NumberFormat formats decimal numbers in any locale. The decimal
number is formatted according to a particular pattern. These
patterns can arise from the NumberFormatInfo object which is
culturally sensitive. The NumberFormat class can be instantiated in
many ways. E.g.
create a invariant number formatter.
$formatter = new NumberFormat();
create a number format for the french language locale.
$fr = new NumberFormat('fr');
create a number format base on a NumberFormatInfo instance $numberInfo.
$format = new NumberFormat($numberInfo);
A normal decimal number can also be displayed as a currency
or as a percentage. For example
$format->format(1234.5); //Decimal number "1234.5"
$format->format(1234.5,'c'); //Default currency "$1234.50"
$format->format(0.25, 'p') //Percent "25%"
Currency is formated using the localized currency pattern. For example
to format the number as Japanese Yen:
$ja = new NumberFormat('ja_JP');
Japanese currency pattern, and using Japanese Yen symbol
$ja->format(123.14,'c','JPY'); //�?123 (Yen 123)
For each culture, the symbol for each currency may be different.