protected function getContent()
     $man_ctr = \OWeb\manage\Controller::getInstance();
     //On va voir quel page on doit charger
     $get = \OWeb\OWeb::getInstance()->get_get();
     if (isset($get['page'])) {
         $ctr = $get['page'];
     } else {
         $ctr = OWEB_DEFAULT_PAGE;
     try {
         $ctr = str_replace("\\\\", "\\", $ctr);
         $ctr = str_replace(".", "\\", $ctr);
         $ctr = $man_ctr->loadController('Page\\' . $ctr);
     } catch (\Exception $ex) {
         $ctr = $man_ctr->loadController('Page\\OWeb\\errors\\http\\NotFound');
     try {
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $ctr = $man_ctr->loadException($e);
         $ctr->addParams("exception", $e);
     $this->content = ob_get_contents();
     $header = \OWeb\manage\Headers::getInstance()->getAllHeaders();
     return array('headers' => $header, "content" => $this->content);
  * Will add the headers registered to the main Headers Manager
 public function makeAdd()
     if (OWEB_DEBUG > 0) {
         $code .= $this->makeAddNormal();
     } else {
         $code .= $this->makeAddNormal();
     Headers::getInstance()->addHeader($code, Headers::jsCode);
Example #3
  * Adding a Header to the Page
  * @param type $code The url, or code if the header.
  * @param type $type The type of the header.
 public function addHeader($code, $type)
     \OWeb\manage\Headers::getInstance()->addHeader($code, $type);
Example #4
 public function __construct(&$get, &$post, &$files, &$cookies, &$server, $adr)
     //Checking if There is an older instance. If yes Exception.
     if (self::$instance != null) {
         throw new Exception("Only 1 instance of OWeb can run.");
     } else {
         self::$instance = $this;
     error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE ^ E_STRICT);
     //Variables d'environement
     $this->_get = $get;
     $this->_post = $post;
     $this->_files = $files;
     $this->_cookies = $cookies;
     $this->_server = $server;
     $this->_adresse = $adr;
     //Initializing AutoLoader.
     $this->autoLoader = new autoLoader();
     //Initialize Events manager
     $this->manage_events = \OWeb\manage\Events::getInstance();
     //Initialize headers manager
     $this->manage_headers = \OWeb\manage\Headers::getInstance();
     //Initialize Extension manager
     $this->manage_extensions = \OWeb\manage\Extensions::getInstance();
     //Initialize Controller manager
     $this->manage_controllers = \OWeb\manage\Controller::getInstance();
     //Initialize SubView manager
     $this->manage_subViews = \OWeb\manage\SubViews::getInstance();
     //Initialize Setting Manager
     $this->manage_settings = \OWeb\manage\Settings::getInstance();
 public function getNewParser()
     $parser = new \SBBCodeParser\Node_Container_Document();
     $bbcode = new \SBBCodeParser\BBCode('title', function ($content, $attribs) {
         $tag = trim(htmlspecialchars($content));
         $att = $attribs['default'];
         if ($att == 'h1') {
             SBBCodeParser::$tree[] = array(1, $content, $tag);
             return "<h1 class=\"uk-h2\" id=\"{$tag}\">" . $content . "</h1>";
         } else {
             if ($att == 'h2') {
                 SBBCodeParser::$tree[] = array(2, $content, $tag);
                 return "<h2 class=\"uk-h3\" id=\"{$tag}\">" . $content . "</h2>";
             } else {
                 if ($att == 'h3') {
                     SBBCodeParser::$tree[] = array(3, $content, $tag);
                     return "<h3 class=\"uk-h4\" id=\"{$tag}\">" . $content . "</h2>";
                 } else {
                     if ($att == 'h4') {
                         SBBCodeParser::$tree[] = array(4, $content, $tag);
                         return "<h4 class=\"uk-h5\" id=\"{$tag}\">" . $content . "</h4>";
                     } else {
                         if ($att == 'h5') {
                             SBBCodeParser::$tree[] = array(5, $content, $tag);
                             return "<h5 class=\"uk-h6\" id=\"{$tag}\">" . $content . "</h5>";
     }, \SBBCodeParser\BBCode::BLOCK_TAG, false, array(), array('text_node'), \SBBCodeParser\BBCode::AUTO_DETECT_EXCLUDE_ALL);
     $bbcode = new \SBBCodeParser\BBCode('codes', function ($content, $attribs) {
         if (isset($attribs['default']) && !empty($attribs['default'])) {
             $att = strtolower($attribs['default']);
         } else {
             $att = 'text';
         $brushes = array();
         $brushes['actionscript3'] = 'shBrushAS3.js';
         $brushes['as3,actionscript3'] = 'shBrushAS3.js';
         $brushes['bash'] = 'shBrushBash.js';
         $brushes['shell'] = 'shBrushBash.js';
         $brushes['cf,coldfusion'] = 'shBrushColdFusion.js';
         $brushes['cf'] = 'shBrushColdFusion.js';
         $brushes['csharp'] = 'shBrushCSharp.js';
         $brushes['c-sharp'] = 'shBrushCSharp.js';
         $brushes['cpp'] = 'shBrushCpp.js';
         $brushes['c'] = 'shBrushCpp.js';
         $brushes['css'] = 'shBrushCss.js';
         $brushes['delphi'] = 'shBrushDelphi.js';
         $brushes['pas'] = '******';
         $brushes['pascal'] = 'shBrushDelphi.js';
         $brushes['patch'] = 'shBrushDiff.js';
         $brushes['diff'] = 'shBrushDiff.js';
         $brushes['erlang'] = 'shBrushErlang.js';
         $brushes['erl'] = 'shBrushErlang.js';
         $brushes['groovy'] = 'shBrushGroovy.js';
         $brushes['js'] = 'shBrushJScript.js';
         $brushes['jscript,'] = 'shBrushJScript.js';
         $brushes['javascript'] = 'shBrushJScript.js';
         $brushes['java'] = 'shBrushJava.js';
         $brushes['javafx'] = 'shBrushJavaFX.js';
         $brushes['jfx'] = 'shBrushJavaFX.js';
         $brushes['pl'] = 'shBrushPerl.js';
         $brushes['perl'] = 'shBrushPerl.js';
         $brushes['php'] = 'shBrushPhp.js';
         $brushes['text'] = 'shBrushPlain.js';
         $brushes['plain'] = 'shBrushPlain.js';
         $brushes['ps'] = 'shBrushPowerShell.js';
         $brushes['powershell'] = 'shBrushPowerShell.js';
         $brushes['py'] = 'shBrushPython.js';
         $brushes['python'] = 'shBrushPython.js';
         $brushes['rails'] = 'shBrushRuby.js';
         $brushes['ror'] = 'shBrushRuby.js';
         $brushes['ruby'] = 'shBrushRuby.js';
         $brushes['scala'] = 'shBrushScala.js';
         $brushes['sql'] = 'shBrushSql.js';
         $brushes['vb'] = 'shBrushVb.js';
         $brushes['vbnet'] = 'shBrushVb.js';
         $brushes['xml'] = 'shBrushXml.js';
         $brushes['xhtml'] = 'shBrushXml.js';
         $brushes['xslt'] = 'shBrushXml.js';
         $brushes['html'] = 'shBrushXml.js';
         $brushes['xhtml'] = 'shBrushXml.js';
         if (isset($brushes[$att])) {
             $js = $brushes[$att];
         } else {
             $att = 'plain';
             $js = $brushes['plain'];
         $headers = \OWeb\manage\Headers::getInstance();
         $headers->addHeader('syntaxHighlighter/shCore.js', \OWeb\manage\Headers::javascript);
         $headers->addHeader('syntaxHighlighter/' . $js, \OWeb\manage\Headers::js);
         $headers->addHeader('syntaxHighlighter/shCoreDefault.css', \OWeb\manage\Headers::css);
         \OWeb\utils\js\jquery\HeaderOnReadyManager::getInstance()->add("SyntaxHighlighter.config.bloggerMode = true;\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSyntaxHighlighter.defaults['toolbar'] = true;\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSyntaxHighlighter.all();");
         $content = str_replace("<br />", "", $content);
         return '<pre class="brush: ' . $att . ';">' . $content . '</pre>';
     }, \SBBCodeParser\BBCode::BLOCK_TAG, false, array(), array(), \SBBCodeParser\BBCode::AUTO_DETECT_EXCLUDE_ALL);
     $parser->add_emoticons(array(':D' => OWEB_HTML_URL_IMG . '/icons/01.png', 'OD' => OWEB_HTML_URL_IMG . '/icons/02.png', ':)' => OWEB_HTML_URL_IMG . '/icons/03.png', ';)' => OWEB_HTML_URL_IMG . '/icons/04.png', '8)' => OWEB_HTML_URL_IMG . '/icons/05.png'));
     return $parser;