public function save() { // The JPEG snapshot is sent as raw input: $rInput = Framework\File\Stream::getInput(); // Blank image. We don't need this one. if (md5($rInput) == '7d4df9cc423720b7f1f3d672b89362be') { exit(1); } $rResult = file_put_contents($this->sTmpPathFile, $rInput); if (!$rResult) { echo '{ "error" : 1, "message" : "Failed save the image. Make sure you chmod the uploads folder and its subfolders to 777." }'; exit; } return $this; }
/** * @return void */ private function _inputs() { switch ($this->getRequestMethod()) { case HttpRequest::METHOD_POST: $this->_aRequest = $this->_cleanInputs($_POST); break; case HttpRequest::METHOD_GET: case HttpRequest::METHOD_DELETE: $this->_aRequest = $this->_cleanInputs($_GET); break; case HttpRequest::METHOD_PUT: parse_str(Stream::getInput(), $this->_aRequest); $this->_aRequest = $this->_cleanInputs($this->_aRequest); break; default: $this->response('', 406); break; } }
/** * Get the Post Data. * * @return array */ protected function getPostDatas() { $rRawPost = Stream::getInput(); $aRawPost = explode('&', $rRawPost); $aPostData = array(); foreach ($aRawPost as $sKeyVal) { $aKeyVal = explode('=', $sKeyVal); if (count($aKeyVal) == 2) { $aPostData[$aKeyVal[0]] = Url::encode($aKeyVal[1]); } unset($aKeyVal); } unset($aRawPost); return $aPostData; }