/** * Lists all ProjectsAdmin entities. * * @Route("/index/{page}", name="admin_projects", defaults={ "page" = 1 }) * @Method("GET") * @Template() */ public function indexAction($page) { $query = new ParseQuery('Project'); $query->ascending("label"); $query->limit(12); $query->skip(12 * ($page - 1)); $entities = $query->find(); return array('entities' => $entities, 'hits' => ceil($query->count() / 12), 'page' => $page, 'csrf' => $this->get('form.csrf_provider')); }
public function tasks() { $results = array(); $object = array(); $queryCrop = new ParseQuery("Crop"); $queryCrop->select("cropName"); $queryCrop->ascending("cropName"); $object = $queryCrop->find(); foreach ($object as $value) { array_push($results, $value->get('cropName')); } return view('tasks')->with("results", $results); }
function getCurrentUsers() { $query = new ParseQuery("Bikes"); $query->includeKey("currentUser"); $query->ascending("currentUser"); $query->exists("currentUser"); $query->limit(1000); $results = $query->find(); $count = count($results); $listOfCurrentUsers = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $name = $results[$i]->get("currentUser")->getUserName(); if (!in_array($name, $listOfCurrentUsers)) { array_push($listOfCurrentUsers, $results[$i]->get("currentUser")->getUserName()); } } return $listOfCurrentUsers; }
} else { //Database operations $query = new ParseQuery("loss"); $query->equalTo("objectId", '7hOOm7UuHu'); $loss = $query->first(); $daily_loss = $loss->get('daily_loss'); $query = new ParseQuery("loan"); $query->equalTo("objectId", $_GET["cid"]); $loan = $query->first(); $id = $loan->get("customer")->getObjectId(); $query = new ParseQuery("customer"); $query->equalTo("objectId", $id); $customer = $query->first(); $query = new ParseQuery("grafiks"); $query->equalTo("loan", $loan); $query->ascending("step"); $graphics = $query->find(); date_default_timezone_set('Asia/Ulaanbaatar'); $today = new DateTime(); $total_due = 0; $total_paid = 0; $total_loss = 0; $total_left = 0; $early_pay = 0; foreach ($graphics as $graph) { $pay_amount = $graph->get('pay_amount'); $total_due = $total_due + $pay_amount; $paid_amount = $graph->get('paid_amount1'); $total_paid = $total_paid + $paid_amount; $loss = $graph->get('loss_amount'); $total_loss = $total_loss + $loss;
public function cropdashboard() { $crops = array(); $parseQuery = new ParseQuery("Crop"); $parseQuery->ascending("cropName"); //$parseQuery->select("[farmName, farmSize, farmer]"); $results = $parseQuery->find(); foreach ($results as $key => $crop) { $crops[$key] = array(); array_push($crops[$key], $crop->get('cropName')); array_push($crops[$key], $crop->get('cropDesc')); array_push($crops[$key], "P " . $crop->get('price')); array_push($crops[$key], $crop->get('daysBeforeHarvest') . " days"); } return view('crops_dashboard')->with("crops", $crops); }
/** * Display the specified resource. * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function show($id) { ParseClient::initialize(env('PARSE_ID', 'f**k'), env('PARSE_REST', 'f**k'), env('PARSE_MASTER', 'f**k')); $especQuery = new ParseQuery("Especialidade"); $especialidade = $especQuery->get($id); $protoQuery = new ParseQuery("Protocolo"); $protoQuery->equalTo('especialidade', $especialidade); $protoQuery->ascending('nome'); $protocolos = $protoQuery->find(); $anexoQuery = new ParseQuery("Anexo"); $anexoQuery->equalTo('especialidade', $especialidade); $anexos = $anexoQuery->find(); return view('especialidade.show', compact('protocolos', 'especialidade', 'anexos')); }
/** * Devuelve todos los usuarios que se han interesado en alguna casa del * $arrendador y que aun no se ha autorizado su contact. Los datos se devuelven * en forma de relacion de la tabla UsuarioVeDatosCasa, contiene idInmueble * (el inmueble que le intereso al usuario), idUsuario (el usuario interesado), * y arrendador (el usuario dueño del inmueble). * @param type $usuario * @return type */ public static function getNotificaciones($usuario) { $queryArrendador = new ParseQuery("UsuarioVeDatosCasa"); //si el usuario puso en renta una casa, se le devuelve informacion al respecto $queryArrendador->equalTo("arrendador", $usuario); //$queryArrendador->equalTo("validado",false); //se le devuelven las que no estan validadas para que sepa que las tiene que validar $queryArrendador->ascending("idInmueble"); //importante $queryCliente = new ParseQuery("UsuarioVeDatosCasa"); //si el usuario solicito una casa y ya estan listos los datos se le envian $queryCliente->equalTo("idUsuario", $usuario); $queryCliente->equalTo("validado", true); $mainQuery = ParseQuery::orQueries([$queryArrendador, $queryCliente]); $mainQuery->descending("createdAt"); $res = $mainQuery->find(); $fin = count($res); $inmuebleAct = null; $nNoti = 0; $notificaciones = []; for ($i = 0; $i < $fin; $i++) { $arrendador = $res[$i]->get("arrendador"); $arrendador->fetch(); $inm = $res[$i]->get("idInmueble"); $inm->fetch(); if ($arrendador == $usuario) { //si el usuario es arrendador y tiene un cliente nuevo *** if ($res[$i]->get("validado")) { $user = $res[$i]->get("idUsuario"); $user->fetch(); $mensaje = "Ahora puedes ponerte en contacto con el usuario " . $user->get("username") . " que se interesa en la casa que esta en " . $inm->get("direccion") . ". <br>"; $mensaje .= "Puedes contactar al usuario con el correo: " . $user->get("email") . ".<br>"; //echo $mensaje; $notificaciones[] = new Notificacion($mensaje, Notificacion::CONTACTO_NUEVO, $inm); } else { if ($inmuebleAct != null && $inm->getObjectId() === $inmuebleAct->getObjectId()) { //no usar ==, se acaba el stack, usar === porque php es mamon $nNoti++; //si es otra notificacion del mismo inmueble, las agrupa mostrando solamente el numero de notificaciones de ese inmueble continue; } //else ... $mensaje = APIUsuario::generaNotificacionClientesPot($nNoti, $inmuebleAct); if ($mensaje != null) { $notificaciones[] = new Notificacion($mensaje, Notificacion::CLIENTE_POTENCIAL, $inmuebleAct); } $inmuebleAct = $inm; $nNoti = 1; } } else { $mensaje = "El usuario " . $arrendador->get("username") . " ha decidido ponerce en contacto contigo para la " . " negociacion de la casa que solicitaste que se encuentra en " . $inm->get("direccion") . " contactalo a este correo: " . $arrendador->get("email") . ". <br>"; //echo $mensaje; $notificaciones[] = new Notificacion($mensaje, Notificacion::CONTACTO_ARRENDADOR, $inm); } } $mensaje = APIUsuario::generaNotificacionClientesPot($nNoti, $inmuebleAct); if ($mensaje != null) { $notificaciones[] = new Notificacion($mensaje, Notificacion::CLIENTE_POTENCIAL, $inmuebleAct); } return $notificaciones; }
<?php include 'incsession.php'; require 'vendor/autoload.php'; use Parse\ParseClient; use Parse\ParseObject; use Parse\ParseQuery; ParseClient::initialize('OLEbxaLakkb6SVn5t7Qzbewdyy70LSwHp6PQYilb', '6DOD3bArSx2LgNCuE67GDVDPfi9HAKGmkrKLajL1', 'IVNd1TnoknddgQ2F2qCZf7FUPbBWLe21rz2rP1LN'); date_default_timezone_set('Asia/Taipei'); $guid = $_COOKIE['session_Mobile']; $query2 = new ParseQuery("order"); $query2->ascending("createdAt"); $results2 = $query2->find(); $heightValue = 350 + count($results2) * 90; $all_text = '<table width="80%" border="1"><tr><th scope="col">編號</th><th scope="col">日期</th><th scope="col">標題</th><th scope="col">運費</th><th scope="col">作者</th></tr>'; for ($i = count($results2); $i > 0; $i--) { $parseObjectId = $results2[$i - 1]->getObjectId(); $parsetime = $results2[$i - 1]->getCreatedAt(); $taipeiTimeZone = new DateTimeZone('Asia/Taipei'); $parsetime->setTimezone($taipeiTimeZone); $parsetime = $parsetime->format('m/d'); $parseTitle = $results2[$i - 1]->get("title"); $parseauthor = $results2[$i - 1]->get("author"); $parseprice = $results2[$i - 1]->get("price"); $parseIsDelete = $results2[$i - 1]->get("isDelete"); // 0新文章 1取消文章 2進行中 3完成 if ($parseIsDelete == 0) { $all_text = "<tr>{$all_text}\n <td align='center'>{$i}</td>\n <td align='center'>{$parsetime}</td>\n <td align='center'><a href='detail.php?postId={$parseObjectId}'>{$parseTitle}</a></td> \n <td align='center'>{$parseprice} 元</td>\n <td align='center'>{$parseauthor}</td>\n </tr>"; } else { if ($parseIsDelete == "1") { $all_text = "<tr>{$all_text}\n <td align='center'>{$i}</td>\n <td align='center'> - </td>\n <td align='center'>(本文已被刪除)</td> \n <td align='center'> - </td>\n <td align='center'> - </td>\n </tr>";
public function testIncludeWhenOnlySomeObjectsHaveChildren() { Helper::clearClass("Child"); Helper::clearClass("Parent"); $child = ParseObject::create('Child'); $child->set('foo', 'bar'); $child->save(); $this->saveObjects(4, function ($i) use($child) { $parent = ParseObject::create('Parent'); $parent->set('num', $i); if ($i & 1) { $parent->set('child', $child); } return $parent; }); $query = new ParseQuery('Parent'); $query->includeKey(['child']); $query->ascending('num'); $results = $query->find(); $this->assertEquals(4, count($results), 'Did not return correct number of objects.'); $length = count($results); for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) { if ($i & 1) { $this->assertEquals('bar', $results[$i]->get('child')->get('foo'), 'Object should be fetched'); } else { $this->assertEquals(null, $results[$i]->get('child'), 'Should not have child'); } } }
private function results() { global $wp_query, $post, $wtd_plugin, $wtd_connector; $res_id = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'res_id', true); $query = new ParseQuery("resort"); try { $resort = $query->get($res_id); // The object was retrieved successfully. } catch (ParseException $ex) { error_log($ex->getMessage()); } $cat_id = get_query_var('wtds'); if (empty($cat_id) && isset($_GET['wtds'])) { $cat_id = $_GET['wtds']; } // get parent category $query = new ParseQuery('resortParentCategories'); $query->equalTo('cat_class', 'D'); $query->equalTo('resortObjectId', $resort); $parent_cat = $query->find(); $parent_cat = $parent_cat[0]; // get category if its set if (!empty($cat_id)) { $query = new ParseQuery('resortCategory'); try { $cat = $query->get($cat_id); } catch (\Parse\ParseException $ex) { var_dump($ex); } } // parent restriction query $parent_cat_query = new ParseQuery('resortParentCategories'); $parent_cat_query->equalTo('objectId', $parent_cat->getObjectId()); // subcategory query $query = new ParseQuery('resortCategory'); $query->matchesQuery('parentResCatObjectId', $parent_cat_query); $query->greaterThan('diningCnt', 0); $query->ascending('name'); $categories = $query->find(); ?> <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo WTD_PLUGIN_URL . 'assets/css/wtd_activities_page.css?wtd_version=' . WTD_VERSION; ?> " media="screen"/> <div ng-app="diningApp" ng-controller="diningCtrl"> <div layout="row" layout-sm="column" layout-padding><?php if ($wtd_plugin['dining_page_type'] == 3) { ?> <ul layout="column"><?php for ($i = 0; $i < count($categories); $i++) { $category = $categories[$i]; $category_url_name = strtolower($parent_cat->get('name')); $category_url_name = str_replace(' ', '-', $category_url_name); $category_url_name = str_replace('/', '-', $category_url_name); $subcategory_url_name = strtolower($category->get('name')); $subcategory_url_name = str_replace(' ', '-', $subcategory_url_name); $subcategory_url_name = str_replace(',', '', $subcategory_url_name); $subcategory_url_name = str_replace('/', '-', $subcategory_url_name); $url = site_url() . '/' . $post->post_name . '/whattodo/' . $category_url_name . '/' . $parent_cat->getObjectId() . '/' . $subcategory_url_name . '/' . $category->getObjectId() . '/'; ?> <li class="wtd_subcategory_menu_item <?php echo $category->getObjectId() == $wp_query->query['wtds'] ? 'active' : ''; ?> "> <a href="<?php echo $url; ?> "><?php echo $category->get('name'); ?> </a> </li><?php } ?> </ul><?php } if ($wtd_plugin['dining_page_type'] == 2) { $column_size = 100; } else { $column_size = 75; } ?> <div layout="row" layout-align="center start" ng-hide="progress == false" layout-padding flex="100"> <md-progress-circular class="md-primary" md-mode="indeterminate"></md-progress-circular> </div> <div layout="column" flex="<?php echo $column_size; ?> " flex-sm="100" ng-hide="progress == true"> <div layout="row" style="margin-bottom: 5px;"> <a id="parent_<?php echo $post->ID; ?> _header" href="<?php echo get_post_permalink($post->ID); ?> " class="wtd_pull_left"><?php echo $post->post_title; ?> </a><?php if (!empty($parent_cat_id)) { $category_url_name = strtolower($parent_cat->get('name')); $category_url_name = str_replace(' ', '-', $category_url_name); $url = site_url() . '/' . $wtd_plugin['url_prefix'] . '/' . $post->post_name . '/whattodo/' . $category_url_name . '/' . $parent_cat->getObjectId() . '/'; ?> <span class="wtd_bread_separator">></span> <a id="parent_<?php echo $parent_cat->getObjectId(); ?> _header" class="wtd_pull_left" href="<?php echo $url; ?> "><?php echo $parent_cat->get('name'); ?> </a><?php } if ($wtd_plugin['dining_page_type'] == 2) { ?> <span class="wtd_bread_separator">></span> <select class="wtd_subcategory_navigator"> <option>Select Subcategory</option><?php for ($i = 0; $i < count($categories); $i++) { $category = $categories[$i]; $category_url_name = strtolower($parent_cat->get('name')); $category_url_name = str_replace(' ', '-', $category_url_name); $category_url_name = str_replace('/', '-', $category_url_name); $subcategory_url_name = strtolower($category->get('name')); $subcategory_url_name = str_replace(' ', '-', $subcategory_url_name); $subcategory_url_name = str_replace(',', '', $subcategory_url_name); $subcategory_url_name = str_replace('/', '-', $subcategory_url_name); $url = site_url() . '/' . $post->post_name . '/whattodo/' . $category_url_name . '/' . $parent_cat->getObjectId() . '/' . $subcategory_url_name . '/' . $category->getObjectId() . '/'; $selected = ''; if ($cat_id == $category->getObjectId()) { $selected = ' selected="selected"'; } echo '<option value="' . $url . '" ' . $selected . '>' . $category->get('name') . '</option>'; } ?> </select><?php } elseif (!empty($cat_id)) { ?> <span class="wtd_bread_separator">></span> <span class="wtd_current_cat"><?php echo $cat->name; ?> </span><?php } ?> </div> <script> jQuery('.wtd_subcategory_navigator').change(function(){ var val = jQuery('.wtd_subcategory_navigator option:selected').val(); if(val) window.location = val; }); </script> <div layout="row" layout-align="center center" ng-hide="progress == false" layout-padding> <md-progress-circular class="md-primary" md-mode="indeterminate"></md-progress-circular> </div> <div id="wtd_listing_sc_container" layout="column" layout-align="start start"></div> </div> </div> </div><?php $wtd_base_request = $wtd_connector->get_base_request(); $wtd_base_request['resorts'] = array($res_id); $wtd_base_request['page'] = 1; $subcat_id = ""; if (!empty($cat)) { $subcat_id = $cat->getObjectId(); } if (!empty($subcat_id)) { $wtd_base_request['category_id'] = $subcat_id; } ?> <script src="//www.parsecdn.com/js/parse-1.3.5.min.js"></script> <script src="<?php echo WTD_PLUGIN_URL; ?> /assets/js/parse_init.js"></script> <script> var wtd_categories = <?php echo json_encode($this->wtd_categories); ?> ; var wtd_base_request = <?php echo json_encode($wtd_base_request); ?> ; var cat_id = '<?php echo $cat_id; ?> '; var subcat_id = '<?php echo $subcat_id; ?> '; var wtd_parse_page = 1; var cur_category = '<?php echo $cat_id; ?> '; </script> <script src="<?php echo WTD_PLUGIN_URL; ?> /assets/js/pages/dining.js"></script><?php wtd_copyright(); }
?> </div> <div id="a2"><?php $object = new ParseQuery("events"); $object->ascending("date"); $object->limit(1); $results = $object->find(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($results); $i++) { $dataObject = $results[$i]; echo $dataObject->get('name'); } ?> </div> <div id="s1"><?php $object = new ParseQuery("events"); $object->ascending("date"); $object->limit(1); $results = $object->find(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($results); $i++) { $dataObject = $results[$i]; echo $dataObject->get('message'); } ?> </div> <div id="countdown"> <script type="text/javascript"> $('#countdown').countdown('2015/12/10', function(event) { $(this).html(event.strftime('%d days %H:%M:%S')); }); </script>
require 'vendor/autoload.php'; use Parse\ParseClient; use Parse\ParseUser; use Parse\ParseSessionStorage; use Parse\ParseQuery; use Parse\ParseObject; ParseClient::initialize('bYE5q8xvJEiV2A2mtf0fgbQR8olNMQ2wfr05WYco', 'wZ5XfUCgQBZzFfQOwhWzP14W1fHfe6aj4qS76u0h', '3e8xtmuzrlpgAHNq7ho5Pe5tL9HrQFEgtJD2YVvQ'); if (session_status() == PHP_SESSION_NONE) { session_start(); } ParseClient::setStorage(new ParseSessionStorage()); $currentUser = ParseUser::getCurrentUser(); $course = $_GET["course"]; if ($currentUser == null) { header("Location: login.php?back=1&course={$course}"); } else { $coursequery = new ParseQuery("Course"); $coursequery->equalTo("Title", $course); $result = $coursequery->first(); $result->fetch(); $classquery = new ParseQuery("Class"); $classquery->equalTo("Course", $result); $classquery->ascending("ClassNumber"); $class = $classquery->first(); $viewLater = new ParseObject("ViewLater"); $viewLater->set("User", $currentUser); $viewLater->set("Course", $result); $viewLater->set("NextClass", $class); $viewLater->save(); header("Location: profile.php"); }
public function get_city() { $stateId = $this->uri->segment(4); $state = new ParseObject("States", $stateId); $cityQuery = new ParseQuery("City"); $cityQuery->ascending("Cities"); $cityQuery->equalTo("states", $state); $results = $cityQuery->find(); if (!empty($results)) { $cityInfo = []; for ($i = 0; $i < count($results); $i++) { $object = $results[$i]; $cityInfo[$object->getObjectId()] = $object->get('Cities'); } echo json_encode($cityInfo); } else { echo 'none'; } }
/** * Display the specified resource. * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function show($id) { ParseClient::initialize(env('PARSE_ID', 'f**k'), env('PARSE_REST', 'f**k'), env('PARSE_MASTER', 'f**k')); $protoQuery = new ParseQuery("Protocolo"); $protocolo = $protoQuery->get($id); $especialidade = $protocolo->get('especialidade')->fetch(); $encaminhamentoQuery = new ParseQuery("Encaminhamento"); $encaminhamentoQuery->equalTo('protocolo', $protocolo); $encaminhamentoQuery->ascending('ordem'); $encaminhamentos = $encaminhamentoQuery->find(); $encaminhamentoArray = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($encaminhamentos); $i++) { $encaminhamento = $encaminhamentos[$i]; $condQuery = new ParseQuery("Condicao"); $condQuery->equalTo('encaminhamento', $encaminhamento); $condQuery->ascending('ordem'); $condicoes = $condQuery->find(); $encaminhamentoArray[$i] = array('encaminhamento' => $encaminhamento, 'condicoes' => $condicoes); } $descritivoQuery = new ParseQuery("DescritivoMinimo"); $descritivoQuery->equalTo('protocolo', $protocolo); $descritivoQuery->ascending('ordem'); $descritivos = $descritivoQuery->find(); return view('protocolo.show', compact('especialidade', 'protocolo', 'encaminhamentoArray', 'descritivos')); }
public function testSavingChildrenInArray() { Helper::clearClass('Parent'); Helper::clearClass('Child'); $parent = ParseObject::create('Parent'); $child1 = ParseObject::create('Child'); $child2 = ParseObject::create('Child'); $child1->set('name', 'tyrian'); $child2->set('name', 'cersei'); $parent->setArray('children', [$child1, $child2]); $parent->save(); $query = new ParseQuery('Child'); $query->ascending('name'); $results = $query->find(); $this->assertEquals(2, count($results)); $this->assertEquals('cersei', $results[0]->get('name')); $this->assertEquals('tyrian', $results[1]->get('name')); }
$arr = $userArray[$i]->get('users'); $ustr = $user->getObjectId() . $_POST['user']; $ustr1 = $_POST['user'] . $user->getObjectId(); if (gettype(strpos(implode("", $arr), $ustr)) == "integer" || gettype(strpos(implode("", $arr), $ustr1)) == "integer") { $chatId = $userArray[$i]->getObjectId(); } } $query = new ParseQuery("Chat"); $query->equalTo('objectId', $chatId); $chat = $query->first(); if ($chat) { $response = new Response(); $query = new ParseQuery("ChatLogs"); $query->equalTo('Chat', $chat); $query->includeKey('speaker'); $query->ascending('createdAt'); $chatters = $query->find(); $msgArray = array(); $spkArray = array(); $dateArray = array(); $imgArray = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($chatters); $i++) { array_push($msgArray, $chatters[$i]->get('message')); array_push($spkArray, $chatters[$i]->get('speaker')->get('first')); array_push($imgArray, $chatters[$i]->get('speaker')->get('avatar')); array_push($dateArray, date_format($chatters[$i]->getCreatedAt(), 'F jS \\a\\t g:ia')); } $response->success = true; $response->type = 1; $response->data = $msgArray; $response->chat = $chat->getObjectId();
public function first($className, $equalToArray = array(), $ascending = null, $descending = null, $skip = null, $includeArray = array()) { $query = new ParseQuery($className); if ($equalToArray) { foreach ($equalToArray as $key => $value) { $query->equalTo($key, $value); } } if ($ascending) { $query->ascending($ascending); } if ($descending) { $query->descending($descending); } if ($skip) { $query->skip($skip); } if ($includeArray) { foreach ($includeArray as $include) { $query->includeKey($include); } } return $query->first(); }
public function testGeoBoxSmallNearDateLine() { $nearWestOfDateLine = new ParseGeoPoint(0, 175); $nearWestObject = ParseObject::create('TestObject'); $nearWestObject->set('location', $nearWestOfDateLine); $nearWestObject->set('name', 'near west'); $nearWestObject->set('order', 1); $nearWestObject->save(); $nearEastOfDateLine = new ParseGeoPoint(0, -175); $nearEastObject = ParseObject::create('TestObject'); $nearEastObject->set('location', $nearEastOfDateLine); $nearEastObject->set('name', 'near east'); $nearEastObject->set('order', 2); $nearEastObject->save(); $farWestOfDateLine = new ParseGeoPoint(0, 165); $farWestObject = ParseObject::create('TestObject'); $farWestObject->set('location', $farWestOfDateLine); $farWestObject->set('name', 'far west'); $farWestObject->set('order', 3); $farWestObject->save(); $farEastOfDateLine = new ParseGeoPoint(0, -165); $farEastObject = ParseObject::create('TestObject'); $farEastObject->set('location', $farEastOfDateLine); $farEastObject->set('name', 'far east'); $farEastObject->set('order', 4); $farEastObject->save(); $southwestOfDateLine = new ParseGeoPoint(-10, 170); $northeastOfDateLine = new ParseGeoPoint(10, -170); $query = new ParseQuery('TestObject'); $query->withinGeoBox('location', $southwestOfDateLine, $northeastOfDateLine); $query->ascending('order'); try { $query->find(); $this->assertTrue(false, 'Query should fail for crossing the date line.'); } catch (ParseException $e) { } }
public function doBeacCompQuery() { $companyQuery = new ParseQuery("Companies"); $companyQuery->ascending("name"); $compResults = $companyQuery->find(); $companyInfo = []; for ($i = 0; $i < count($compResults); $i++) { $object = $compResults[$i]; $companyInfo[$object->getObjectId()] = $object->get('name'); } return $companyInfo; }