protected function OnSuccess() { File::CreateWithText($this->file, $this->Value('Contents', false)); $logger = new Logger(self::Guard()->GetUser()); $logger->ReportLayoutAction($this->layout, Action::Update()); Response::Redirect($this->BackLink()); }
function Parse($file) { $contents = File::GetContents($file); foreach ($this->replacements as $placeholder => $text) { $contents = String::Replace($this->phStart . $placeholder . $this->phEnd, $text, $contents); } return $contents; }
/** * Gets the current status * @return \stdClass Returns an object with progress, progressCount and optional progressDescription */ function GetStatus() { if (IO\File::Exists($this->targetFile)) { $json = IO\File::GetContents($this->targetFile); return json_decode($json); } return null; }
/** * Requires (includes) a file at the given path, only if it exists * @param string $path The file path * @return boolean Returns true if the file was found */ function RequireIfExists($path) { if (File::Exists($path)) { require $path; return true; } return false; }
protected function BeforeRemove(Layout $layout) { $layoutFile = PathUtil::LayoutTemplate($layout); if (File::Exists($layoutFile)) { File::Delete($layoutFile); } $logger = new Logger(self::Guard()->GetUser()); $logger->ReportLayoutAction($layout, Action::Delete()); }
function RenderEndScript() { $templateDir = Path::Combine(__DIR__, 'Templates'); $templateFile = Path::FilenameNoExtension($this->ClassFile()) . '.endscript.phtml'; $template = Path::Combine($templateDir, $templateFile); if (File::Exists($template)) { ob_start(); require $template; return ob_get_clean(); } return ''; }
/** * Renders a block by name * @param string $block * @return string */ public function RenderBlock($block) { $templateFile = $this->BuiltInTemplateFile(); $blockFile = Path::AddExtension($templateFile, $block, true); $blockFileExt = Path::AddExtension($blockFile, 'phtml'); if (!File::Exists($blockFileExt)) { return ''; } ob_start(); require $blockFileExt; return ob_get_clean(); }
private function UpdateHtaccess($file) { $rewriter = new Rewriter(new Writer()); $text = File::GetContents($file); $startPos = strpos($text, (string) $rewriter->PageStartComment($this->item)); $endPos = false; if ($startPos !== false) { $endPos = strpos($text, (string) $rewriter->PageEndComment($this->item)); if ($endPos !== false) { $endPos += strlen((string) $rewriter->PageEndComment($this->item)); } } if ($startPos === false || $endPos === false) { return; } $newText = substr($text, 0, $startPos) . substr($text, $endPos); File::CreateWithText($file, $newText); }
/** * Executes all necessary scripts in the engine folder * @param string $engineFolder The folder * @throws \Exception Raises error if any of the scripts fail */ private function ExecuteScripts($engineFolder) { $files = $this->SortFilesByVersion(Folder::GetFiles($engineFolder)); $completeSql = ''; foreach ($files as $file) { $sqlFile = Path::Combine($engineFolder, $file); $completeSql .= "\r\n" . File::GetContents($sqlFile); } try { $this->CleanAllForeignKeys(); //$this->connection->StartTransaction(); $this->connection->ExecuteMultiQuery($completeSql); } catch (\Exception $exc) { //$this->connection->RollBack(); throw $exc; //throw new \Exception("Error executing SQL in folder $engineFolder: " . $completeSql, null, $exc); } //$this->connection->Commit(); }
/** * * @param string $filename * @return Image Returns null on failure (file no image) */ static function FromFile($filename) { $result = null; switch (File::GetMimeType($filename)) { case MimeType::Jpeg(): $result = new self(@\imagecreatefromjpeg($filename)); break; case MimeType::Png(): $result = new self(@\imagecreatefrompng($filename)); break; case MimeType::Gif(): $result = new self(@\imagecreatefromgif($filename)); break; } return $result; }
/** * Loads backend translations of the bundle */ private function LoadFrontendTranslations(Site $site) { $language = $site->GetLanguage()->GetCode(); $frontendTranslations = PathUtil::FrontendBundleTranslationFile($this->BundleName(), $language); if (File::Exists($frontendTranslations)) { require_once $frontendTranslations; } }
/** * Saves the template into the given file name */ protected function OnSuccess() { $newTemplate = $this->Value('Name'); $action = Action::Create(); if ($this->template) { $action = Action::Update(); $this->UpdateUsages($newTemplate); $oldFile = $this->CalcFile($this->template); if (File::Exists($oldFile)) { File::Delete($oldFile); } } $logger = new Logger(self::Guard()->GetUser()); $logger->ReportTemplateAction($this->module->MyType(), $newTemplate, $action); if (!Folder::Exists($this->folder)) { Folder::Create($this->folder); } File::CreateWithText($this->CalcFile($newTemplate), $this->Value('Contents', false)); Response::Redirect($this->BackLink()); }
/** * Pulls content from the cache * @return string Gets the contents of the cache file */ function GetFromCache() { return File::GetContents($this->file); }
private function InvalidMimeType() { if (count($this->mimeTypes) == 0) { return true; } $mimeType = IO\File::GetMimeType($this->upload->TempPath()); return !in_array($mimeType, $this->mimeTypes); }
private function TemplateContent() { $areaCodes = ''; $writer = new Writer(); $this->InitAreas(); $template = PathUtil::CodeTemplate($this->MyBundle(), 'Layout.phtml'); $templateCode = File::GetContents($template); $indent = $this->GetIndent($templateCode, '_{areas}_'); for ($idx = 0; $idx < count($this->areaNames); ++$idx) { $name = $this->areaNames[$idx]; $writer->StartPhpInline(); $writer->AddCommandInline('echo $this->RenderArea(\'' . $name . '\')'); if ($idx < count($this->areaNames) - 1) { $writer->EndPhp(); } else { $writer->EndPhpInline(); } if ($idx > 0) { $areaCodes .= $indent; } $areaCodes .= $writer->Flush(); } return str_replace('_{areas}_', $areaCodes, $templateCode); }
private function RemoveTemplate() { $id = Request::PostData('delete'); if (!$id) { return false; } $idParts = \explode('/', $id); $module = $this->RemovalTemplateModule($idParts); $templateName = trim($idParts[1]); if (!$module || !$templateName) { return false; } $logger = new Logger(self::Guard()->GetUser()); $logger->ReportTemplateAction($module->MyType(), $templateName, Action::Delete()); $folder = PathUtil::ModuleCustomTemplatesFolder($module); $template = Path::Combine($folder, Path::AddExtension($templateName, 'phtml')); if (File::Exists($template)) { File::Delete($template); } $this->DeleteUsages($module, $templateName); return true; }
/** * True if cache file contents must be used * @param strinh $cacheFile The cache file * @return boolean */ private function MustUseCache($cacheFile) { $seconds = $this->content->GetCacheLifetime(); if ($seconds == 0) { return false; } if (!File::Exists($cacheFile)) { return false; } $now = Date::Now(); $lastMod = File::GetLastModified($cacheFile); if ($now->TimeStamp() - $lastMod->TimeStamp() < $seconds) { return true; } return false; }
/** * Adds necessary rewrite commands */ private function AdjustHtaccess() { $file = Path::Combine(PHINE_PATH, 'Public/.htaccess'); if (!File::Exists($file)) { return; } $writer = new Writer(); $rewriter = new Rewriter($writer); $text = File::GetContents($file); $startPos = strpos($text, (string) $rewriter->PageStartComment($this->page)); $endPos = false; $pageFound = false; if ($startPos === false) { $startPos = strpos($text, (string) $rewriter->EndComment()); $endPos = $startPos; } else { $endPos = strpos($text, (string) $rewriter->PageEndComment($this->page)); if ($endPos !== false) { $pageFound = true; $endPos += strlen((string) $rewriter->PageEndComment($this->page)); } } if ($startPos === false || $endPos === false) { return; } $rewriter->AddPageCommands($this->page); $newText = substr($text, 0, $startPos) . $writer->ToString() . substr($text, $endPos); File::CreateWithText($file, $newText); }