Example #1
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     foreach (CustomDimensions::getScopes() as $scope) {
         $tracking = new LogTable($scope);
         $output->writeln(sprintf('%s Custom Dimensions available in scope "%s"', $tracking->getNumInstalledIndexes(), $scope));
         if ($scope === CustomDimensions::SCOPE_CONVERSION) {
             $output->writeln(sprintf('Custom Dimensions are automatically added via the scope "%s" and cannot be added manually', CustomDimensions::SCOPE_VISIT));
         } else {
             $output->writeln(sprintf('To add a Custom Dimension execute "<comment>./console customdimensions:add-custom-dimension --scope=%s</comment>"', $scope));
         $output->writeln('Installed indexes are:');
         foreach ($tracking->getInstalledIndexes() as $index) {
             $output->writeln(sprintf('%d to remove this Custom Dimension execute <comment>./console customdimensions:remove-custom-dimension --scope=%s --index=%d</comment>', $index, $scope, $index));
     $visit = new LogTable(CustomDimensions::SCOPE_VISIT);
     $numVisit = $visit->getNumInstalledIndexes();
     $conversion = new LogTable(CustomDimensions::SCOPE_CONVERSION);
     $numConversions = $conversion->getNumInstalledIndexes();
     if ($numConversions < $numVisit) {
         $output->writeln('<error>We found an error, Custom Dimensions in scope "conversion" are not correctly installed. Execute the following command to repair it:</error>');
         $output->writeln(sprintf('<comment>./console customdimensions:add-custom-dimension --scope=%s --count=%d</comment>', CustomDimensions::SCOPE_CONVERSION, $numVisit - $numConversions));
Example #2
 public function check()
     $scopes = CustomDimensions::getScopes();
     if (empty($this->scope) || !in_array($this->scope, $scopes, true)) {
         $scopes = implode(', ', $scopes);
         $scope = $this->scope;
         throw new \Exception("Invalid value '{$scope}' for 'scope' specified. Available scopes are: {$scopes}");
 private function getScope(InputInterface $input)
     $scope = $input->getOption('scope');
     if (empty($scope) || !in_array($scope, CustomDimensions::getScopes())) {
         // we also allow scope "conversion" in case on needs to repair something but we don't document as it would be rather confusing
         $message = sprintf('The specified scope is invalid. Use either "--scope=%s" or "--scope=%s"', CustomDimensions::SCOPE_VISIT, CustomDimensions::SCOPE_ACTION);
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException($message);
     return $scope;
  * @dataProvider getScopesSupportExtractions
 public function test_doesScopeSupportExtractions($expectedSupportsExtractions, $scope)
     $this->assertSame($expectedSupportsExtractions, CustomDimensions::doesScopeSupportExtractions($scope));
Example #5
  * Get a list of all supported scopes that can be used in the API method
  * `CustomDimensions.configureNewCustomDimension`. The response also contains information whether more Custom
  * Dimensions can be created or not. Requires at least Admin access for the specified website.
  * @param int $idSite
  * @return array
 public function getAvailableScopes($idSite)
     $scopes = array();
     foreach (CustomDimensions::getPublicScopes() as $scope) {
         $configs = $this->getConfiguration()->getCustomDimensionsHavingScope($idSite, $scope);
         $indexes = $this->getTracking($scope)->getInstalledIndexes();
         $scopes[] = array('value' => $scope, 'name' => Piwik::translate('General_TrackingScope' . ucfirst($scope)), 'numSlotsAvailable' => count($indexes), 'numSlotsUsed' => count($configs), 'numSlotsLeft' => count($indexes) - count($configs), 'supportsExtractions' => CustomDimensions::doesScopeSupportExtractions($scope));
     return $scopes;