Example #1

use OpenCV\Image;
use OpenCV\Histogram;
$i = Image::load("sailing.jpg", Image::LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR);
$result = $i->haarDetectObjects("/usr/share/opencv/haarcascades/haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml");
foreach ($result as $r) {
    $i->rectangle($r['x'], $r['y'], $r['width'], $r['height']);
Example #2

use OpenCV\Image;
use OpenCV\Histogram;
$i = Image::load("test.jpg", Image::LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR);
$dst = $i->smooth(Image::GAUSSIAN, 31, 0, 0, 0);

use OpenCV\Image;
use OpenCV\Histogram;
echo "Loading sample\n";
$im = Image::load("elephpant_sample.jpg", Image::LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR);
$im2 = Image::load("dragonbe_elephpants.jpg", Image::LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR);
for ($i = 0; $i < 6; $i++) {
    $result = $im2->matchTemplate($im, $i);
Example #4

use OpenCV\Image;
use OpenCV\Histogram;
/* Load the sample image */
$i = Image::load("sample.jpg", Image::LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR);
$hsv = $i->convertColor(Image::RGB2HSV);
$planes = $hsv->split();
$hist = new Histogram(1, 32, CV_HIST_ARRAY);
/* Load the target image */
$i2 = Image::load("target.jpg", Image::LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR);
$hsv2 = $i2->convertColor(Image::RGB2HSV);
$planes2 = $hsv2->split();
$result = $planes2[0]->backProject($hist);
/* Dilate the image to make the objects more obvious */
$result = $result->dilate(2);