setBlockDataAt() public method

Sets the raw block metadata.
public setBlockDataAt ( integer $x, integer $y, integer $z, integer $data )
$x integer
$y integer
$z integer
$data integer 0-15
Example #1
 public function placeObject(ChunkManager $level, $x, $y, $z, Random $random)
     if ($this->leavesBottomY === -1 or $this->leavesMaxRadius === -1) {
     $level->setBlockIdAt($x, $y - 1, $z, Block::DIRT);
     $leavesRadius = 0;
     for ($yy = $this->totalHeight; $yy >= $this->leavesBottomY; --$yy) {
         for ($xx = -$leavesRadius; $xx <= $leavesRadius; ++$xx) {
             for ($zz = -$leavesRadius; $zz <= $leavesRadius; ++$zz) {
                 if (abs($xx) != $leavesRadius or abs($zz) != $leavesRadius or $leavesRadius <= 0) {
                     $level->setBlockIdAt($x + $xx, $y + $yy, $z + $zz, Block::LEAVES);
                     $level->setBlockDataAt($x + $xx, $y + $yy, $z + $zz, $this->type);
         if ($leavesRadius > 0 and $yy === $y + $this->leavesBottomY + 1) {
         } elseif ($leavesRadius < $this->leavesMaxRadius) {
     for ($yy = 0; $yy < $this->totalHeight - 1; ++$yy) {
         $level->setBlockIdAt($x, $y + $yy, $z, Block::TRUNK);
         $level->setBlockDataAt($x, $y + $yy, $z, $this->type);
Example #2
 public function populate(ChunkManager $level, $chunkX, $chunkZ, Random $random)
     $this->level = $level;
     $amount = $random->nextRange(0, $this->randomAmount + 1) + $this->baseAmount;
     for ($i = 0; $i < $amount; ++$i) {
         $x = $random->nextRange($chunkX * 16, $chunkX * 16 + 15);
         $z = $random->nextRange($chunkZ * 16, $chunkZ * 16 + 15);
         $y = $this->getHighestWorkableBlock($x, $z);
         if ($y !== -1 and $this->canLilyPadStay($x, $y, $z)) {
             $this->level->setBlockIdAt($x, $y, $z, Block::WATER_LILY);
             $this->level->setBlockDataAt($x, $y, $z, 1);
Example #3
 private function flowIntoBlock($x, $y, $z, $newFlowDecay)
     if ($this->level->getBlockIdAt($x, $y, $z) === Block::AIR) {
         $this->level->setBlockIdAt($x, $y, $z, Block::LAVA);
         $this->level->setBlockDataAt($x, $y, $z, $newFlowDecay);
         $this->level->updateBlockLight($x, $y, $z);
         $this->lavaSpread($x, $y, $z);
Example #4
 public function populate(ChunkManager $level, $chunkX, $chunkZ, Random $random)
     $this->level = $level;
     $amount = $random->nextRange(0, $this->randomAmount + 1) + $this->baseAmount;
     for ($i = 0; $i < $amount; ++$i) {
         $x = $random->nextRange($chunkX << 4, ($chunkX << 4) + 15);
         $z = $random->nextRange($chunkZ << 4, ($chunkZ << 4) + 15);
         for ($size = 30; $size > 0; --$size) {
             $xx = $x - 7 + $random->nextRange(0, 15);
             $zz = $z - 7 + $random->nextRange(0, 15);
             $yy = $this->getHighestWorkableBlock($xx, $zz);
             if ($yy !== -1 and $this->canTallGrassStay($xx, $yy, $zz)) {
                 $this->level->setBlockIdAt($xx, $yy, $zz, Block::TALL_GRASS);
                 $this->level->setBlockDataAt($xx, $yy, $zz, 1);
Example #5
 public function populate(ChunkManager $level, $chunkX, $chunkZ, Random $random)
     $this->level = $level;
     $amount = $random->nextRange(0, $this->randomAmount + 1) + $this->baseAmount;
     if (count($this->flowerTypes) === 0) {
         $this->addType([Block::DANDELION, 0]);
         $this->addType([Block::RED_FLOWER, FlowerBlock::TYPE_POPPY]);
     $endNum = count($this->flowerTypes) - 1;
     for ($i = 0; $i < $amount; ++$i) {
         $x = $random->nextRange($chunkX * 16, $chunkX * 16 + 15);
         $z = $random->nextRange($chunkZ * 16, $chunkZ * 16 + 15);
         $y = $this->getHighestWorkableBlock($x, $z);
         if ($y !== -1 and $this->canFlowerStay($x, $y, $z)) {
             $type = mt_rand(0, $endNum);
             $this->level->setBlockIdAt($x, $y, $z, $this->flowerTypes[$type][0]);
             $this->level->setBlockDataAt($x, $y, $z, $this->flowerTypes[$type][1]);
Example #6
 public function populate(ChunkManager $level, $chunkX, $chunkZ, Random $random)
     $this->level = $level;
     $amount = $random->nextRange(0, $this->randomAmount + 1) + $this->baseAmount;
     for ($i = 0; $i < $amount; ++$i) {
         $x = $random->nextRange($chunkX * 16, $chunkX * 16 + 15);
         $z = $random->nextRange($chunkZ * 16, $chunkZ * 16 + 15);
         $y = $this->getHighestWorkableBlock($x, $z);
         $tallRand = $random->nextRange(0, 17);
         $yMax = $y + 1 + (int) ($tallRand > 10) + (int) ($tallRand > 15);
         if ($y !== -1) {
             for (; $y < 127 and $y < $yMax; $y++) {
                 if ($this->canCactusStay($x, $y, $z)) {
                     $this->level->setBlockIdAt($x, $y, $z, Block::CACTUS);
                     $this->level->setBlockDataAt($x, $y, $z, 1);
Example #7
 public static function growGrass(ChunkManager $level, Vector3 $pos, Random $random, $count = 15, $radius = 10)
     $arr = [[Block::DANDELION, 0], [Block::POPPY, 0], [Block::TALL_GRASS, 1], [Block::TALL_GRASS, 1], [Block::TALL_GRASS, 1], [Block::TALL_GRASS, 1]];
     $arrC = \count($arr) - 1;
     for ($c = 0; $c < $count; ++$c) {
         $x = $random->nextRange($pos->x - $radius, $pos->x + $radius);
         $z = $random->nextRange($pos->z - $radius, $pos->z + $radius);
         if ($level->getBlockIdAt($x, $pos->y + 1, $z) === Block::AIR and $level->getBlockIdAt($x, $pos->y, $z) === Block::GRASS) {
             $t = $arr[$random->nextRange(0, $arrC)];
             $level->setBlockIdAt($x, $pos->y + 1, $z, $t[0]);
             $level->setBlockDataAt($x, $pos->y + 1, $z, $t[1]);
Example #8
 public function placeObject(ChunkManager $level, $x, $y, $z)
     $clusterSize = (int) $this->type->clusterSize;
     $angle = $this->random->nextFloat() * M_PI;
     $offset = VectorMath::getDirection2D($angle)->multiply($clusterSize)->divide(8);
     $x1 = $x + 8 + $offset->x;
     $x2 = $x + 8 - $offset->x;
     $z1 = $z + 8 + $offset->y;
     $z2 = $z + 8 - $offset->y;
     $y1 = $y + $this->random->nextBoundedInt(3) + 2;
     $y2 = $y + $this->random->nextBoundedInt(3) + 2;
     for ($count = 0; $count <= $clusterSize; ++$count) {
         $seedX = $x1 + ($x2 - $x1) * $count / $clusterSize;
         $seedY = $y1 + ($y2 - $y1) * $count / $clusterSize;
         $seedZ = $z1 + ($z2 - $z1) * $count / $clusterSize;
         $size = ((sin($count * (M_PI / $clusterSize)) + 1) * $this->random->nextFloat() * $clusterSize / 16 + 1) / 2;
         $startX = (int) ($seedX - $size);
         $startY = (int) ($seedY - $size);
         $startZ = (int) ($seedZ - $size);
         $endX = (int) ($seedX + $size);
         $endY = (int) ($seedY + $size);
         $endZ = (int) ($seedZ + $size);
         //echo "ORE: $startX, $startY, $startZ,, $endX, $endY, $endZ\n";
         for ($x = $startX; $x <= $endX; ++$x) {
             $sizeX = ($x + 0.5 - $seedX) / $size;
             $sizeX *= $sizeX;
             if ($sizeX < 1) {
                 for ($y = $startY; $y <= $endY; ++$y) {
                     $sizeY = ($y + 0.5 - $seedY) / $size;
                     $sizeY *= $sizeY;
                     if ($y > 0 and $sizeX + $sizeY < 1) {
                         for ($z = $startZ; $z <= $endZ; ++$z) {
                             $sizeZ = ($z + 0.5 - $seedZ) / $size;
                             $sizeZ *= $sizeZ;
                             if ($sizeX + $sizeY + $sizeZ < 1 and $level->getBlockIdAt($x, $y, $z) === 0) {
                                 $level->setBlockIdAt($x, $y, $z, $this->type->material->getId());
                                 if ($this->type->material->getDamage() !== 0) {
                                     $level->setBlockDataAt($x, $y, $z, $this->type->material->getDamage());
                                 $level->updateBlockLight($x, $y, $z);
                                 //echo "Placed to $x, $y, $z\n";
Example #9
 public function placeObject(ChunkManager $level, $x, $y, $z, Random $random)
     // The base dirt block
     $level->setBlockIdAt($x, $y, $z, Block::DIRT);
     // Adjust the tree trunk's height randomly
     //    plot [-14:11] int( x / 8 ) + 5
     //    - min=4 (all leaves are 4 tall, some trunk must show)
     //    - max=6 (top leaves are within ground-level whacking range
     //             on all small trees)
     $heightPre = $random->nextRange(-14, 11);
     $this->trunkHeight = intval($heightPre / 8) + 5;
     // Adjust the starting leaf density using the trunk height as a
     // starting position (tall trees with skimpy leaves don't look
     // too good)
     $leafPre = $random->nextRange($this->trunkHeight, 10) / 20;
     // (TODO: seed may apply)
     // Now build the tree (from the top down)
     $leaflevel = 0;
     for ($yy = $this->trunkHeight + 1; $yy >= 0; --$yy) {
         if ($leaflevel < self::$leavesHeight) {
             // The size is a slight variation on the trunkheight
             $radius = self::$leafRadii[$leaflevel] + $leafPre;
             $bRadius = 3;
             for ($xx = -$bRadius; $xx <= $bRadius; ++$xx) {
                 for ($zz = -$bRadius; $zz <= $bRadius; ++$zz) {
                     if (sqrt($xx ** 2 + $zz ** 2) <= $radius) {
                         $level->setBlockIdAt($x + $xx, $y + $yy, $z + $zz, Block::LEAVES);
                         $level->setBlockDataAt($x + $xx, $y + $yy, $z + $zz, $this->type);
         // Place the trunk last
         if ($leaflevel > 1) {
             $level->setBlockIdAt($x, $y + $yy, $z, Block::TRUNK);
             $level->setBlockDataAt($x, $y + $yy, $z, $this->type);
Example #10
 public function placeObject(ChunkManager $level, $x, $y, $z, Random $random)
     if ($this->leavesSizeY === -1 or $this->leavesAbsoluteMaxRadius === -1) {
     $level->setBlockIdAt($x, $y - 1, $z, Block::DIRT);
     $leavesRadius = 0;
     $leavesMaxRadius = 1;
     $leavesBottomY = $this->totalHeight - $this->leavesSizeY;
     $firstMaxedRadius = \false;
     for ($leavesY = 0; $leavesY <= $leavesBottomY; ++$leavesY) {
         $yy = $this->totalHeight - $leavesY;
         for ($xx = -$leavesRadius; $xx <= $leavesRadius; ++$xx) {
             for ($zz = -$leavesRadius; $zz <= $leavesRadius; ++$zz) {
                 if (\abs($xx) != $leavesRadius or \abs($zz) != $leavesRadius or $leavesRadius <= 0) {
                     $level->setBlockIdAt($x + $xx, $y + $yy, $z + $zz, Block::LEAVES);
                     $level->setBlockDataAt($x + $xx, $y + $yy, $z + $zz, $this->type);
         if ($leavesRadius >= $leavesMaxRadius) {
             $leavesRadius = $firstMaxedRadius ? 1 : 0;
             $firstMaxedRadius = \true;
             if (++$leavesMaxRadius > $this->leavesAbsoluteMaxRadius) {
                 $leavesMaxRadius = $this->leavesAbsoluteMaxRadius;
         } else {
     $trunkHeightReducer = $random->nextRange(0, 3);
     for ($yy = 0; $yy < $this->totalHeight - $trunkHeightReducer; ++$yy) {
         $level->setBlockIdAt($x, $y + $yy, $z, Block::TRUNK);
         $level->setBlockDataAt($x, $y + $yy, $z, $this->type);
Example #11
 protected function placeTrunk(ChunkManager $level, $x, $y, $z, Random $random, $trunkHeight)
     // The base dirt block
     $level->setBlockIdAt($x, $y - 1, $z, Block::DIRT);
     for ($yy = 0; $yy < $trunkHeight; ++$yy) {
         $blockId = $level->getBlockIdAt($x, $y + $yy, $z);
         if (isset($this->overridable[$blockId])) {
             $level->setBlockIdAt($x, $y + $yy, $z, $this->trunkBlock);
             $level->setBlockDataAt($x, $y + $yy, $z, $this->type);