getLine() public method

Gets line the node started in.
public getLine ( ) : integer
return integer Line
Example #1
 function enterNode(\PhpParser\Node $node)
     if ($node instanceof \PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Namespace_) {
         $this->addNamespace(array('namespace' => $node->name->toString(), 'line' => $node->getLine(), 'file' => $this->file));
     if ($node instanceof \PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Use_) {
         foreach ($node->uses as $use) {
             $this->addUse(array('name' => $use->name, 'alias' => $use->alias));
     if ($node instanceof \PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Class_) {
         $this->addClass(array('name' => $node->name, 'extends' => $node->extends, 'implements' => $node->implements, 'abstract' => $node->isAbstract(), 'final' => $node->isFinal(), 'comment' => $node->getDocComment(), 'doc' => $this->doc_comment_parser->parse($node->getDocComment()), 'line' => $node->getLine(), 'file' => $this->file));
     if ($node instanceof \PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Interface_) {
         $this->addInterface(array('name' => $node->name, 'extends' => $node->extends, 'comment' => $node->getDocComment(), 'doc' => $this->doc_comment_parser->parse($node->getDocComment()), 'line' => $node->getLine(), 'file' => $this->file));
     if ($node instanceof \PhpParser\Node\Stmt\ClassMethod) {
         $this->addClassMethod(array('byRef' => $node->byRef, 'name' => $node->name, 'params' => $node->params, 'returnType' => $node->returnType, 'public' => $node->isPublic(), 'protected' => $node->isProtected(), 'private' => $node->isPrivate(), 'abstract' => $node->isAbstract(), 'final' => $node->isFinal(), 'static' => $node->isStatic(), 'comment' => $node->getDocComment(), 'doc' => $this->doc_comment_parser->parse($node->getDocComment()), 'line' => $node->getLine(), 'file' => $this->file));
     if ($node instanceof \PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Property) {
         $this->last_property = $node;
     if ($node instanceof \PhpParser\Node\Stmt\PropertyProperty) {
         $this->addClassProperty(array('name' => $node->name, 'default' => $node->default, 'public' => $this->last_property->isPublic(), 'protected' => $this->last_property->isProtected(), 'private' => $this->last_property->isPrivate(), 'static' => $this->last_property->isStatic(), 'comment' => $node->getDocComment(), 'doc' => $this->doc_comment_parser->parse($node->getDocComment()), 'line' => $node->getLine(), 'file' => $this->file));
     // $this->logger->info(get_class($node));
Example #2
 protected function p(\PhpParser\Node $node)
     $prefix = '';
     if ($node->getLine() > $this->cur_ln) {
         $prefix = str_repeat("\n", $node->getLine() - $this->cur_ln);
         $this->cur_ln = $node->getLine();
     return $prefix . $this->{'p' . $node->getType()}($node);
  * @test
 public function itShouldCallScanAndWriteOnSuccess()
Example #4
  * @param string $message
 public function trace($message, Node $node, $class = null)
     if ($this->trace === true) {
         $space = 35 - strlen($message);
         $spaceAfterMessage = str_repeat(' ', $space <= 1 ? 1 : $space);
         $spaceAfterLine = str_repeat(' ', 5 - strlen($node->getLine()));
         $this->output->writeln(sprintf('[%s]%s line "%s"%s class "%s"', $message, $spaceAfterMessage, $node->getLine(), $spaceAfterLine, $class));
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function enterNode(Node $node)
     if ($node instanceof Node\Expr\FuncCall && isset($node->name) && isset($node->name->parts) && ($node->name->parts[0] == '__' || $node->name->parts[0] == '_c') && isset($node->args[0]) && isset($node->args[0]->value->value) && is_string($string = $node->args[0]->value->value)) {
         $key = $node->name->parts[0] == '__' ? 2 : 3;
         $domain = isset($node->args[$key]) && is_string($node->args[$key]->value->value) ? $node->args[$key]->value->value : 'messages';
         $this->results[$domain][$string][] = ['file' => $this->file, 'line' => $node->getLine()];
     } elseif ($node instanceof Node\Expr\MethodCall && isset($node->name) && ($node->name == 'trans' || $node->name == 'transChoice') && isset($node->args[0]) && isset($node->args[0]->value->value) && is_string($string = $node->args[0]->value->value)) {
         $key = $node->name == 'trans' ? 2 : 3;
         $domain = isset($node->args[$key]) && is_string($node->args[$key]->value->value) ? $node->args[$key]->value->value : 'messages';
         $this->results[$domain][$string][] = ['file' => $this->file, 'line' => $node->getLine()];
  * @param Node $node
  * @return void
 public function leaveNode(Node $node)
     if (!$node instanceof Node\Expr\Exit_) {
     $this->addError(sprintf('Found a forbidden exit statement.'), $node->getLine(), ParseError::TYPE_ERROR);
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function leaveNode(Node $node)
     // Keep traces of global variable
     if ($node instanceof Node\Stmt\Global_) {
         foreach ($node->vars as $variable) {
             $this->globalsInCurrentLocalScope[] = $variable->name;
     // Check if the variable is marked as global or used in the global scope
     if ($node instanceof Node\Expr\Variable) {
         if ($this->isInGlobalScope || in_array($node->name, $this->globalsInCurrentLocalScope)) {
             $this->checkIfGlobalVariableWasRemoved($node->name, $node->getLine());
     // Check if the variable is used from the $GLOBALS variable
     if ($node instanceof Node\Expr\ArrayDimFetch) {
         if ($node->var instanceof Node\Expr\Variable && $node->var->name === 'GLOBALS' && $node->dim instanceof Node\Scalar\String_) {
             $this->checkIfGlobalVariableWasRemoved($node->dim->value, $node->dim->getLine());
     // Check if we re-enter in the global scope
     if ($node instanceof Node\FunctionLike) {
         $this->isInGlobalScope = true;
         $this->globalsInCurrentLocalScope = array();
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function enterNode(Node $node)
     if ($node instanceof Node\Expr\New_ && $node->class instanceof Node\Name) {
         $classUsage = new ClassUsage($node->class->toString(), $node->getLine());
 public function enterNode(PhpParser\Node $node)
     if ($node instanceof Stmt\Function_) {
         // create new context, keep parent
         $this->stack->start(new FunctionContext($node->name, $node->getLine(), $node->getAttribute('endLine')));
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function enterNode(Node $node)
     if ($node instanceof Node\Stmt\Class_ && $node->extends instanceof Node\Name) {
         $superTypeUsage = new SuperTypeUsage($node->extends->toString(), $node->namespacedName->toString(), $node->getLine());
 public final function enter(Node $node)
     switch ($node->getType()) {
         case 'Stmt_Namespace':
             $this->namespace = $node->name;
             $this->aliases = array();
             // @todo : with multiple namespaces in one file : does this bug ?
             // leave() shouldn't reset these values ?
         case 'Stmt_UseUse':
             if (isset($this->aliases[$node->alias])) {
                 throw new \PhpParser\Error(sprintf('Cannot use "%s" as "%s" because the name is already in use', $node->name, $node->alias), $node->getLine());
             $this->aliases[$node->alias] = $node->name;
         case 'Stmt_Class':
             $this->context->pushState('class', $node);
         case 'Stmt_Trait':
             $this->context->pushState('trait', $node);
         case 'Stmt_Interface':
             $this->context->pushState('interface', $node);
 public function leaveNode(Node $node)
     if ($node instanceof Node\Scalar\String_ || $node instanceof Node\Stmt\InlineHTML) {
         $new_data = array('filename' => $this->filename, 'line' => $node->getLine(), 'value' => (string) $node->value);
         array_push($this->data, $new_data);
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function leaveNode(Node $node)
     if ($node instanceof Stmt\Class_ || $node instanceof Stmt\Interface_ || $node instanceof Stmt\Trait_) {
         $this->check($node->name, $node->getLine(), '"%s" is now a reserved type and can no longer be used as the name of a class/interface/trait.');
     } elseif ($node instanceof Stmt\Use_ && $node->type === Stmt\Use_::TYPE_NORMAL) {
         $this->check($node->uses[0]->alias, $node->getLine(), '"%s" is now a reserved type and can no longer be used as an alias.');
     } elseif ($node instanceof Node\Expr\FuncCall && $node->name instanceof Node\Name && $node->name->parts === array('class_alias')) {
         $args = $node->args;
         if (!empty($args[1]) && $args[1]->value instanceof Node\Scalar\String_) {
             $fqcn = $args[1]->value->value;
             $parts = explode('\\', $fqcn);
             $className = end($parts);
             $this->check($className, $node->getLine(), '"%s" is now a reserved type and can no longer be used in class_alias().');
Example #14
  * @link
  * @link
  * @param Node $node
  * @return void
 public function leaveNode(Node $node)
     if (!$node instanceof Node\Stmt\Else_ && !$node instanceof Node\Stmt\ElseIf_) {
     $this->addError(sprintf('Object Calisthenics error: Do not use the "%s" keyword!', $node instanceof Node\Stmt\ElseIf_ ? 'elseif' : 'else'), $node->getLine(), ParseError::TYPE_ERROR);
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function enterNode(Node $node)
     if ($node instanceof Node\Stmt\ClassLike) {
         if (isset($node->namespacedName)) {
             $this->parentName = $node->namespacedName->toString();
         } else {
             $this->parentName = $node->name;
     if ($node instanceof Node\Expr\MethodCall) {
         // skips concat method names like $twig->{'get'.ucfirst($type)}()
         if ($node->name instanceof Node\Expr\BinaryOp\Concat) {
         // skips variable methods like $definition->$method
         if (!is_string($node->name)) {
         $type = $node->var->getAttribute('guessedType', null);
         if (null !== $type) {
             $methodUsage = new MethodUsage($node->name, $type, $node->getLine(), false);
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function enterNode(Node $node)
     if ($node instanceof Node\Param && $node->type instanceof Node\Name) {
         $typeHintUsage = new TypeHintUsage($node->type->toString(), $node->getLine());
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function enterNode(Node $node)
     if ($node instanceof Node\Expr\AssignRef) {
         $this->phpFileInfo->addDeprecatedLanguageUsage(new DeprecatedLanguageUsage('assign by reference(&=)', 'Since PHP 5.3 use normal assignment instead.', $node->getLine()));
     if ($node instanceof Node\Stmt\Class_) {
         $method = $node->getMethod($node->name);
         if ($method instanceof Node\Stmt\ClassMethod) {
             $this->phpFileInfo->addDeprecatedLanguageUsage(new DeprecatedLanguageUsage('PHP4 constructor', 'Since PHP 7.0, use __construct() instead.', $method->getLine()));
     if ($node instanceof Node\Arg) {
         if (true === $node->byRef) {
             $this->phpFileInfo->addDeprecatedLanguageUsage(new DeprecatedLanguageUsage('call-time pass-by-reference', 'Since PHP 5.3 and removed in PHP 5.4', $node->getLine()));
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function leaveNode(Node $node)
     if ($node instanceof Node\Expr\AssignRef) {
         if ($node->expr instanceof Node\Expr\New_) {
             $this->errorCollection->add(new Error($this->parserContext->getFilename(), $node->getLine(), 'New objects cannot be assigned by reference.'));
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function leaveNode(Node $node)
     if ($node instanceof Stmt\Class_ || $node instanceof Stmt\Interface_ || $node instanceof Stmt\Trait_) {
         // Check that class is not namespaced and is in the list of added classes
         if (isset($node->namespacedName) && count($node->namespacedName->parts) === 1 && in_array($node->name, self::$addedClasses)) {
             $this->errorCollection->add(new Error($this->parserContext->getFilename(), $node->getLine(), sprintf('"%s" cannot be used as class/interface/trait name.', $node->name), 'You should either rename your class/trait/interface or put it in a namespace.'));
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function leaveNode(Node $node)
     if ($node instanceof Node\Expr\FuncCall && $node->name instanceof Node\Name) {
         $name = strtolower(end($node->name->parts));
         if (array_key_exists($name, self::$removedFunctions)) {
             $this->errorCollection->add(new Error($this->parserContext->getFilename(), $node->getLine(), sprintf('The function %s() was removed.', $name), self::$removedFunctions[$name]));
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function enterNode(Node $node)
     if ($node instanceof Node\Scalar\LNumber) {
         $originalValue = $node->getAttribute('originalValue');
         if ($originalValue && $this->isInvalidOctalLiteral($originalValue)) {
             $this->errorCollection->add(new Error($this->parserContext->getFilename(), $node->getLine(), sprintf('"%s" is an invalid octal literal and will now triggers a parse error.', $originalValue)));
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function enterNode(Node $node)
     if ($node instanceof Node\Stmt\Class_) {
         $phpFileInfo = $this->phpFileInfo;
         array_map(function (Node\Name $interface) use($node, $phpFileInfo) {
             $interfaceUsage = new InterfaceUsage($interface->toString(), $node->namespacedName->toString(), $node->getLine());
         }, $node->implements);
  * Validate that namespaced constant references will succeed.
  * Note that this does not (yet) detect constants defined in the current code
  * snippet. It won't happen very often, so we'll punt for now.
  * @throws FatalErrorException if a constant reference is not defined.
  * @param Node $node
 public function leaveNode(Node $node)
     if ($node instanceof ConstFetch && count($node->name->parts) > 1) {
         $name = $this->getFullyQualifiedName($node->name);
         if (!defined($name)) {
             throw new FatalErrorException(sprintf('Undefined constant %s', $name), 0, 1, null, $node->getLine());
     } elseif ($node instanceof ClassConstFetch) {
  * @param Node $node
  * @return void
 public function leaveNode(Node $node)
     if (!$node instanceof Node\Expr\FuncCall) {
     $function = $node->name;
     if (!in_array($function, $this->blacklist)) {
     $this->addError(sprintf('Found blacklisted "%s" function call', $function), $node->getLine(), ParseError::TYPE_ERROR);
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function enterNode(Node $node)
     if ($node instanceof Node\Expr\StaticCall && isset($node->name) && isset($node->class) && $node->class->getLast() == 'JText') {
         if (isset($node->args[0]) && isset($node->args[0]->value) && $node->args[0]->value instanceof Node\Scalar\String_) {
             $methods = array('_', 'script', 'sprintf');
             if (in_array($node->name, $methods)) {
                 $string = $node->args[0]->value->value;
                 $this->results[$string][] = ['file' => $this->file, 'line' => $node->getLine()];
  * {@inheritdoc}
  * @throws \PhpParser\Error
 public function leaveNode(Node $node)
     if ($node instanceof Node\Stmt\ClassLike) {
         if (!$node->name) {
         if (!$this->getAdt()->hasDeclaredGlobalNamespace()) {
             throw new Error('DeclaredNamespace is already defined', $node->getLine());
         $this->collect(new Node\Name($node->namespacedName), $node);
Example #27
  * @inheritdoc
 public function enterNode(Node $node)
     if ($this->mode & self::MODE_ADDITION) {
         if ($node instanceof Node\Stmt\Function_ || $node instanceof Node\Stmt\ClassMethod || $node instanceof Node\Expr\Closure) {
             if (!empty($node->params)) {
                 foreach ($node->params as $param) {
                     if ($param->variadic) {
                         $this->getResult()->addRequirement(Reason::VARIADIC_ARGUMENT, $param->getLine());
         } elseif ($node instanceof Node\Expr\FuncCall || $node instanceof Node\Expr\MethodCall || $node instanceof Node\Expr\StaticCall) {
             if (!empty($node->args)) {
                 foreach ($node->args as $arg) {
                     if ($arg->unpack === true) {
                         $this->getResult()->addRequirement(Reason::ARGUMENT_UNPACKING, $arg->getLine());
         } elseif ($node instanceof Node\Stmt\Const_ || $node instanceof Node\Stmt\ClassConst) {
             foreach ($node->consts as $const) {
                 if (!$const->value instanceof Node\Scalar && !($const->value instanceof Node\Expr\ClassConstFetch || $const->value instanceof Node\Expr\ConstFetch)) {
                     $this->getResult()->addRequirement(Reason::CONSTANT_SCALAR_EXPRESSION, $const->getLine());
         } elseif ($node instanceof Node\Expr\AssignOp\Pow || $node instanceof Node\Expr\BinaryOp\Pow) {
             $this->getResult()->addRequirement(Reason::POW_OPERATOR, $node->getLine());
         } elseif ($node instanceof Node\Stmt\Use_) {
             $cat = null;
             if ($node->type === Node\Stmt\Use_::TYPE_CONSTANT) {
                 $cat = Reason::CONSTANT_IMPORT_USE;
             } elseif ($node->type === Node\Stmt\Use_::TYPE_FUNCTION) {
                 $cat = Reason::FUNCTION_IMPORT_USE;
             if ($cat !== null) {
                 $this->getResult()->addRequirement($cat, $node->getLine());
  * Validate that function calls will succeed.
  * @throws FatalErrorException if a function is redefined.
  * @throws FatalErrorException if the function name is a string (not an expression) and is not defined.
  * @param Node $node
 public function leaveNode(Node $node)
     if ($node instanceof FunctionStmt) {
         $name = $this->getFullyQualifiedName($node->name);
         if (function_exists($name) || isset($this->currentScope[strtolower($name)])) {
             throw new FatalErrorException(sprintf('Cannot redeclare %s()', $name), 0, 1, null, $node->getLine());
         $this->currentScope[strtolower($name)] = true;
     } elseif ($node instanceof FuncCall) {
         // if function name is an expression or a variable, give it a pass for now.
         $name = $node->name;
         if (!$name instanceof Expression && !$name instanceof Variable) {
             $shortName = implode('\\', $name->parts);
             $fullName = $this->getFullyQualifiedName($name);
             $inScope = isset($this->currentScope[strtolower($fullName)]);
             if (!$inScope && !function_exists($shortName) && !function_exists($fullName)) {
                 $message = sprintf('Call to undefined function %s()', $name);
                 throw new FatalErrorException($message, 0, 1, null, $node->getLine());
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function enterNode(Node $node)
     if ($node instanceof Node\Stmt\ClassLike) {
         if (isset($node->namespacedName)) {
             $this->parentName = $node->namespacedName->toString();
         } else {
             $this->parentName = $node->name;
     if ($node instanceof Node\Stmt\ClassMethod) {
         $methodDefinition = new MethodDefinition($node->name, $this->parentName, $node->getLine());
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function leaveNode(Node $node)
     if ($node instanceof Node\Expr\List_) {
         $isEmpty = true;
         foreach ($node->vars as $var) {
             if ($var) {
                 $isEmpty = false;
         if ($isEmpty) {
             $this->errorCollection->add(new Error($this->parserContext->getFilename(), $node->getLine(), 'Empty list() assignments are no longer supported.', 'You should set at least one assignment in the list.'));