Cache is supported only for phar version and version installed via composer. File will be processed by PHP CS Fixer only if any of the following conditions is fulfilled: - cache is corrupt - fixer version changed - rules changed - file is new - file changed
Author: Dariusz RumiƄski (
Inheritance: implements PhpCsFixer\Cache\CacheManagerInterface
 public function testSetFileUsesRelativePathToFile()
     $cacheFile = $this->getFile();
     $file = '/foo/bar/baz/src/hello.php';
     $relativePathToFile = 'src/hello.php';
     $fileContent = '<?php echo "Hello!"';
     $directory = $this->getDirectoryMock();
     $cachedSignature = $this->getSignatureMock();
     $signature = $this->getSignatureMock();
     $cache = $this->getCacheMock();
     $cache->expects($this->once())->method('set')->with($this->identicalTo($relativePathToFile), $this->identicalTo(crc32($fileContent)));
     $handler = $this->getFileHandlerMock();
     $manager = new FileCacheManager($handler, $signature, false, $directory);
     $manager->setFile($file, $fileContent);