public function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $session = $this->get('phpcr.session'); $file = $input->getArgument('file'); $pretty = $input->getOption('pretty'); $exportDocument = $input->getOption('document'); $dialog = $this->get('helper.question'); if (file_exists($file)) { $confirmed = true; if (false === $input->getOption('no-interaction')) { $confirmed = $dialog->ask($input, $output, new ConfirmationQuestion('File already exists, overwrite?')); } if (false === $confirmed) { return; } } $stream = fopen($file, 'w'); $absPath = $input->getArgument('absPath'); PathHelper::assertValidAbsolutePath($absPath); if (true === $exportDocument) { $session->exportDocumentView($absPath, $stream, $input->getOption('skip-binary'), $input->getOption('no-recurse')); } else { $session->exportSystemView($absPath, $stream, $input->getOption('skip-binary'), $input->getOption('no-recurse')); } fclose($stream); if ($pretty) { $xml = new \DOMDocument(1.0); $xml->load($file); $xml->preserveWhitespace = true; $xml->formatOutput = true; $xml->save($file); } }
public function preFlush(ManagerEventArgs $args) { if (empty($this->stack)) { return; } $metadataFactory = $args->getObjectManager()->getMetadataFactory(); foreach ($this->stack as $data) { $children = $data['children']; $ctMetadata = $data['ct_metadata']; $childrenField = $data['field']; $index = 0; foreach ($children as $child) { $childMetadata = $metadataFactory->getMetadataFor(ClassUtils::getRealClass(get_class($child))); $expectedId = $this->encoder->encode($childrenField, $index++); $identifier = $childMetadata->getIdentifierValue($child); $idGenerator = $childMetadata->idGenerator; if ($idGenerator !== ClassMetadata::GENERATOR_TYPE_ASSIGNED) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Currently, all documents which belong to a mapped collection must use the ' . 'assigned ID generator strategy, "%s" is using "%s".', $childMetadata->getName(), $idGenerator)); } if (!$identifier || PathHelper::getNodeName($identifier) !== $expectedId) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Child mapped to content type "%s" on field "%s" has an unexpected ID "%s". ' . 'It is currently necessary to envoke the CollectionIdentifierUpdater on all ' . 'documents (at least those which have collections) before they are persisted.', $ctMetadata->getType(), $childrenField, $identifier)); } } } }
private function doSerializeResource(Resource $resource, $depth = 0) { $data = array(); $repositoryAlias = $this->registry->getRepositoryAlias($resource->getRepository()); $data['repository_alias'] = $repositoryAlias; $data['repository_type'] = $this->registry->getRepositoryType($resource->getRepository()); $data['payload_alias'] = $this->payloadAliasRegistry->getPayloadAlias($resource); $data['payload_type'] = null; if ($resource instanceof CmfResource) { $data['payload_type'] = $resource->getPayloadType(); } $data['path'] = $resource->getPath(); $data['label'] = $data['node_name'] = PathHelper::getNodeName($data['path']); $data['repository_path'] = $resource->getRepositoryPath(); $enhancers = $this->enhancerRegistry->getEnhancers($repositoryAlias); $children = array(); foreach ($resource->listChildren() as $name => $childResource) { $children[$name] = array(); if ($depth < 2) { $children[$name] = $this->doSerializeResource($childResource, $depth + 1); } } $data['children'] = $children; if ($resource instanceof BodyResource) { $data['body'] = $resource->getBody(); } foreach ($enhancers as $enhancer) { $data = $enhancer->enhance($data, $resource); } return $data; }
/** * @param PersistEvent $event * * @throws DocumentManagerException */ public function handlePersist(PersistEvent $event) { $options = $event->getOptions(); $this->validateOptions($options); $document = $event->getDocument(); $parentPath = null; $nodeName = null; if ($options['path']) { $parentPath = PathHelper::getParentPath($options['path']); $nodeName = PathHelper::getNodeName($options['path']); } if ($options['parent_path']) { $parentPath = $options['parent_path']; } if ($parentPath) { $event->setParentNode($this->resolveParent($parentPath, $options)); } if ($options['node_name']) { if (!$event->hasParentNode()) { throw new DocumentManagerException(sprintf('The "node_name" option can only be used either with the "parent_path" option ' . 'or when a parent node has been established by a previous subscriber. ' . 'When persisting document: %s', DocumentHelper::getDebugTitle($document))); } $nodeName = $options['node_name']; } if (!$nodeName) { return; } if ($event->hasNode()) { $this->renameNode($event->getNode(), $nodeName); return; } $node = $this->strategy->createNodeForDocument($document, $event->getParentNode(), $nodeName); $event->setNode($node); }
public function setRouteRoot($routeRoot) { // make limitation on base path work parent::setRootPath($routeRoot); // TODO: fix widget to show root node when root is selectable // $this->routeRoot = PathHelper::getParentPath($routeRoot); }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function mapPathToId($path, $rootPath = null) { // The path is being the id $id = PathHelper::absolutizePath($path, '/'); if (is_string($rootPath) && 0 !== strpos($id, $rootPath)) { throw new \OutOfBoundsException(sprintf('The path "%s" is out of the root path "%s" were the file system is located.', $path, $rootPath)); } return $id; }
/** * @param string $path * * @return Route */ protected function createRoute($path) { $parentPath = PathHelper::getParentPath($path); $parent = $this->getDm()->find(null, $parentPath); $name = PathHelper::getNodeName($path); $route = new Route(); $route->setPosition($parent, $name); $this->getDm()->persist($route); $this->getDm()->flush(); return $route; }
public function removeProperty($workspace, $path) { $propertyName = PathHelper::getNodeName($path); $nodePath = PathHelper::getParentPath($path); $node = $this->nodeReader->readNode($workspace, $nodePath); $property = $node->getProperty($propertyName); if (in_array($property['type'], array('Reference', 'WeakReference'))) { $this->index->deindexReferrer($node->getPropertyValue(Storage::INTERNAL_UUID), $propertyName, $property['type'] === 'Reference' ? false : true); } $node->removeProperty($propertyName); $this->nodeWriter->writeNode($workspace, $nodePath, $node); }
/** * Finds the parent route document by concatenating the basepaths with the * requested path. * * @return null|object */ protected function findParentRoute($requestedPath) { $manager = $this->getManagerForClass('Symfony\\Cmf\\Bundle\\RoutingBundle\\Doctrine\\Phpcr\\Route'); $parentPaths = array(); foreach ($this->routeBasePaths as $basepath) { $parentPaths[] = PathHelper::getParentPath($basepath . $requestedPath); } $parentRoutes = $manager->findMany(null, $parentPaths); if (0 === count($parentRoutes)) { return; } return $parentRoutes->first(); }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function create(Request $request) { $routes = array(); $manager = $this->getManagerForClass('Symfony\\Cmf\\Bundle\\RoutingBundle\\Doctrine\\Phpcr\\Route'); $parentPath = PathHelper::getParentPath($this->routeBasePath . $request->getPathInfo()); $parentRoute = $manager->find(null, $parentPath); if (!$parentRoute) { return $routes; } if ($parentRoute instanceof Route) { $routes[$parentRoute->getName()] = $parentRoute; } return $routes; }
public function getNodePath($workspace, $path, $withFilename = true) { $path = PathHelper::normalizePath($path); if (substr($path, 0, 1) == '/') { $path = substr($path, 1); } if ($path) { $path .= '/'; } $nodeRecordPath = Storage::WORKSPACE_PATH . '/' . $workspace . '/' . $path . 'node.yml'; if ($withFilename === false) { $nodeRecordPath = dirname($nodeRecordPath); } return $nodeRecordPath; }
protected function loadPhpcr($config, XmlFileLoader $loader, ContainerBuilder $container) { $loader->load('services-phpcr.xml'); $loader->load('migrator-phpcr.xml'); $prefix = $this->getAlias() . '.persistence.phpcr'; $container->setParameter($prefix . '.basepath', $config['basepath']); $container->setParameter($prefix . '.menu_basepath', PathHelper::getParentPath($config['basepath'])); if ($config['use_sonata_admin']) { $this->loadSonataAdmin($config, $loader, $container); } elseif (isset($config['sonata_admin'])) { throw new InvalidConfigurationException('Do not define sonata_admin options when use_sonata_admin is set to false'); } $container->setParameter($prefix . '.manager_name', $config['manager_name']); $container->setParameter($prefix . '.document.class', $config['document_class']); }
public function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $session = $this->get('phpcr.session'); $file = $input->getArgument('file'); $parentAbsPath = $input->getArgument('parentAbsPath'); $uuidBehavior = $input->getOption('uuid-behavior'); if (!in_array($uuidBehavior, $this->uuidBehaviors)) { throw new \Exception(sprintf("The specified uuid behavior \"%s\" is invalid, you should use one of:\n%s", $uuidBehavior, ' - ' . implode("\n - ", $this->uuidBehaviors))); } if (!file_exists($file)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The file "%s" does not exist', $file)); } PathHelper::assertValidAbsolutePath($parentAbsPath); $uuidBehavior = constant('\\PHPCR\\ImportUUIDBehaviorInterface::IMPORT_UUID_' . strtoupper(str_replace('-', '_', $uuidBehavior))); $session->importXml($parentAbsPath, $file, $uuidBehavior); }
private function resolveSiblingName($siblingId, NodeInterface $parentNode, NodeInterface $node) { if (null === $siblingId) { return; } $siblingPath = $siblingId; if (UUIDHelper::isUUID($siblingId)) { $siblingPath = $this->nodeManager->find($siblingId)->getPath(); } if ($siblingPath !== null && PathHelper::getParentPath($siblingPath) !== $parentNode->getPath()) { throw new DocumentManagerException(sprintf('Cannot reorder documents which are not siblings. Trying to reorder "%s" to "%s"', $node->getPath(), $siblingPath)); } if (null !== $siblingPath) { return PathHelper::getNodeName($siblingPath); } return $node->getName(); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function init(ManagerRegistry $registry) { /** @var $dm DocumentManager */ $dm = $registry->getManagerForClass('Symfony\\Cmf\\Bundle\\SimpleCmsBundle\\Doctrine\\Phpcr\\Page'); if ($dm->find(null, $this->basePath)) { return; } $session = $dm->getPhpcrSession(); NodeHelper::createPath($session, PathHelper::getParentPath($this->basePath)); $page = new $this->documentClass(); $page->setId($this->basePath); $page->setLabel('Home'); $page->setTitle('Homepage'); $page->setBody('Autocreated Homepage'); $dm->persist($page); $dm->flush(); }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getRouteCollectionForRequest(Request $request) { $collection = new RouteCollection(); $path = $request->getPathInfo(); $prefix = $this->requestAnalyzer->getResourceLocatorPrefix(); if (!empty($prefix) && strpos($path, $prefix) === 0) { $path = PathHelper::relativizePath($path, $prefix); } $route = $this->findRouteByPath($path, $request->getLocale()); if ($route && array_key_exists($route->getId(), $this->symfonyRouteCache)) { $collection->add(self::ROUTE_PREFIX . $route->getId(), $this->symfonyRouteCache[$route->getId()]); return $collection; } if (!$route || !$this->routeDefaultsProvider->supports($route->getEntityClass()) || !$this->routeDefaultsProvider->isPublished($route->getEntityClass(), $route->getEntityId(), $route->getLocale())) { return $collection; } $collection->add(self::ROUTE_PREFIX . $route->getId(), $this->createRoute($route, $request)); return $collection; }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function init(ManagerRegistry $registry) { /** @var $dm DocumentManager */ $dm = $registry->getManagerForClass('AppBundle\\Document\\SeoPage'); if ($dm->find(null, $this->basePath)) { return; } $session = $dm->getPhpcrSession(); NodeHelper::createPath($session, PathHelper::getParentPath($this->basePath)); /** @var \AppBundle\Document\SeoPage $page */ $page = new $this->documentClass(); $page->setId($this->basePath); $page->setLabel('Home'); $page->setTitle('Homepage'); $page->setBody('Autocreated Homepage'); $page->setIsVisibleForSitemap(true); $dm->persist($page); $dm->flush(); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $helper = $this->getPhpcrHelper(); $session = $this->getPhpcrSession(); $path = $input->getArgument('path'); $type = $input->getOption('type'); $dump = $input->getOption('dump'); $setProp = $input->getOption('set-prop'); $removeProp = $input->getOption('remove-prop'); $addMixins = $input->getOption('add-mixin'); $removeMixins = $input->getOption('remove-mixin'); try { $node = $session->getNode($path); } catch (PathNotFoundException $e) { $node = null; } if ($node) { $nodeType = $node->getPrimaryNodeType()->getName(); $output->writeln(sprintf('<info>Node at path </info>%s <info>already exists and has primary type</info> %s.', $path, $nodeType)); if ($nodeType != $type) { $output->writeln(sprintf('<error>You have specified node type "%s" but the existing node is of type "%s"</error>', $type, $nodeType)); return 1; } } else { $nodeName = PathHelper::getNodeName($path); $parentPath = PathHelper::getParentPath($path); try { $parentNode = $session->getNode($parentPath); } catch (PathNotFoundException $e) { $output->writeln(sprintf('<error>Parent path "%s" does not exist</error>', $parentPath)); return 2; } $output->writeln(sprintf('<info>Creating node: </info> %s [%s]', $path, $type)); $node = $parentNode->addNode($nodeName, $type); } $helper->processNode($output, $node, array('setProp' => $setProp, 'removeProp' => $removeProp, 'addMixins' => $addMixins, 'removeMixins' => $removeMixins, 'dump' => $dump)); $session->save(); return 0; }
/** * Reorder $moved (child of $parent) before or after $target * * @param string $parent the id of the parent * @param string $moved the id of the child being moved * @param string $target the id of the target node * @param bool $before insert before or after the target * * @return void */ public function reorder($parent, $moved, $target, $before) { $parentNode = $this->session->getNode($parent); $targetName = PathHelper::getNodeName($target); if (!$before) { $nodesIterator = $parentNode->getNodes(); $nodesIterator->rewind(); while ($nodesIterator->valid()) { if ($nodesIterator->key() == $targetName) { break; } $nodesIterator->next(); } $targetName = null; if ($nodesIterator->valid()) { $nodesIterator->next(); if ($nodesIterator->valid()) { $targetName = $nodesIterator->key(); } } } $parentNode->orderBefore(PathHelper::getNodeName($moved), $targetName); $this->session->save(); }
/** * Generates a content-tree with paths of given content array. * * @param Content[] $contents * * @return Content[] */ private function generateTreeByPath(array $contents) { $childrenByPath = []; foreach ($contents as $content) { $path = PathHelper::getParentPath($content->getPath()); if (!isset($childrenByPath[$path])) { $childrenByPath[$path] = []; } $order = $content['order']; while (isset($childrenByPath[$path][$order])) { ++$order; } $childrenByPath[$path][$order] = $content; } foreach ($contents as $content) { if (!isset($childrenByPath[$content->getPath()])) { continue; } ksort($childrenByPath[$content->getPath()]); $content->setChildren(array_values($childrenByPath[$content->getPath()])); } ksort($childrenByPath['/']); return array_values($childrenByPath['/']); }
public function testRemoveVersion() { $doc = $this->dm->find($this->typeVersion, '/functional/versionTestObj'); $this->dm->checkpoint($doc); $linearVersionHistory = $this->dm->getAllLinearVersions($doc); $lastVersion = end($linearVersionHistory); $lastVersionName = $lastVersion['name']; // Create a new version so that we are not trying to remove the last version $this->dm->checkpoint($doc); // Remove the version $version = $this->dm->findVersionByName($this->typeVersion, '/functional/versionTestObj', $lastVersionName); $removedVersionPath = $version->id; $this->dm->removeVersion($version); // Check it's not in the history anymore $this->assertFalse($this->dm->getPhpcrSession()->nodeExists(PathHelper::getParentPath($removedVersionPath))); return $lastVersionName; }
/** * Executes all document insertions * * @param array $documents array of all to be inserted documents */ private function executeInserts($documents) { // sort the documents to insert parents first but maintain child order $oids = array(); foreach ($documents as $oid => $document) { if (!$this->contains($oid)) { continue; } $oids[$oid] = $this->getDocumentId($document); } $order = array_flip(array_values($oids)); uasort($oids, function ($a, $b) use($order) { // compute the node depths $aCount = substr_count($a, '/'); $bCount = substr_count($b, '/'); // ensure that the original order is maintained for nodes with the same depth if ($aCount === $bCount) { return $order[$a] < $order[$b] ? -1 : 1; } return $aCount < $bCount ? -1 : 1; }); $associationChangesets = $associationUpdates = array(); foreach ($oids as $oid => $id) { $document = $documents[$oid]; $class = $this->dm->getClassMetadata(get_class($document)); // PHPCR does not validate nullable unless we would start to // generate custom node types, which we at the moment don't. // the ORM can delegate this validation to the relational database // that is using a strict schema foreach ($class->fieldMappings as $fieldName) { if (!isset($this->documentChangesets[$oid]['fields'][$fieldName]) && !$class->isNullable($fieldName) && !$this->isAutocreatedProperty($class, $fieldName)) { throw new PHPCRException(sprintf('Field "%s" of class "%s" is not nullable', $fieldName, $class->name)); } } $parentNode = $this->session->getNode(PathHelper::getParentPath($id)); $nodename = PathHelper::getNodeName($id); $node = $parentNode->addNode($nodename, $class->nodeType); if ($class->node) { $this->originalData[$oid][$class->node] = $node; } if ($class->nodename) { $this->originalData[$oid][$class->nodename] = $nodename; } try { $node->addMixin('phpcr:managed'); } catch (NoSuchNodeTypeException $e) { throw new PHPCRException('Register phpcr:managed node type first. See'); } foreach ($class->mixins as $mixin) { $node->addMixin($mixin); } if ($class->identifier) { $class->setIdentifierValue($document, $id); } if ($class->node) { $class->reflFields[$class->node]->setValue($document, $node); } if ($class->nodename) { // make sure this reflects the id generator strategy generated id $class->reflFields[$class->nodename]->setValue($document, $node->getName()); } // make sure this reflects the id generator strategy generated id if ($class->parentMapping && !$class->reflFields[$class->parentMapping]->getValue($document)) { $class->reflFields[$class->parentMapping]->setValue($document, $this->getOrCreateProxyFromNode($parentNode, $this->getCurrentLocale($document, $class))); } if ($this->writeMetadata) { $this->documentClassMapper->writeMetadata($this->dm, $node, $class->name); } $this->setMixins($class, $node, $document); $fields = isset($this->documentChangesets[$oid]['fields']) ? $this->documentChangesets[$oid]['fields'] : array(); foreach ($fields as $fieldName => $fieldValue) { // Ignore translatable fields (they will be persisted by the translation strategy) if (in_array($fieldName, $class->translatableFields)) { continue; } if (in_array($fieldName, $class->fieldMappings)) { $mapping = $class->mappings[$fieldName]; $type = PropertyType::valueFromName($mapping['type']); if (null === $fieldValue) { continue; } if ($mapping['multivalue'] && $fieldValue) { $fieldValue = (array) $fieldValue; if (isset($mapping['assoc'])) { $fieldValue = $this->processAssoc($node, $mapping, $fieldValue); } } $node->setProperty($mapping['property'], $fieldValue, $type); } elseif (in_array($fieldName, $class->referenceMappings) || in_array($fieldName, $class->referrersMappings)) { $associationUpdates[$oid] = $document; //populate $associationChangesets to force executeUpdates($associationUpdates) //to only update association fields $data = isset($associationChangesets[$oid]['fields']) ? $associationChangesets[$oid]['fields'] : array(); $data[$fieldName] = array(null, $fieldValue); $associationChangesets[$oid] = array('fields' => $data); } } $this->doSaveTranslation($document, $node, $class); if ($invoke = $this->eventListenersInvoker->getSubscribedSystems($class, Event::postPersist)) { $this->eventListenersInvoker->invoke($class, Event::postPersist, $document, new LifecycleEventArgs($document, $this->dm), $invoke); } } $this->documentChangesets = array_merge($this->documentChangesets, $associationChangesets); $this->executeUpdates($associationUpdates, false); }
/** * Return file name * * @param string $path file path * @return string * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov **/ protected function _basename($path) { return PathHelper::getNodeName($path); }
/** * Set or update the path, depth, name and parent reference * * @param string $path the new path this item lives at * @param boolean $move whether this item is being moved in session context * and should store the current path until the next save operation. * * @private */ public function setPath($path, $move = false) { if ($move && is_null($this->oldPath)) { try { $this->checkState(); } catch (InvalidItemStateException $e) { // do not break if object manager tells the move to a child that was removed in backend return; } $this->oldPath = $this->path; } $this->path = $path; $this->depth = '/' === $path ? 0 : substr_count($path, '/'); $this->name = PathHelper::getNodeName($path); $this->parentPath = 0 === $this->depth ? null : PathHelper::getParentPath($path); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} * @throws RepositoryException when no binary data found */ public function getBinaryStream($path) { $this->assertLoggedIn(); $nodePath = PathHelper::getParentPath($path); $nodeId = $this->getSystemIdForNode($nodePath); $propertyName = PathHelper::getNodeName($path); $data = $this->getConnection()->fetchAll('SELECT data, idx FROM phpcr_binarydata WHERE node_id = ? AND property_name = ? AND workspace_name = ?', array($nodeId, $propertyName, $this->workspaceName)); if (count($data) === 0) { throw new RepositoryException('No binary data found in stream'); } $streams = array(); foreach ($data as $row) { if (is_resource($row['data'])) { $stream = $row['data']; } else { $stream = fopen('php://memory', 'rwb+'); fwrite($stream, $row['data']); rewind($stream); } $streams[] = $stream; } if (count($data) === 1) { // we don't know if this is a multivalue property or not. // TODO we should have something more efficient to know this. a flag in the database? // TODO use self::getProperty()->isMultiple() once implemented $node = $this->getNode($nodePath); if (!is_array($node->{':' . $propertyName})) { return reset($streams); } } return $streams; }
public function addNode($workspaceName, \DOMElement $node) { $properties = $this->getAttributes($node); $uuid = isset($properties['jcr:uuid']['value'][0]) ? (string) $properties['jcr:uuid']['value'][0] : UUIDHelper::generateUUID(); $this->ids[$uuid] = $id = isset($this->expectedNodes[$uuid]) ? $this->expectedNodes[$uuid] : self::$idCounter++; $dom = new \DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8'); $phpcrNode = $dom->createElement('sv:node'); foreach ($this->namespaces as $namespace => $uri) { $phpcrNode->setAttribute('xmlns:' . $namespace, $uri); } $dom->appendChild($phpcrNode); foreach ($properties as $propertyName => $propertyData) { if ($propertyName == 'jcr:uuid') { continue; } if (!isset($this->jcrTypes[$propertyData['type']])) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('"' . $propertyData['type'] . '" is not a valid JCR type.'); } $phpcrNode->appendChild($this->createPropertyNode($workspaceName, $propertyName, $propertyData, $id, $dom, $phpcrNode)); } list($parentPath, $childPath) = $this->getPath($node); $namespace = ''; $name = $node->getAttributeNS($this->namespaces['sv'], 'name'); if (count($parts = explode(':', $name, 2)) == 2) { list($namespace, $name) = $parts; } if ($namespace == 'jcr' && $name == 'root') { $id = 1; $childPath = '/'; $parentPath = ''; $name = ''; $namespace = ''; } $this->addRow('phpcr_nodes', array('id' => $id, 'path' => $childPath, 'parent' => $parentPath, 'local_name' => $name, 'namespace' => $namespace, 'workspace_name' => $workspaceName, 'identifier' => $uuid, 'type' => $properties['jcr:primaryType']['value'][0], 'props' => $dom->saveXML(), 'depth' => PathHelper::getPathDepth($childPath), 'sort_order' => $id - 2)); return $this; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function getBinaryStream($path) { $this->assertLoggedIn(); $nodePath = PathHelper::getParentPath($path); $nodeId = $this->pathExists($nodePath); $propertyName = PathHelper::getNodeName($path); $data = $this->conn->fetchAll( 'SELECT data, idx FROM phpcr_binarydata WHERE node_id = ? AND property_name = ? AND workspace_name = ?', array($nodeId, $propertyName, $this->workspaceName) ); $streams = array(); foreach ($data as $row) { if (is_resource($row['data'])) { $stream = $row['data']; } else { $stream = fopen('php://memory', 'rwb+'); fwrite($stream, $row['data']); rewind($stream); } $streams[] = $stream; } // TODO even a multi value field could have only one value stored // we need to also fetch if the property is multi valued instead of this count() check if (count($data) > 1) { return $streams; } return reset($streams); }
/** * Check if this node name is valid. Returns null if valid, an exception otherwise. * * @param string $nodeName The node local name * * @return RepositoryException|null */ public function isValidNodename($nodeName) { try { $parts = explode(':', $nodeName); if (1 > count($parts) || 2 < count($parts)) { return new RepositoryException("Name contains illegal characters: {$nodeName}"); } if (0 === strlen($parts[0])) { return new RepositoryException("Name may not be empty: {$nodeName}"); } PathHelper::assertValidLocalName($parts[0]); if (2 == count($parts)) { // [0] was the namespace prefix, also check the name PathHelper::assertValidLocalName($parts[1]); if (0 === strlen($parts[1])) { return new RepositoryException("Local name may not be empty: {$nodeName}"); } } } catch (RepositoryException $e) { return $e; } return null; }
/** * changes path node to history node. * * @param NodeInterface $node * @param SessionInterface $session * @param string $absSrcPath * @param string $absDestPath */ private function changePathToHistory(NodeInterface $node, SessionInterface $session, $absSrcPath, $absDestPath) { // get new path node $relPath = str_replace($absSrcPath, '', $node->getPath()); $newPath = PathHelper::normalizePath($absDestPath . $relPath); $newPathNode = $session->getNode($newPath); // set history to true and set content to new path $node->setProperty('sulu:content', $newPathNode); $node->setProperty('sulu:history', true); // get referenced history /** @var PropertyInterface $property */ foreach ($node->getReferences('sulu:content') as $property) { $property->getParent()->setProperty('sulu:content', $newPathNode); } }
/** * {@inheritDoc} * * @api */ public function restore($removeExisting, $version, $absPath = null) { if ($this->objectManager->hasPendingChanges()) { throw new InvalidItemStateException('You may not call restore when there pending unsaved changes'); } if (is_string($version)) { if (!is_string($absPath)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('To restore version by version name you need to specify the path to the node you want to restore to this name'); } $vh = $this->getVersionHistory($absPath); $version = $vh->getVersion($version); $versionPath = $version->getPath(); $nodePath = $absPath; } elseif (is_array($version)) { // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart throw new NotImplementedException('TODO: implement restoring a list of versions'); // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } elseif ($version instanceof VersionInterface && is_string($absPath)) { // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart throw new NotImplementedException('TODO: implement restoring a version to a specified path'); // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } elseif ($version instanceof VersionInterface) { $versionPath = $version->getPath(); $nodePath = $this->objectManager->getNodeByIdentifier($version->getContainingHistory()->getVersionableIdentifier())->getPath(); } else { throw new InvalidArgumentException(); } $this->objectManager->restore($removeExisting, $versionPath, $nodePath); $version->setCachedPredecessorsDirty(); if ($history = $this->objectManager->getCachedNode(PathHelper::getParentPath($version->getPath()), 'Version\\VersionHistory')) { $history->notifyHistoryChanged(); } }