public function getUrlParameterDateString($idSite, $period, $date, $segment)
     $segmentCreatedTime = $this->getCreatedTimeOfSegment($idSite, $segment);
     $oldestDateToProcessForNewSegment = $this->getOldestDateToProcessForNewSegment($segmentCreatedTime);
     if (empty($oldestDateToProcessForNewSegment)) {
         return $date;
     // if the start date for the archiving request is before the minimum date allowed for processing this segment,
     // use the minimum allowed date as the start date
     $periodObj = PeriodFactory::build($period, $date);
     if ($periodObj->getDateStart()->getTimestamp() < $oldestDateToProcessForNewSegment->getTimestamp()) {
         $this->logger->debug("Start date of archiving request period ({start}) is older than configured oldest date to process for the segment.", array('start' => $periodObj->getDateStart()));
         $endDate = $periodObj->getDateEnd();
         // if the creation time of a segment is older than the end date of the archiving request range, we cannot
         // blindly rewrite the date string, since the resulting range would be incorrect. instead we make the
         // start date equal to the end date, so less archiving occurs, and no fatal error occurs.
         if ($oldestDateToProcessForNewSegment->getTimestamp() > $endDate->getTimestamp()) {
             $this->logger->debug("Oldest date to process is greater than end date of archiving request period ({end}), so setting oldest date to end date.", array('end' => $endDate));
             $oldestDateToProcessForNewSegment = $endDate;
         $date = $oldestDateToProcessForNewSegment->toString() . ',' . $endDate;
         $this->logger->debug("Archiving request date range changed to {date} w/ period {period}.", array('date' => $date, 'period' => $period));
     return $date;
Example #2
 public function testFactoryInvalid()
     try {
         Period\Factory::build('inValid', Date::today());
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
     $this->fail('Expected Exception not raised');
Example #3
  * Creates a new ArchiveProcessor object
  * @param string $periodLabel
  * @param string $dateLabel
  * @param string $siteTimezone
  * @return  \Core_ArchiveProcessorTest
 private function _createArchiveProcessor($periodLabel, $dateLabel, $siteTimezone)
     $site = $this->_createWebsite($siteTimezone);
     $date = Date::factory($dateLabel);
     $period = Period\Factory::build($periodLabel, $date);
     $segment = new Segment('', $site->getId());
     $params = new ArchiveProcessor\Parameters($site, $period, $segment);
     return new \Core_ArchiveProcessorTest($params);
  * @param DataTable $table
  * @param int    $timezone  The timezone of the current selected site / the timezone of the labels
  * @param string $period    The requested period and date is needed to respect daylight saving etc.
  * @param string $date
 public function __construct($table, $timezone, $period, $date)
     $this->timezone = $timezone;
     $this->date = Period\Factory::build($period, $date)->getDateEnd();
     $self = $this;
     parent::__construct($table, function ($label) use($self) {
         $hour = str_pad($label, 2, 0, STR_PAD_LEFT);
         return $self->convertHourToUtc($hour);
Example #5
  * @group        Benchmarks
 public function testArchivingProcess()
     if ($this->archivingLaunched) {
         echo "NOTE: Had to archive data, memory results will not be accurate. Run again for better results.";
     Rules::$archivingDisabledByTests = true;
     $period = Period\Factory::build(self::$fixture->period, Date::factory(self::$fixture->date));
     $dateRange = $period->getDateStart() . ',' . $period->getDateEnd();
     API::getInstance()->get(self::$fixture->idSite, 'day', $dateRange);
Example #6
  * Return the number of visitors that visited every site in the given list for the
  * given date range. Includes the number of visitors that visited at least one site
  * and the number that visited every site.
  * This data is calculated on demand, and for very large tables can take a long time
  * to run.
  * See {@link Model\DistinctMetricsAggregator} for more information.
  * @param string $idSite comma separated list of site IDs, ie, `"1,2,3"`
  * @param string $period
  * @param string $date
  * @return array Metrics **nb_total_visitors** and **nb_shared_visitors**.
  * @throws Exception if $idSite references zero sites or just one site.
 public function getCommonVisitors($idSite, $period, $date, $segment = false)
     if (empty($idSite)) {
         throw new Exception("No sites to get common visitors for.");
     $idSites = Site::getIdSitesFromIdSitesString($idSite);
     $segment = new Segment($segment, $idSites);
     $period = PeriodFactory::build($period, $date);
     return $this->distinctMetricsAggregator->getCommonVisitorCount($idSites, $period->getDateStart(), $period->getDateEnd(), $segment);
 public function getTriggeredAlertsForPeriod($period, $date)
     $piwikDate = Date::factory($date);
     $date = Period\Factory::build($period, $piwikDate);
     $db = $this->getDb();
     $sql = $this->getTriggeredAlertsSelectPart() . " WHERE  period = ? AND ts_triggered BETWEEN ? AND ?";
     $values = array($period, $date->getDateStart()->getDateStartUTC(), $date->getDateEnd()->getDateEndUTC());
     $alerts = $db->fetchAll($sql, $values);
     $alerts = $this->completeAlerts($alerts);
     return $alerts;
Example #8
 public function setUp()
     $idSite = 1;
     if (!Fixture::siteCreated($idSite)) {
         Fixture::createWebsite('2014-01-01 00:00:00');
     $site = new Site($idSite);
     $date = Date::factory('2012-01-01');
     $period = Period\Factory::build('month', $date);
     $segment = new Segment('', array($site->getId()));
     $params = new Parameters($site, $period, $segment);
     $this->logAggregator = new LogAggregator($params);
Example #9
 private function createCollection($onlyOnePeriod = false, $onlyOneSite = false)
     $periods = array(Period\Factory::build('day', '2012-12-12'), Period\Factory::build('day', '2012-12-13'));
     $dataType = 'numeric';
     $siteIds = array($this->site1, $this->site2);
     $dataNames = array('Name1', 'Name2');
     $defaultRow = array('default' => 1);
     if ($onlyOnePeriod) {
         $periods = array($periods[0]);
     if ($onlyOneSite) {
         $siteIds = array($siteIds[0]);
     return new DataCollection($dataNames, $dataType, $siteIds, $periods, $defaultRow);
Example #10
  * General method to get transitions for an action
  * @param $actionName
  * @param $actionType "url"|"title"
  * @param $idSite
  * @param $period
  * @param $date
  * @param bool $segment
  * @param bool $limitBeforeGrouping
  * @param string $parts
  * @return array
  * @throws Exception
 public function getTransitionsForAction($actionName, $actionType, $idSite, $period, $date, $segment = false, $limitBeforeGrouping = false, $parts = 'all')
     // get idaction of the requested action
     $idaction = $this->deriveIdAction($actionName, $actionType);
     if ($idaction < 0) {
         throw new Exception('NoDataForAction');
     // prepare log aggregator
     $segment = new Segment($segment, $idSite);
     $site = new Site($idSite);
     $period = Period\Factory::build($period, $date);
     $params = new ArchiveProcessor\Parameters($site, $period, $segment);
     $logAggregator = new LogAggregator($params);
     // prepare the report
     $report = array('date' => Period\Factory::build($period->getLabel(), $date)->getLocalizedShortString());
     $partsArray = explode(',', $parts);
     if ($parts == 'all' || in_array('internalReferrers', $partsArray)) {
         $this->addInternalReferrers($logAggregator, $report, $idaction, $actionType, $limitBeforeGrouping);
     if ($parts == 'all' || in_array('followingActions', $partsArray)) {
         $includeLoops = $parts != 'all' && !in_array('internalReferrers', $partsArray);
         $this->addFollowingActions($logAggregator, $report, $idaction, $actionType, $limitBeforeGrouping, $includeLoops);
     if ($parts == 'all' || in_array('externalReferrers', $partsArray)) {
         $this->addExternalReferrers($logAggregator, $report, $idaction, $actionType, $limitBeforeGrouping);
     // derive the number of exits from the other metrics
     if ($parts == 'all') {
         $report['pageMetrics']['exits'] = $report['pageMetrics']['pageviews'] - $this->getTotalTransitionsToFollowingActions() - $report['pageMetrics']['loops'];
     // replace column names in the data tables
     $reportNames = array('previousPages' => true, 'previousSiteSearches' => false, 'followingPages' => true, 'followingSiteSearches' => false, 'outlinks' => true, 'downloads' => true);
     foreach ($reportNames as $reportName => $replaceLabel) {
         if (isset($report[$reportName])) {
             $columnNames = array(Metrics::INDEX_NB_ACTIONS => 'referrals');
             if ($replaceLabel) {
                 $columnNames[Metrics::INDEX_NB_ACTIONS] = 'referrals';
             $report[$reportName]->filter('ReplaceColumnNames', array($columnNames));
     return $report;
Example #11
  * @param string $whereClause
  * @param array $bindIdSites
  * @param $idSite
  * @param $period
  * @param $date
  * @param $visitorId
  * @param $minTimestamp
  * @return array
  * @throws Exception
 private function getWhereClauseAndBind($whereClause, $bindIdSites, $idSite, $period, $date, $visitorId, $minTimestamp)
     $where = array();
     $where[] = $whereClause;
     $whereBind = $bindIdSites;
     if (!empty($visitorId)) {
         $where[] = "log_visit.idvisitor = ? ";
         $whereBind[] = @Common::hex2bin($visitorId);
     if (!empty($minTimestamp)) {
         $where[] = "log_visit.visit_last_action_time > ? ";
         $whereBind[] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $minTimestamp);
     // SQL Filter with provided period
     if (!empty($period) && !empty($date)) {
         $currentSite = $this->makeSite($idSite);
         $currentTimezone = $currentSite->getTimezone();
         $dateString = $date;
         if ($period == 'range') {
             $processedPeriod = new Range('range', $date);
             if ($parsedDate = Range::parseDateRange($date)) {
                 $dateString = $parsedDate[2];
         } else {
             $processedDate = Date::factory($date);
             $processedPeriod = Period\Factory::build($period, $processedDate);
         $dateStart = $processedPeriod->getDateStart()->setTimezone($currentTimezone);
         $where[] = "log_visit.visit_last_action_time >= ?";
         $whereBind[] = $dateStart->toString('Y-m-d H:i:s');
         if (!in_array($date, array('now', 'today', 'yesterdaySameTime')) && strpos($date, 'last') === false && strpos($date, 'previous') === false && Date::factory($dateString)->toString('Y-m-d') != Date::factory('now', $currentTimezone)->toString()) {
             $dateEnd = $processedPeriod->getDateEnd()->setTimezone($currentTimezone);
             $where[] = " log_visit.visit_last_action_time <= ?";
             $dateEndString = $dateEnd->addDay(1)->toString('Y-m-d H:i:s');
             $whereBind[] = $dateEndString;
     if (count($where) > 0) {
         $where = join("\n\t\t\t\tAND ", $where);
     } else {
         $where = false;
     return array($whereBind, $where);
Example #12
  * Creates a Period instance using a period, date and timezone.
  * @param string $timezone The timezone of the date. Only used if `$date` is `'now'`, `'today'`,
  *                         `'yesterday'` or `'yesterdaySameTime'`.
  * @param string $period The period string: `"day"`, `"week"`, `"month"`, `"year"`, `"range"`.
  * @param string $date The date or date range string. Can be a special value including
  *                     `'now'`, `'today'`, `'yesterday'`, `'yesterdaySameTime'`.
  * @return \Piwik\Period
 public static function makePeriodFromQueryParams($timezone, $period, $date)
     if (empty($timezone)) {
         $timezone = 'UTC';
     if ($period == 'range') {
         $oPeriod = new Range('range', $date, $timezone, Date::factory('today', $timezone));
     } else {
         if (!$date instanceof Date) {
             if ($date == 'now' || $date == 'today') {
                 $date = date('Y-m-d', Date::factory('now', $timezone)->getTimestamp());
             } elseif ($date == 'yesterday' || $date == 'yesterdaySameTime') {
                 $date = date('Y-m-d', Date::factory('now', $timezone)->subDay(1)->getTimestamp());
             $date = Date::factory($date);
         $oPeriod = Factory::build($period, $date);
     return $oPeriod;
Example #13
  * @deprecated Use Factory::build instead
  * @param $period
  * @param $date
  * @return Period
 public static function factory($period, $date)
     return Factory::build($period, $date);
Example #14
  * Sends the http headers for csv file
 protected function renderHeader()
     $fileName = 'Piwik ' . Piwik::translate('General_Export');
     $period = Common::getRequestVar('period', false);
     $date = Common::getRequestVar('date', false);
     if ($period || $date) {
         if ($period == 'range') {
             $period = new Range($period, $date);
         } else {
             if (strpos($date, ',') !== false) {
                 $period = new Range('range', $date);
             } else {
                 $period = Period\Factory::build($period, Date::factory($date));
         $prettyDate = $period->getLocalizedLongString();
         $meta = $this->getApiMetaData();
         $fileName .= ' _ ' . $meta['name'] . ' _ ' . $prettyDate . '.csv';
     // silent fail otherwise unit tests fail
     Common::sendHeader('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $fileName . '"', true);
Example #15
  * @param array $reports
  * @param array $info
  * @return mixed
 public function getReportMetadata(&$reports, $info)
     $idSites = $info['idSites'];
     // If only one website is selected, we add the Graph URL
     if (count($idSites) != 1) {
     $idSite = reset($idSites);
     // in case API.getReportMetadata was not called with date/period we use sane defaults
     if (empty($info['period'])) {
         $info['period'] = 'day';
     if (empty($info['date'])) {
         $info['date'] = 'today';
     // need two sets of period & date, one for single period graphs, one for multiple periods graphs
     if (Period::isMultiplePeriod($info['date'], $info['period'])) {
         $periodForMultiplePeriodGraph = $info['period'];
         $dateForMultiplePeriodGraph = $info['date'];
         $periodForSinglePeriodGraph = 'range';
         $dateForSinglePeriodGraph = $info['date'];
     } else {
         $periodForSinglePeriodGraph = $info['period'];
         $dateForSinglePeriodGraph = $info['date'];
         $piwikSite = new Site($idSite);
         if ($periodForSinglePeriodGraph == 'range') {
             // for period=range, show the configured sub-periods
             $periodForMultiplePeriodGraph = Config::getInstance()->General['graphs_default_period_to_plot_when_period_range'];
             $dateForMultiplePeriodGraph = $dateForSinglePeriodGraph;
         } else {
             if ($info['period'] == 'day' || !Config::getInstance()->General['graphs_show_evolution_within_selected_period']) {
                 // for period=day, always show the last n days
                 // if graphs_show_evolution_within_selected_period=false, show the last n periods
                 $periodForMultiplePeriodGraph = $periodForSinglePeriodGraph;
                 $dateForMultiplePeriodGraph = Range::getRelativeToEndDate($periodForSinglePeriodGraph, 'last' . self::GRAPH_EVOLUTION_LAST_PERIODS, $dateForSinglePeriodGraph, $piwikSite);
             } else {
                 // if graphs_show_evolution_within_selected_period=true, show the days within the period
                 // (except if the period is day, see above)
                 $periodForMultiplePeriodGraph = 'day';
                 $period = PeriodFactory::build($info['period'], $info['date']);
                 $start = $period->getDateStart()->toString();
                 $end = $period->getDateEnd()->toString();
                 $dateForMultiplePeriodGraph = $start . ',' . $end;
     $token_auth = Common::getRequestVar('token_auth', false);
     $segment = Request::getRawSegmentFromRequest();
     /** @var Scheduler $scheduler */
     $scheduler = StaticContainer::getContainer()->get('Piwik\\Scheduler\\Scheduler');
     $isRunningTask = $scheduler->isRunningTask();
     // add the idSubtable if it exists
     $idSubtable = Common::getRequestVar('idSubtable', false);
     $urlPrefix = "index.php?";
     foreach ($reports as &$report) {
         $reportModule = $report['module'];
         $reportAction = $report['action'];
         $reportUniqueId = $reportModule . '_' . $reportAction;
         $parameters = array();
         $parameters['module'] = 'API';
         $parameters['method'] = 'ImageGraph.get';
         $parameters['idSite'] = $idSite;
         $parameters['apiModule'] = $reportModule;
         $parameters['apiAction'] = $reportAction;
         if (!empty($token_auth)) {
             $parameters['token_auth'] = $token_auth;
         // Forward custom Report parameters to the graph URL
         if (!empty($report['parameters'])) {
             $parameters = array_merge($parameters, $report['parameters']);
         if (empty($report['dimension'])) {
             $parameters['period'] = $periodForMultiplePeriodGraph;
             $parameters['date'] = $dateForMultiplePeriodGraph;
         } else {
             $parameters['period'] = $periodForSinglePeriodGraph;
             $parameters['date'] = $dateForSinglePeriodGraph;
         if ($idSubtable !== false) {
             $parameters['idSubtable'] = $idSubtable;
         if (!empty($_GET['_restrictSitesToLogin']) && $isRunningTask) {
             $parameters['_restrictSitesToLogin'] = $_GET['_restrictSitesToLogin'];
         if (!empty($segment)) {
             $parameters['segment'] = $segment;
         $report['imageGraphUrl'] = $urlPrefix . Url::getQueryStringFromParameters($parameters);
         // thanks to API.getRowEvolution, reports with dimensions can now be plotted using an evolution graph
         // however, most reports with a fixed set of dimension values are excluded
         // this is done so Piwik Mobile and Scheduled Reports do not display them
         $reportWithDimensionsSupportsEvolution = empty($report['constantRowsCount']) || in_array($reportUniqueId, self::$CONSTANT_ROW_COUNT_REPORT_EXCEPTIONS);
         $reportSupportsEvolution = !in_array($reportUniqueId, self::$REPORTS_DISABLED_EVOLUTION_GRAPH);
         if ($reportSupportsEvolution && $reportWithDimensionsSupportsEvolution) {
             $parameters['period'] = $periodForMultiplePeriodGraph;
             $parameters['date'] = $dateForMultiplePeriodGraph;
             $report['imageGraphEvolutionUrl'] = $urlPrefix . Url::getQueryStringFromParameters($parameters);
Example #16
  * Returns the pretty date representation
  * @param $date string
  * @param $period string
  * @return string Pretty date
 public static function getPrettyDate($date, $period)
     return self::getCalendarPrettyDate(Period\Factory::build($period, Date::factory($date)));
Example #17
 protected function addFilter_prettyDate()
     $prettyDate = new Twig_SimpleFilter('prettyDate', function ($dateString, $period) {
         return Period\Factory::build($period, $dateString)->getLocalizedShortString();
Example #18
 private function loadLastVisitorDetailsFromDatabase($idSite, $period, $date, $segment = false, $countVisitorsToFetch = 100, $visitorId = false, $minTimestamp = false, $filterSortOrder = false)
     $where = $whereBind = array();
     list($whereClause, $idSites) = $this->getIdSitesWhereClause($idSite);
     $where[] = $whereClause;
     $whereBind = $idSites;
     if (strtolower($filterSortOrder) !== 'asc') {
         $filterSortOrder = 'DESC';
     $orderBy = "idsite, visit_last_action_time " . $filterSortOrder;
     $orderByParent = "sub.visit_last_action_time " . $filterSortOrder;
     if (!empty($visitorId)) {
         $where[] = "log_visit.idvisitor = ? ";
         $whereBind[] = @Common::hex2bin($visitorId);
     if (!empty($minTimestamp)) {
         $where[] = "log_visit.visit_last_action_time > ? ";
         $whereBind[] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $minTimestamp);
     // If no other filter, only look at the last 24 hours of stats
     if (empty($visitorId) && empty($countVisitorsToFetch) && empty($period) && empty($date)) {
         $period = 'day';
         $date = 'yesterdaySameTime';
     // SQL Filter with provided period
     if (!empty($period) && !empty($date)) {
         $currentSite = new Site($idSite);
         $currentTimezone = $currentSite->getTimezone();
         $dateString = $date;
         if ($period == 'range') {
             $processedPeriod = new Range('range', $date);
             if ($parsedDate = Range::parseDateRange($date)) {
                 $dateString = $parsedDate[2];
         } else {
             $processedDate = Date::factory($date);
             if ($date == 'today' || $date == 'now' || $processedDate->toString() == Date::factory('now', $currentTimezone)->toString()) {
                 $processedDate = $processedDate->subDay(1);
             $processedPeriod = Period\Factory::build($period, $processedDate);
         $dateStart = $processedPeriod->getDateStart()->setTimezone($currentTimezone);
         $where[] = "log_visit.visit_last_action_time >= ?";
         $whereBind[] = $dateStart->toString('Y-m-d H:i:s');
         if (!in_array($date, array('now', 'today', 'yesterdaySameTime')) && strpos($date, 'last') === false && strpos($date, 'previous') === false && Date::factory($dateString)->toString('Y-m-d') != Date::factory('now', $currentTimezone)->toString()) {
             $dateEnd = $processedPeriod->getDateEnd()->setTimezone($currentTimezone);
             $where[] = " log_visit.visit_last_action_time <= ?";
             $dateEndString = $dateEnd->addDay(1)->toString('Y-m-d H:i:s');
             $whereBind[] = $dateEndString;
     if (count($where) > 0) {
         $where = join("\n\t\t\t\tAND ", $where);
     } else {
         $where = false;
     $segment = new Segment($segment, $idSite);
     // Subquery to use the indexes for ORDER BY
     $select = "log_visit.*";
     $from = "log_visit";
     $subQuery = $segment->getSelectQuery($select, $from, $where, $whereBind, $orderBy);
     $sqlLimit = $countVisitorsToFetch >= 1 ? " LIMIT 0, " . (int) $countVisitorsToFetch : "";
     // Group by idvisit so that a visitor converting 2 goals only appears once
     $sql = "\n\t\t\tSELECT sub.* FROM (\n\t\t\t\t" . $subQuery['sql'] . "\n\t\t\t\t{$sqlLimit}\n\t\t\t) AS sub\n\t\t\tGROUP BY sub.idvisit\n\t\t\tORDER BY {$orderByParent}\n\t\t";
     try {
         $data = Db::fetchAll($sql, $subQuery['bind']);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         echo $e->getMessage();
     $dataTable = new DataTable();
     // $dataTable->disableFilter('Truncate');
     if (!empty($data[0])) {
         $columnsToNotAggregate = array_map(function () {
             return 'skip';
         }, $data[0]);
         $dataTable->setMetadata(DataTable::COLUMN_AGGREGATION_OPS_METADATA_NAME, $columnsToNotAggregate);
     return $dataTable;
Example #19
 private function setSitesTable($numSites)
     $sites = new DataTable();
     $sites->addRowsFromSimpleArray($this->buildSitesArray(range(1, $numSites)));
     $sites->setMetadata('last_period_date', Period\Factory::build('day', '2012-12-12'));
     return $sites;
 private function createFactory($resultIndices)
     $periods = array($this->date1range => PeriodFactory::build('day', $this->date1), $this->date2range => PeriodFactory::build('day', $this->date2));
     $dataType = 'numeric';
     $siteIds = array($this->site1, $this->site2);
     $dataNames = array('nb_visits', 'nb_pageviews');
     $defaultRow = $this->defaultRow;
     if (!array_key_exists(DataTableFactory::TABLE_METADATA_PERIOD_INDEX, $resultIndices)) {
         $periods = array($periods[$this->date1range]);
     if (!array_key_exists(DataTableFactory::TABLE_METADATA_SITE_INDEX, $resultIndices)) {
         $siteIds = array($siteIds[0]);
     return new DataTableFactory($dataNames, $dataType, $siteIds, $periods, $defaultRow);
Example #21
  * Adds new subperiods
  * @param Date $startDate
  * @param Date $endDate
  * @param string $period
 protected function fillArraySubPeriods($startDate, $endDate, $period)
     $arrayPeriods = array();
     $endSubperiod = Period\Factory::build($period, $endDate);
     $arrayPeriods[] = $endSubperiod;
     // set end date to start of end period since we're comparing against start date.
     $endDate = $endSubperiod->getDateStart();
     while ($endDate->isLater($startDate)) {
         $endDate = $endDate->addPeriod(-1, $period);
         $subPeriod = Period\Factory::build($period, $endDate);
         $arrayPeriods[] = $subPeriod;
     $arrayPeriods = array_reverse($arrayPeriods);
     foreach ($arrayPeriods as $period) {
Example #22
 public function sendReport($idReport, $period = false, $date = false, $force = false)
     $reports = $this->getReports($idSite = false, false, $idReport);
     $report = reset($reports);
     if ($report['period'] == 'never') {
         $report['period'] = 'day';
     if (!empty($period)) {
         $report['period'] = $period;
     if (empty($date)) {
         $date = Date::now()->subPeriod(1, $report['period'])->toString();
     $language = \Piwik\Plugins\LanguagesManager\API::getInstance()->getLanguageForUser($report['login']);
     // generate report
     list($outputFilename, $prettyDate, $reportSubject, $reportTitle, $additionalFiles) = $this->generateReport($idReport, $date, $language, self::OUTPUT_SAVE_ON_DISK, $report['period']);
     if (!file_exists($outputFilename)) {
         throw new Exception("The report file wasn't found in {$outputFilename}");
     $contents = file_get_contents($outputFilename);
     if (empty($contents)) {
         Log::warning("Scheduled report file '%s' exists but is empty!", $outputFilename);
      * Triggered when sending scheduled reports.
      * Plugins that provide new scheduled report transport mediums should use this event to
      * send the scheduled report.
      * @param string $reportType A string ID describing how the report is sent, eg,
      *                           `'sms'` or `'email'`.
      * @param array $report An array describing the scheduled report that is being
      *                      generated.
      * @param string $contents The contents of the scheduled report that was generated
      *                         and now should be sent.
      * @param string $filename The path to the file where the scheduled report has
      *                         been saved.
      * @param string $prettyDate A prettified date string for the data within the
      *                           scheduled report.
      * @param string $reportSubject A string describing what's in the scheduled
      *                              report.
      * @param string $reportTitle The scheduled report's given title (given by a Piwik user).
      * @param array $additionalFiles The list of additional files that should be
      *                               sent with this report.
      * @param \Piwik\Period $period The period for which the report has been generated.
      * @param boolean $force A report can only be sent once per period. Setting this to true
      *                       will force to send the report even if it has already been sent.
     Piwik::postEvent(self::SEND_REPORT_EVENT, array($report['type'], $report, $contents, $filename = basename($outputFilename), $prettyDate, $reportSubject, $reportTitle, $additionalFiles, \Piwik\Period\Factory::build($report['period'], $date), $force));
     // Update flag in DB
     $now = Date::now()->getDatetime();
     $this->getModel()->updateReport($report['idreport'], array('ts_last_sent' => $now));
     // If running from piwik.php with debug, do not delete the PDF after sending the email
         @chmod($outputFilename, 0600);
 private function getPrettyDateForSite($datetime, $period, $timezone)
     $date = Date::factory($datetime, $timezone);
     // we ran the alerts for the period before...
     $date = $date->subPeriod(1, $period);
     $period = Period\Factory::build($period, $date);
     $prettyDate = $period->getLocalizedShortString();
     return $prettyDate;
Example #24
  * Returns start & end dates for the range described by a period and optional lastN
  * argument.
  * @param string|bool $date The start date of the period (or the date range of a range
  *                           period).
  * @param string $period The period type ('day', 'week', 'month', 'year' or 'range').
  * @param bool|int $lastN Whether to include the last N periods in the range or not.
  *                         Ignored if period == range.
  * @return Date[]   array of Date objects or array(false, false)
  * @ignore
 public static function getDateRangeForPeriod($date, $period, $lastN = false)
     if ($date === false) {
         return array(false, false);
     // if the range is just a normal period (or the period is a range in which case lastN is ignored)
     if ($lastN === false || $period == 'range') {
         if ($period == 'range') {
             $oPeriod = new Range('day', $date);
         } else {
             $oPeriod = Period\Factory::build($period, Date::factory($date));
         $startDate = $oPeriod->getDateStart();
         $endDate = $oPeriod->getDateEnd();
     } else {
         list($date, $lastN) = EvolutionViz::getDateRangeAndLastN($period, $date, $lastN);
         list($startDate, $endDate) = explode(',', $date);
         $startDate = Date::factory($startDate);
         $endDate = Date::factory($endDate);
     return array($startDate, $endDate);
Example #25
  * Returns a new Archive instance that will query archive data for the given set of
  * sites and periods, using an optional Segment.
  * This method uses data that is found in query parameters, so the parameters to this
  * function can be string values.
  * If you want to create an Archive instance with an array of Period instances, use
  * {@link Archive::factory()}.
  * @param string|int|array $idSites A single ID (eg, `'1'`), multiple IDs (eg, `'1,2,3'` or `array(1, 2, 3)`),
  *                                  or `'all'`.
  * @param string $period 'day', `'week'`, `'month'`, `'year'` or `'range'`
  * @param Date|string $strDate 'YYYY-MM-DD', magic keywords (ie, 'today'; {@link Date::factory()}
  *                             or date range (ie, 'YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD').
  * @param bool|false|string $segment Segment definition or false if no segment should be used. {@link Piwik\Segment}
  * @param bool|false|string $_restrictSitesToLogin Used only when running as a scheduled task.
  * @param bool $skipAggregationOfSubTables Whether the archive, when it is processed, should also aggregate all sub-tables
  * @return Archive
 public static function build($idSites, $period, $strDate, $segment = false, $_restrictSitesToLogin = false, $skipAggregationOfSubTables = false)
     $websiteIds = Site::getIdSitesFromIdSitesString($idSites, $_restrictSitesToLogin);
     if (Period::isMultiplePeriod($strDate, $period)) {
         $oPeriod = Factory::build($period, $strDate);
         $allPeriods = $oPeriod->getSubperiods();
     } else {
         $timezone = count($websiteIds) == 1 ? Site::getTimezoneFor($websiteIds[0]) : false;
         $oPeriod = Factory::makePeriodFromQueryParams($timezone, $period, $strDate);
         $allPeriods = array($oPeriod);
     $segment = new Segment($segment, $websiteIds);
     $idSiteIsAll = $idSites == self::REQUEST_ALL_WEBSITES_FLAG;
     $isMultipleDate = Period::isMultiplePeriod($strDate, $period);
     return Archive::factory($segment, $allPeriods, $websiteIds, $idSiteIsAll, $isMultipleDate, $skipAggregationOfSubTables);
Example #26
  * @param $period
  * @return bool|int
 private function getPeriodId($period)
     if (!empty($period)) {
         $period = Period\Factory::build($period, Date::today());
     $invalidateForPeriod = $period ? $period->getId() : false;
     return $invalidateForPeriod;
Example #27
  * When tracking data in the past (using Tracking API), this function
  * can be used to invalidate reports for the idSites and dates where new data
  * was added.
  * DEV: If you call this API, the UI should display the data correctly, but will process
  *      in real time, which could be very slow after large data imports.
  *      After calling this function via REST, you can manually force all data
  *      to be reprocessed by visiting the script as the Super User:
  * REQUIREMENTS: On large piwik setups, you will need in PHP configuration: max_execution_time = 0
  *    We recommend to use an hourly schedule of the script.
  *    More information:
  * @param string $idSites Comma separated list of idSite that have had data imported for the specified dates
  * @param string $dates Comma separated list of dates to invalidate for all these websites
  * @throws Exception
  * @return array
 public function invalidateArchivedReports($idSites, $dates)
     $idSites = Site::getIdSitesFromIdSitesString($idSites);
     if (empty($idSites)) {
         throw new Exception("Specify a value for &idSites= as a comma separated list of website IDs, for which your token_auth has 'admin' permission");
     // Ensure the specified dates are valid
     $toInvalidate = $invalidDates = array();
     $dates = explode(',', trim($dates));
     $dates = array_unique($dates);
     foreach ($dates as $theDate) {
         $theDate = trim($theDate);
         try {
             $date = Date::factory($theDate);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $invalidDates[] = $theDate;
         if ($date->toString() == $theDate) {
             $toInvalidate[] = $date;
         } else {
             $invalidDates[] = $theDate;
     // If using the feature "Delete logs older than N days"...
     $purgeDataSettings = PrivacyManager::getPurgeDataSettings();
     $logsAreDeletedBeforeThisDate = $purgeDataSettings['delete_logs_schedule_lowest_interval'];
     $logsDeleteEnabled = $purgeDataSettings['delete_logs_enable'];
     $minimumDateWithLogs = false;
     if ($logsDeleteEnabled && $logsAreDeletedBeforeThisDate) {
         $minimumDateWithLogs = Date::factory('today')->subDay($logsAreDeletedBeforeThisDate);
     // Given the list of dates, process which tables they should be deleted from
     $minDate = false;
     $warningDates = $processedDates = array();
     /* @var $date Date */
     foreach ($toInvalidate as $date) {
         // we should only delete reports for dates that are more recent than N days
         if ($minimumDateWithLogs && $date->isEarlier($minimumDateWithLogs)) {
             $warningDates[] = $date->toString();
         } else {
             $processedDates[] = $date->toString();
         $month = $date->toString('Y_m');
         // For a given date, we must invalidate in the monthly archive table
         $datesByMonth[$month][] = $date->toString();
         // But also the year stored in January
         $year = $date->toString('Y_01');
         $datesByMonth[$year][] = $date->toString();
         // but also weeks overlapping several months stored in the month where the week is starting
         /* @var $week Week */
         $week = Period\Factory::build('week', $date);
         $weekAsString = $week->getDateStart()->toString('Y_m');
         $datesByMonth[$weekAsString][] = $date->toString();
         // Keep track of the minimum date for each website
         if ($minDate === false || $date->isEarlier($minDate)) {
             $minDate = $date;
     if (empty($minDate)) {
         throw new Exception("Check the 'dates' parameter is a valid date.");
     // In each table, invalidate day/week/month/year containing this date
     $archiveTables = ArchiveTableCreator::getTablesArchivesInstalled();
     foreach ($archiveTables as $table) {
         // Extract Y_m from table name
         $suffix = ArchiveTableCreator::getDateFromTableName($table);
         if (!isset($datesByMonth[$suffix])) {
         // Dates which are to be deleted from this table
         $datesToDeleteInTable = $datesByMonth[$suffix];
         // Build one statement to delete all dates from the given table
         $sql = $bind = array();
         $datesToDeleteInTable = array_unique($datesToDeleteInTable);
         foreach ($datesToDeleteInTable as $dateToDelete) {
             $sql[] = '(date1 <= ? AND ? <= date2)';
             $bind[] = $dateToDelete;
             $bind[] = $dateToDelete;
         $sql = implode(" OR ", $sql);
         $query = "DELETE FROM {$table} " . " WHERE ( {$sql} ) " . " AND idsite IN (" . implode(",", $idSites) . ")";
         Db::query($query, $bind);
     \Piwik\Plugins\SitesManager\API::getInstance()->updateSiteCreatedTime($idSites, $minDate);
     // Force to re-process data for these websites in the next cron core:archive command run
     $invalidatedIdSites = self::getWebsiteIdsToInvalidate();
     $invalidatedIdSites = array_merge($invalidatedIdSites, $idSites);
     $invalidatedIdSites = array_unique($invalidatedIdSites);
     $invalidatedIdSites = array_values($invalidatedIdSites);
     Option::set(self::OPTION_INVALIDATED_IDSITES, serialize($invalidatedIdSites));
     $output = array();
     // output logs
     if ($warningDates) {
         $output[] = 'Warning: the following Dates have not been invalidated, because they are earlier than your Log Deletion limit: ' . implode(", ", $warningDates) . "\n The last day with logs is " . $minimumDateWithLogs . ". " . "\n Please disable 'Delete old Logs' or set it to a higher deletion threshold (eg. 180 days or 365 years).'.";
     $output[] = "Success. The following dates were invalidated successfully: " . implode(", ", $processedDates);
     return $output;
 private function insertArchiveRow($idSite, $date, $periodLabel)
     $periodObject = \Piwik\Period\Factory::build($periodLabel, $date);
     $dateStart = $periodObject->getDateStart();
     $dateEnd = $periodObject->getDateEnd();
     $table = ArchiveTableCreator::getNumericTable($dateStart);
     $idArchive = (int) Db::fetchOne("SELECT MAX(idarchive) FROM {$table} WHERE name LIKE 'done%'");
     $idArchive = $idArchive + 1;
     $periodId = Piwik::$idPeriods[$periodLabel];
     $doneFlag = 'done';
     if ($idArchive % 5 == 1) {
         $doneFlag = Rules::getDoneFlagArchiveContainsAllPlugins(self::$segment1);
     } else {
         if ($idArchive % 5 == 2) {
             $doneFlag .= '.VisitsSummary';
         } else {
             if ($idArchive % 5 == 3) {
                 $doneFlag = Rules::getDoneFlagArchiveContainsOnePlugin(self::$segment1, 'UserCountry');
             } else {
                 if ($idArchive % 5 == 4) {
                     $doneFlag = Rules::getDoneFlagArchiveContainsAllPlugins(self::$segment2);
     $sql = "INSERT INTO {$table} (idarchive, name, idsite, date1, date2, period, ts_archived)\n                     VALUES ({$idArchive}, 'nb_visits', {$idSite}, '{$dateStart}', '{$dateEnd}', {$periodId}, NOW()),\n                            ({$idArchive}, '{$doneFlag}', {$idSite}, '{$dateStart}', '{$dateEnd}', {$periodId}, NOW())";
 public function getProcessedReport($idSite, $period, $date, $apiModule, $apiAction, $segment = false, $apiParameters = false, $idGoal = false, $language = false, $showTimer = true, $hideMetricsDoc = false, $idSubtable = false, $showRawMetrics = false, $formatMetrics = null)
     $timer = new Timer();
     if (empty($apiParameters)) {
         $apiParameters = array();
     if (!empty($idGoal) && empty($apiParameters['idGoal'])) {
         $apiParameters['idGoal'] = $idGoal;
     // Is this report found in the Metadata available reports?
     $reportMetadata = $this->getMetadata($idSite, $apiModule, $apiAction, $apiParameters, $language, $period, $date, $hideMetricsDoc, $showSubtableReports = true);
     if (empty($reportMetadata)) {
         throw new Exception("Requested report {$apiModule}.{$apiAction} for Website id={$idSite} not found in the list of available reports. \n");
     $reportMetadata = reset($reportMetadata);
     // Generate Api call URL passing custom parameters
     $parameters = array_merge($apiParameters, array('method' => $apiModule . '.' . $apiAction, 'idSite' => $idSite, 'period' => $period, 'date' => $date, 'format' => 'original', 'serialize' => '0', 'language' => $language, 'idSubtable' => $idSubtable));
     if (!empty($segment)) {
         $parameters['segment'] = $segment;
     if (!empty($reportMetadata['processedMetrics']) && !empty($reportMetadata['metrics']['nb_visits']) && @$reportMetadata['category'] != Piwik::translate('Goals_Ecommerce') && $apiModule !== 'MultiSites') {
         $deleteRowsWithNoVisits = empty($reportMetadata['constantRowsCount']) ? '1' : '0';
         $parameters['filter_add_columns_when_show_all_columns'] = $deleteRowsWithNoVisits;
     $url = Url::getQueryStringFromParameters($parameters);
     $request = new Request($url);
     try {
         /** @var DataTable */
         $dataTable = $request->process();
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         throw new Exception("API returned an error: " . $e->getMessage() . " at " . basename($e->getFile()) . ":" . $e->getLine() . "\n");
     list($newReport, $columns, $rowsMetadata, $totals) = $this->handleTableReport($idSite, $dataTable, $reportMetadata, $showRawMetrics, $formatMetrics);
     foreach ($columns as &$name) {
         $name = ucfirst($name);
     $website = new Site($idSite);
     $period = Period\Factory::build($period, $date);
     $period = $period->getLocalizedLongString();
     $return = array('website' => $website->getName(), 'prettyDate' => $period, 'metadata' => $reportMetadata, 'columns' => $columns, 'reportData' => $newReport, 'reportMetadata' => $rowsMetadata, 'reportTotal' => $totals);
     if ($showTimer) {
         $return['timerMillis'] = $timer->getTimeMs(0);
     return $return;
Example #30
 private function getAllOverlappingChildPeriodsInRange(Date $dateStart, Date $dateEnd)
     $result = array();
     $childPeriodType = $this->getImmediateChildPeriodLabel();
     if (empty($childPeriodType)) {
         return $result;
     $childPeriods = Factory::build($childPeriodType, $dateStart->toString() . ',' . $dateEnd->toString());
     return array_merge($childPeriods->getSubperiods(), $childPeriods->getAllOverlappingChildPeriodsInRange($dateStart, $dateEnd));