/** * "Decode" PHPCR property to MongoDB property * * @param $property * @return array|null * * @throws \Exception */ private function decodeProperty(PropertyInterface $property) { $path = $property->getPath(); $path = $this->validatePath($path); $name = explode('/', $path); $name = end($name); if ($name == 'jcr:uuid' || $name == 'jcr:primaryType') { return null; } if (!$property->isModified() && !$property->isNew()) { return null; } $propType = $property->getType(); $propNode = $property->getNode(); if (($propType == PropertyType::REFERENCE || $propType == PropertyType::WEAKREFERENCE) && ($propNode instanceof NodeInterface && !$propNode->isNodeType('mix:referenceable'))) { throw new ValueFormatException('Node ' . $property->getNode()->getPath() . ' is not referenceable.'); } $isMultiple = $property->isMultiple(); $typeId = $property->getType(); $type = PropertyType::nameFromValue($typeId); $data = array('multi' => $isMultiple, 'name' => $property->getName(), 'type' => $type); $binaryData = null; switch ($typeId) { case PropertyType::NAME: case PropertyType::URI: case PropertyType::WEAKREFERENCE: case PropertyType::REFERENCE: case PropertyType::PATH: $values = $property->getString(); break; case PropertyType::DECIMAL: $values = $property->getDecimal(); break; case PropertyType::STRING: $values = $property->getString(); break; case PropertyType::BOOLEAN: $values = $property->getBoolean(); break; case PropertyType::LONG: $values = $property->getLong(); break; case PropertyType::BINARY: if ($property->isMultiple()) { foreach ((array) $property->getBinary() as $binary) { $binary = stream_get_contents($binary); $binaryData[] = $binary; $values[] = strlen($binary); } } else { $binary = stream_get_contents($property->getBinary()); $binaryData[] = $binary; $values = strlen($binary); } break; case PropertyType::DATE: if ($property->isMultiple()) { $dates = $property->getDate() ?: new \DateTime('now'); foreach ((array) $dates as $date) { $value = array('date' => new \MongoDate($date->getTimestamp()), 'timezone' => $date->getTimezone()->getName()); $values[] = $value; } } else { $date = $property->getDate() ?: new \DateTime('now'); $values = array('date' => new \MongoDate($date->getTimestamp()), 'timezone' => $date->getTimezone()->getName()); } break; case PropertyType::DOUBLE: $values = $property->getDouble(); break; } if ($isMultiple) { $data['value'] = array(); foreach ((array) $values as $value) { $this->assertValidPropertyValue($data['type'], $value, $path); $data['value'][] = $value; } } else { $this->assertValidPropertyValue($data['type'], $values, $path); $data['value'] = $values; } if ($binaryData) { try { foreach ($binaryData as $idx => $binary) { $grid = $this->db->getGridFS(); $grid->getMongoCollection()->storeBytes($binary, array('path' => $path, 'w_id' => $this->workspaceId, 'idx' => $idx)); } } catch (\Exception $e) { throw $e; } } return $data; }
/** * Remove the item at absPath from local cache and keep information for undo. * * @param string $absPath The absolute path of the item that is being * removed. Note that contrary to removeItem(), this path is the full * path for a property too. * @param PropertyInterface $property The item that is being removed * @param bool $sessionOperation whether the property removal should be * dispatched immediately or needs to be scheduled in the operations log * * @see ObjectManager::removeItem() */ protected function performPropertyRemove($absPath, PropertyInterface $property, $sessionOperation = true) { if ($sessionOperation) { if ($property->isNew()) { return; } // keep reference to object in case of refresh $operation = new RemovePropertyOperation($absPath, $property); $this->propertiesRemove[$absPath] = $operation; $this->operationsLog[] = $operation; return; } // this is no session operation $this->transport->deletePropertyImmediately($absPath); }
public function testIsNew() { $this->assertFalse($this->createdProperty->isNew()); }