  * List of podcast contributors.
  * **Examples**
  * Iterating over a list of contributors
  * ```jinja
  * {% for contributor in podcast.contributors({scope: "podcast"}) %}
  * 	{{ contributor.name }}
  * 	{% if not loop.last %}, {% endif %}
  * {% endfor %}
  * ```
  * Iterating over a grouped list of contributors
  * ```jinja
  * {% for contributorGroup in podcast.contributors({scope: "podcast", groupby: "group"}) %}
  * 	<strong>{{ contributorGroup.group.title }}:</strong> 
  * 	{% for contributor in contributorGroup.contributors %}
  * 		{{ contributor.name }}
  * 		{% if not loop.last %}, {% endif %}
  * 	{% endfor %}
  * {% endfor %}
  * ```
  * **Parameters**
  * - **id:**      Fetch one contributor by its id.
  *                Example: `podcast.contributors({id: 'james'}).name`
  * - **scope:**   Either "global", "global-active" or "podcast".
  *                - "global" returns all contributors.
  *                - "global-active" returns all contributors with 
  *                   at least one contribution in a published episode.
  * 	              - "podcast" returns the contributors configured in podcast settings.
  * 	              Default: "global-active".
  * - **group:**   filter by group slug. Defaults to "all", which does not filter.
  * - **role:**    filter by role slug. Defaults to "all", which does not filter.
  * - **groupby:** group or role slug. Group by "group" or "role".
  * 	              If used, the returned data is has another layer for the groups.
  * 	              See examples for more details.
  * - **order:**   Designates the ascending or descending order of the 'orderby' parameter. Defaults to 'DESC'.
  *   - 'ASC' - ascending order from lowest to highest values (1, 2, 3; a, b, c).
  *   - 'DESC' - descending order from highest to lowest values (3, 2, 1; c, b, a).
  * - **orderby:** Sort contributors by parameter. Defaults to 'name'.
  *   - 'name' - Order by public name.
  * @accessor
  * @dynamicAccessor podcast.contributors
 public static function accessorPodcastContributors($return, $method_name, $podcast, $args = array())
     return $podcast->with_blog_scope(function () use($podcast, $args) {
         $args = shortcode_atts(array('id' => null, 'scope' => 'global-active', 'group' => 'all', 'role' => 'all', 'groupby' => null, 'order' => 'ASC', 'orderby' => 'name'), $args);
         if ($args['id']) {
             return new Template\Contributor(Contributor::find_one_by_slug($args['id']));
         $scope = in_array($args['scope'], array('global', 'global-active', 'podcast')) ? $args['scope'] : 'global-active';
         $contributors = array();
         if (in_array($scope, array("global", "global-active"))) {
             // fetch by group and/or role. defaults to *all* contributors
             // if no role or group are given
             $group = $args['group'] !== 'all' ? $args['group'] : null;
             $role = $args['role'] !== 'all' ? $args['role'] : null;
             $contributors = Contributor::byGroupAndRole($group, $role);
             if ($scope == 'global-active') {
                 $contributors = array_filter($contributors, function ($contributor) {
                     return $contributor->getPublishedContributionCount() > 0;
             $contributors = array_map(function ($contributor) {
                 return new Template\Contributor($contributor);
             }, $contributors);
         } else {
             $contributions = ShowContribution::all();
             $contributors = \Podlove\Modules\Contributors\Contributors::filterContributions($contributions, $args);
         // sort
         if ($args['groupby'] == 'group') {
             foreach ($contributors as $group_id => $group) {
                 usort($contributors[$group_id]['contributors'], function ($a, $b) {
                     return strcmp($a->name(), $b->name());
                 if (strtoupper($args['order']) == 'DESC') {
                     $contributors[$group_id]['contributors'] = array_reverse($contributors[$group_id]['contributors']);
         } else {
             usort($contributors, function ($a, $b) {
                 return strcmp($a->name(), $b->name());
             if (strtoupper($args['order']) == 'DESC') {
                 $contributors = array_reverse($contributors);
         return $contributors;