Example #1
 public function onCommand(CommandSender $sender, Command $command, $label, array $args)
     if ($command->getName() == "pk") {
         if ($args[0] == "join") {
             if (isset($args[1])) {
                 if (isset($this->arenas[strtolower($args[1])]) and substr(strtolower($args[1]), -5) != "_race") {
                     if (!isset($this->activeplayers[$sender->getName()])) {
                         $this->activeplayers[$sender->getName()] = array("current-map" => strtolower($args[1]), "last-set" => 0, "micro-seconds" => 0, "active" => false, "current-checkpoint" => 0);
                         $sender->setRotation($this->arenas[strtolower($args[1])]->getStartYaw(), $sender->getPitch());
                         $sender->sendMessage("§cYou have started the map '§b" . $this->arenas[strtolower($args[1])]->getMapName() . "§c'.");
                     } else {
                         $sender->sendMessage("§cYou are currently still playing a different map\n§cUse §b/pk leave§c to leave this map.");
                 } else {
                     $sender->sendMessage("§cThe map '§b" . strtolower($args[1]) . "§c' doesn't exist.");
             } else {
                 $sender->sendMessage("§cUsage: §b/pk join [map name]");
         } else {
             if ($args[0] == "leave") {
                 if (isset($this->activeplayers[$sender->getName()])) {
                     $sender->sendMessage("§cYou have left your current map.");
                 } else {
                     $sender->sendMessage("§cYou aren't currently playing any maps.");
             } else {
                 if ($args[0] == "info") {
                     if (isset($args[1])) {
                         if (isset($this->arenas[strtolower($args[1])])) {
                             $map = $this->arenas[strtolower($args[1])];
                             $currentlyplaying = array();
                             foreach ($this->activeplayers as $player => $name) {
                                 if ($name['current-map'] == strtolower($args[1])) {
                                     array_push($currentlyplaying, $player);
                             $sender->sendMessage("§cMap info:\n§cMap name: §b" . $map->getMapName() . "\n§cMap maker: §b" . $map->getMapMaker() . "\n§cDate of creation: §b" . $map->getDateOfCreation() . "\n§cMap world name: §b" . $map->getMapLevel()->getName() . "\n§cYour current highscore: §b" . ($map->getTime($sender) === null ? "none" : $map->getTime($sender)) . "\n§cCurrently playing: §b" . implode(", ", $currentlyplaying) . "\n§cFor leaderboards, please type §b/pk topten " . strtolower($args[1]));
                         } else {
                             $sender->sendMessage("§cThis map doesn't exist.");
                     } else {
                         $sender->sendMessage("§cUsage: §b/pk info [map name]");
                 } else {
                     if ($args[0] == "topten") {
                         if (isset($args[1])) {
                             if (isset($this->arenas[strtolower($args[1])])) {
                                 $sender->sendMessage("§cTop ten laps of the map §b" . $this->arenas[strtolower($args[1])]->getMapName() . "§c:");
                                 $count = 0;
                                 foreach ($this->arenas[strtolower($args[1])]->getTopTen() as $player) {
                                     $sender->sendMessage("§c" . $count . ") §b" . $player['username'] . "§c with §b" . $player['highscore']);
                             } else {
                                 $sender->sendMessage("§cThis map doesn't exist.");
                         } else {
                             $sender->sendMessage("§cUsage: §b/pk topten [map name]");
         if ($args[0] == "create") {
             if (isset($args[1])) {
                 $this->arenaconf->set($args[1], array("date-of-creation" => date("d/m/Y"), "map-maker" => $sender->getName(), "level" => $sender->getLevel()->getName(), "floor-y" => 0, "start-position" => array("x" => 0, "y" => 0, "z" => 0, "yaw" => 360), "timer-block" => array("x" => 0, "y" => 0, "z" => 0), "end-block" => array("x" => 0, "y" => 0, "z" => 0)));
                 $sender->sendMessage("§cNew map '§b" . $args[1] . "§c' has been created.\n§cPlease use the follwing command to set the start position:\n§b/pk setstart " . strtolower($args[1]));
             } else {
                 $sender->sendMessage("§cUsage: §b/pk create [map name]");
         } else {
             if ($args[0] == "setstart") {
                 if (isset($args[1])) {
                     if ($this->arenaconf->exists($args[1])) {
                         $newmap = $this->arenaconf->get($args[1]);
                         $newmap['start-position'] = array("x" => $sender->getFloorX(), "y" => $sender->getFloorY(), "z" => $sender->getFloorZ(), $sender->getYaw());
                         $this->arenaconf->set($args[1], $newmap);
                         $sender->sendMessage("§cAwesome! Now use the follwing command to set the floor that will reset you once you fall below/on it.\n§b/pk setfloor " . strtolower($args[1]));
                     } else {
                         $sender->sendMessage("§cThis map doesn't exist.");
                 } else {
                     $sender->sendMessage("§cUsage: §b/pk setfloor [map name]");
             } else {
                 if ($args[0] == "setfloor") {
                     if (isset($args[1])) {
                         if ($this->arenaconf->exists($args[1])) {
                             $newmap = $this->arenaconf->get($args[1]);
                             $newmap['floor-y'] = $sender->getFloorY();
                             $this->arenaconf->set($args[1], $newmap);
                             $sender->sendMessage("§cGreat! Now use the follwing command to set the timer start position.\n§b/pk settimer " . strtolower($args[1]));
                         } else {
                             $sender->sendMessage("§cThis map doesn't exist.");
                     } else {
                         $sender->sendMessage("§cUsage: §b/pk setfloor [map name]");
                 } else {
                     if ($args[0] == "settimer") {
                         if (isset($args[1])) {
                             if ($this->arenaconf->exists($args[1])) {
                                 $newmap = $this->arenaconf->get($args[1]);
                                 $newmap['timer-block'] = array("x" => $sender->getFloorX(), "y" => $sender->getFloorY(), "z" => $sender->getFloorZ());
                                 $this->arenaconf->set($args[1], $newmap);
                                 $sender->sendMessage("§cAlmost there! Use the following command to set the end of the map.\n§b/pk setend " . strtolower($args[1]) . "\n§cAfter that use §b/pk setcheckpoint " . strtolower($args[1]) . " §cfor every checkpoint you would like to set.");
                             } else {
                                 $sender->sendMessage("§cThis map doesn't exist.");
                         } else {
                             $sender->sendMessage("§cUsage: §b/pk settimer [map name]");
                     } else {
                         if ($args[0] == "setend") {
                             if (isset($args[1])) {
                                 if ($this->arenaconf->exists($args[1])) {
                                     $newmap = $this->arenaconf->get($args[1]);
                                     $newmap['end-block'] = array("x" => $sender->getFloorX(), "y" => $sender->getFloorY(), "z" => $sender->getFloorZ());
                                     $this->arenaconf->set($args[1], $newmap);
                                     $sender->sendMessage("§cAwesome! Your new map is now ready to use.\n§cRestart the server to use the new map.\n§c(Refreshing maps would cause too much confusion)");
                                 } else {
                                     $sender->sendMessage("§cThis map doesn't exist.");
                             } else {
                                 $sender->sendMessage("§cUsage: §b/pk setend [map name]");
                         } else {
                             if ($args[0] == "setcheckpoint") {
                                 if (isset($args[1])) {
                                     if ($this->arenaconf->exists($args[1])) {
                                         $checkpoints = $this->arenaconf->get($args[1]);
                                         $checkpoints['checkpoints'][count($checkpoints['checkpoints']) + 1] = array("yaw" => $sender->getYaw(), "x" => $sender->getFloorX(), "y" => $sender->getFloorY(), "z" => $sender->getFloorZ());
                                         $this->arenaconf->set($args[1], $checkpoints);
                                         $sender->sendMessage("§cNew checkpoint set. Restart the server to apply the new changes.");
                                     } else {
                                         $sender->sendMessage("§cThis map doesn't exist.");
                                 } else {
                                     $sender->sendMessage("§cUsage: §b/pk setcheckpoint [map name]");
     return true;