Example #1
  * @param Application $app
  * @return string token
 public function handleAuth(Application $app)
     $code = $app->request()->get('code');
     $state = $app->request()->get('state');
     $key = sprintf('google.oauth2state.%s', session_id());
     $sessionState = $this->redisClient->get($key);
     if (is_null($code)) {
         // If we don't have an authorization code then get one
         $url = $this->oauth2Provider->getAuthorizationUrl();
         $this->redisClient->setex($key, 300, $this->oauth2Provider->state);
     } elseif (empty($state) || isset($sessionState) && $state !== $sessionState) {
         // Check given state against previously stored one to mitigate CSRF attack
         throw new \RuntimeException('Invalid state');
     // clean session
     // Try to get an access token (using the authorization code grant)
     return $this->oauth2Provider->getAccessToken('authorization_code', ['code' => $code])->accessToken;
Example #2
  * @param Application $app
  * @return string token
 public function handleAuth(Application $app)
     $oauthToken = $app->request()->get('oauth_token');
     $oauthVerifier = $app->request()->get('oauth_verifier');
     $key = sprintf('bitbucket.oauthCredential.%s', session_id());
     $temporaryCredential = $this->redisClient->get($key);
     if (!empty($temporaryCredential)) {
         $temporaryCredential = unserialize($temporaryCredential);
     if (empty($temporaryCredential)) {
         // If we don't have an authorization code then get one
         $temporaryCredential = $this->oauthProvider->getTemporaryCredentials();
         $this->redisClient->setex($key, 300, serialize($temporaryCredential));
     } elseif (empty($oauthVerifier) || empty($oauthToken)) {
         // Check callback
         throw new \RuntimeException('Invalid state');
     // clean session
     $tokenCredentials = $this->oauthProvider->getTokenCredentials($temporaryCredential, $oauthToken, $oauthVerifier);
     return $tokenCredentials->getIdentifier() . '@' . $tokenCredentials->getSecret();