     * Fetch MediaInfo and a OGG sample for a Audio file.
     * @param string $fileLocation
     * @param string $fileExtension
     * @return bool
    protected function _getAudioInfo($fileLocation, $fileExtension)
        // Return values.
        $retVal = $audVal = false;
        // Check if audio sample fetching is on.
        if ($this->_processAudioSample === false) {
            $audVal = true;
        // Check if media info fetching is on.
        if ($this->_processAudioInfo === false) {
            $retVal = true;
        // Make sure the category is music or other.
        $rQuery = $this->pdo->queryOneRow(sprintf('SELECT searchname, categoryid AS id, groupid FROM releases WHERE proc_pp = 0 AND id = %d', $this->_release['id']));
        $musicParent = (string) \Category::CAT_PARENT_MUSIC;
        if ($rQuery === false || !preg_match(sprintf('/%d\\d{3}|%d|%d|%d/', $musicParent[0], \Category::CAT_MISC_OTHER, \Category::CAT_MOVIE_OTHER, \Category::CAT_TV_OTHER), $rQuery['id'])) {
            return false;
        if (is_file($fileLocation)) {
            // Check if media info is enabled.
            if ($retVal === false) {
                // Get the media info for the file.
                $xmlArray = Utility::runCmd($this->_killString . $this->pdo->getSetting('mediainfopath') . '" --Output=XML "' . $fileLocation . '"');
                if (is_array($xmlArray)) {
                    // Convert to array.
                    $arrXml = Utility::objectsIntoArray(@simplexml_load_string(implode("\n", $xmlArray)));
                    if (isset($arrXml['File']['track'])) {
                        foreach ($arrXml['File']['track'] as $track) {
                            if (isset($track['Album']) && isset($track['Performer'])) {
                                if (NN_RENAME_MUSIC_MEDIAINFO && $this->_release['prehashid'] == 0) {
                                    // Make the extension upper case.
                                    $ext = strtoupper($fileExtension);
                                    // Form a new search name.
                                    if (!empty($track['Recorded_date']) && preg_match('/(?:19|20)\\d\\d/', $track['Recorded_date'], $Year)) {
                                        $newName = $track['Performer'] . ' - ' . $track['Album'] . ' (' . $Year[0] . ') ' . $ext;
                                    } else {
                                        $newName = $track['Performer'] . ' - ' . $track['Album'] . ' ' . $ext;
                                    // Get the category or try to determine it.
                                    if ($ext === 'MP3') {
                                        $newCat = \Category::CAT_MUSIC_MP3;
                                    } else {
                                        if ($ext === 'FLAC') {
                                            $newCat = \Category::CAT_MUSIC_LOSSLESS;
                                        } else {
                                            $newCat = $this->_categorize->determineCategory($rQuery['groupid'], $newName);
                                    $newTitle = $this->pdo->escapeString(substr($newName, 0, 255));
                                    // Update the search name.
											UPDATE releases
											SET searchname = %s, categoryid = %d, iscategorized = 1, isrenamed = 1, proc_pp = 1
											WHERE id = %d', $newTitle, $newCat, $this->_release['id']));
                                    $this->sphinx->updateRelease($this->_release['id'], $this->pdo);
                                    // Echo the changed name.
                                    if ($this->_echoCLI) {
                                        \NameFixer::echoChangedReleaseName(['new_name' => $newName, 'old_name' => $rQuery['searchname'], 'new_category' => $newCat, 'old_category' => $rQuery['id'], 'group' => $rQuery['groupid'], 'release_id' => $this->_release['id'], 'method' => 'ProcessAdditional->_getAudioInfo']);
                                // Add the media info.
                                $this->_releaseExtra->addFromXml($this->_release['id'], $xmlArray);
                                $retVal = true;
                                $this->_foundAudioInfo = true;
                                if ($this->_echoCLI) {
                                    $this->_echo('a', 'primaryOver', false);
            // Check if creating audio samples is enabled.
            if ($audVal === false) {
                // File name to store audio file.
                $audioFileName = $this->_release['guid'] . '.ogg';
                // Create an audio sample.
                Utility::runCmd($this->_killString . $this->pdo->getSetting('ffmpegpath') . '" -t 30 -i "' . $fileLocation . '" -acodec libvorbis -loglevel quiet -y "' . $this->tmpPath . $audioFileName . '"');
                // Check if the new file was created.
                if (is_file($this->tmpPath . $audioFileName)) {
                    // Try to move the temp audio file.
                    $renamed = rename($this->tmpPath . $audioFileName, $this->_audioSavePath . $audioFileName);
                    if (!$renamed) {
                        // Try to copy it if it fails.
                        $copied = copy($this->tmpPath . $audioFileName, $this->_audioSavePath . $audioFileName);
                        // Delete the old file.
                        unlink($this->tmpPath . $audioFileName);
                        // If it didn't copy continue.
                        if (!$copied) {
                            return false;
                    // Try to set the file perms.
                    @chmod($this->_audioSavePath . $audioFileName, 0764);
                    // Update DB to said we got a audio sample.
							UPDATE releases
							SET audiostatus = 1
							WHERE id = %d', $this->_release['id']));
                    $audVal = $this->_foundAudioSample = true;
                    if ($this->_echoCLI) {
                        $this->_echo('A', 'primaryOver', false);
        return $retVal && $audVal;
Example #2
 public static function objectsIntoArray($arrObjData, $arrSkipIndices = [])
     $arrData = [];
     // If input is object, convert into array.
     if (is_object($arrObjData)) {
         $arrObjData = get_object_vars($arrObjData);
     if (is_array($arrObjData)) {
         foreach ($arrObjData as $index => $value) {
             // Recursive call.
             if (is_object($value) || is_array($value)) {
                 $value = Utility::objectsIntoArray($value, $arrSkipIndices);
             if (in_array($index, $arrSkipIndices)) {
             $arrData[$index] = $value;
     return $arrData;
Example #3
 public function getRageMatch($showInfo)
     $title = $showInfo['cleanname'];
     // Full search gives us the akas.
     $xml = Utility::getUrl(['url' => $this->xmlFullSearchUrl . urlencode(strtolower($title))]);
     if ($xml !== false) {
         $arrXml = @Utility::objectsIntoArray(simplexml_load_string($xml));
         if (isset($arrXml['show']) && is_array($arrXml)) {
             // We got a valid xml response
             $titleMatches = $urlMatches = $akaMatches = [];
             if (isset($arrXml['show']['showid'])) {
                 // We got exactly 1 match so lets convert it to an array so we can use it in the logic below.
                 $newArr = [];
                 $newArr[] = $arrXml['show'];
                 $arrXml['show'] = $newArr;
             foreach ($arrXml['show'] as $arr) {
                 $tvrlink = '';
                 // Get a match percentage based on our name and the name returned from tvr.
                 $titlepct = $this->checkMatch($title, $arr['name']);
                 if ($titlepct !== false) {
                     $titleMatches[$titlepct][] = ['title' => $arr['name'], 'showid' => $arr['showid'], 'country' => $this->countryCode($arr['country']), 'genres' => $arr['genres'], 'tvr' => $arr];
                 // Get a match percentage based on our name and the url returned from tvr.
                 if (isset($arr['link']) && preg_match('/tvrage\\.com\\/((?!shows)[^\\/]*)$/i', $arr['link'], $tvrlink)) {
                     $urltitle = str_replace('_', ' ', $tvrlink[1]);
                     $urlpct = $this->checkMatch($title, $urltitle);
                     if ($urlpct !== false) {
                         $urlMatches[$urlpct][] = ['title' => $urltitle, 'showid' => $arr['showid'], 'country' => $this->countryCode($arr['country']), 'genres' => $arr['genres'], 'tvr' => $arr];
                 // Check if there are any akas for this result and get a match percentage for them too.
                 if (isset($arr['akas']['aka'])) {
                     if (is_array($arr['akas']['aka'])) {
                         // Multuple akas.
                         foreach ($arr['akas']['aka'] as $aka) {
                             $akapct = $this->checkMatch($title, $aka);
                             if ($akapct !== false) {
                                 $akaMatches[$akapct][] = ['title' => $aka, 'showid' => $arr['showid'], 'country' => $this->countryCode($arr['country']), 'genres' => $arr['genres'], 'tvr' => $arr];
                     } else {
                         // One aka.
                         $akapct = $this->checkMatch($title, $arr['akas']['aka']);
                         if ($akapct !== false) {
                             $akaMatches[$akapct][] = ['title' => $arr['akas']['aka'], 'showid' => $arr['showid'], 'country' => $this->countryCode($arr['country']), 'genres' => $arr['genres'], 'tvr' => $arr];
             // Reverse sort our matches so highest matches are first.
             // Look for 100% title matches first.
             if (isset($titleMatches[100])) {
                 if ($this->echooutput) {
                     echo $this->pdo->log->primary('Found 100% match: "' . $titleMatches[100][0]['title'] . '"');
                 return $titleMatches[100][0];
             // Look for 100% url matches next.
             if (isset($urlMatches[100])) {
                 if ($this->echooutput) {
                     echo $this->pdo->log->primary('Found 100% url match: "' . $urlMatches[100][0]['title'] . '"');
                 return $urlMatches[100][0];
             // Look for 100% aka matches next.
             if (isset($akaMatches[100])) {
                 if ($this->echooutput) {
                     echo $this->pdo->log->primary('Found 100% aka match: "' . $akaMatches[100][0]['title'] . '"');
                 return $akaMatches[100][0];
             // No 100% matches, loop through what we got and if our next closest match is more than TvRage::MATCH_PROBABILITY % of the title lets take it.
             foreach ($titleMatches as $mk => $mv) {
                 // Since its not 100 match if we have country info lets use that to make sure we get the right show.
                 if (isset($showInfo['country']) && !empty($showInfo['country']) && !empty($mv[0]['country'])) {
                     if (strtolower($showInfo['country']) != strtolower($mv[0]['country'])) {
                 if ($this->echooutput) {
                     echo $this->pdo->log->primary('Found ' . $mk . '% match: "' . $titleMatches[$mk][0]['title'] . '"');
                 return $titleMatches[$mk][0];
             // Same as above but for akas.
             foreach ($akaMatches as $ak => $av) {
                 if (isset($showInfo['country']) && !empty($showInfo['country']) && !empty($av[0]['country'])) {
                     if (strtolower($showInfo['country']) != strtolower($av[0]['country'])) {
                 if ($this->echooutput) {
                     echo $this->pdo->log->primary('Found ' . $ak . '% aka match: "' . $akaMatches[$ak][0]['title'] . '"');
                 return $akaMatches[$ak][0];
             if ($this->echooutput) {
                 echo $this->pdo->log->primary('No match found on TVRage trying Trakt.');
             return false;
         } else {
             if ($this->echooutput) {
                 echo $this->pdo->log->primary('Nothing returned from tvrage.');
             return false;
     } else {
         return -1;
Example #4
  * Add releasevideo/audio/subs for a release based on the mediainfo xml.
 public function addFromXml($releaseID, $xml)
     $xmlObj = @simplexml_load_string($xml);
     $arrXml = \newznab\utility\Utility::objectsIntoArray($xmlObj);
     $containerformat = "";
     $overallbitrate = "";
     if (isset($arrXml["File"]) && isset($arrXml["File"]["track"])) {
         foreach ($arrXml["File"]["track"] as $track) {
             if (isset($track["@attributes"]) && isset($track["@attributes"]["type"])) {
                 if ($track["@attributes"]["type"] == "General") {
                     if (isset($track["Format"])) {
                         $containerformat = $track["Format"];
                     if (isset($track["Overall_bit_rate"])) {
                         $overallbitrate = $track["Overall_bit_rate"];
                     $gendata = $track;
                 } elseif ($track["@attributes"]["type"] == "Video") {
                     $videoduration = "";
                     $videoformat = "";
                     $videocodec = "";
                     $videowidth = "";
                     $videoheight = "";
                     $videoaspect = "";
                     $videoframerate = "";
                     $videolibrary = "";
                     $gendata = "";
                     $viddata = "";
                     $audiodata = "";
                     if (isset($track["Duration"])) {
                         $videoduration = $track["Duration"];
                     if (isset($track["Format"])) {
                         $videoformat = $track["Format"];
                     if (isset($track["Codec_ID"])) {
                         $videocodec = $track["Codec_ID"];
                     if (isset($track["Width"])) {
                         $videowidth = preg_replace("/[^0-9]/", '', $track["Width"]);
                     if (isset($track["Height"])) {
                         $videoheight = preg_replace("/[^0-9]/", '', $track["Height"]);
                     if (isset($track["Display_aspect_ratio"])) {
                         $videoaspect = $track["Display_aspect_ratio"];
                     if (isset($track["Frame_rate"])) {
                         $videoframerate = str_replace(" fps", "", $track["Frame_rate"]);
                     if (isset($track["Writing_library"])) {
                         $videolibrary = $track["Writing_library"];
                     $viddata = $track;
                     $this->addVideo($releaseID, $containerformat, $overallbitrate, $videoduration, $videoformat, $videocodec, $videowidth, $videoheight, $videoaspect, $videoframerate, $videolibrary);
                 } elseif ($track["@attributes"]["type"] == "Audio") {
                     $audioID = 1;
                     $audioformat = "";
                     $audiomode = "";
                     $audiobitratemode = "";
                     $audiobitrate = "";
                     $audiochannels = "";
                     $audiosamplerate = "";
                     $audiolibrary = "";
                     $audiolanguage = "";
                     $audiotitle = "";
                     if (isset($track["@attributes"]["streamid"])) {
                         $audioID = $track["@attributes"]["streamid"];
                     if (isset($track["Format"])) {
                         $audioformat = $track["Format"];
                     if (isset($track["Mode"])) {
                         $audiomode = $track["Mode"];
                     if (isset($track["Bit_rate_mode"])) {
                         $audiobitratemode = $track["Bit_rate_mode"];
                     if (isset($track["Bit_rate"])) {
                         $audiobitrate = $track["Bit_rate"];
                     if (isset($track["Channel_s_"])) {
                         $audiochannels = $track["Channel_s_"];
                     if (isset($track["Sampling_rate"])) {
                         $audiosamplerate = $track["Sampling_rate"];
                     if (isset($track["Writing_library"])) {
                         $audiolibrary = $track["Writing_library"];
                     if (isset($track["Language"])) {
                         $audiolanguage = $track["Language"];
                     if (isset($track["Title"])) {
                         $audiotitle = $track["Title"];
                     $audiodata = $track;
                     $this->addAudio($releaseID, $audioID, $audioformat, $audiomode, $audiobitratemode, $audiobitrate, $audiochannels, $audiosamplerate, $audiolibrary, $audiolanguage, $audiotitle);
                 } elseif ($track["@attributes"]["type"] == "Text") {
                     $subsID = 1;
                     $subslanguage = "Unknown";
                     if (isset($track["@attributes"]["streamid"])) {
                         $subsID = $track["@attributes"]["streamid"];
                     if (isset($track["Language"])) {
                         $subslanguage = $track["Language"];
                     $this->addSubs($releaseID, $subsID, $subslanguage);
Example #5
 public function getRageMatch($showInfo)
     $title = $showInfo['cleanname'];
     $lookupUrl = $this->xmlFullSearchUrl . urlencode(strtolower($title));
     $xml = $this->fetchCache($lookupUrl);
     if ($xml === false) {
         $xml = Utility::getUrl(['url' => $lookupUrl, 'verifycert' => false]);
     if ($xml !== false) {
         $this->storeCache($lookupUrl, $xml);
         $xml = str_replace('<genre></genre>', '', $xml);
         $xmlObj = @simplexml_load_string($xml);
         $arrXml = Utility::objectsIntoArray($xmlObj);
         if (isset($arrXml['show']) && is_array($arrXml['show'])) {
             // we got a valid xml response
             $titleMatches = array();
             $urlMatches = array();
             $akaMatches = array();
             if (isset($arrXml['show']['showid'])) {
                 // we got exactly 1 match so lets convert it to an array so we can use it in the logic below
                 $newArr = array();
                 $newArr[] = $arrXml['show'];
                 $arrXml['show'] = $newArr;
             foreach ($arrXml['show'] as $arr) {
                 $titlepct = $urlpct = $akapct = 0;
                 // get a match percentage based on our name and the name returned from tvr
                 $titlepct = $this->checkMatch($title, $arr['name']);
                 if ($titlepct !== false) {
                     $titleMatches[$titlepct][] = array('title' => $arr['name'], 'showid' => $arr['showid'], 'country' => $arr['country'], 'genres' => $arr['genres'], 'tvr' => $arr);
                 // get a match percentage based on our name and the url returned from tvr
                 if (isset($arr['link']) && preg_match('/tvrage\\.com\\/((?!shows)[^\\/]*)$/i', $arr['link'], $tvrlink)) {
                     $urltitle = str_replace('_', ' ', $tvrlink[1]);
                     $urlpct = $this->checkMatch($title, $urltitle);
                     if ($urlpct !== false) {
                         $urlMatches[$urlpct][] = array('title' => $urltitle, 'showid' => $arr['showid'], 'country' => $arr['country'], 'genres' => $arr['genres'], 'tvr' => $arr);
                 // check if there are any akas for this result and get a match percentage for them too
                 if (isset($arr['akas'])) {
                     if (is_array($arr['akas']['aka'])) {
                         // multuple akas
                         foreach ($arr['akas']['aka'] as $aka) {
                             $akapct = $this->checkMatch($title, $aka);
                             if ($akapct !== false) {
                                 $akaMatches[$akapct][] = array('title' => $aka, 'showid' => $arr['showid'], 'country' => $arr['country'], 'genres' => $arr['genres'], 'tvr' => $arr);
                     } else {
                         // one aka
                         $akapct = $this->checkMatch($title, $arr['akas']['aka']);
                         if ($akapct !== false) {
                             $akaMatches[$akapct][] = array('title' => $arr['akas']['aka'], 'showid' => $arr['showid'], 'country' => $arr['country'], 'genres' => $arr['genres'], 'tvr' => $arr);
             // reverse sort our matches so highest matches are first
             // look for 100% title matches first
             if (isset($titleMatches[100])) {
                 if ($this->echooutput) {
                     echo 'TVRage  : Found 100% match: "' . $titleMatches[100][0]['title'] . '"' . "\n";
                 return $titleMatches[100][0];
             // look for 100% url matches next
             if (isset($urlMatches[100])) {
                 if ($this->echooutput) {
                     echo 'TVRage  : Found 100% url match: "' . $urlMatches[100][0]['title'] . '"' . "\n";
                 return $urlMatches[100][0];
             // look for 100% aka matches next
             if (isset($akaMatches[100])) {
                 if ($this->echooutput) {
                     echo 'TVRage  : Found 100% aka match: "' . $akaMatches[100][0]['title'] . '"' . "\n";
                 return $akaMatches[100][0];
             // no 100% matches, loop through what we got and if our next closest match is more than TvRage::MATCH_PROBABILITY % of the title lets take it
             foreach ($titleMatches as $mk => $mv) {
                 // since its not 100 match if we have country info lets use that to make sure we get the right show
                 if (isset($showInfo['country']) && !empty($showInfo['country']) && !empty($mv[0]['country'])) {
                     if (strtolower($showInfo['country']) != strtolower($mv[0]['country'])) {
                 if ($this->echooutput) {
                     echo 'TVRage  : Found ' . $mk . '% match: "' . $titleMatches[$mk][0]['title'] . '"' . "\n";
                 return $titleMatches[$mk][0];
             // same as above but for akas
             foreach ($akaMatches as $ak => $av) {
                 if (isset($showInfo['country']) && !empty($showInfo['country']) && !empty($av[0]['country'])) {
                     if (strtolower($showInfo['country']) != strtolower($av[0]['country'])) {
                 if ($this->echooutput) {
                     echo 'TVRage  : Found ' . $ak . '% aka match: "' . $akaMatches[$ak][0]['title'] . '"' . "\n";
                 return $akaMatches[$ak][0];
             return false;
         } else {
             return false;
     } else {
         if ($this->echooutput) {
             echo 'TVRage  : Error connecting to tvrage' . "\n";
         return -1;
     if ($this->echooutput) {
         echo 'TVRage  : No match found online' . "\n";
     return false;