if (isset($channel) && $channel) {
         if (isset($connection) && $connection) {
         $users = null;
         $group = null;
     return $this;
Example #13
  * @return $this
  * @throws NotifyException
 public function send()
     $emailId = $this->getEmailId();
     $event = $this->getEvent($this->params->event_id);
     $users = $this->getUser($this->getGroupsFromEvent($event), $event->id, $this->params->user_id, $this->params->recipients, $this->params->test);
     $this->logger->info(count($users) . " user will get an email" . "in connection with event {$event->subject}:{$event->id}");
     //	create and configure view
     $child = new ViewModel(array('user' => null, 'event' => $event, 'body' => call_user_func(new Paragrapher(), $this->params->body)));
     $layout = new ViewModel();
     $layout->addChild($child, 'content');
     $phpRenderer = new PhpRenderer();
     $resolver = new Resolver\TemplateMapResolver();
     $resolver->setMap(array('layout' => __DIR__ . '/../../../view/layout/email.phtml', 'event' => __DIR__ . '/../../../view/email/event.phtml'));
     //	try to connect to RabbitMQ
     try {
         $connection = $this->queueFactory->createConnection();
         $channel = $connection->channel();
         $channel->queue_declare('mail_queue', false, true, false, false);
         //FOR EVER USER
         //	for every user: render email template, create message object and
         //	send to mail-queue
         foreach ($users as $user) {
             $child->setVariable('user', $user);
             foreach ($layout as $child) {
                 $child->setOption('has_parent', true);
                 $result = $phpRenderer->render($child);
                 $child->setOption('has_parent', null);
                 $capture = $child->captureTo();
                 if (!empty($capture)) {
                     $layout->setVariable($capture, $result);
             $message = new Mail();
             $message->name = $user->name;
             $message->email = $user->email;
             $message->subject = $this->params->subject;
             $message->body = $phpRenderer->render($layout);
             $message->id = $emailId;
             $message->user_id = md5((string) $emailId . $user->email);
             $message->type = 'Event';
             $message->entity_id = $event->id;
             $message->parameters = $this->params->recipients;
             $message->test = $this->params->test;
             $msg = new AMQPMessage($message->serialize(), ['delivery_mode' => 2]);
             $this->logger->info(" {$user->email} will get an email" . "in connection with event {$event->subject}:{$event->id}");
             $channel->basic_publish($msg, '', 'mail_queue');
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         throw new NotifyException($e->getMessage(), 0, $e);
     } finally {
         if (isset($channel) && $channel) {
         if (isset($connection) && $connection) {
         $users = null;
         $event = null;
     return $this;