Example #1
 public function testRegistry()
     if (!class_exists("PHPPE\\Registry")) {
     //registry in files
     $this->assertEquals("default", \PHPPE\Registry::get("key", "default"), "Registry default");
     $this->assertTrue(\PHPPE\Registry::set("key", "value"), "Registry set");
     $this->assertEquals("value", \PHPPE\Registry::get("key", "default"), "Registry get");
     //registry in database
     $ds = new \PHPPE\DS("sqlite::memory:");
     $this->assertEquals("default", \PHPPE\Registry::get("key", "default"), "Registry db default");
     $this->assertTrue(\PHPPE\Registry::set("key", "value"), "Registry db set");
     $this->assertEquals("value", \PHPPE\Registry::get("key", "default"), "Registry db get");
Example #2
 public function testHelpers()
     \PHPPE\Core::$core->nocache = true;
     \PHPPE\Core::$core->meta["test"] = "testing";
     \PHPPE\Core::$core->link["apple-touch-icon"] = "testing";
     $dir = dirname(__DIR__);
     \PHPPE\View::assign("dir", $dir);
     \PHPPE\View::css(url("css", "test.css"));
     $this->assertNotEmpty(\PHPPE\View::css(), "CSS");
     \PHPPE\View::jslib("test.js", "testjs();");
     \PHPPE\View::jslib("test2.js", "testjs();");
     \PHPPE\View::jslib(url("js", "test.js"), "testjs();");
     $this->assertNotEmpty(\PHPPE\View::jslib(), "JSLib");
     \PHPPE\View::js("some()", "thing();");
     \PHPPE\View::js("some2()", "thing();", true);
     \PHPPE\View::menu("a", "b");
     \PHPPE\View::menu("c", ["d" => "e"]);
     $this->assertNotEmpty(\PHPPE\View::menu(), "Menu");
     $o = \PHPPE\Core::$core->output;
     \PHPPE\Core::$core->output = "ncurses";
     $o = trim(\PHPPE\View::e('D', "message", "module"));
     $this->assertEquals("module-D: message" . chr(27) . "[0m", $o, "error string #1");
     \PHPPE\Core::$core->output = "html";
     $this->assertEquals("<span style='background:#F00000;color:#FEA0A0;padding:3px;'>E-module:&nbsp;[&quot;message&quot;]</span>", trim(\PHPPE\View::e('E', ["message"], "module")), "error string #2");
     \PHPPE\Core::$core->output = $o;
     $this->assertEquals("aaa\n<!include test2>\nbbb\n", \PHPPE\View::get("test1"), "Raw template file");
     $ds = new \PHPPE\DS("sqlite::memory:");
     \PHPPE\DS::exec("UPDATE views SET css='[\"a.css\"]' WHERE id='simple'");
     $this->assertNotEmpty(\PHPPE\View::get("simple"), "Raw template db");
     \PHPPE\DS::exec("UPDATE views SET css='' WHERE id='simple'");
Example #3
 public function testDiag()
     $ds = new \PHPPE\DS();
     $this->assertNull($ds->diag(), "Diag no ds");
     $this->assertEmpty(ob_get_clean(), "Diag no update");
     if (file_put_contents("vendor/phppe/Developer/sql/upd_test.sql", "select 1;")) {
         $this->assertNotEmpty(ob_get_clean(), "Diag update");
         $this->assertFileNotExists("vendor/phppe/Developer/sql/upd_test.sql", "Diag file");
Example #4
 public function testDB()
     if (!\PHPPE\ClassMap::has("PHPPE\\DB")) {
     $this->assertEquals("%some%thing%", \PHPPE\DB::like("some thing"), "like");
     $this->assertEquals("SELECT * FROM users", \PHPPE\DB::select("users"), "Simple select");
     $this->assertEquals("SELECT id,name FROM users", \PHPPE\DB::select("users")->fields(["id", "name"]), "Select with fields");
     $this->assertEquals("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id=?", \PHPPE\DB::select("users")->where("id=?"), "Select with where #1");
     $this->assertEquals("SELECT * FROM users WHERE (id=? AND name=?)", \PHPPE\DB::select("users")->where(["id=?", "name=?"]), "Select with where #2");
     $this->assertEquals("SELECT * FROM users WHERE (id = 'my id')", \PHPPE\DB::select("users")->where([["id", "=", "my id"]]), "Select with where #3");
     $this->assertEquals("SELECT * FROM users WHERE (id LIKE '%my%id%')", \PHPPE\DB::select("users")->where([["id", "like", "my id"]]), "Select with where #4");
     $this->assertEquals("SELECT * FROM users WHERE (id LIKE '%my%id%' OR name LIKE '%my%name%') AND 1=1", \PHPPE\DB::select("users")->where([["id", "like", "my id"], ["name", "like", "my name"]], "or")->where("1=1"), "Select with where #5");
     $this->assertEquals("SELECT * FROM users u, user_posts p WHERE u.id=p.id", \PHPPE\DB::select("users", "u")->table("user_posts", "p")->where("u.id=p.id"), "Select with where #6");
     $wasExc = false;
     try {
         \PHPPE\DB::update("users")->where("id=id", "NOT");
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $wasExc = true;
     $this->assertTrue($wasExc, "bad where exception");
     $this->assertEquals("SELECT * FROM users HAVING id=?", \PHPPE\DB::select("users")->having("id=?"), "Select with having");
     $this->assertEquals("SELECT * FROM users LIMIT 10", \PHPPE\DB::select("users")->limit(10), "Select with limit #1");
     $wasExc = false;
     try {
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $wasExc = true;
     $this->assertTrue($wasExc, "Select with limit #2");
     $this->assertEquals("SELECT * FROM users LIMIT 10 OFFSET 5", \PHPPE\DB::select("users")->limit(10)->offset(5), "Select with limit #3");
     $this->assertEquals("SELECT * FROM users GROUP BY name", \PHPPE\DB::select("users")->groupBy("name"), "Select with group by #1");
     $this->assertEquals("SELECT * FROM users GROUP BY name,id", \PHPPE\DB::select("users")->groupBy(["name", "id"]), "Select with group by #2");
     $this->assertEquals("SELECT * FROM users ORDER BY id", \PHPPE\DB::select("users")->orderBy("id"), "Select with order by #1");
     $this->assertEquals("SELECT * FROM users ORDER BY id", \PHPPE\DB::select("users")->orderBy(["id"]), "Select with order by #2");
     $wasExc = false;
     try {
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $wasExc = true;
     $this->assertTrue($wasExc, "update no fields exception");
     $this->assertNotFalse(strpos(\PHPPE\DB::update("users"), "No fields specified"), "update no field string");
     $this->assertEquals("UPDATE users SET id=?,name=?", \PHPPE\DB::update("users")->fields(['id', 'name']), "update with fields");
     $this->assertEquals("DELETE FROM users", \PHPPE\DB::delete("users"), "delete table");
     $this->assertEquals("DELETE a FROM users a", \PHPPE\DB::delete("users", "a")->sql(), "delete alias");
     $this->assertEquals("DELETE user_posts FROM user_posts LEFT JOIN users ON user_posts.userId=users.id WHERE (users.id IS NULL)", \PHPPE\DB::delete("user_posts")->join("LEFT", "users", "user_posts.userId=users.id")->where([["users.id", "IS NULL"]]), "delete where");
     $this->assertEquals("INSERT INTO users (id,name) VALUES (?,?)", \PHPPE\DB::insert("users")->fields('id,name'), "insert");
     $wasExc = false;
     try {
         \PHPPE\DB::select("users")->join("SIMPLE", "user_posts", "id=id");
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $wasExc = true;
     $this->assertTrue($wasExc, "bad join exception");
     $this->assertEquals("REPLACE INTO users (id,name) VALUES (?,?) WHERE id=''", \PHPPE\DB::replace("users")->fields(['id', 'name'])->where("id=''"), "replace");
     $this->assertEquals("TRUNCATE TABLE users", \PHPPE\DB::truncate("users"), "truncate");
     $wasExc = false;
     try {
         \PHPPE\DB::select("users")->where([["1", "!="]]);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $wasExc = true;
     $this->assertTrue($wasExc, "bad where exception");
     $wasExc = false;
     try {
         \PHPPE\DB::select("users")->where([["a", "similarto", "b"]]);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $wasExc = true;
     $this->assertTrue($wasExc, "bad where exception");
     $wasExc = false;
     try {
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $wasExc = true;
     $this->assertTrue($wasExc, "no table exception");
     $wasExc = false;
     try {
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $wasExc = true;
     $this->assertTrue($wasExc, "no where exception");
     $wasExc = false;
     try {
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $wasExc = true;
     $this->assertTrue($wasExc, "no where exception");
     $ds = new \PHPPE\DS("sqlite::memory:");
     $this->assertNotEmpty(\PHPPE\DB::select("users")->execute(), "execute");
     $wasExc = false;
     try {
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $wasExc = true;
     $this->assertTrue($wasExc, "no fields exception");
     $this->assertEquals(1, \PHPPE\DB::insert("users")->with(['id' => 123, 'name' => 'newcomer', 'email' => '*****@*****.**']), "insert with with");
     $wasExc = false;
     try {
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $wasExc = true;
     $this->assertTrue($wasExc, "no argument exception");
     $ds = new \PHPPE\DS("sqlite::memory:");
     $this->assertNotEmpty(\PHPPE\DB::select("users")->execute([], 1), "execute on ds");
Example #5
 public function testContent()
     Core::$core->nocache = true;
     include_once __DIR__ . "/../libs/FailFilter.php";
     DS::exec("insert into pages (id,name,template,data,dds,filter) values ('test','Test','testview','{\"body\":\"testbody\"}','{\"testdds\":[\"1\",\"\",\"\"]}','fail');");
     DS::exec("insert into views (id,ctrl) values ('testview', 'echo(\"OK\");');");
     $url = Core::$core->url;
     $title = Core::$core->title;
     $contentApp = new Content();
     //! no content
     Core::$core->title = "NONE";
     $contentApp = new Content("no/such/content");
     $this->assertEquals("NONE", Core::$core->title, "No content");
     //! filter
     $contentApp = new Content("test/");
     $this->assertEquals("403", Core::$core->template, "Filtered");
     DS::exec("update pages set filter='' where id='test';");
     //! is content
     $contentApp = new Content("test/");
     $this->assertEquals("Test", Core::$core->title, "Content");
     $this->assertEquals("testbody", $contentApp->body, "Body");
     $this->assertNotEmpty($contentApp->testdds, "DDS");
     $old = Core::$core->noctrl;
     Core::$core->noctrl = false;
     $contentApp->ctrl = "echo('OK');";
     $this->assertEquals("OK", $contentApp->action(), "Content controller #1");
     $old = Core::$core->noctrl;
     Core::$core->noctrl = true;
     $this->assertNull($contentApp->action(), "Content controller #2");
     Core::$core->noctrl = $old;
     DS::exec("update pages set dds='{\"testdds2\":[\"nosuchcolumn\",\"\",\"\"]}' where id='test';");
     $contentApp = new Content("test/");
     $this->assertEmpty(@$contentApp->testdds2, "DDS failed");
     Core::$core->title = $title;
Example #6
 public function testEmail()
     if (!\PHPPE\ClassMap::has("PHPPE\\Email")) {
     \PHPPE\Core::$core->mailer = null;
     $email = new \PHPPE\Email();
     $emailData = $email->get();
     $email2 = new \PHPPE\Email($emailData);
     $this->assertNotEmpty($email2, "Empty Email dump");
     $wasExc = false;
     try {
         $email3 = new \PHPPE\Email("something");
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $wasExc = true;
     $this->assertTrue($wasExc, "Email creating exception");
     $wasExc = false;
     try {
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $wasExc = true;
     $this->assertTrue($wasExc, "No backend exception");
     $wasExc = false;
     try {
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $wasExc = true;
     $this->assertTrue($wasExc, "No message exception");
     $wasExc = false;
     try {
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $wasExc = true;
     $this->assertTrue($wasExc, "No subject exception");
     $wasExc = false;
     try {
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $wasExc = true;
     $this->assertTrue($wasExc, "No recipient exception");
     $wasExc = false;
     try {
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $wasExc = true;
     $this->assertTrue($wasExc, "Bad address exception #1");
     $wasExc = false;
     try {
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $wasExc = true;
     $this->assertTrue($wasExc, "Bad address exception #2");
     $wasExc = false;
     try {
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $wasExc = true;
     $this->assertTrue($wasExc, "No db exception");
     $wasExc = false;
     try {
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $wasExc = true;
     $this->assertTrue($wasExc, "No phpmailer exception");
     $this->assertNotEquals(0, preg_match("/Message\\-ID/", $email->send("mime")), "Return mime message");
     $email->attachFile("images/phppe.png", "image/png");
     $email2->attachData("something.txt", "text/plain", "something");
     $mime = $email2->message("<html><body>html mail<img src='http://localhost/something.jpg'><img src='images/phppe.png'></body></html>")->subject("Subject")->to("me@localhost")->send("mime");
     $this->assertTrue($email2->send("log"), "Log backend");
     $wasExc = false;
     try {
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $wasExc = true;
         echo $e;
     $this->assertFalse($wasExc, "To db queue");
     \PHPPE\Core::$core->realmailer = "log";
     \PHPPE\Core::$core->realmailer = "log";