Inheritance: extends Piwik\Plugin
 public function test_getPurgeDataSettings_shouldAlsoUseOptionValuesIfUIisEnabled()
     $settings = $this->manager->getPurgeDataSettings();
     $expected = $this->getDefaultPurgeSettings();
     $expected['delete_logs_enable'] = 1;
     $expected['delete_logs_older_than'] = 270;
     $expected['delete_reports_keep_week_reports'] = 1;
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $settings);
Example #2
  * Tests that purgeData works correctly when the 'keep segment reports' setting is set to true.
  * @group Integration
 public function testPurgeDataDeleteReportsKeepSegmentsReports()
     PrivacyManager::savePurgeDataSettings(array('delete_reports_keep_day_reports' => 1, 'delete_reports_keep_segment_reports' => 1));
     // get purge data prediction
     $prediction = PrivacyManager::getPurgeEstimate();
     // perform checks on prediction
     $events = 3;
     // only the event action for the three purged day, dayAgo=x are purged (others are still in use)
     $expectedPrediction = array(Common::prefixTable('log_conversion') => 6, Common::prefixTable('log_link_visit_action') => 6 + $events, Common::prefixTable('log_visit') => 3, Common::prefixTable('log_conversion_item') => 3, Common::prefixTable('archive_numeric_2012_01') => -1, Common::prefixTable('archive_blob_2012_01') => 9);
     $this->assertEquals($expectedPrediction, $prediction);
     // purge data
     // perform checks
     $this->_checkReportsAndMetricsPurged($janBlobsRemaining = 6, $janNumericRemaining = 70);
     // 1 segmented blob + 5 day blobs
Example #3
 public function redirectDashboardToWelcomePage(&$module, &$action)
     if ($module !== 'CoreHome' || $action !== 'index') {
     $siteId = Common::getRequestVar('idSite', false, 'int');
     if (!$siteId) {
     // Skip the screen if purging logs is enabled
     $settings = PrivacyManager::getPurgeDataSettings();
     if ($settings['delete_logs_enable'] == 1) {
     $trackerModel = new TrackerModel();
     if ($trackerModel->isSiteEmpty($siteId)) {
         $module = 'SitesManager';
         $action = 'siteWithoutData';
Example #4
  * When tracking data in the past (using Tracking API), this function
  * can be used to invalidate reports for the idSites and dates where new data
  * was added.
  * DEV: If you call this API, the UI should display the data correctly, but will process
  *      in real time, which could be very slow after large data imports.
  *      After calling this function via REST, you can manually force all data
  *      to be reprocessed by visiting the script as the Super User:
  * REQUIREMENTS: On large piwik setups, you will need in PHP configuration: max_execution_time = 0
  *    We recommend to use an hourly schedule of the script.
  *    More information:
  * @param string $idSites Comma separated list of idSite that have had data imported for the specified dates
  * @param string $dates Comma separated list of dates to invalidate for all these websites
  * @throws Exception
  * @return array
 public function invalidateArchivedReports($idSites, $dates)
     $idSites = Site::getIdSitesFromIdSitesString($idSites);
     if (empty($idSites)) {
         throw new Exception("Specify a value for &idSites= as a comma separated list of website IDs, for which your token_auth has 'admin' permission");
     // Ensure the specified dates are valid
     $toInvalidate = $invalidDates = array();
     $dates = explode(',', trim($dates));
     $dates = array_unique($dates);
     foreach ($dates as $theDate) {
         $theDate = trim($theDate);
         try {
             $date = Date::factory($theDate);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $invalidDates[] = $theDate;
         if ($date->toString() == $theDate) {
             $toInvalidate[] = $date;
         } else {
             $invalidDates[] = $theDate;
     // If using the feature "Delete logs older than N days"...
     $purgeDataSettings = PrivacyManager::getPurgeDataSettings();
     $logsAreDeletedBeforeThisDate = $purgeDataSettings['delete_logs_schedule_lowest_interval'];
     $logsDeleteEnabled = $purgeDataSettings['delete_logs_enable'];
     $minimumDateWithLogs = false;
     if ($logsDeleteEnabled && $logsAreDeletedBeforeThisDate) {
         $minimumDateWithLogs = Date::factory('today')->subDay($logsAreDeletedBeforeThisDate);
     // Given the list of dates, process which tables they should be deleted from
     $minDate = false;
     $warningDates = $processedDates = array();
     /* @var $date Date */
     foreach ($toInvalidate as $date) {
         // we should only delete reports for dates that are more recent than N days
         if ($minimumDateWithLogs && $date->isEarlier($minimumDateWithLogs)) {
             $warningDates[] = $date->toString();
         } else {
             $processedDates[] = $date->toString();
         $month = $date->toString('Y_m');
         // For a given date, we must invalidate in the monthly archive table
         $datesByMonth[$month][] = $date->toString();
         // But also the year stored in January
         $year = $date->toString('Y_01');
         $datesByMonth[$year][] = $date->toString();
         // but also weeks overlapping several months stored in the month where the week is starting
         /* @var $week Week */
         $week = Period\Factory::build('week', $date);
         $weekAsString = $week->getDateStart()->toString('Y_m');
         $datesByMonth[$weekAsString][] = $date->toString();
         // Keep track of the minimum date for each website
         if ($minDate === false || $date->isEarlier($minDate)) {
             $minDate = $date;
     if (empty($minDate)) {
         throw new Exception("Check the 'dates' parameter is a valid date.");
     // In each table, invalidate day/week/month/year containing this date
     $archiveTables = ArchiveTableCreator::getTablesArchivesInstalled();
     foreach ($archiveTables as $table) {
         // Extract Y_m from table name
         $suffix = ArchiveTableCreator::getDateFromTableName($table);
         if (!isset($datesByMonth[$suffix])) {
         // Dates which are to be deleted from this table
         $datesToDeleteInTable = $datesByMonth[$suffix];
         // Build one statement to delete all dates from the given table
         $sql = $bind = array();
         $datesToDeleteInTable = array_unique($datesToDeleteInTable);
         foreach ($datesToDeleteInTable as $dateToDelete) {
             $sql[] = '(date1 <= ? AND ? <= date2)';
             $bind[] = $dateToDelete;
             $bind[] = $dateToDelete;
         $sql = implode(" OR ", $sql);
         $query = "DELETE FROM {$table} " . " WHERE ( {$sql} ) " . " AND idsite IN (" . implode(",", $idSites) . ")";
         Db::query($query, $bind);
     \Piwik\Plugins\SitesManager\API::getInstance()->updateSiteCreatedTime($idSites, $minDate);
     // Force to re-process data for these websites in the next cron core:archive command run
     $invalidatedIdSites = self::getWebsiteIdsToInvalidate();
     $invalidatedIdSites = array_merge($invalidatedIdSites, $idSites);
     $invalidatedIdSites = array_unique($invalidatedIdSites);
     $invalidatedIdSites = array_values($invalidatedIdSites);
     Option::set(self::OPTION_INVALIDATED_IDSITES, serialize($invalidatedIdSites));
     $output = array();
     // output logs
     if ($warningDates) {
         $output[] = 'Warning: the following Dates have not been invalidated, because they are earlier than your Log Deletion limit: ' . implode(", ", $warningDates) . "\n The last day with logs is " . $minimumDateWithLogs . ". " . "\n Please disable 'Delete old Logs' or set it to a higher deletion threshold (eg. 180 days or 365 years).'.";
     $output[] = "Success. The following dates were invalidated successfully: " . implode(", ", $processedDates);
     return $output;
Example #5
  * Returns true if it is likely that the data for this report has been purged and if the
  * user should be told about that.
  * In order for this function to return true, the following must also be true:
  * - The data table for this report must either be empty or not have been fetched.
  * - The period of this report is not a multiple period.
  * - The date of this report must be older than the delete_reports_older_than config option.
  * @return bool
 private function hasReportBeenPurged()
     if (!$this->isPluginActivated('PrivacyManager')) {
         return false;
     return PrivacyManager::hasReportBeenPurged($this->dataTable);
Example #6
 protected function getDeleteDataInfo()
     $deleteDataInfos = array();
     $taskScheduler = new TaskScheduler();
     $deleteDataInfos["config"] = PrivacyManager::getPurgeDataSettings();
     $deleteDataInfos["deleteTables"] = "<br/>" . implode(", ", LogDataPurger::getDeleteTableLogTables());
     $scheduleTimetable = $taskScheduler->getScheduledTimeForMethod("PrivacyManager", "deleteLogTables");
     $optionTable = Option::get(self::OPTION_LAST_DELETE_PIWIK_LOGS);
     //If task was already rescheduled, read time from taskTimetable. Else, calculate next possible runtime.
     if (!empty($scheduleTimetable) && $scheduleTimetable - time() > 0) {
         $nextPossibleSchedule = (int) $scheduleTimetable;
     } else {
         $date = Date::factory("today");
         $nextPossibleSchedule = $date->addDay(1)->getTimestamp();
     //deletion schedule did not run before
     if (empty($optionTable)) {
         $deleteDataInfos["lastRun"] = false;
         //next run ASAP (with next schedule run)
         $date = Date::factory("today");
         $deleteDataInfos["nextScheduleTime"] = $nextPossibleSchedule;
     } else {
         $deleteDataInfos["lastRun"] = $optionTable;
         $deleteDataInfos["lastRunPretty"] = Date::factory((int) $optionTable)->getLocalized('%day% %shortMonth% %longYear%');
         //Calculate next run based on last run + interval
         $nextScheduleRun = (int) ($deleteDataInfos["lastRun"] + $deleteDataInfos["config"]["delete_logs_schedule_lowest_interval"] * 24 * 60 * 60);
         //is the calculated next run in the past? (e.g. plugin was disabled in the meantime or something) -> run ASAP
         if ($nextScheduleRun - time() <= 0) {
             $deleteDataInfos["nextScheduleTime"] = $nextPossibleSchedule;
         } else {
             $deleteDataInfos["nextScheduleTime"] = $nextScheduleRun;
     $deleteDataInfos["nextRunPretty"] = MetricsFormatter::getPrettyTimeFromSeconds($deleteDataInfos["nextScheduleTime"] - time());
     return $deleteDataInfos;
Example #7
  * Returns true if it is likely that the data for this report has been purged and if the
  * user should be told about that.
  * In order for this function to return true, the following must also be true:
  * - The data table for this report must either be empty or not have been fetched.
  * - The period of this report is not a multiple period.
  * - The date of this report must be older than the delete_reports_older_than config option.
  * @return bool
 private function hasReportBeenPurged()
     if (!\Piwik\Plugin\Manager::getInstance()->isPluginActivated('PrivacyManager')) {
         return false;
     return PrivacyManager::hasReportBeenPurged($this->dataTable);
 public function test_markArchivesAsInvalidated_DoesNotInvalidateDatesBeforePurgeThreshold()
     PrivacyManager::savePurgeDataSettings(array('delete_logs_enable' => 1, 'delete_logs_older_than' => 180));
     $dateBeforeThreshold = Date::factory('today')->subDay(190);
     $thresholdDate = Date::factory('today')->subDay(180);
     $dateAfterThreshold = Date::factory('today')->subDay(170);
     // can't test more than day since today will change, causing the test to fail w/ other periods randomly
     $this->insertArchiveRow(1, $dateBeforeThreshold, 'day');
     $this->insertArchiveRow(1, $dateAfterThreshold, 'day');
     /** @var ArchiveInvalidator $archiveInvalidator */
     $archiveInvalidator = self::$fixture->piwikEnvironment->getContainer()->get('Piwik\\Archive\\ArchiveInvalidator');
     $result = $archiveInvalidator->markArchivesAsInvalidated(array(1), array($dateBeforeThreshold, $dateAfterThreshold), 'day');
     $this->assertEquals($thresholdDate->toString(), $result->minimumDateWithLogs);
     $expectedProcessedDates = array($dateAfterThreshold->toString());
     $this->assertEquals($expectedProcessedDates, $result->processedDates);
     $expectedWarningDates = array($dateBeforeThreshold->toString());
     $this->assertEquals($expectedWarningDates, $result->warningDates);
     $invalidatedArchives = $this->getInvalidatedIdArchives();
     $countInvalidatedArchives = 0;
     foreach ($invalidatedArchives as $idarchives) {
         $countInvalidatedArchives += count($idarchives);
     $this->assertEquals(1, $countInvalidatedArchives);
Example #9
 private function findOlderDateWithLogs()
     // If using the feature "Delete logs older than N days"...
     $purgeDataSettings = PrivacyManager::getPurgeDataSettings();
     $logsDeletedWhenOlderThanDays = $purgeDataSettings['delete_logs_older_than'];
     $logsDeleteEnabled = $purgeDataSettings['delete_logs_enable'];
     if ($logsDeleteEnabled && $logsDeletedWhenOlderThanDays) {
         $this->minimumDateWithLogs = Date::factory('today')->subDay($logsDeletedWhenOlderThanDays);
Example #10
 private function purgeData($deleteReportsOlderThan, $reportPeriodsToKeep, $keepBasicMetrics)
     $metricsToKeep = PrivacyManager::getAllMetricsToKeep();
     $maxRowsToDeletePerQuery = 100000;
     $keepSegmentReports = false;
     $purger = new ReportsPurger($deleteReportsOlderThan, $keepBasicMetrics, $reportPeriodsToKeep, $keepSegmentReports, $metricsToKeep, $maxRowsToDeletePerQuery);
Example #11
File: API.php Project: piwik/piwik
 private function savePurgeDataSettings($settings)
     return true;