public static function parse($parser) { $parser->disableCache(); $title = $parser->getTitle()->getText(); $titleArray = explode(':', $title); $ontAbbr = $titleArray[0]; $termID = str_replace(' ', '_', $titleArray[1]); $ontology = new OntologyData($ontAbbr); $term = $ontology->parseTermByID($termID); $params = array(); for ($i = 2; $i < func_num_args(); $i++) { $params[] = func_get_arg($i); } list($options, $valids, $invalids) = self::extractSupClass($params, $ontology); $pathType = $GLOBALS['okwHierarchyConfig']['pathType']; $supClasses = array(); if (!empty($valids)) { foreach ($valids as $index => $value) { $supClasses[] = $value['iri']; $hierarchy = $ontology->parseTermHierarchy($term, $pathType, $value['iri']); if ($value['iri'] == $GLOBALS['okwRDFConfig']['Thing']) { $GLOBALS['okwCache']['hierarchy'][$index] = $hierarchy; } else { foreach ($hierarchy as $path) { if (!empty($path['path'])) { $GLOBALS['okwCache']['hierarchy'][$index] = $hierarchy; } } } } } wfDebugLog('OntoKiWi', sprintf('OKW\\Parser\\HierarchyParser: parsed hierarchy {%s} for [[%s]]', join(';', $supClasses), $title)); wfDebugLog('OntoKiWi', '[caches] OKW\\Parser\\HierarchyParser: hierarchy'); return array('', 'noparse' => true); }
public static function display($perm, $formName, $title) { $html = ''; $sql = new SQLStore(wfGetDB(DB_SLAVE)); if ($formName == 'edit') { $titleArray = explode(':', $title); $ontAbbr = $titleArray[0]; $termID = str_replace(' ', '_', $titleArray[1]); $magic = $sql->getAnnotationMagicWords($ontAbbr); $ontology = new OntologyData($ontAbbr); $term = $ontology->parseTermByID($termID); $html .= self::printEditForm($perm, $ontAbbr, $term, $magic); wfDebugLog('OntoKiWi', 'OKW\\Display\\FormDisplayPrinter:: display: edit form'); } else { if ($formName == 'create') { $sql = new SQLStore(wfGetDB(DB_SLAVE)); $ontologies = $sql->getOntologies(); $magic = $sql->getAnnotationMagicWords(); $html .= self::printCreateForm($perm, $ontAbbr, $title, $ontologies, $magic); wfDebugLog('OntoKiWi', 'OKW\\Display\\FormDisplayPrinter:: display: create form'); } else { #TODO: Throw Exception } } return $html; }
public static function display($title) { $cache = $GLOBALS['okwCache']; $html = ''; $titleArray = explode(':', $title); $ontAbbr = $titleArray[0]; $termID = str_replace(' ', '_', $titleArray[1]); $ontology = new OntologyData($ontAbbr); $term = $ontology->parseTermByID($termID); if (!empty($cache['hierarchy']) || !empty($cache['axiom']['subclassof']) || !empty($cache['axiom']['equivalent'])) { $html .= self::printPageSidebar($ontology, $term, $cache); } if ($ontology->existClass($term->iri) || !empty($cache['annotation'])) { $html .= self::printPageHeader($ontology, $term, $cache); } return DisplayHelper::tidyHTML($html); }
public static function parseClassResult($classResult) { $classes = array(); foreach ($classResult as $result) { if (isset($classes[$result['class']])) { if (isset($result['subClass'])) { $classes[$result['class']]->hasChild = true; } } else { $class = OntologyData::makeClass(array('iri' => $result['class'], 'label' => null, 'type' => null, 'hasChild' => null)); $class->label = ''; if (isset($result['label'])) { $class->label = $result['label']; } $class->hasChild = false; if (isset($result['subClass'])) { $class->hasChild = true; } $classes[$result['class']] = $class; } } asort($classes); return $classes; }
private function exportOntology() { $this->getOutput()->disable(); wfResetOutputBuffers(); $request = $this->getRequest(); $config = $this->getConfig(); $request->response()->header("Content-type: application/xml; charset=utf-8"); if ($request->getCheck('downloadOntology')) { $filename = urlencode($config->get('Sitename') . '-' . wfTimestamp() . '.xml'); $request->response()->header("Content-disposition: attachment; filename={$filename}"); } $ontAbbr = $request->getVal('ontology'); $ontology = new OntologyData($ontAbbr); $rdf = $ontology->getRDF(); $xml = $rdf->exportOntology($ontology->getGraph()); wfDebugLog('OntoKiWi', 'OKW\\Special\\ExportOntology: output ontology RDF/XML generated'); print $xml; }
private function importOntology() { $tmp = sys_get_temp_dir() . '/OntoKiWiQueue/'; if (file_exists($tmp)) { $this->recursiveRemoveDirectory($tmp); } mkdir($tmp); if (array_key_exists('OntoKiWi', $GLOBALS['wgDebugLogGroups'])) { $log = $GLOBALS['wgDebugLogGroups']['OntoKiWi']; } else { if ($GLOBALS['wgDebugLogFile'] && $GLOBALS['wgDebugLogFile'] != '') { $log = $GLOBALS['wgDebugLogFile']; } else { $log = sys_get_temp_dir() . '/mediawikiimportfromtext.log'; } } $request = $this->getRequest(); $options = $request->getValues(); $ontAbbr = $options['ontology_abbrv']; $graph = $options['ontology_graph_url']; $fullname = $options['ontology_fullname']; $id = strtolower($ontAbbr); $sql = new SQLStore(wfGetDB(DB_MASTER)); $status = $sql->insertOntology($id, $options); if ($status) { wfDebugLog('OntoKiWi', sprintf('OKW\\Special\\ImportOntology: valid ontology: queued pages will be stored in $s', $tmp)); $ontology = new OntologyData($ontAbbr); $rdf = $ontology->getRDF(); $this->importObjectProperty($id, $options, $sql, $rdf, $graph); $this->importAnnotationProperty($id, $options, $sql, $rdf, $graph); $ontID = $sql->getOntologyID($ontAbbr); $annotationMagic = $sql->getAnnotationMagicWords($ontID); $objectMagic = $sql->getObjectMagicWords($ontID); $objects = array(); foreach ($objectMagic as $magic => $object) { $objects[$magic] = $magic; $objects[$object['iri']] = $magic; $objects[$object['id']] = $magic; } $operations = array(); foreach ($GLOBALS['okwRDFConfig']['restriction']['operation'] as $operation => $operationIRI) { $operations[$operationIRI] = $operation; $operations[$operation] = $operation; } $types = array(); foreach ($GLOBALS['okwRDFConfig']['restriction']['type'] as $type => $typeIRI) { $types[$typeIRI] = $type; $types[$type] = $type; } $count = $rdf->countAllClass($graph); if ($count >= 10000) { $source = file_get_contents($options['source']); preg_match_all('/xmlns:([\\w]*)[\\s]?=[\\s]?"([^"]*)"[\\s]?/', $source, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER); $prefix = array(); foreach ($matches as $match) { $prefix[$match[1]] = $match[2]; } if (preg_match_all('/[\\s]?<owl:Class[\\s]?rdf:about[\\s]?=[\\s]?"(&([\\w]*);)?([^"]*)"[\\s]?[\\/]?>/', $source, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { $classes = array(); foreach ($matches as $match) { if ($match[1] != '' && $match[2] != '') { $classes[] = $prefix[$match[2]] . $match[3]; } else { $classes[] = $match[3]; } } } else { $sql->deleteOntology($id); return array(self::EXCESSIVE_CLASS, null); } } else { if ($count == 0) { $sql->deleteOntology($id); return array(self::NO_CLASS_FOUND, null); } else { $classes = $rdf->getAllClass($graph); } } $filename = "Category:{$ontAbbr}"; file_put_contents($tmp . $filename, $fullname); $output = array(); foreach ($classes as $index => $class) { if ($class == $GLOBALS['okwRDFConfig']['Thing']) { continue; } $term = $ontology->parseTermByIRI($class); $id = $term->id; $filename = "{$ontAbbr}:{$id}"; if (!OntologyValidator::isValidTitleText($filename)) { throw new MWException("Unable to process term: {$id}. Please check the correctness of the Ontology"); } $related = $ontology->parseTermRelated($term); $wikiText = "[[Category:{$ontAbbr}]]"; $title = Title::newFromText($filename); if ($title->exists()) { continue; } $output[$class] = $term->label . " ({$ontAbbr}:{$id})"; $annotations = array(); foreach ($annotationMagic as $name => $value) { if (array_key_exists($value['iri'], $related)) { $annotations[$value['iri']] = $rdf->getObject($graph, $term->iri, $value['iri']); } } list($wikiText, $annotations) = AnnotationParser::reformatWikiText($wikiText, $annotations); $axiomData = $rdf->getAxiom($graph, $term->iri); $axioms = array(); foreach ($axiomData['subclassof'] as $data) { $axiom = array(); $axiom['type'] = 'subclassof'; $axiom['text'] = ManchesterSyntaxHandler::writeRecursiveManchester($data, array_merge($objects, $operations, $types)); $axioms[] = $axiom; } foreach ($axiomData['equivalent'] as $data) { $axiom = array(); $axiom['type'] = 'equivalent'; $axiom['text'] = ManchesterSyntaxHandler::writeRecursiveManchester($data, array_merge($objects, $operations, $types)); $axioms[] = $axiom; } list($wikiText, $axioms) = AxiomParser::reformatWikiText($ontAbbr, $wikiText, $axioms, true); $supClasses = array_keys($rdf->getSupClass($graph, $term->iri)); if (empty($supClasses)) { $supClasses = array($GLOBALS['okwRDFConfig']['Thing']); } list($wikiText, $supClasses) = HierarchyParser::reformatWikiText($ontAbbr, $wikiText, $supClasses); $common['label'] = $term->label; list($wikiText, $common) = CommonParser::reformatWikiText($wikiText, $common); file_put_contents($tmp . $filename, $wikiText); } wfDebugLog('OntoKiWi', 'OKW\\Special\\ImportOntology: ontology SPARQL query completes, pages will be created using maintenance scripts in the background'); $cmd = "( cd {$tmp} && for file in *; do php " . $GLOBALS['IP'] . "/maintenance/edit.php -u bot \$file < \$file; done && rm -R /tmp/OntoKiWiQueue ) > {$log} 2>&1 &"; exec($cmd, $output, $return); return array(self::SUCCESS, $output); } else { return array(self::INVALID_SPARQL, null); } }