/** * @param \PhpAmqpLib\Connection\AbstractConnection $connection * @param null $channel_id * @param bool $auto_decode * @throws \Exception */ public function __construct($connection, $channel_id = null, $auto_decode = true) { if ($channel_id == null) { $channel_id = $connection->get_free_channel_id(); } parent::__construct($connection, $channel_id); $this->publish_cache = array(); $this->publish_cache_max_size = 100; if ($this->debug) { MiscHelper::debug_msg('using channel_id: ' . $channel_id); } $this->default_ticket = 0; $this->is_open = false; $this->active = true; // Flow control $this->alerts = array(); $this->callbacks = array(); $this->auto_decode = $auto_decode; try { $this->x_open(); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->close(); throw $e; } }
/** * Shut it down, delete exchanges, queues, close connections and channels */ public function tearDown() { if ($this->ch) { $this->ch->exchange_delete($this->exchange); $this->ch->queue_delete($this->queue); $this->ch->close(); } if ($this->conn) { $this->conn->close(); } }
public function __construct($host, $port, $user, $password, $vhost = "/", $insist = false, $login_method = "AMQPLAIN", $login_response = null, $locale = "en_US", $connection_timeout = 3, $read_write_timeout = 3, $context = null) { $this->construct_params = func_get_args(); if ($user && $password) { $login_response = new AMQPWriter(); $login_response->write_table(array("LOGIN" => array('S', $user), "PASSWORD" => array('S', $password))); $login_response = substr($login_response->getvalue(), 4); //Skip the length } else { $login_response = null; } $d = self::$LIBRARY_PROPERTIES; while (true) { $this->channels = array(); // The connection object itself is treated as channel 0 parent::__construct($this, 0); $this->channel_max = 65535; $this->frame_max = 131072; $errstr = $errno = null; $this->sock = null; //TODO clean up if ($context) { $remote = sprintf('ssl://%s:%s', $host, $port); $this->sock = @stream_socket_client($remote, $errno, $errstr, $connection_timeout, STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT, $context); } else { $remote = sprintf('tcp://%s:%s', $host, $port); $this->sock = @stream_socket_client($remote, $errno, $errstr, $connection_timeout, STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT); } if (!$this->sock) { throw new AMQPRuntimeException("Error Connecting to server({$errno}): {$errstr} "); } if (!stream_set_timeout($this->sock, $read_write_timeout)) { throw new \Exception("Timeout could not be set"); } stream_set_blocking($this->sock, 1); $this->input = new AMQPReader(null, $this->sock); $this->write(self::$AMQP_PROTOCOL_HEADER); $this->wait(array("10,10")); $this->x_start_ok($d, $login_method, $login_response, $locale); $this->wait_tune_ok = true; while ($this->wait_tune_ok) { $this->wait(array("10,20", "10,30")); } $host = $this->x_open($vhost, "", $insist); if (!$host) { return; // we weren't redirected } // we were redirected, close the socket, loop and try again $this->close_socket(); } }
/** * @test */ public function it_logs_messages_when_rejecting_a_message() { $context = []; $context['correlation_id'] = new StringLiteral('my-correlation-id-123'); $this->logger->expects($this->at(0))->method('info')->with('received message with content-type application/vnd.cultuurnet.udb3-events.dummy-event+json', $context); $this->logger->expects($this->at(1))->method('error')->with('Deserializerlocator error', $context + ['exception' => new \InvalidArgumentException('Deserializerlocator error')]); $this->logger->expects($this->at(2))->method('info')->with('message rejected', $context); $this->deserializerLocator->expects($this->once())->method('getDeserializerForContentType')->with(new StringLiteral('application/vnd.cultuurnet.udb3-events.dummy-event+json'))->willThrowException(new \InvalidArgumentException('Deserializerlocator error')); $this->channel->expects($this->once())->method('basic_reject')->with('my-delivery-tag'); $messageProperties = ['content_type' => 'application/vnd.cultuurnet.udb3-events.dummy-event+json', 'correlation_id' => 'my-correlation-id-123']; $messageBody = ''; $message = new AMQPMessage($messageBody, $messageProperties); $message->delivery_info['channel'] = $this->channel; $message->delivery_info['delivery_tag'] = 'my-delivery-tag'; $this->eventBusForwardingConsumer->consume($message); }
public function __construct($connection, $channel_id = null, $auto_decode = true) { if ($channel_id == null) { $channel_id = $connection->get_free_channel_id(); } parent::__construct($connection, $channel_id); if ($this->debug) { MiscHelper::debug_msg("using channel_id: " . $channel_id); } $this->default_ticket = 0; $this->is_open = false; $this->active = true; // Flow control $this->alerts = array(); $this->callbacks = array(); $this->auto_decode = $auto_decode; $this->x_open(); }
public function __construct($user, $password, $vhost = "/", $insist = false, $login_method = "AMQPLAIN", $login_response = null, $locale = "en_US", AbstractIO $io) { // save the params for the use of __clone $this->construct_params = func_get_args(); $this->wait_frame_reader = new AMQPReader(null); if ($user && $password) { $login_response = new AMQPWriter(); $login_response->write_table(array("LOGIN" => array('S', $user), "PASSWORD" => array('S', $password))); $login_response = substr($login_response->getvalue(), 4); //Skip the length } else { $login_response = null; } $this->prepare_content_cache = array(); $this->prepare_content_cache_max_size = 100; $d = self::$LIBRARY_PROPERTIES; while (true) { $this->channels = array(); // The connection object itself is treated as channel 0 parent::__construct($this, 0); $this->io = $io; $this->input = new AMQPReader(null, $this->io); $this->write($this->amqp_protocol_header); $this->wait(array($this->waitHelper->get_wait('connection.start'))); $this->x_start_ok($d, $login_method, $login_response, $locale); $this->wait_tune_ok = true; while ($this->wait_tune_ok) { $this->wait(array($this->waitHelper->get_wait('connection.secure'), $this->waitHelper->get_wait('connection.tune'))); } $host = $this->x_open($vhost, "", $insist); if (!$host) { return; // we weren't redirected } // we were redirected, close the socket, loop and try again $this->close_socket(); } }
/** * Connects to the AMQP server */ protected function connect() { try { // Loop until we connect while (!$this->isConnected()) { // Assume we will connect, until we dont $this->setIsConnected(true); // Connect the socket $this->getIO()->connect(); $this->channels = array(); // The connection object itself is treated as channel 0 parent::__construct($this, 0); $this->input = new AMQPReader(null, $this->getIO()); $this->write($this->amqp_protocol_header); $this->wait(array($this->waitHelper->get_wait('connection.start'))); $this->x_start_ok(self::$LIBRARY_PROPERTIES, $this->login_method, $this->login_response, $this->locale); $this->wait_tune_ok = true; while ($this->wait_tune_ok) { $this->wait(array($this->waitHelper->get_wait('connection.secure'), $this->waitHelper->get_wait('connection.tune'))); } $host = $this->x_open($this->vhost, '', $this->insist); if (!$host) { return null; // we weren't redirected } $this->setIsConnected(false); $this->closeChannels(); // we were redirected, close the socket, loop and try again $this->close_socket(); } } catch (\Exception $e) { // Something went wrong, set the connection status $this->setIsConnected(false); $this->closeChannels(); throw $e; // Rethrow exception } }
/** * @return string */ public static final function getProtocol() { if (self::$_protocol === null) { self::$_protocol = defined('AMQP_STRICT_FLD_TYPES') && AMQP_STRICT_FLD_TYPES ? AbstractChannel::getProtocolVersion() : self::PROTOCOL_RBT; } return self::$_protocol; }