Since: 1.0.0
Author: Gordon Lesti (
Example #1
  * Tests NumArray::__toString with matrix
 public function testToString3x4()
     $numArray = NumPHP::arange(1, 12)->reshape(3, 4);
     $expectedOutput = "NumArray([\n  [1, 2, 3, 4],\n  [5, 6, 7, 8],\n  [9, 10," . " 11, 12]\n])\n";
     echo $numArray;
Example #2
 public function testSetMatrixSlice()
     $matrix = NumPHP::arange(-20, -1)->reshape(4, 5);
     $subMatrix = NumPHP::arange(1, 6)->reshape(2, 3);
     $expectedNumArray = new NumArray([[-20, -19, -18, -17, -16], [-15, -14, 1, 2, 3], [-10, -9, 4, 5, 6], [-5, -4, -3, -2, -1]]);
     $this->assertNumArrayEquals($expectedNumArray, $matrix->set('1:3', '2:5', $subMatrix));
Example #3
  * Tests NumArray::sub with scalar and vector
 public function testSubVectorSingle()
     $numArray1 = new NumArray(45);
     $numArray2 = NumPHP::arange(3, 8);
     $expectedNumArray = NumPHP::arange(42, 37);
     $this->assertNumArrayEquals($expectedNumArray, $numArray1->sub($numArray2));
  * Calculates lower triangular matrix L of given symmetric positive definite matrix
  * @param  NumArray $squareMatrix symmetric positive definite matrix
  * @return NumArray
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException   will be thrown, when `$squareMatrix` is not positive definite
  * @throws NoSquareMatrixException    will be thrown, when `$squareMatrix` is not square
  * @throws NoSymmetricMatrixException will be thrown, when `$squareMatrix` is not symmetric
  * @since 1.0.2
 public static function cholesky(NumArray $squareMatrix)
     if (!Helper::isSquareMatrix($squareMatrix)) {
         throw new NoSquareMatrixException(sprintf("Matrix with shape (%s) given, matrix has to be square", implode(', ', $squareMatrix->getShape())));
     $shape = $squareMatrix->getShape();
     $size = $shape[0];
     $aMatrix = clone $squareMatrix;
     $lMatrix = NumPHP::zerosLike($aMatrix);
     for ($k = 0; $k < $size; $k++) {
         $diaElem = $aMatrix->get($k, $k)->getData();
         if ($diaElem <= 0) {
             throw new InvalidArgumentException("Matrix is not positive definite");
         $diaElem = sqrt($diaElem);
         $lMatrix->set($k, $k, $diaElem);
         for ($i = $k + 1; $i < $size; $i++) {
             if ($squareMatrix->get($i, $k) != $squareMatrix->get($k, $i)) {
                 throw new NoSymmetricMatrixException("Matrix is not symmetric");
             $lMatrix->set($i, $k, $aMatrix->get($i, $k)->div($diaElem));
             for ($j = $k + 1; $j <= $i; $j++) {
                 $aMatrix->set($i, $j, $aMatrix->get($i, $j)->sub($lMatrix->get($i, $k)->mult($lMatrix->get($j, $k))));
     return $lMatrix;
Example #5
  * Tests NumArray::getNDim
 public function testNDim()
     $numArray = new NumArray(1);
     $this->assertSame(0, $numArray->getNDim());
     $numArray = NumPHP::arange(1, 2);
     $this->assertSame(1, $numArray->getNDim());
     $numArray = NumPHP::arange(1, 6)->reshape(2, 3);
     $this->assertSame(2, $numArray->getNDim());
Example #6
  * @return array
 public function run()
     $result = [];
     for ($i = 100; $i <= 1000; $i += 100) {
         $numArray = NumPHP::ones($i, $i);
         $time = microtime(true);
         $timeDiff = microtime(true) - $time;
         $result[$i] = new TestRun($i, $timeDiff);
     return $result;
Example #7
  * Tests NumPHP::randLike with vector
 public function testRandLike()
     $numArray = new NumArray([1, 2, 3]);
     $rand = NumPHP::randLike($numArray);
     $this->assertInstanceOf('\\NumPHP\\Core\\NumArray', $rand);
     $this->assertSame([3], $rand->getShape());
     $randData = $rand->getData();
     $this->assertCount(3, $randData);
     foreach ($randData as $entry) {
         $this->assertInternalType('float', $entry);
Example #8
  * Build the lower triangular matrix from given matrix
  * @param NumArray $numArray given matrix
  * @return NumArray
  * @since 1.0.0
 protected static function buildLMatrix(NumArray $numArray)
     $shape = $numArray->getShape();
     $numArray->add(NumPHP::eye($shape[0], $shape[1]));
     return $numArray;
Example #9
  * Tests if InvalidArgumentException will be thrown, when using NumArray::add with vectors of different size
  * @expectedException        \NumPHP\Core\Exception\InvalidArgumentException
  * @expectedExceptionMessage Size 5 is different from size 4
 public function testAddDifferentShape()
     $numArray1 = NumPHP::arange(1, 5);
     $numArray2 = NumPHP::arange(1, 4);
Example #10
  * Tests if cache will be flushed after NumArray::reshape
 public function testReshapeCache()
     $numArray = NumPHP::arange(1, 4);
     $numArray->setCache('key', 6);
     $numArray->reshape(2, 2);
Example #11
  * Tests NumPHP::identity with argument 3
 public function testIdentity()
     $numArray = NumPHP::identity(3);
     $expectedNumArray = NumPHP::eye(3, 3);
     $this->assertNumArrayEquals($expectedNumArray, $numArray);
Example #12
  * Tests if InvalidArgumentException will be thrown by using NumArray::min and a
  * wrong axis on a matrix
  * @expectedException        \NumPHP\Core\Exception\InvalidArgumentException
  * @expectedExceptionMessage Axis 2 out of bounds
 public function testNimMatrixAxis2()
     $numArray = NumPHP::arange(1, 9)->reshape(3, 3);
Example #13
  * Tests if DivideByZeroException will be thrown, when using NumArray::div with zero value in divisor
  * @expectedException        \NumPHP\Core\Exception\DivideByZeroException
  * @expectedExceptionMessage Dividing by zero is forbidden
 public function testDivZero()
     $numArray1 = NumPHP::arange(1, 5);
     $numArray2 = NumPHP::arange(-2, 2);
Example #14
  * Tests NumArray::abs with a matrix
 public function testAbsMatrix()
     $numArray = new NumArray([[1, -2, -3], [-4, -5, 6]]);
     $expectedNumArray = NumPHP::arange(1, 6)->reshape(2, 3);
     $this->assertNumArrayEquals($expectedNumArray, $numArray->abs());
Example #15
  * Tests if InvalidArgumentException will be thrown by using NumArray::max and a
  * wrong axis on a matrix
  * @expectedException        \NumPHP\Core\Exception\InvalidArgumentException
  * @expectedExceptionMessage Axis 2 out of bounds
 public function testMaxMatrixAxis2()
     $numArray = NumPHP::arange(1, 4)->reshape(2, 2);
Example #16
  * Tests NumArray::get with negative slicing argument `:-1` on vector
 public function testGet4ArgsSliceMinus1()
     $numArray = NumPHP::arange(1, 4);
     $expectedNumArray = NumPHP::arange(1, 3);
     $this->assertNumArrayEquals($expectedNumArray, $numArray->get(':-1'));
Example #17
  * Test if InvalidArgumentException will be thrown, when using NumPHP::linspace
  * with negative `$number`
  * @expectedException        \NumPHP\Core\Exception\InvalidArgumentException
  * @expectedExceptionMessage Number has to be a positive value
 public function testLinspaceInvalidArgumentException()
     NumPHP::linspace(1.5, 4.5, -1);
Example #18
  * Tests if NoSquareMatrixException will be thrown, when using LinAlg::det with
  * 2x3 matrix
  * @expectedException        \NumPHP\LinAlg\Exception\NoSquareMatrixException
  * @expectedExceptionMessage Matrix with shape (2, 3) given, matrix has to be square
 public function testDet2x3()
     $numArray = NumPHP::arange(1, 6)->reshape(2, 3);
Example #19
  * Tests if Helper::isNotSingularMatrix works with invalid not singular matrix
 public function testCheckNotSingularMatrixInvalid()
     $numArray = NumPHP::identity(4);
     $numArray->set(2, 2, 0);
Example #20
  * Tests NumArray::getSize on a 2x3x4 matrix
 public function getSize2x3x4()
     $numArray = NumPHP::zeros(2, 3, 4);
     $this->assertSame(24, $numArray->getSize());
Example #21
  * Tests NumArray::sum with a 2x3x4 matrix and argument 2
 public function testSumMatrix2x3x4Axis2()
     $numArray = NumPHP::arange(1, 24)->reshape(2, 3, 4);
     $expectedNumArray = NumPHP::arange(10, 90, 16)->reshape(2, 3);
     $this->assertNumArrayEquals($expectedNumArray, $numArray->sum(2));
  * @param NumArray $matrix
  * @param NumArray $vector
  * @return NumArray
 protected static function backSubstitution(NumArray $matrix, NumArray $vector)
     $shape = $matrix->getShape();
     $xVector = \NumPHP\Core\NumPHP::zeros($shape[0]);
     for ($i = $shape[0] - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
         $sum = 0;
         for ($j = $i + 1; $j < $shape[0]; $j++) {
             $sum += $matrix->get($i, $j)->dot($xVector->get($j))->getData();
         $xVector->set($i, ($vector->get($i)->getData() - $sum) / $matrix->get($i, $i)->getData());
     return $xVector;
Example #23
  * Tests if InvalidArgumentException will be thrown, when using NumArray::mult with vectors of different size
  * @expectedException        \NumPHP\Core\Exception\InvalidArgumentException
  * @expectedExceptionMessage Size 5 is different from size 4
 public function testMultDifferentShape()
     $numArray1 = NumPHP::arange(1, 5);
     $numArray2 = NumPHP::arange(1, 4);
Example #24
  * Calculates the inverse of a not singular square matrix
  * @param mixed $squareMatrix not singular matrix
  * @throws SingularMatrixException will be thrown, when `$squareMatrix` is singular
  * @api
  * @since 1.0.0
  * @return NumArray
 public static function inv($squareMatrix)
     if (!$squareMatrix instanceof NumArray) {
         $squareMatrix = new NumArray($squareMatrix);
     } elseif ($squareMatrix->inCache(self::CACHE_KEY_INVERSE)) {
         return $squareMatrix->getCache(self::CACHE_KEY_INVERSE);
     if (!Helper::isNotSingularMatrix($squareMatrix)) {
         throw new SingularMatrixException("Matrix is singular");
     $shape = $squareMatrix->getShape();
     $inv = self::solve($squareMatrix, NumPHP::identity($shape[0]));
     $squareMatrix->setCache(self::CACHE_KEY_INVERSE, $inv);
     return self::inv($squareMatrix);
  * Tests if NoSquareMatrixException will be thrown, when using LinAlg::cholesky with not square matrix
  * @expectedException        \NumPHP\LinAlg\Exception\NoSquareMatrixException
  * @expectedExceptionMessage Matrix with shape (2, 3) given, matrix has to be square
 public function testCholeskyNotSquare()
     $matrix = NumPHP::arange(1, 6)->reshape(2, 3);
Example #26
  * Tests NumArray::getTranspose on a 2x3x4 matrix
 public function testTranspose2x3x4()
     $numArray = NumPHP::arange(1, 24)->reshape(2, 3, 4);
     $expectedNumArray = new NumArray([[[1, 13], [5, 17], [9, 21]], [[2, 14], [6, 18], [10, 22]], [[3, 15], [7, 19], [11, 23]], [[4, 16], [8, 20], [12, 24]]]);
     $this->assertNumArrayEquals($expectedNumArray, $numArray->getTranspose());
Example #27
  * Tests if InvalidArgumentException will be thrown, when using NumArray::dot
  * with two matrices that are not align
  * @expectedException        \NumPHP\Core\Exception\InvalidArgumentException
  * @expectedExceptionMessage Matrix with shape (3, 4) and matrix with shape (3, 3) are not align.
 public function testDotMatrix3x4Matrix3x3()
     $numArray1 = NumPHP::arange(1, 12)->reshape(3, 4);
     $numArray2 = NumPHP::arange(1, 9)->reshape(3, 3);
Example #28
  * Tests if InvalidArgumentException will be thrown, when using LinAlg::solve with not align matrix and vector
  * @expectedException        \NumPHP\LinAlg\Exception\InvalidArgumentException
  * @expectedExceptionMessage Can not solve a linear system with matrix (4, 4) and matrix (3)
 public function testSolveNotAlign()
     $matrix = NumPHP::identity(4);
     $vector = NumPHP::ones(3);
     LinAlg::solve($matrix, $vector);
Example #29
  * Tests NumArray::sum with a 2x3x4 matrix and argument 0
 public function testMeanMatrix2x3x4Axis0()
     $numArray = NumPHP::arange(1, 24)->reshape(2, 3, 4);
     $expectedNumArray = NumPHP::arange(7, 18)->reshape(3, 4);
     $this->assertNumArrayEquals($expectedNumArray, $numArray->mean(0));
  * Tests if NoMatrixException will be thrown, when using LinAlg::lud a vector
  * @expectedException        \NumPHP\LinAlg\Exception\NoMatrixException
  * @expectedExceptionMessage NumArray with dimension 1 given, NumArray should have 2 dimensions
 public function testLUDecompositionVector()
     $numArray = NumPHP::arange(1, 2);