public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $role = Users::ROLE_GUEST; if ($this->userdata != null) { $role = $this->userdata["role"]; } $content = new Contents(['Settings' => $this->settings]); $menu = new Menu($this->settings); $this->smarty->assign('menulist', $menu->get($role, $this->serverurl)); $this->smarty->assign('usefulcontentlist', $content->getForMenuByTypeAndRole(Contents::TYPEUSEFUL, $role)); $this->smarty->assign('articlecontentlist', $content->getForMenuByTypeAndRole(Contents::TYPEARTICLE, $role)); $this->smarty->assign('main_menu', $this->smarty->fetch('mainmenu.tpl')); $this->smarty->assign('useful_menu', $this->smarty->fetch('usefullinksmenu.tpl')); $this->smarty->assign('article_menu', $this->smarty->fetch('articlesmenu.tpl')); $category = new Category(['Settings' => $content->pdo]); if ($this->userdata != null) { $parentcatlist = $category->getForMenu($this->userdata["categoryexclusions"]); } else { $parentcatlist = $category->getForMenu(); } // Add in system types to console categories to make the boot strap drop down list less long. $consoleCatList = []; foreach ($parentcatlist as $parent) { if ($parent['title'] === 'Console') { foreach ($parent['subcatlist'] as $consoleCat) { if (preg_match('/^XBOX/i', $consoleCat['title'])) { $consoleCatList['Microsoft'][] = $consoleCat; } else { if (preg_match('/^([3N]DS|N?GC)$|^WII/i', $consoleCat['title'])) { $consoleCatList['Nintendo'][] = $consoleCat; } else { if (preg_match('/PS[\\dXP ]/i', $consoleCat['title'])) { $consoleCatList['Sony'][] = $consoleCat; } else { $consoleCatList['Other'][] = $consoleCat; } } } } break; } } $this->smarty->assign('consolecatlist', $consoleCatList); $this->smarty->assign('parentcatlist', $parentcatlist); $searchStr = ''; if ($this->page == 'search' && isset($_REQUEST["id"])) { $searchStr = (string) $_REQUEST["id"]; } $this->smarty->assign('header_menu_search', $searchStr); if (isset($_REQUEST["t"])) { $this->smarty->assign('header_menu_cat', $_REQUEST["t"]); } else { $this->smarty->assign('header_menu_cat', ''); } $header_menu = $this->smarty->fetch('headermenu.tpl'); $this->smarty->assign('header_menu', $header_menu); }
<?php require_once './config.php'; use nzedb\Menu; $page = new AdminPage(); if (isset($_GET['id'])) { $menu = new Menu($page->settings); $menu->delete($_GET['id']); } $referrer = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; header("Location: " . $referrer);
<?php require_once './config.php'; use nzedb\Menu; $page = new AdminPage(); $menu = new Menu($page->settings); $page->title = "Menu List"; $menulist = $menu->getAll(); $page->smarty->assign('menulist', $menulist); $page->content = $page->smarty->fetch('menu-list.tpl'); $page->render();
<?php require_once './config.php'; use nzedb\Menu; $page = new AdminPage(); $menu = new Menu($page->settings); $id = 0; // Get the user roles. $userroles = $page->users->getRoles(); $roles = []; foreach ($userroles as $r) { $roles[$r['id']] = $r['name']; } // set the current action $action = isset($_REQUEST['action']) ? $_REQUEST['action'] : 'view'; switch ($action) { case 'submit': if ($_POST["id"] == "") { $menu->add($_POST); } else { $ret = $menu->update($_POST); } header("Location:" . WWW_TOP . "/menu-list.php"); break; case 'view': default: $menuRow = ['id' => '', 'title' => '', 'href' => '', 'tooltip' => '', 'menueval' => '', 'role' => 0, 'ordinal' => 0, 'newwindow' => 0]; if (isset($_GET["id"])) { $id = $_GET["id"]; $menuRow = $menu->getByID($id); }