Example #1
 public function transpile($srcPath, $dstPath)
     // transpile based on target version
     $code = file_get_contents($srcPath);
     // Parse into statements
     $parser = (new ParserFactory())->create(ParserFactory::PREFER_PHP7);
     $stmts = $parser->parse($code);
     if (!$stmts) {
         throw new ParseException(sprintf("Unable to parse PHP file '%s'\n", $srcPath));
     // Custom traversal does the actual transpiling
     $traverser = self::getTraverser();
     $stmts = $traverser->traverse($stmts);
     $prettyPrinter = new Standard();
     if ($dstPath == '-') {
         // Output directly to stdout
         $this->getIo()->output($this->getStub() . $prettyPrinter->prettyPrint($stmts));
     } else {
         $dir = dirname($dstPath);
         if (!is_dir($dir) || !is_writeable($dir)) {
             @mkdir($dir, 0777, true);
             if (!is_dir($dir) || !is_writeable($dir)) {
                 throw new InvalidOptionException(sprintf('Destination directory "%s" does not exist or is not writable or could not be created.', $dir));
         file_put_contents($dstPath, $this->getStub() . $prettyPrinter->prettyPrint($stmts));
  * @param  EntityMapping $modelMapping
  * @param  string        $namespace
  * @param  string        $path
  * @param  bool          $override
  * @return void
 public function generate(EntityMapping $modelMapping, $namespace, $path, $override = false)
     $abstractNamespace = $namespace . '\\Base';
     if (!is_dir($path)) {
         mkdir($path, 0777, true);
     $abstractPath = $path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'Base';
     if (!is_dir($abstractPath)) {
         mkdir($abstractPath, 0777, true);
     $abstracClassName = 'Abstract' . $modelMapping->getName();
     $classPath = $path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $modelMapping->getName() . '.php';
     $abstractClassPath = $abstractPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $abstracClassName . '.php';
     $nodes = array();
     $nodes = array_merge($nodes, $this->generatePropertyNodes($modelMapping));
     $nodes = array_merge($nodes, $this->generateConstructNodes($modelMapping));
     $nodes = array_merge($nodes, $this->generateMethodNodes($modelMapping));
     $nodes = array_merge($nodes, $this->generateMetadataNodes($modelMapping));
     $nodes = array(new Node\Stmt\Namespace_(new Name($abstractNamespace), array(new Class_('Abstract' . $modelMapping->getName(), array('type' => 16, 'stmts' => $nodes)))));
     $abstractClassCode = $this->phpGenerator->prettyPrint($nodes);
     file_put_contents($abstractClassPath, '<?php' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . $abstractClassCode);
     if (file_exists($classPath) && !$override) {
     $nodes = array(new Node\Stmt\Namespace_(new Name($namespace), array(new Class_($modelMapping->getName(), array('extends' => new FullyQualified($abstractNamespace . '\\' . $abstracClassName))))));
     $classCode = $this->phpGenerator->prettyPrint($nodes);
     file_put_contents($classPath, '<?php' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . $classCode);
  * @param ClassReflection $reflection
  * @return string
 public function __invoke(ClassReflection $reflection)
     $stubCode = ClassGenerator::fromReflection($reflection)->generate();
     $isInterface = $reflection->isInterface();
     if (!($isInterface || $reflection->isTrait())) {
         return $stubCode;
     return $this->prettyPrinter->prettyPrint($this->replaceNodesRecursively($this->parser->parse('<?php ' . $stubCode), $isInterface));
  * @param Mapping $mapping
  * @param string  $path
  * @return string
 public function generate(Mapping $mapping, $path)
     $nodes = array_merge($this->generatePropertyNodes(), $this->generateMethodNodes($mapping));
     $lazyNamespaceParts = explode('\\', $mapping->getLazyClass());
     $lazyClass = array_pop($lazyNamespaceParts);
     $classNode = new Namespace_(new Name(implode('\\', $lazyNamespaceParts)), array(new Class_($lazyClass, array('extends' => new Name('\\' . $mapping->getOriginalClass()), 'stmts' => $nodes))));
     $phpCode = '<?php' . "\n\n" . $this->phpGenerator->prettyPrint(array($classNode));
     file_put_contents($path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $lazyClass . '.php', $phpCode);
Example #5
  * @inheritDoc
 public function printContext(ContextInterface $context)
     $this->output->writeln(sprintf('File: %s', $context->getCheckedResourceName()));
     foreach ($context->getMessages() as $message) {
         $nodes = $this->nodeStatementsRemover->removeInnerStatements($message->getNodes());
         $this->output->writeln(sprintf('Line %d. %s: %s', $message->getLine(), $message->getText(), $this->prettyPrinter->prettyPrint($nodes)));
Example #6
  * @param Message $message
  * @return string
 private function formatMessage(Message $message)
     $nodes = $this->nodeStatementsRemover->removeInnerStatements($message->getNodes());
     $prettyPrintedNodes = str_replace("\n", "\n    ", $this->prettyPrinter->prettyPrint($nodes));
     $text = $message->getRawText();
     $color = self::$colors[$message->getLevel()];
     if ($color) {
         $text = sprintf('<fg=%s>%s</fg=%s>', $color, $text, $color);
     return sprintf("> Line <fg=cyan>%s</fg=cyan>: %s\n    %s", $message->getLine(), $text, $prettyPrintedNodes);
Example #7
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function printContext(ContextInterface $context)
     $this->output->writeln(sprintf('File: <fg=cyan>%s</fg=cyan>', $context->getCheckedResourceName()));
     foreach ($context->getMessages() as $message) {
         $nodes = $this->nodeStatementsRemover->removeInnerStatements($message->getNodes());
         $this->output->writeln(sprintf("> Line <fg=cyan>%s</fg=cyan>: <fg=yellow>%s</fg=yellow>\n    %s", $message->getLine(), $message->getRawText(), str_replace("\n", "\n    ", $this->prettyPrinter->prettyPrint($nodes))));
     foreach ($context->getErrors() as $error) {
         $this->output->writeln(sprintf('> <fg=red>%s</fg=red>', $error->getText()));
  * @param AnnotationManager $annotationManager
  * @param ServiceManager    $serviceManager
  * @param RouteManager      $routeManager
  * @param Standard          $prettyPrinter
 public function updateCache(AnnotationManager $annotationManager, ServiceManager $serviceManager, RouteManager $routeManager, Standard $prettyPrinter)
     $classInfos = $annotationManager->buildClassInfosBasedOnPaths($this->paths);
     $code = "<?php\n\n";
     foreach ($classInfos as $classInfo) {
         $code .= $prettyPrinter->prettyPrint($serviceManager->generateCode($classInfo));
         $code .= "\n\n";
     foreach ($classInfos as $classInfo) {
         $code .= $prettyPrinter->prettyPrint($routeManager->generateCode($classInfo));
         $code .= "\n\n";
     file_put_contents($this->cacheFile, $code);
  * Get a pretty printed string of code from a file while applying visitors.
  * @param string $file
  * @throws \RuntimeException
  * @return string
 public function getCode($file, $comments = true)
     if (!is_string($file) || empty($file)) {
         throw new RuntimeException('Invalid filename provided.');
     if (!is_readable($file)) {
         throw new RuntimeException("Cannot open {$file} for reading.");
     if ($comments) {
         $content = file_get_contents($file);
     } else {
         $content = php_strip_whitespace($file);
     $parsed = $this->parser->parse($content);
     $stmts = $this->traverser->traverseFile($parsed, $file);
     $pretty = $this->printer->prettyPrint($stmts);
     if (substr($pretty, 30) === '<?php declare(strict_types=1);' || substr($pretty, 30) === "<?php\ndeclare(strict_types=1);") {
         $pretty = substr($pretty, 32);
     } elseif (substr($pretty, 31) === "<?php\r\ndeclare(strict_types=1);") {
         $pretty = substr($pretty, 33);
     } elseif (substr($pretty, 5) === '<?php') {
         $pretty = substr($pretty, 7);
     return $this->getCodeWrappedIntoNamespace($parsed, $pretty);
Example #10
  * @param $code
  * @param bool $autoFix - In case of true - pretty code will be generated (avaiable by getPrettyCode method)
  * @return Logger
 public function lint($code, $autoFix = false)
     $this->autoFix = $autoFix;
     $this->prettyCode = '';
     $this->logger = new Logger();
     try {
         $stmts = $this->parser->parse($code);
     } catch (Error $e) {
         $this->logger->addRecord(new LogRecord('', '', Logger::LOGLEVEL_ERROR, $e->getMessage(), ''));
         return $this->logger;
     $traverser = new NodeTraverser();
     $rulesVisitor = new RulesVisitor($this->rules, $this->autoFix);
     $messages = $rulesVisitor->getLog();
     foreach ($messages as $message) {
         $this->logger->addRecord(new LogRecord($message['line'], $message['column'], $message['level'], $message['message'], $message['name']));
     if ($autoFix) {
         $prettyPrinter = new PrettyPrinter\Standard();
         $this->prettyCode = $prettyPrinter->prettyPrint($stmts);
     $sideEffectVisitor = new SideEffectsVisitor();
     if ($sideEffectVisitor->isMixed()) {
         $this->logger->addRecord(new LogRecord('', '', Logger::LOGLEVEL_ERROR, 'A file SHOULD declare new symbols (classes, functions, constants, etc.) and cause no other side' . 'effects, or it SHOULD execute logic with side effects, but SHOULD NOT do both.', ''));
     return $this->logger;
Example #11
  * Ищвлекает тело метода из текущего узла
  * @param Node|ClassMethod $stmt    Узел
  * @param Method[]         $methods Список методов
  * @return void
 private function extractMethod($stmt, array &$methods)
     if (!$stmt instanceof ClassMethod) {
     $skip = $this->isPublicOnly && $stmt->isPublic() === false;
     if (!$skip) {
         $methods[] = new Method(new MethodContext($this->context->namespace, $this->context->class), $stmt->name, $this->printer->prettyPrint([$stmt]));
Example #12
 private function createClass($commande, $description)
     $output = $this->_output;
     $root = ROOT . DS;
     $app = $root . 'app' . DS . "Application";
     $lib = $root . 'library' . DS . "commands.php";
     // create command name
     $name = S::create($commande)->replace(':', ' ')->toTitleCase()->replace(' ', '')->append("Command")->__toString();
     // create FQN
     $fqn = "Application\\Commands\\" . $name;
     // check avaibality
     // load commands.php file
     $code = file_get_contents($lib);
     $parser = (new ParserFactory())->create(ParserFactory::PREFER_PHP5);
     $prettyPrinter = new PrettyPrinter\Standard();
     $stmts = $parser->parse($code);
     foreach ($stmts[0]->expr as $express) {
         $tmp = $express[0]->value->value;
         if (S::create($tmp)->humanize()->__toString() == S::create($fqn)->humanize()->__toString()) {
             $output->writeln("This command already exists in commands.php");
     // commands not exists add it to commands.php
     $nb = count($stmts[0]->expr->items);
     $ligne = 4 + $nb;
     $attributes = array("startLine" => $ligne, "endLine" => $ligne, "kind" => 2);
     $obj = new \PhpParser\Node\Expr\ArrayItem(new \PhpParser\Node\Scalar\String_($fqn, $attributes), null, false, $attributes);
     array_push($stmts[0]->expr->items, $obj);
     $code = $prettyPrinter->prettyPrint($stmts);
     $code = "<?php \r\n" . $code;
     $output->writeln("Create FQN commande " . $fqn);
     $path = $app . DS . "Commands" . DS . $name . ".php";
     $arg1 = new \PhpParser\Node\Arg(new \PhpParser\Node\Scalar\String_($commande));
     $arg2 = new \PhpParser\Node\Arg(new \PhpParser\Node\Scalar\String_($description));
     $arg3 = new \PhpParser\Node\Arg(new \PhpParser\Node\Scalar\String_('Start process'));
     $arg4 = new \PhpParser\Node\Arg(new \PhpParser\Node\Scalar\String_('Finished'));
     $factory = new BuilderFactory();
     $node = $factory->namespace('Application\\Commands')->addStmt($factory->use('Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Command\\Command'))->addStmt($factory->use('Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Input\\InputArgument'))->addStmt($factory->use('Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Input\\InputInterface'))->addStmt($factory->use('Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Input\\InputOption'))->addStmt($factory->use('Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Output\\OutputInterface'))->addStmt($factory->class($name)->extend('Command')->addStmt($factory->method('configure')->makeProtected()->addStmt(new Node\Expr\MethodCall(new Node\Expr\Variable('this'), "setName", array($arg1)))->addStmt(new Node\Expr\MethodCall(new Node\Expr\Variable('this'), "setDescription", array($arg2))))->addStmt($factory->method('execute')->makeProtected()->addParam($factory->param('input')->setTypeHint('InputInterface'))->addParam($factory->param('output')->setTypeHint('OutputInterface'))->addStmt(new Node\Expr\MethodCall(new Node\Expr\Variable('output'), "writeln", array($arg3)))->addStmt(new Node\Expr\MethodCall(new Node\Expr\Variable('output'), "writeln", array($arg4)))))->getNode();
     $stmts = array($node);
     $prettyPrinter = new PrettyPrinter\Standard();
     $php = $prettyPrinter->prettyPrintFile($stmts);
     file_put_contents($path, $php);
     $fs = new Filesystem();
     // if file exists add command to commands.php
     if ($fs->exists($path)) {
         $output->writeln("File saved in " . $path);
         $output->writeln("Register command to console");
         file_put_contents($lib, $code);
     } else {
         $output->writeln("File not created");
Example #13
 function pp($nodes)
     static $prettyPrinter;
     if (!$prettyPrinter) {
         $prettyPrinter = new PrettyPrinter\Standard();
     if (!is_array($nodes)) {
         $nodes = func_get_args();
     echo $prettyPrinter->prettyPrint($nodes) . "\n";
  * @param ControllerSpec $spec
 public function generate(ControllerSpec $spec)
     $printer = new PrettyPrinter();
     $ast = $this->doGenerate($spec);
     $ast = $this->processorDispatcher->process($ast);
     $event = new ControllerGenerated($spec, $ast);
     $this->eventDispatcher->dispatch(ControllerGenerated::EVENT_NAME, $event);
     $code = $printer->prettyPrint($ast);
     $controllerFile = $spec->getBundle()->getPath() . '/Controller/' . $spec->getName() . 'Controller.php';
     file_put_contents($controllerFile, "<?php\n" . $code);
     $event = new ControllerSaved($spec, $controllerFile);
     $this->eventDispatcher->dispatch(ControllerSaved::EVENT_NAME, $event);
Example #15
  * Obfuscate a single file's contents
  * @param  string $source
  * @return string obfuscated contents
 public function obfuscateFileContents($source, $file = false)
     $traverser = new PhpParser\NodeTraverser();
     if (input::get('ReplaceVariables')) {
          * all $vars
         $traverser->addVisitor(new \Controllers\Obfuscator\ScrambleVariable($this));
         $traverser->addVisitor(new \Controllers\Obfuscator\ScrambleString($this));
     if (input::get('ReplaceFunctions')) {
          * all OOP functions
         $traverser->addVisitor(new \Controllers\Obfuscator\ScrambleFunction($this));
          * all NONE OOP functions (NATIVE)
         $traverser->addVisitor(new \Controllers\Obfuscator\ScrambleNativeFunction($this));
     if (input::get('ReplaceVariables')) {
          * all OOP $this->vars
         $traverser->addVisitor(new \Controllers\Obfuscator\ScrambleProperty($this));
     //if( input::get('ReplaceSmart') ) {
     //$traverser->addVisitor(new \Controllers\Obfuscator\ScrambleSmart($this));
     $parser = new Parser(new Lexer());
     // traverse
     $stmts = $traverser->traverse($parser->parse($source));
     $prettyPrinter = new PrettyPrinter();
     $nodeDumper = new PhpParser\NodeDumper();
     // pretty print
     $code = "<?php\n" . $prettyPrinter->prettyPrint($stmts);
     if (Input::has('test')) {
         echo '<pre>';
         echo $nodeDumper->dump($stmts), "\n";
         echo htmlentities($code);
         echo '</pre>';
     return $code;
  * Get a pretty printed string of code from a file while applying visitors.
  * @param string $file
  * @throws \RuntimeException
  * @return string
 protected function getCode($file)
     if (!is_readable($file)) {
         throw new \RuntimeException("Cannot open {$file} for reading");
     if ($this->input->getOption('strip_comments')) {
         $content = php_strip_whitespace($file);
     } else {
         $content = file_get_contents($file);
     $parsed = $this->parser->parse($content);
     $stmts = $this->getTraverser()->traverseFile($parsed, $file);
     $pretty = $this->printer->prettyPrint($stmts);
     // Remove the open PHP tag
     if (substr($pretty, 5) === '<?php') {
         $pretty = substr($pretty, 7);
     return $this->getCodeWrappedIntoNamespace($parsed, $pretty);
 public function onControllerGenerated(ControllerGenerated $event)
     $spec = $event->getControllerSpec();
     $printer = new PrettyPrinter();
     $stmts = array();
     echo "Generating tests for {$spec->getName()}:\n";
     $stmts[] = $this->factory->namespace(array($spec->getBundle()->getNamespace(), 'Tests', 'Controller'));
     $stmts[] = $this->factory->use('Symfony\\Bundle\\FrameworkBundle\\Test\\WebTestCase');
     $class = $this->factory->class($spec->getName() . 'ControllerTest')->extend('WebTestCase');
     foreach ($spec->getActions() as $action) {
         echo "  test{$action}\n";
     $stmts[] = $class;
     $nodes = array_map(function ($stmt) {
         return $stmt->getNode();
     }, $stmts);
     $code = $printer->prettyPrint($nodes);
     $testCaseFile = $spec->getBundle()->getPath() . '/Tests/Controller/' . $spec->getName() . 'ControllerTest.php';
     file_put_contents($testCaseFile, "<?php\n" . $code);
  * Get a pretty printed string of code from a file while applying visitors.
  * @param string $file
  * @throws \RuntimeException
  * @return string
 protected function getCode($file)
     if (!is_readable($file)) {
         throw new \RuntimeException("Cannot open {$file} for reading");
     if ($this->input->getOption('strip_comments')) {
         $content = php_strip_whitespace($file);
     } else {
         $content = file_get_contents($file);
     $parsed = $this->parser->parse($content);
     $stmts = $this->getTraverser()->traverseFile($parsed, $file);
     $pretty = $this->printer->prettyPrint($stmts);
     // Remove the open PHP tag
     if (substr($pretty, 5) === '<?php') {
         $pretty = substr($pretty, 7);
     // Add a wrapping namespace if needed
     if (strpos($pretty, 'namespace ') === false) {
         $pretty = "namespace {\n" . $pretty . "\n}\n";
     return $pretty;
Example #19
     * @covers NameResolver
    public function testResolveLocations()
        $code = <<<'EOC'
namespace NS;

class A extends B implements C {
    use A;

interface A extends C {
    public function a(A $a);

new A;
$a instanceof A;


try {
} catch (A $a) {
        $expectedCode = <<<'EOC'
namespace NS;

class A extends \NS\B implements \NS\C
    use \NS\A;
interface A extends \NS\C
    public function a(\NS\A $a);
new \NS\A();
$a instanceof \NS\A;
try {
} catch (\NS\A $a) {
        $parser = new PhpParser\Parser(new PhpParser\Lexer\Emulative());
        $prettyPrinter = new PhpParser\PrettyPrinter\Standard();
        $traverser = new PhpParser\NodeTraverser();
        $traverser->addVisitor(new NameResolver());
        $stmts = $parser->parse($code);
        $stmts = $traverser->traverse($stmts);
        $this->assertEquals($expectedCode, $prettyPrinter->prettyPrint($stmts));
Example #20
     * @covers PhpParser\NodeVisitor\NameResolver
    public function testResolveLocations()
        $code = <<<'EOC'
namespace NS;

class A extends B implements C, D {
    use E, F, G {
        f as private g;
        E::h as i;
        E::j insteadof F, G;

interface A extends C, D {
    public function a(A $a) : A;

function fn() : A {}
function fn2() : array {}
function() : A {};

new A;
$a instanceof A;


try {
} catch (A $a) {
        $expectedCode = <<<'EOC'
namespace NS;

class A extends \NS\B implements \NS\C, \NS\D
    use \NS\E, \NS\F, \NS\G {
        f as private g;
        \NS\E::h as i;
        \NS\E::j insteadof \NS\F, \NS\G;
interface A extends \NS\C, \NS\D
    public function a(\NS\A $a) : \NS\A;
function fn() : \NS\A
function fn2() : array
function () : \NS\A {
new \NS\A();
$a instanceof \NS\A;
try {
} catch (\NS\A $a) {
        $parser = new PhpParser\Parser\Php7(new PhpParser\Lexer\Emulative());
        $prettyPrinter = new PhpParser\PrettyPrinter\Standard();
        $traverser = new PhpParser\NodeTraverser();
        $traverser->addVisitor(new NameResolver());
        $stmts = $parser->parse($code);
        $stmts = $traverser->traverse($stmts);
        $this->assertSame($this->canonicalize($expectedCode), $prettyPrinter->prettyPrint($stmts));
Example #21
 /** Validate passed callable for execution
  * @param   callable|string $code      The callable or string of code to validate
  * @return  $this      Returns the PHPSandbox instance for fluent querying
 public function validate($code)
     $this->preparsed_code = $this->disassemble($code);
     $factory = new ParserFactory();
     $parser = $factory->create(ParserFactory::PREFER_PHP5);
     try {
         $this->parsed_ast = $parser->parse($this->preparsed_code);
     } catch (ParserError $error) {
         $this->validationError("Could not parse sandboxed code!", Error::PARSER_ERROR, null, $this->preparsed_code, $error);
     $prettyPrinter = new Standard();
     if ($this->allow_functions && $this->auto_whitelist_functions || $this->allow_constants && $this->auto_whitelist_constants || $this->allow_classes && $this->auto_whitelist_classes || $this->allow_interfaces && $this->auto_whitelist_interfaces || $this->allow_traits && $this->auto_whitelist_traits || $this->allow_globals && $this->auto_whitelist_globals) {
         $traverser = new NodeTraverser();
         $whitelister = new SandboxWhitelistVisitor($this);
     $traverser = new NodeTraverser();
     $validator = new ValidatorVisitor($this);
     $this->prepared_ast = $traverser->traverse($this->parsed_ast);
     $this->prepared_code = $prettyPrinter->prettyPrint($this->prepared_ast);
     return $this;
  * Get the default value from a method parameter
  * @param mixed $default
  * @return string
 private function getDefaultValue($default)
     $default = $this->prettyPrinter->prettyPrint([$default]);
     $default = str_replace(';', '', $default);
     return $default;
Example #23
 private function processNode(\PhpParser\Node $node, Scope $scope, \Closure $nodeCallback)
     $nodeCallback($node, $scope);
     if ($node instanceof \PhpParser\Node\Stmt\ClassLike) {
         if ($node instanceof Node\Stmt\Trait_) {
         if (isset($node->namespacedName)) {
             $scope = $scope->enterClass((string) $node->namespacedName);
         } else {
             $scope = $scope->enterAnonymousClass($this->anonymousClassReflection);
     } elseif ($node instanceof Node\Stmt\TraitUse) {
         $this->processTraitUse($node, $scope, $nodeCallback);
     } elseif ($node instanceof \PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Function_) {
         $scope = $scope->enterFunction($this->broker->getFunction($node->namespacedName, $scope));
     } elseif ($node instanceof \PhpParser\Node\Stmt\ClassMethod) {
         $scope = $this->enterClassMethod($scope, $node);
     } elseif ($node instanceof \PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Namespace_) {
         $scope = $scope->enterNamespace((string) $node->name);
     } elseif ($node instanceof \PhpParser\Node\Expr\StaticCall && (is_string($node->class) || $node->class instanceof \PhpParser\Node\Name) && is_string($node->name) && (string) $node->class === 'Closure' && $node->name === 'bind') {
         $thisType = null;
         if (isset($node->args[1])) {
             $argValue = $node->args[1]->value;
             if ($argValue instanceof Expr\ConstFetch && (string) $argValue->name === 'null') {
                 $thisType = null;
             } else {
                 $thisType = $scope->getType($argValue);
         $scopeClass = 'static';
         if (isset($node->args[2])) {
             $argValue = $node->args[2]->value;
             $argValueType = $scope->getType($argValue);
             if ($argValueType->getClass() !== null) {
                 $scopeClass = $argValueType->getClass();
             } elseif ($argValue instanceof Expr\ClassConstFetch && $argValue->name === 'class' && $argValue->class instanceof Name) {
                 $resolvedName = $scope->resolveName($argValue->class);
                 if ($resolvedName !== null) {
                     $scopeClass = $resolvedName;
             } elseif ($argValue instanceof Node\Scalar\String_) {
                 $scopeClass = $argValue->value;
         $closureBindScope = $scope->enterClosureBind($thisType, $scopeClass);
     } elseif ($node instanceof \PhpParser\Node\Expr\Closure) {
         $scope = $scope->enterAnonymousFunction($node->params, $node->uses, $node->returnType);
     } elseif ($node instanceof Foreach_) {
         if ($node->valueVar instanceof Variable) {
             $scope = $scope->enterForeach($node->expr, $node->valueVar->name, $node->keyVar !== null && $node->keyVar instanceof Variable ? $node->keyVar->name : null);
         } else {
             if ($node->keyVar !== null && $node->keyVar instanceof Variable) {
                 $scope = $scope->assignVariable($node->keyVar->name);
             if ($node->valueVar instanceof Array_) {
                 $scope = $this->lookForArrayDestructuringArray($scope, $node->valueVar);
             } else {
                 $scope = $this->lookForAssigns($scope, $node->valueVar);
     } elseif ($node instanceof Catch_) {
         if (isset($node->types)) {
             $nodeTypes = $node->types;
         } elseif (isset($node->type)) {
             $nodeTypes = [$node->type];
         } else {
             throw new \PHPStan\ShouldNotHappenException();
         $scope = $scope->enterCatch($nodeTypes, $node->var);
     } elseif ($node instanceof For_) {
         foreach ($node->init as $initExpr) {
             $scope = $this->lookForAssigns($scope, $initExpr);
         foreach ($node->cond as $condExpr) {
             $scope = $this->lookForAssigns($scope, $condExpr);
         foreach ($node->loop as $loopExpr) {
             $scope = $this->lookForAssigns($scope, $loopExpr);
     } elseif ($node instanceof If_) {
         $scope = $this->lookForAssigns($scope, $node->cond);
         $ifScope = $scope;
         $scope = $this->lookForTypeSpecifications($scope, $node->cond);
         $this->processNode($node->cond, $scope, $nodeCallback);
         $this->processNodes($node->stmts, $scope, $nodeCallback);
         foreach ($node->elseifs as $elseif) {
             $this->processNode($elseif, $ifScope, $nodeCallback);
             $ifScope = $this->lookForAssigns($ifScope, $elseif->cond);
         if ($node->else !== null) {
             $this->processNode($node->else, $ifScope, $nodeCallback);
     } elseif ($node instanceof Switch_) {
         $scope = $this->lookForAssigns($scope, $node->cond);
         $switchScope = $scope;
         $switchConditionIsTrue = $node->cond instanceof Expr\ConstFetch && strtolower((string) $node->cond->name) === 'true';
         foreach ($node->cases as $caseNode) {
             if ($caseNode->cond !== null) {
                 $switchScope = $this->lookForAssigns($switchScope, $caseNode->cond);
                 if ($switchConditionIsTrue) {
                     $switchScope = $this->lookForTypeSpecifications($switchScope, $caseNode->cond);
             $this->processNode($caseNode, $switchScope, $nodeCallback);
             if ($this->hasEarlyTermination($caseNode->stmts, $switchScope)) {
                 $switchScope = $scope;
     } elseif ($node instanceof ElseIf_) {
         $scope = $this->lookForAssigns($scope, $node->cond);
         $scope = $this->lookForTypeSpecifications($scope, $node->cond);
     } elseif ($node instanceof While_) {
         $scope = $this->lookForAssigns($scope, $node->cond);
         $scope = $this->lookForTypeSpecifications($scope, $node->cond);
     } elseif ($this->polluteCatchScopeWithTryAssignments && $node instanceof TryCatch) {
         foreach ($node->stmts as $statement) {
             $scope = $this->lookForAssigns($scope, $statement);
     } elseif ($node instanceof Ternary) {
         $scope = $this->lookForAssigns($scope, $node->cond);
     } elseif ($node instanceof Do_) {
         foreach ($node->stmts as $statement) {
             $scope = $this->lookForAssigns($scope, $statement);
     } elseif ($node instanceof FuncCall) {
         $scope = $scope->enterFunctionCall($node);
     } elseif ($node instanceof Expr\StaticCall) {
         $scope = $scope->enterFunctionCall($node);
     } elseif ($node instanceof MethodCall) {
         if ($scope->getType($node->var)->getClass() === 'Closure' && $node->name === 'call' && isset($node->args[0])) {
             $closureCallScope = $scope->enterClosureBind($scope->getType($node->args[0]->value), 'static');
         $scope = $scope->enterFunctionCall($node);
     } elseif ($node instanceof Array_) {
         foreach ($node->items as $item) {
             $scope = $this->lookForAssigns($scope, $item->value);
     } elseif ($node instanceof New_ && $node->class instanceof Class_) {
         $node->args = [];
         foreach ($node->class->stmts as $i => $statement) {
             if ($statement instanceof Node\Stmt\ClassMethod && $statement->name === '__construct') {
                 $node->class->stmts = array_values($node->class->stmts);
         $code = $this->printer->prettyPrint([$node]);
         $classReflection = new \ReflectionClass(eval(sprintf('return %s', $code)));
         $this->anonymousClassReflection = $this->broker->getClassFromReflection($classReflection);
     } elseif ($node instanceof BooleanNot) {
         $scope = $scope->enterNegation();
     $originalScope = $scope;
     foreach ($node->getSubNodeNames() as $subNodeName) {
         $scope = $originalScope;
         $subNode = $node->{$subNodeName};
         if (is_array($subNode)) {
             $argClosureBindScope = null;
             if (isset($closureBindScope) && $subNodeName === 'args') {
                 $argClosureBindScope = $closureBindScope;
             $this->processNodes($subNode, $scope, $nodeCallback, $argClosureBindScope);
         } elseif ($subNode instanceof \PhpParser\Node) {
             if ($node instanceof Coalesce && $subNodeName === 'left') {
                 $scope = $this->assignVariable($scope, $subNode);
             if ($node instanceof Ternary && $subNodeName === 'if') {
                 $scope = $this->lookForTypeSpecifications($scope, $node->cond);
             if ($node instanceof BooleanAnd && $subNodeName === 'right') {
                 $scope = $this->lookForTypeSpecifications($scope, $node->left);
             if (($node instanceof Assign || $node instanceof AssignRef) && $subNodeName === 'var') {
                 $scope = $this->lookForEnterVariableAssign($scope, $node->var);
             $nodeScope = $scope;
             if ($node instanceof MethodCall && $subNodeName === 'var' && isset($closureCallScope)) {
                 $nodeScope = $closureCallScope;
             $this->processNode($subNode, $nodeScope, $nodeCallback);
  * Retrieves the body of this function as code.
  * If a PrettyPrinter is provided as a paramter, it will be used, otherwise
  * a default will be used.
  * Note that the formatting of the code may not be the same as the original
  * function. If specific formatting is required, you should provide your
  * own implementation of a PrettyPrinter to unparse the AST.
  * @param PrettyPrinterAbstract|null $printer
  * @return string
 public function getBodyCode(PrettyPrinterAbstract $printer = null)
     if (null === $printer) {
         $printer = new StandardPrettyPrinter();
     return $printer->prettyPrint($this->getBodyAst());
Example #25
 public function getMessage()
     $formatter = new Standard();
     $code = $formatter->prettyPrint(array($this->node));
     return 'Magic usage : ' . $code;
 protected function visitMethod(ClassMethod $node)
     $m = new PhpMethod($node->name);
     // docblock
     if (($doc = $node->getDocComment()) !== null) {
         $docblock = $m->getDocblock();
     // params
     $params = $m->getDocblock()->getTags('param');
     foreach ($node->params as $param) {
         /* @var $param Param */
         $p = new PhpParameter();
         if (is_string($param->type)) {
         } else {
             if ($param->type instanceof Name) {
                 $p->setType(implode('\\', $param->type->parts));
         $default = $param->default;
         if ($default !== null) {
         $tag = $params->find($p, function (ParamTag $t, $p) {
             return $t->getVariable() == '$' . $p->getName();
         if ($tag !== null) {
             $p->setType($tag->getType(), $tag->getDescription());
     // return type and description
     $returns = $m->getDocblock()->getTags('return');
     if ($returns->size() > 0) {
         $return = $returns->get(0);
         $m->setType($return->getType(), $return->getDescription());
     // body
     $stmts = $node->getStmts();
     if (is_array($stmts) && count($stmts)) {
         $prettyPrinter = new Standard();