function __construct($name, $level, $pathname, $lineno, $msg, $args, $exc_info, $func = null) { $ct = microtime(true); $this->name = $name; $this->msg = $msg; $this->args = $args; $this->levelname = Logger::getLevelName($level); $this->levelno = $level; $this->pathname = $pathname; $this->filename = basename($pathname); $this->exc_info = $exc_info; $this->exc_text = null; $this->lineno = $lineno; $this->funcName = $func; $this->created = (int) $ct; $this->msecs = ($ct - $this->created) * 1000; $this->relativeCreated = ($this->created - static::$_startTime) * 1000; }
$fmt = new Formatter($fs, $dfs); $hdlr->setFormatter($fmt); Log::$root->addHandler($hdlr); $level = @$config['level']; if (isset($level)) { Log::$root->setLevel($level); } } } static function getLogger($name = null) { if ($name) { return Logger::$manager->getLogger($name); } else { return static::$root; } } static function critical($msg, $context = array()) { if (count(static::$root->handlers) == 0) { static::basicConfig(); } Log::$root->critical($msg, $context); } } // This is the main file to be included when setting up the logging system. // Setup the basic pieces Log::$root = new RootLogger(Logger::WARNING); Logger::$root = Log::$root; Logger::$manager = new Manager(Logger::$root); Manager::$loggerClass = __NAMESPACE__ . '\\Logger';
function setLevel($level) { $this->level = Logger::_checkLevel($level); }
function __construct($level) { parent::__construct("root", $level); }