protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $bot = new Bot($output, self::$config->get('')); if (!$output->isDecorated()) { $bot->render(); return; } // Stay positive: return code 0 when the user quits. if (function_exists('pcntl_signal')) { declare (ticks=1); pcntl_signal(SIGINT, function () { echo "\n"; exit; }); } while (true) { $bot->render(); } }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { /** @var \Platformsh\Cli\Helper\QuestionHelper $questionHelper */ $questionHelper = $this->getHelper('question'); $options = $this->form->resolveOptions($input, $output, $questionHelper); $estimate = $this->getEstimate($options['plan'], $options['storage'], $options['environments']); if (!$estimate) { $costConfirm = "Failed to estimate project cost"; } else { $costConfirm = "The estimated monthly cost of this project is: <comment>{$estimate['total']}</comment>"; } $costConfirm .= "\n\nAre you sure you want to continue?"; if (!$questionHelper->confirm($costConfirm)) { return 1; } $subscription = $this->api()->getClient()->createSubscription($options['region'], $options['plan'], $options['title'], $options['storage'] * 1024, $options['environments']); $this->api()->clearProjectsCache(); $this->stdErr->writeln(sprintf('Your %s project has been requested (subscription ID: <comment>%s</comment>)', self::$config->get(''), $subscription->id)); $this->stdErr->writeln(sprintf("\nThe %s Bot is activating your project\n", self::$config->get(''))); $bot = new Bot($this->stdErr); $start = time(); while ($subscription->isPending() && time() - $start < 300) { $bot->render(); if (!isset($lastCheck) || time() - $lastCheck >= 2) { try { $subscription->refresh(['timeout' => 5, 'exceptions' => false]); $lastCheck = time(); } catch (ConnectException $e) { if (strpos($e->getMessage(), 'timed out') !== false) { $this->stdErr->writeln('<warning>' . $e->getMessage() . '</warning>'); } else { throw $e; } } } } $this->stdErr->writeln(""); if (!$subscription->isActive()) { $this->stdErr->writeln("<error>The project failed to activate</error>"); return 1; } $this->stdErr->writeln("The project is now ready!"); $this->stdErr->writeln(" Region: <info>{$subscription->project_region}</info>"); $this->stdErr->writeln(" Project ID: <info>{$subscription->project_id}</info>"); $this->stdErr->writeln(" Project title: <info>{$subscription->project_title}</info>"); $this->stdErr->writeln(" URL: <info>{$subscription->project_ui}</info>"); return 0; }