     * Builds the file upload control and initializes it's related javascript classes.
     * To enable maximum compliance with the current state of the file upload's accept attribute, specify both any MIME
     * types and any corresponding extension.
     * @see http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/states-of-the-type-attribute.html#attr-input-accept
     * @param 	object 	An optional Library\ObjectConfig object with configuration options
    public function upload($config = array())
        $config = new Library\ObjectConfig($config);
        $config->append(array('container' => 'document.body'));
        if (!$config->allowed_extensions || !$config->allowed_mimetypes) {
            $container = $this->getObject('com:files.database.table.containers')->select(array('slug' => 'attachments-attachments'), Library\Database::FETCH_ROW);
            $config->append(array('allowed_extensions' => $container->parameters->allowed_extensions, 'allowed_mimetypes' => $container->parameters->allowed_mimetypes));
        if ($config->container != 'document.body') {
            $config->container = '\'' . $config->container . '\'';
        $extensions = json_encode($config->allowed_extensions->toArray());
        $html = <<<END
\t\t<script src="assets://attachments/js/attachments.upload.js" />
\t\twindow.addEvent('domready', function() {
\t\t\tnew Attachments.Upload({
\t\t\t\tcontainer: {$config->container},
\t\t\t    extensions: {$extensions}
        $accept = array();
        foreach ($config->allowed_extensions->toArray() as $val) {
            $accept[] = '.' . $val;
        $accept = array_merge($accept, $config->allowed_mimetypes->toArray());
        $html .= '<input type="file" name="attachments[]" accept="' . implode(', ', $accept) . '" />';
        return $html;
Example #2
    public function languages($config = array())
        $config = new Library\ObjectConfig($config);
        $config->append(array('name' => 'language'));
        $result = '';
        $result = '
                window.addEvent(\'domready\', function() {
                    document.getElement(\'select[name=' . $config->name . ']\').addEvent(\'change\', function() {
                        window.location = this.value;
        $options = array();
        $languages = $this->getObject('application.languages');
        $active = $languages->getActive();
        foreach ($languages as $language) {
            $route = $this->getTemplate()->getView()->getRoute('language=' . $language->slug);
            $options[] = $this->option(array('label' => $language->name, 'value' => $route));
            if ($language->iso_code == $active->iso_code) {
                $config->selected = $route;
        $config->options = $options;
        $result .= parent::optionlist($config);
        return $result;
Example #3
 protected function _initialize(Library\ObjectConfig $config)
     $language = \JFactory::getLanguage();
     $settings = array('directionality' => $language->isRTL() ? 'rtl' : 'ltr', 'editor_selector' => 'editable', 'mode' => 'specific_textareas', 'skin' => 'nooku', 'theme' => 'advanced', 'inline_styles' => true, 'gecko_spellcheck' => true, 'entity_encoding' => 'raw', 'extended_valid_elements' => '', 'invalid_elements' => 'script,applet,iframe', 'relative_urls' => false, 'remove_script_host' => true, 'document_base_url' => $this->getObject('request')->getBaseUrl()->getPath() . '/sites/' . $this->getObject('application')->getSite(), 'theme_advanced_toolbar_location' => 'top', 'theme_advanced_toolbar_align' => 'left', 'theme_advanced_source_editor_height' => '400', 'height' => '400', 'width' => '100%', 'theme_advanced_statusbar_location' => 'bottom', 'theme_advanced_resizing' => false, 'theme_advanced_resize_horizontal' => false, 'theme_advanced_path' => true, 'dialog_type' => 'modal', 'language' => substr($language->getTag(), 0, strpos($language->getTag(), '-')), 'theme_advanced_buttons1' => implode(',', array('bold', 'italic', 'strikethrough', 'underline', '|', 'bullist', 'numlist', 'blockquote', '|', 'justifyleft', 'justifycenter', 'justifyright', 'justifyfull', '|', 'link', 'unlink', '|', 'spellchecker', 'fullscreen', 'image', 'readmore', 'article', '|', 'advanced')), 'theme_advanced_buttons2' => implode(',', array('formatselect', 'forecolor', '|', 'pastetext', 'pasteword', 'removeformat', '|', 'media', 'charmap', '|', 'outdent', 'indent', '|', 'undo', 'redo')), 'theme_advanced_buttons3' => '', 'theme_advanced_buttons4' => '');
     $config->append(array('codemirror' => true, 'codemirrorOptions' => array('stylesheet' => array($config->media_url . '/wysiwyg/codemirror/lib/codemirror.css'), 'path' => $config->media_url . '/wysiwyg/codemirror/'), 'editor_settings' => $settings));
Example #4
 protected function _initialize(Library\ObjectConfig $config)
     $config->append(array('behaviors' => array('com:activities.controller.behavior.loggable', 'com:attachments.controller.behavior.attachable'), 'model' => 'com:categories.model.categories'));
     //Force the toolbars
     $config->toolbars = array('menubar', 'com:categories.controller.toolbar.category');
Example #5
     * Renders the reCAPTCHA widget.
     * @param string  $error   The error message given by reCAPTCHA.
     * @param boolean $ssl     Determines is the request should be made over SSL.
     * @return string - The HTML to be embedded in the user's form.
    public function render($config = array())
        $config = new Library\ObjectConfig($config);
        $params = $this->getObject('application.extensions')->users->params;
        $config->append(array('captcha' => array('public_key' => $params->get('recaptcha_public_key', null), 'api_server' => 'http://www.google.com/recaptcha/api', 'api_secure_server' => 'https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api', 'options' => array('theme' => 'clean', 'lang' => 'en')), 'error' => '', 'ssl' => false));
        $captcha = $config->captcha;
        $html = '';
        if ($public_key = $captcha->public_key) {
            if ($config->ssl) {
                $server = $captcha->api_secure_server;
            } else {
                $server = $captcha->api_server;
            if ($config->error) {
                $config->error = '&amp;error=' . $config->error;
            // Use options if any.
            if (count($options = $captcha->options)) {
                $options = Library\ObjectConfig::unbox($options);
                $html .= '<script type="text/javascript">';
                $html .= 'var RecaptchaOptions = ' . json_encode($options);
                $html .= '</script> ';
            $html .= '<script data-inline type="text/javascript" src="' . $server . '/challenge?k=' . $public_key . $config->error . '"></script>
  		<iframe src="' . $server . '/noscript?k=' . $public_key . $config->error . '" height="300" width="500" frameborder="0"></iframe><br/>
  		<textarea name="recaptcha_challenge_field" rows="3" cols="40"></textarea>
  		<input type="hidden" name="recaptcha_response_field" value="manual_challenge"/>
        return $html;
Example #6
 public function link($config)
     $config = new Library\ObjectConfig($config);
     $config->append(array('title' => '', 'current' => false, 'active' => false, 'offset' => 0, 'limit' => 0, 'rel' => '', 'attribs' => array()));
     $html = '<a class="btn ' . $config->rel . '" href="#">' . JText::_($config->title) . '</a>';
     return $html;
Example #7
 public function groups($config = array())
     $config = new Library\ObjectConfig($config);
     $config->append(array('name' => 'role_id'));
     $config->options = $this->options(array('entity' => $this->getObject('com:users.model.roles')->sort('id')->getRowset(), 'label' => 'name'));
     return $this->radiolist($config);
Example #8
 protected function _initialize(Library\ObjectConfig $config)
     $config->append(array('model' => 'com:tags.model.tags'));
     //Force the toolbars
     $config->toolbars = array('menubar', 'com:tags.controller.toolbar.tag');
Example #9
 public function tags($config = array())
     $config = new Library\ObjectConfig($config);
     $config->append(array('model' => 'tags', 'value' => 'id', 'text' => 'title', 'prompt' => false));
     $config->text = 'title';
     $config->sort = 'title';
     return parent::_render($config);
Example #10
  * Initializes the options for the object
  * Called from {@link __construct()} as a first step of object instantiation.
  * @param   Library\ObjectConfig $config Configuration options
  * @return  void
 protected function _initialize(Library\ObjectConfig $config)
     //Make asset paths absolute
     $base = $this->getObject('request')->getBaseUrl();
     $path = $this->getObject('request')->getBaseUrl()->getPath() . '/assets/';
     $config->append(array('priority' => self::PRIORITY_LOW, 'aliases' => array('"/assets/' => '"' . $path)));
Example #11
 public function gravatar($config = array())
     $config = new Library\ObjectConfig($config);
     $config->append(array('email' => '', 'size' => '32', 'attribs' => array()));
     $source = "http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/" . md5(strtolower(trim($config->email))) . "?s=" . $config->size;
     $html = '<img class="avatar" src="' . $source . '" />';
     return $html;
Example #12
 public function thumbnail($config = array())
     $config = new Library\ObjectConfig($config);
     $config->append(array('align' => 'right', 'class' => 'thumbnail article__thumbnail'));
     $image = $config->row;
     $html = '<img class="' . $config->class . '" align="' . $config->align . '" src="' . $image->thumbnail . '" />';
     return $html;
  * Render a page link
  * @param   array   An optional array with configuration options
  * @return	string	Html
 public function link($config)
     $config = new Library\ObjectConfig($config);
     $config->append(array('title' => '', 'current' => false, 'active' => false, 'offset' => 0, 'limit' => 0, 'rel' => '', 'attribs' => array()));
     $route = $this->getTemplate()->getView()->getRoute('limit=' . $config->limit . '&offset=' . $config->offset);
     $rel = !empty($config->rel) ? 'rel="' . $config->rel . '"' : '';
     $html = '<a ' . $this->buildAttributes($config->attribs) . ' href="' . $route . '" ' . $rel . '>' . $this->translate($config->title) . '</a>';
     return $html;
Example #14
 public function email($config = array())
     $config = new Library\ObjectConfig($config);
     $config->append(array('identifier' => 'com:clients.model.emails', 'name' => 'id'));
     //@TODO : Fix - Forcing config option because of name collisions
     $config->text = 'email';
     $config->sort = 'email';
     return parent::_render($config);
Example #15
  * Initializes the options for the object
  * Called from {@link __construct()} as a first step of object instantiation.
  * @param   Library\ObjectConfig $config Configuration options
  * @return  void
 protected function _initialize(Library\ObjectConfig $config)
     //Make images paths absolute
     $base = $this->getObject('request')->getBaseUrl();
     $site = $this->getObject('application')->getSite();
     $path = $base->getPath() . '/files/' . $site . '/files/';
     $config->append(array('aliases' => array('files://' => $path, '"files/' => '"' . $path)));
Example #16
 public function languages($config = array())
     $config = new Library\ObjectConfig($config);
     $config->append(array('value' => 'iso_code', 'label' => 'name', 'identifier' => 'com:languages.model.languages', 'filter' => array('application' => 'site', 'enabled' => 1)));
     $listbox = parent::_listbox($config);
     if (!$config->size) {
         $listbox = str_replace('size="1"', '', $listbox);
     return $listbox;
Example #17
 public function status($config = array())
     $config = new Library\ObjectConfig($config);
     $config->append(array('status' => '', 'original' => 0, 'deleted' => 0));
     $statuses = array(DatabaseRowTranslation::STATUS_COMPLETED => 'Completed', DatabaseRowTranslation::STATUS_MISSING => 'Missing', DatabaseRowTranslation::STATUS_OUTDATED => 'Outdated');
     $text = $config->original ? 'Original' : $statuses[$config->status];
     $class = $config->original ? 'original' : strtolower($statuses[$config->status]);
     $class = $config->deleted ? 'deleted' : $class;
     return '<span class="label label-' . $class . '">' . JText::_($text) . '</span>';
Example #18
 public function product($config = array())
     $config = new Library\ObjectConfig($config);
     $config->append(array('layout' => null, 'format' => 'html'));
     $product = $config->row;
     $needles = array(array('view' => 'product', 'id' => $product->id));
     $route = array('view' => 'product', 'id' => $product->id, 'layout' => $config->layout, 'format' => $config->format);
     if ($item = $this->_findPage($needles)) {
         $route['Itemid'] = $item->id;
     return $this->getTemplate()->getView()->getRoute($route);
Example #19
    public function select($config = array())
        $config = new Library\ObjectConfig($config);
        $config->append(array('name' => '', 'visible' => true, 'link' => '', 'link_text' => $this->translate('Select'), 'link_selector' => 'modal'))->append(array('value' => $config->name));
        $input = '<input name="%1$s" id="%1$s" value="%2$s" %3$s size="40" />';
        $link = '<a class="%s"
					rel="{\'ajaxOptions\': {\'method\': \'get\'}, \'handler\': \'iframe\', \'size\': {\'x\': 700}}"
        $html = sprintf($input, $config->name, $config->value, $config->visible ? 'type="text" readonly' : 'type="hidden"');
        $html .= sprintf($link, $config->link_selector, $config->link, $config->link_text);
        return $html;
  * Render item pagination
  * @param   array   An optional array with configuration options
  * @return  string  Html
  * @see     http://developer.yahoo.com/ypatterns/navigation/pagination/
 public function pagination($config = array())
     $config = new Library\ObjectConfig($config);
     $config->append(array('limit' => 0));
     $html = '';
     $html .= '<div class="pagination">';
     $html .= '<div class="limit">' . $this->translate('Display NUM') . ' ' . $this->limit($config) . '</div>';
     $html .= $this->pages($config);
     $html .= '<div class="limit"> ' . $this->translate('Page') . ' <span class="page-current">1</span>';
     $html .= ' ' . $this->translate('of') . ' <span class="page-total">1</span></div>';
     $html .= '</div>';
     return $html;
Example #21
 public function groups($config = array())
     $config = new Library\ObjectConfig($config);
     $config->append(array('name' => '', 'row' => '', 'package' => '', 'model' => 'groups', 'label' => 'title', 'deselect' => ''))->append(array('selected' => ''))->append(array('filter' => array('sort' => 'title')));
     $identifier = 'com:products.model.' . ($config->model ? $config->model : Library\StringInflector::pluralize($config->package));
     $categories = $this->getObject($identifier)->setState(Library\ObjectConfig::unbox($config->filter))->getRowset();
     $options = $this->options(array('entity' => $categories, 'value' => 'id', 'label' => $config->label));
     if ($config->deselect) {
         array_unshift($options, $this->option(array('label' => '-- Select --', 'value' => '0')));
     //Add the options to the config object
     $config->options = $options;
     return $this->optionlist($config);
Example #22
 public function applications($config = array())
     $config = new Library\ObjectConfig($config);
     $config->append(array('name' => 'application', 'deselect' => true, 'prompt' => '- Select -'));
     $options = array();
     if ($config->deselect) {
         $options[] = $this->option(array('text' => \JText::_($config->prompt)));
     foreach (Library\ClassLoader::getInstance()->getApplications() as $application => $path) {
         $options[] = $this->option(array('text' => $application, 'value' => $application));
     $config->options = $options;
     return $this->optionlist($config);
Example #23
 public function user($config = array())
     $config = new Library\ObjectConfig($config);
     $config->append(array('access' => null, 'layout' => null));
     $route = array('view' => 'user', 'layout' => $config->layout);
     $needles = array('extensions_extension_id' => $this->getObject('application.extensions')->getExtension($this->getIdentifier()->package)->id, 'link' => array(array('view' => 'user')));
     if (isset($config->access)) {
         $needles['access'] = $config->access;
     if ($page = $this->getObject('application.pages')->find($needles)) {
         $route['Itemid'] = $page->id;
     return $this->getTemplate()->getView()->getRoute($route);
Example #24
 public function message($config = array())
     $config = new Library\ObjectConfig($config);
     $config->append(array('row' => ''));
     $row = $config->row;
     if ($row->name == 'session') {
         $item = $this->getTemplate()->getView()->getRoute('option=' . $row->type . '_' . $row->package . '&view=user&id=' . $row->created_by);
         $message = '<a href="' . $item . '">' . $row->title . '</a>';
         $message .= ' <span class="action">' . $row->status . '</span>';
     } else {
         $message = parent::message($config);
     return $message;
Example #25
 public function thumbnail($config = array())
     $config = new Library\ObjectConfig($config);
     $config->append(array('attachment' => false, 'attribs' => array()));
     //Make sure the attachment is set
     if ($config->attachment) {
         $thumbnail = $this->getObject('com:attachments.database.row.attachment')->set('id', $config->attachment)->load();
         //Make sure the thumbnail exist
         if ($thumbnail) {
             $filename = ucfirst(preg_replace('#[-_\\s\\.]+#i', ' ', pathinfo($thumbnail->name, PATHINFO_FILENAME)));
             return '<img alt="' . $filename . '" ' . $this->buildAttributes($config->attribs) . ' src="attachments://' . $thumbnail->thumbnail . '" />';
     return false;
Example #26
 public function ordering($config = array())
     $config = new Library\ObjectConfig($config);
     if (!$config->row instanceof ArticlesDatabaseRowArticle) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The row is missing.');
     $article = $config->row;
     $config->append(array('name' => 'order', 'selected' => 0, 'filter' => array('sort' => 'ordering', 'direction' => 'ASC', 'category' => $article->category_id)));
     $list = $this->getObject('com:articles.model.articles')->set($config->filter)->getRowset();
     foreach ($list as $item) {
         $options[] = $this->option(array('text' => '( ' . $item->ordering . ' ) ' . $item->title, 'value' => $item->ordering - $article->ordering));
     $config->options = $options;
     return $this->optionlist($config);
Example #27
 public function category($config = array())
     $config = new Library\ObjectConfig($config);
     $config->append(array('layout' => null));
     $category = $config->row;
     $needles = array(array('view' => 'contacts', 'category' => $category->id));
     $route = array('view' => 'contacts', 'category' => $category->getSlug(), 'layout' => $config->layout);
     if ($page = $this->_findPage($needles)) {
         if (isset($page->getLink()->query['layout'])) {
             $route['layout'] = $page->getLink()->query['layout'];
         $route['Itemid'] = $page->id;
     return $this->getTemplate()->getView()->getRoute($route);
Example #28
  * Render a page link
  * @param   array   An optional array with configuration options
  * @return	string	Html
 public function link($config)
     $config = new Library\ObjectConfig($config);
     $config->append(array('title' => '', 'current' => false, 'active' => false, 'offset' => 0, 'limit' => 0, 'rel' => '', 'attribs' => array()));
     $route = $this->getTemplate()->getView()->getRoute('limit=' . $config->limit . '&offset=' . $config->offset);
     $rel = !empty($config->rel) ? 'rel="' . $config->rel . '"' : '';
     if (!$config->active && $config->current) {
         $html = '<a class="btn active" href="#">' . JText::_($config->title) . '</a>';
     } elseif (!$config->active && !$config->current) {
         $html = '<a class="btn disabled" href="#">' . JText::_($config->title) . '</a>';
     } else {
         $html = '<a class="btn" href="' . $route . '" ' . $rel . '>' . JText::_($config->title) . '</a>';
     return $html;
 public function categories($config = array())
     $config = new Library\ObjectConfig($config);
     $config->append(array('name' => 'categories_category_id', 'row' => '', 'uncategorised' => false, 'max_depth' => '9'))->append(array('selected' => $config->row->{$config->name}))->append(array('filter' => array('sort' => 'title', 'parent' => null, 'published' => null, 'table' => $config->row->getTable()->getBase())));
     $categories = $this->getObject('com:categories.model.categories')->setState(Library\ObjectConfig::unbox($config->filter))->getRowset();
     $iterator = new DatabaseIteratorNode($categories);
     $options = $this->options(array('entity' => $iterator, 'value' => 'id', 'label' => 'title'));
     if ($config->uncategorised) {
         array_unshift($options, $this->option(array('label' => $this->translate('Uncategorized'), 'value' => '0', 'id' => '0')));
     //Add the options to the config object
     $config->options = $options;
     return parent::radiolist($config);
Example #30
  * Render the menubar
  * @param   array   An optional array with configuration options
  * @return  string  Html
 public function render($config = array())
     $config = new Library\ObjectConfig($config);
     $config->append(array('attribs' => array('class' => array())));
     $groups = $this->getObject('user')->getGroups();
     // Make sure that pages without an assigned group are also included.
     $groups[] = 0;
     $result = '';
     $menus = $this->getObject('com:pages.model.menus')->application('admin')->getRowset();
     $menu = $menus->find(array('slug' => 'menubar'));
     if (count($menu)) {
         $pages = $this->getObject('application.pages')->find(array('pages_menu_id' => $menu->top()->id, 'hidden' => 0, 'users_group_id' => $groups));
         $result = $this->pages(array('pages' => $pages, 'attribs' => $config->attribs));
     return $result;