Example #1
  * @dataProvider addressTypesUpdateDataProvider
  * @param string          $priority
  * @param ArrayCollection $remoteTypes
  * @param ArrayCollection $localTypes
  * @param ArrayCollection $contactTypes
  * @param array           $expectedTypeNames
 public function testAddressTypesUpdate($priority, ArrayCollection $remoteTypes, ArrayCollection $localTypes, ArrayCollection $contactTypes, array $expectedTypeNames)
     $channel = new Channel();
     $channel->getSynchronizationSettingsReference()->offsetSet('syncPriority', $priority);
     $testCountry = new Country('US');
     $contact = new Contact();
     $contactAddress = new ContactAddress();
     $phone = new ContactPhone();
     $localCustomer = new Customer();
     $localAddress = new Address();
     $remoteCustomer = new Customer();
     $remoteAddress = new Address();
     $helper = $this->getHelper($channel);
     $helper->merge($remoteCustomer, $localCustomer, $contact);
     $this->assertCount(1, $contact->getAddresses());
     $this->assertEquals($expectedTypeNames, $contactAddress->getTypeNames());
Example #2
  * @param string $phone
  * @param bool   $primary
  * @return ContactPhone
 protected function createContactPhone($phone, $primary = false)
     $entity = new ContactPhone($phone);
     if ($primary) {
     return $entity;
 public function testGetPhoneNumbers()
     $entity = new Contact();
     $this->assertSame([], $this->provider->getPhoneNumbers($entity));
     $phone1 = new ContactPhone('123-123');
     $phone2 = new ContactPhone('456-456');
     $this->assertSame([['123-123', $entity], ['456-456', $entity]], $this->provider->getPhoneNumbers($entity));
 public function testGetPhoneNumbers()
     $entity = new Address();
     $contact = $this->getMockBuilder('OroCRM\\Bundle\\ContactBundle\\Entity\\Contact')->disableOriginalConstructor()->getMock();
     $this->assertSame([], $this->provider->getPhoneNumbers($entity));
     $contactPhone = new ContactPhone('123-123');
     $this->assertSame([['123-123', $contact]], $this->provider->getPhoneNumbers($entity));
     $this->assertSame([['456-456', $entity], ['123-123', $contact]], $this->provider->getPhoneNumbers($entity));
Example #5
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function load(ObjectManager $manager)
     $contact = $this->getReference('Contact_' . LoadContactEntitiesData::FIRST_ENTITY_NAME);
     foreach ($this->contactEmailData as $contactEmailData) {
         $contactPhone = new ContactPhone();
         $this->setReference('ContactPhone_Several_' . $contactEmailData['phone'], $contactPhone);
     $contact2 = $this->getReference('Contact_' . LoadContactEntitiesData::SECOND_ENTITY_NAME);
     $contactPhone = new ContactPhone();
     $this->setReference('ContactPhone_Single_' . $this->contactEmailData[0]['phone'], $contactPhone);
Example #6
  * Create a Contact
  * @param array $data
  * @param int $iteration
  * @return Contact
 private function createContact(array $data, $iteration = 0)
     $contact = new Contact();
     $lastName = $data['Surname'];
     if ($iteration) {
         $lastName .= '_' . $iteration;
     $phone = new ContactPhone($data['TelephoneNumber']);
     $email = new ContactEmail($data['EmailAddress']);
     $date = \DateTime::createFromFormat('m/d/Y', $data['Birthday']);
     /** @var ContactAddress $address */
     $address = new ContactAddress();
     $isoCode = $data['Country'];
     $country = array_filter($this->countries, function (Country $a) use($isoCode) {
         return $a->getIso2Code() == $isoCode;
     $country = array_values($country);
     /** @var Country $country */
     $country = $country[0];
     $idRegion = $data['State'];
     /** @var Collection $regions */
     $regions = $country->getRegions();
     $region = $regions->filter(function (Region $a) use($idRegion) {
         return $a->getCode() == $idRegion;
     if (!$region->isEmpty()) {
     return $contact;
  * {@inheritdoc}
  * @param ContactPhone $value
 public function validate(ContactPhone $value)
     return $value->isPrimary() && $value->getOwner()->getPhones()->count() === 1;
Example #8
  * Get ContactPhone from contact by ContactPhone
  * @param Contact      $contact
  * @param ContactPhone $contactPhone
  * @return mixed
 protected function getContactPhoneFromContact(Contact $contact, ContactPhone $contactPhone)
     $filtered = $contact->getPhones()->filter(function (ContactPhone $phone) use($contactPhone) {
         return $phone && $phone->getId() === $contactPhone->getId();
     return $filtered->first();
Example #9
  * Filtered phone by phone number from contact and return entity or null
  * @param Contact      $contact
  * @param ContactPhone $contactPhone
  * @return ContactPhone|null
 protected function getContactPhoneFromContact(Contact $contact, ContactPhone $contactPhone)
     foreach ($contact->getPhones() as $phone) {
         if ($phone->getPhone() === $contactPhone->getPhone()) {
             $hash = spl_object_hash($phone);
             if (array_key_exists($hash, $this->processedEntities)) {
                 // skip if contact phone used for previously imported phone
             $this->processedEntities[$hash] = $phone;
             return $phone;
     return null;
Example #10
  * @param ContactPhone $entity
  * @param Contact $contact
 protected function onSuccess(ContactPhone $entity, Contact $contact)
Example #11
 public function dataTest()
     $testContact = new ExtendContact();
     $testContactAddress = new ContactAddress();
     $testContactEmail = new ContactEmail();
     $testContactPhone = new ContactPhone();
     $testMagentoCustomer = new ExtendCustomer();
     $channel = new Channel();
     $channel->getSynchronizationSettingsReference()->offsetSet('isTwoWaySyncEnabled', true);
     return ['Updated contact' => [$testContact, $testMagentoCustomer, $channel, [], [$testContact], [], true, true, true, true, true], 'Inserted contact' => [$testContact, $testMagentoCustomer, $channel, [$testContact], [], [], true, false, false, true, false], 'Deleted contact' => [$testContact, $testMagentoCustomer, $channel, [], [], [$testContact], true, true, true, false, true], 'Updated contact with testContactAddress' => [$testContact, $testMagentoCustomer, $channel, [], [$testContact, $testContactAddress], [], true, true, true, true, true], 'Test process Contact Address' => [$testContact, $testMagentoCustomer, $channel, [], [$testContactAddress], [], true, true, true, false, true], 'Test deleted Contact Address' => [$testContact, $testMagentoCustomer, $channel, [], [], [$testContactAddress], true, true, true, false, true]];
  * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD)
  * @dataProvider  getDataProvider
  * @param array     $fields
  * @param \stdClass $checkingObject
 public function testProcess(array $fields, $checkingObject)
     $customerReverseProcessor = new CustomerReverseProcessor();
     $checkingObject->entity = $this->customer;
     if (!empty($checkingObject->object['addresses'])) {
         foreach ($checkingObject->object['addresses'] as &$address) {
             $address['entity'] = $this->address;
             if (!empty($address['status'])) {
                 if ('update' === $address['status']) {
                     $address['object']['country'] = $this->country;
                     $address['object']['region'] = $this->region;
     $result = $customerReverseProcessor->process($this->customer);
     $this->assertEquals($checkingObject, $result);