Example #1
 public function makeThreadUnsafe(WorldEditArt $main)
     $this->main = $main;
     if ($this->listener !== null) {
         $this->listener = $main->getObjectPool()->get($this->listener);
 public function execute(CommandSender $sender, $alias, array $args)
     if (!$sender instanceof Player) {
         $sender->sendMessage("Please run this command in-game or through a CCS (run \"ccs\" for help).");
         return true;
     $session = $this->main->getSessionCollection()->getSession($sender);
     if ($session === null or !$session->isValid()) {
         $sender->sendMessage("Your account is still being loaded. Please wait...");
         return true;
     if ($alias[0] !== "/") {
         return false;
         // how come this could even happen!
     if ($alias === "/") {
         return true;
     } else {
         $cmdName = substr($alias, 1);
         $cmd = $this->findCommand($cmdName);
         if ($cmd === null) {
             return false;
         $ret = $cmd->run($session, $args);
         if (is_string($ret)) {
         } elseif (is_int($ret)) {
             // TODO
         return true;
  * Returns the
  * @param Player|string $player the partial name (same rules as {@link \pocketmine\Server#getPlayer}) of the
  *                              player, or the {@link Player} object representing the player.
  * @return WorldEditSession|null An instance of {@link WorldEditSession} if found, <code>null</code> otherwise.
 public function getSession($player)
     if (is_string($player)) {
         $player = $this->main->getServer()->getPlayer($player);
     if (!$player instanceof Player) {
         return null;
     return isset($this->sessions[$player->getId()]) ? $this->sessions[$player->getId()] : null;
  * @param string $key
  * @param string $lang
  * @return Phrase|null
 public function get($key, $lang)
     if (isset($this->langs[$key])) {
         if (isset($this->langs[$key][$lang])) {
             return $this->langs[$key][$lang];
         if (isset($this->langs[$key]["en"])) {
             return $this->langs[$key]["en"];
     $this->main->getLogger()->warning("Returning null for unknown translation string ID '{$key}'");
     return null;
 public function onRun(array $args, Player $player)
     $mode = 0;
     $target = $player->getPosition();
     while (isset($args[0])) {
         $arg = array_shift($args);
         switch ($arg) {
             case "c":
             case "crosshair":
                 $target = WorldEditArt::getCrosshairTarget($player);
                 if (!$target instanceof Block) {
                     return "The block is too far/in the void/sky!";
             case "v":
             case "view":
                 $mode = 1;
     switch ($mode) {
         case 0:
             $this->getMain()->setAnchor($player, $target);
             return "Your anchor has been set to " . WorldEditArt::posToStr($target) . ".";
         case 1:
             $anchor = $this->getMain()->getAnchor($player);
             if (!$anchor instanceof Position) {
                 return "You don't have an anchor selected!";
             return "Your anchor is at " . WorldEditArt::posToStr($anchor) . ".";
             return null;
 public function execute(CommandSender $issuer, $lbl, array $args)
     if (count($args) === 0) {
         $args = ["help"];
     if (is_string($lbl) and substr($lbl, 0, 1) === "/" and strlen($lbl) > 1) {
         $cmd = substr($lbl, 1);
     } else {
         $cmd = array_shift($args);
     if (isset($this->subcmds[$cmd = strtolower(trim($cmd))]) and $this->subcmds[$cmd]->valid() and $cmd !== "help") {
         if ($this->subcmds[$cmd]->get()->hasPermission($issuer)) {
             if (!IS_DEBUGGING) {
                 try {
                     $this->subcmds[$cmd]->get()->run($this, $args, $issuer);
                 } catch (\Exception $exception) {
                     $issuer->sendMessage("Uh-oh. Something went wrong! An exception has been caught during executing your command.");
                     $issuer->sendMessage("Error caught: " . ($class = array_slice(explode("\\", get_class($exception)), -1)[0]));
                     $issuer->sendMessage("Error message: " . $exception->getMessage());
                     $issuer->sendMessage("The error has been reported to console.");
                     $this->main->getLogger()->notice("An exception has been caught. Exception name: '{$class}'. Exception message: " . $exception->getMessage());
             } else {
                 $this->subcmds[$cmd]->get()->run($this, $args, $issuer);
                 // let the error fly
         } else {
             $issuer->sendMessage("You either have to select an anchor / make a selection first, don't have permission to do this, or you have to run this command in-game/on-console.");
     } else {
         $help = $this->getFullHelp($issuer);
         $page = 1;
         $max = (int) ceil(count($help) / 5);
         if (isset($args[0])) {
             $page = max(1, (int) $args[0]);
             $page = min($max, $page);
         $output = "Commands available for you currently: (page {$page} of {$max})\n";
         for ($i = ($page - 1) * 5; $i < $page * 5 and isset($help[$i]); $i++) {
             $output .= $help[$i] . "\n";
     return true;
  * @param UserConfiguration $config
  * @param Space[]           $selections
  * @param Bookmark[]        $bookmarks
  * @param int               $callbackId
 protected function onLoadedSession(UserConfiguration $config, $selections, $bookmarks, $callbackId)
     $session = $this->main->getObjectPool()->get($callbackId);
     if ($session instanceof WorldEditSession and !$session->isClosed()) {
 public function onRun(array $args, Player $player)
     if (!isset($args[0])) {
         return self::WRONG_USE;
     $center = $player->floor();
     $level = $player->getLevel();
     $radius = floatval(array_shift($args));
     $height = (int) array_shift($args);
     $axis = WorldEditArt::directionNumber2Array($player->getDirection());
     while (count($args) > 0) {
         $arg = array_shift($args);
         switch ($arg) {
             case "a":
             case "anchor":
                 $anchor = $this->getMain()->getAnchor($player);
                 if (!$anchor instanceof Position) {
                     return self::NO_ANCHOR;
                 $center = $anchor->floor();
             case "d":
                 $d = array_shift($args);
                 switch (strtolower($d)) {
                     case "m":
                     case "me":
                     case "u":
                     case "up":
                         $axis = [CylinderSpace::Y, CylinderSpace::PLUS];
                     case "d":
                     case "down":
                         $axis = [CylinderSpace::Y, CylinderSpace::MINUS];
                     case "l":
                     case "left":
                         $axis = WorldEditArt::directionNumber2Array(WorldEditArt::rotateDirectionNumberClockwise($player->getDirection(), 3));
                     case "r":
                     case "right":
                         $axis = WorldEditArt::directionNumber2Array(WorldEditArt::rotateDirectionNumberClockwise($player->getDirection(), 1));
                     case "b":
                     case "back":
                         $axis = WorldEditArt::directionNumber2Array(WorldEditArt::rotateDirectionNumberClockwise($player->getDirection(), 2));
     $center = Position::fromObject($center, $level);
     $space = new CylinderSpace($axis[0], $radius, $center, $height * $axis[1]);
     $this->getMain()->setSelection($player, $space);
     return "Your selection is now {$space}.";
  * @param object $object
  * @return int
 public function store($object)
     $this->objects[$id = $this->nextId()] = $object;
     if (count($this->objects) >= $this->main->getConfig()->getNested("advanced.objectPool.warningSize")) {
         $this->main->getLogger()->warning("OrderedObjectPool size reached " . count($this->objects) . "! Object summary:");
         $summary = [];
         foreach ($this->objects as $obj) {
             $class = get_class($obj);
             if (isset($summary[$class])) {
             } else {
                 $summary[$class] = 1;
         foreach ($summary as $class => $cnt) {
             $this->main->getLogger()->warning($class . ": {$cnt} entries");
         $this->main->getLogger()->warning("The above is most likely caused by a mistake in code that results in a memory leak. Please report the above to the issue tracker on GitHub at " . TextFormat::LIGHT_PURPLE . "http://lgpe.co/weai/");
     return $id;
 public function __toString()
     return "a sphere centered at " . WorldEditArt::posToStr($this->centre) . " of radius {$this->radius}";
 public function __toString()
     return "a cuboid from " . WorldEditArt::v3ToStr($this->raw0) . " to " . WorldEditArt::posToStr($this->raw1);
 public function onRun(array $args, Player $player)
     $flag = 0;
     // 0 for me, 1 for anchor, 2 for crosshair
     if (isset($args[0])) {
         $arg = array_shift($args);
         switch ($arg) {
             case "a":
             case "anchor":
                 $flag = 1;
             case "c":
             case "crosshair":
                 $flag = 2;
     $selected = $player->getPosition();
     if ($flag === 1) {
         $selected = $this->getMain()->getAnchor($player);
         if (!$selected instanceof Position) {
             return self::NO_ANCHOR;
     if ($flag === 2) {
         $selected = WorldEditArt::getCrosshairTarget($player);
         if (!$selected instanceof Position) {
             return "The block is too far/in the void/in the sky.";
     if ($selected->y < 0 or $selected->y > (defined($path = "pemapmodder\\worldeditart\\MAX_WORLD_HEIGHT") ? constant($path) : 127)) {
         return "The selected point is too high/too low.";
     $selected->getLevel()->loadChunk($selected->x >> 4, $selected->z >> 4);
     $selected = Position::fromObject($selected->floor(), $selected->getLevel());
     $space = $this->getMain()->getSelection($player);
     if ($space instanceof CuboidSpace and $space->getLevel() === $selected->getLevel()) {
         if ($this->is2) {
         } else {
         goto end;
     $temp = $this->getMain()->getTempPos($player);
     if (is_array($temp) and $temp["#"] !== $this->is2) {
         /** @var Position $pos */
         $pos = $temp["position"];
         if ($pos->getLevel() === $selected->getLevel()) {
             if ($this->is2) {
                 $this->getMain()->setSelection($player, new CuboidSpace($pos, $selected));
             } else {
                 $this->getMain()->setSelection($player, new CuboidSpace($selected, $pos));
             goto end;
     $this->getMain()->setTempPos($player, $selected, $this->is2);
     $space = $this->getMain()->getSelection($player);
     if ($space instanceof Space) {
         $cnt = count($space);
     return ($this->is2 ? "Second" : "First") . " position set to " . "({$selected->x}, {$selected->y}, {$selected->z})." . (isset($cnt) ? "\n  (Cuboid selected with {$cnt} blocks)" : "");
 public function __toString()
     return "a cylinder of axis " . self::axisToStr($this->axis) . " based at " . WorldEditArt::posToStr($this->base) . " with {$this->height} blocks long, with a total of " . count($this->getPosList()) . " blocks.";
 public function update()
     $this->main->getPlayerDataProvider()[$this->name] = $this;