/** * Delete a page * * @param string $pageUID * @throws IOException If the page does not exists * @return boolean If page is deleted */ public function delete($pageUID) { $pageFullPath = $pageUID . $this->fileExtension; $fs = new Files($this->folder); return $fs->delete($pageFullPath); }
$basename = $info->getBasename('.' . $ext); if (in_array($ext, $config->get('upload.evilExtensions'))) { $ext = 'txt'; } // Name should be unique // TODO $filename = $basename . '.' . $ext; $file->moveTo(_UPLOADS_ . $filename); } catch (RuntimeException $e) { return $this->api->json($res, ['error' => 'UploadException', 'message' => $e->getMessage()], 500); } return $this->api->json($res, ['filename' => $filename, 'directory' => _UPLOADS_], 201); }); /** * @api {delete} /files/:file delete file * @apiName Delete File * @apiGroup Files * * @apiParam {String} file File path to delete * * @apiSuccess (204) FileDeleted File deleted * @apiError (404) CannotBeDeleted File cannot be deleted */ $this->delete('/{file:.+}', function ($req, $res, $args) use($fs) { try { $file = urldecode($args['file']); $result = $fs->delete($file); } catch (Exception $e) { return $this->api->json($res, ['error' => 'CannotBeDeleted', 'message' => $e->getMessage()], 404); } return $res->withStatus(204); });