Example #1
    $dir = new Dir(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
    $root = $dir->up();
    if ($workingTree->equals($root)) {
        $dist = $root->getFile('dist/psc-cms.phar.gz');
        $lastMessage = exec('git log -n 1 --format=%s');
        $updateComposer = 'composer update --prefer-dist --dev';
        $buildPhar = $root->getFile('bin/cli') . ' build-phar';
        $cd = 'cd ' . $root;
        $ammend = 'git commit -m"' . $lastMessage . '" --amend -o ' . $dist . ' composer.lock ';
        system($cd . ' && ' . $updateComposer . ' && ' . $buildPhar . ' && ' . $ammend);
        return 0;
    throw new Exception($workingTree . ' is not registered as hook script');
$createCommand('composer:update', array(), function ($input, $output, $command) {
    system('cd ' . $command->getProject()->getSrc() . ' &&php ' . \Psc\PSC::getRoot()->getFile('composer.phar') . ' update');
$createCommand('test-configuration', array(), function ($input, $output, $command) {
    $cfgTest = new ConfigurationTester();
    $cfgTest->INI('mbstring.internal_encoding', 'UTF-8');
    $cfgTest->INI('post_max_size', '30M', '>=');
    $cfgTest->INI('upload_max_filesize', '30M', '>=');
    $cfgTest->INI('memory_limit', '200M', '>=');
    $cfgTest->INI('suhosin.memory_limit', '200M', '>=');
    $cfgTest->INI('display_errors', TRUE);
    // curl needs to be installed
    // mb_string needs to be installed
    $output->writeln((string) $cfgTest);
$createCommand('compile:jqx-widget-specification', array($arg('html-table-file', 'Die Datei in der das HTMl für table.documentation-table ist'), $arg('widgetName', 'Der Name des Widgets ohne jq davor')), function ($input, $output, $command) {
    $argFile = File::factory($input->getArgument('html-table-file'));
Example #2
 public function getLibsPath()
     if (!isset($this->libsPath)) {
         $this->libsPath = PSC::getRoot();
     return $this->libsPath;