if(!$("#q").val().match(/^[\\s\\t\\r\\n]*\\S+/ig)){ event.preventDefault(); } }); }); }); '; include 'lib/js.php'; $js = new \parsinegar\js(); $js->path = 'assets/js/'; if ($js->file('search')) { if (!$js->comp('search', \parsinegar\js::min($js_data))) { $js->file('search', \parsinegar\js::min($js_data)); } } else { $js->file('search', \parsinegar\js::min($js_data)); } function summarize($str, $limit = 600, $offset = 100, $endlineChars = array('.', '!', '?', "\n", ')', ';', ',', '؟', '،')) { if (strlen($str) <= $limit) { return $str; } for ($i = $limit; $i > $limit - $offset; $i--) { if (in_array($str[$i], $endlineChars)) { $length = $i; break; } if (!isset($spaceLength) && $str[$i] == ' ') { $spaceLength = $i; } }
//alert($("#user_list").children().length); $(".not_found_user").fadeOut("fast"); } }); }); }); '; include 'lib/js.php'; $js = new \parsinegar\js(); $js->path = 'assets/js/'; if ($js->file('user')) { if (!$js->comp('user', \parsinegar\js::min($js_data))) { $js->file('user', \parsinegar\js::min($js_data)); } } else { $js->file('user', \parsinegar\js::min($js_data)); } function farsi_correct($string) { // Reverse the string $len = mb_strlen($string, 'utf-8'); $result = ''; for ($i = $len - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) { $result .= mb_substr($string, $i, 1, 'utf-8'); } // These chars work as space when a character comes after them, so the next character will not connect to them $spaces_after = array('', ' ', 'ا', 'آ', 'أ', 'إ', 'د', 'ذ', 'ر', 'ز', 'ژ', 'و', 'ؤ'); // These chars work as space when a character comes before them, so the previous character will not connect to them $spaces_before = array('', ' '); // Persian chars with their different styles at different positions: // Alone, After a non-space char, Before a non-space char, between two non-space chars
$(".keyword_typeahead").html(findMatches(xarr[xlen], keyword_js_var)); } }); }); }); '; include 'lib/js.php'; $js = new \parsinegar\js(); $js->path = 'assets/js/'; if ($js->file('article')) { if (!$js->comp('article', \parsinegar\js::min($js_data))) { $js->file('article', \parsinegar\js::min($js_data)); } } else { $js->file('article', \parsinegar\js::min($js_data)); } function in_multiarray($elem, $array, $field, $retkey) { $top = sizeof($array) - 1; $bottom = 0; while ($bottom <= $top) { if ($array[$bottom][$field] == $elem) { return $array[$bottom][$retkey]; } else { if (is_array($array[$bottom][$field])) { if ($ret = in_multiarray($elem, $array[$bottom][$field], $field, $retkey)) { return $ret; } } }
}); } }); $(".msg").delay(2000).fadeOut("slow",function(){ $(this).remove(); }); '; include 'lib/js.php'; $js = new \parsinegar\js(); $js->path = 'assets/js/'; if ($js->file('news')) { if (!$js->comp('news', \parsinegar\js::min($js_data))) { $js->file('news', \parsinegar\js::min($js_data)); } } else { $js->file('news', \parsinegar\js::min($js_data)); } function isXmlStructureValid($file) { $prev = libxml_use_internal_errors(true); $ret = true; try { new SimpleXMLElement($file, 0, true); } catch (Exception $e) { $ret = false; } if (count(libxml_get_errors()) > 0) { // There has been XML errors $ret = false; } // Tidy up.
if(!$("input[name=email]").val().match(/^[\\s\\t\\r\\n]*\\S+/ig)){ event.preventDefault(); } }); }); }); '; include 'lib/js.php'; $js = new \parsinegar\js(); $js->path = 'assets/js/'; if ($js->file('cpanel')) { if (!$js->comp('cpanel', \parsinegar\js::min($js_data))) { $js->file('cpanel', \parsinegar\js::min($js_data)); } } else { $js->file('cpanel', \parsinegar\js::min($js_data)); } $skill = ''; switch ($_SESSION['permission']) { case 'admin': $skill = 'مدیریت'; break; case 'teacher': $skill = 'استاد'; break; case 'student': $skill = 'دانشجو'; break; } function myemail($pdo) {
} function abortHandler(event){ endproccess(); alert("Error"); } }); '; include 'lib/js.php'; $js = new \parsinegar\js(); $js->path = 'assets/js/'; if ($js->file('filemanager')) { if (!$js->comp('filemanager', \parsinegar\js::min($js_data))) { $js->file('filemanager', \parsinegar\js::min($js_data)); } } else { $js->file('filemanager', \parsinegar\js::min($js_data)); } function view($pdo) { global $_LANGUAGE; $template = '<center> <div id="upload_box"> <form class="file_frm" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" onsubmit="uploadFile(event)"> <input type="file" name="file" id="file" value="" accept=".pdf"/> <a href="javascript:void(0)" onClick=\'document.getElementById("file").click();\'><img src="' . BASE_PATH . '/assets/img/browse.png"/></a> <input type="text" name="title" id="title" value="" placeholder="عنوان فایل"/> <input type="submit" value="Upload"/> </form> <div id="ajaxupload"> <center> <img src="' . BASE_PATH . '/assets/img/upload.png"/> Uploading...
$(".keyword_typeahead").html(findMatches(xarr[xlen], keyword_js_var)); } }); }); }); '; include 'lib/js.php'; $js = new \parsinegar\js(); $js->path = 'assets/js/'; if ($js->file('thesis')) { if (!$js->comp('thesis', \parsinegar\js::min($js_data))) { $js->file('thesis', \parsinegar\js::min($js_data)); } } else { $js->file('thesis', \parsinegar\js::min($js_data)); } $app->getDO('view', ['auth_login' => true], function () use($pdo) { global $paginate, $item_pre_page, $btn_pre_page, $_LANGUAGE, $page_display_title; $page_display_title = $_LANGUAGE['thesis_list'][DEFAULT_LANGUAGE]; $more_view = false; $title = ''; $t_arr = ''; $t = ''; $pageLink = ''; if (DEFAULT_LANGUAGE == 'fa') { $more = '<div class="fa_more">{content}</div>'; $print = '<div class="print_fa">{link} <img src="' . BASE_PATH . '/assets/img/iprint.png"/></div>'; $tpl = ' <div class="entry"> <div class="fa_title"><a href="' . BASE_PATH . '/thesis/{link}" class="thesis_link">{title}</a></div>
event.preventDefault(); return false; } }); }); }); '; include 'lib/js.php'; $js = new \parsinegar\js(); $js->path = 'assets/js/'; if ($js->file('teacher')) { if (!$js->comp('teacher', \parsinegar\js::min($js_data))) { $js->file('teacher', \parsinegar\js::min($js_data)); } } else { $js->file('teacher', \parsinegar\js::min($js_data)); } function view($pdo) { global $_LANGUAGE; $html = array(); $add = ''; if (isset($_SESSION['login']) && $_SESSION['permission'] == 'teacher') { $add = '<br/><a href="' . BASE_PATH . '/teacher/?do=job&token=' . $_SESSION['token'] . '" style="float: left; margin-top: 20px;">' . $_LANGUAGE['teacher_job'][DEFAULT_LANGUAGE] . '</a> <a href="' . BASE_PATH . '/teacher/?do=add&token=' . $_SESSION['token'] . '"><img class="tooltip_add_article" title="' . $_LANGUAGE['tooltip_add_article'][DEFAULT_LANGUAGE] . '" src="' . BASE_PATH . '/assets/img/news_add.png"/></a><br/>'; } $search = '<div class="row_teacher_search"><center><br/><input type="text" value="" id="teacher_search" placeholder="' . $_LANGUAGE['teacher_search'][DEFAULT_LANGUAGE] . '"/><center/>{add}</div>'; $search = str_replace('{add}', $add, $search); $template = '<a href="' . BASE_PATH . '/teacher/?do=article&teacher={id}"><div class="row_teacher" id="t_{fullname}"> <div> <br/> <b>{fullname}</b>