Example #1
	function getPanel()
		$link = Nette\DebugHelpers::editorLink($this->sourceFile, $this->sourceLine);
		return '<p><b>File:</b> ' . ($link ? '<a href="' . htmlspecialchars($link) . '">' : '') . htmlspecialchars($this->sourceFile) . ($link ? '</a>' : '')
			. '&nbsp; <b>Line:</b> ' . ($this->sourceLine ? $this->sourceLine : 'n/a') . '</p>'
			. ($this->sourceLine ? '<pre>' . Nette\DebugHelpers::highlightFile($this->sourceFile, $this->sourceLine) . '</pre>' : '');
Example #2
  * Sends message to FireLogger console.
  * @see http://firelogger.binaryage.com
  * @param  mixed   message to log
  * @return bool    was successful?
 public static function fireLog($message)
     if (self::$productionMode) {
     } elseif (!self::$firebugDetected || headers_sent()) {
         return FALSE;
     static $payload = array('logs' => array());
     $item = array('name' => 'PHP', 'level' => 'debug', 'order' => count($payload['logs']), 'time' => str_pad(number_format((microtime(TRUE) - self::$time) * 1000, 1, '.', ' '), 8, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . ' ms', 'template' => '', 'message' => '', 'style' => 'background:#767ab6');
     $args = func_get_args();
     if (isset($args[0]) && is_string($args[0])) {
         $item['template'] = array_shift($args);
     if (isset($args[0]) && $args[0] instanceof \Exception) {
         $e = array_shift($args);
         $trace = $e->getTrace();
         if (isset($trace[0]['class']) && $trace[0]['class'] === __CLASS__ && ($trace[0]['function'] === '_shutdownHandler' || $trace[0]['function'] === '_errorHandler')) {
         $item['exc_info'] = array($e->getMessage(), $e->getFile(), array());
         $item['exc_frames'] = array();
         foreach ($trace as $frame) {
             $frame += array('file' => NULL, 'line' => NULL, 'class' => NULL, 'type' => NULL, 'function' => NULL, 'object' => NULL, 'args' => NULL);
             $item['exc_info'][2][] = array($frame['file'], $frame['line'], "{$frame['class']}{$frame['type']}{$frame['function']}", $frame['object']);
             $item['exc_frames'][] = $frame['args'];
         $file = str_replace(dirname(dirname(dirname($e->getFile()))), "…", $e->getFile());
         $item['template'] = ($e instanceof \ErrorException ? '' : get_class($e) . ': ') . $e->getMessage() . ($e->getCode() ? ' #' . $e->getCode() : '') . ' in ' . $file . ':' . $e->getLine();
         array_unshift($trace, array('file' => $e->getFile(), 'line' => $e->getLine()));
     } else {
         $trace = debug_backtrace();
         if (isset($trace[0]['class']) && $trace[0]['class'] === __CLASS__ && ($trace[0]['function'] === '_shutdownHandler' || $trace[0]['function'] === '_errorHandler')) {
     if (isset($args[0]) && in_array($args[0], array(self::DEBUG, self::INFO, self::WARNING, self::ERROR, self::CRITICAL), TRUE)) {
         $item['level'] = array_shift($args);
     $item['args'] = $args;
     foreach ($trace as $frame) {
         if (isset($frame['file']) && is_file($frame['file'])) {
             $item['pathname'] = $frame['file'];
             $item['lineno'] = $frame['line'];
     $payload['logs'][] = DebugHelpers::jsonDump($item, -1);
     foreach (str_split(base64_encode(@json_encode($payload)), 4990) as $k => $v) {
     return TRUE;
Example #3
    public function getPanel()
        $s = '';
        $h = 'htmlSpecialChars';
        foreach ($this->queries as $i => $query) {
            list($sql, $params, $time, $rows, $connection, $source) = $query;
            $explain = NULL;
            // EXPLAIN is called here to work SELECT FOUND_ROWS()
            if ($this->explain && preg_match('#\\s*SELECT\\s#iA', $sql)) {
                try {
                    $explain = $connection->queryArgs('EXPLAIN ' . $sql, $params)->fetchAll();
                } catch (\PDOException $e) {
            $s .= '<tr><td>' . sprintf('%0.3f', $time * 1000);
            if ($explain) {
                $s .= "<br /><a href='#' class='nette-toggler' rel='#nette-debug-database-row-{$h($this->name)}-{$i}'>explain&nbsp;&#x25ba;</a>";
            $s .= '</td><td class="database-sql">' . Connection::highlightSql(Nette\String::truncate($sql, self::$maxLength));
            if ($explain) {
                $s .= "<table id='nette-debug-database-row-{$h($this->name)}-{$i}' class='nette-collapsed'><tr>";
                foreach ($explain[0] as $col => $foo) {
                    $s .= "<th>{$h($col)}</th>";
                $s .= "</tr>";
                foreach ($explain as $row) {
                    $s .= "<tr>";
                    foreach ($row as $col) {
                        $s .= "<td>{$h($col)}</td>";
                    $s .= "</tr>";
                $s .= "</table>";
            if ($source) {
                list($file, $line) = $source;
                $s .= (Nette\Debug::$editor ? "<a href='{$h(Nette\DebugHelpers::editorLink($file, $line))}'" : '<span') . " class='database-source' title='{$h($file)}:{$line}'>" . "{$h(basename(dirname($file)) . '/' . basename($file))}:{$line}" . (Nette\Debug::$editor ? '</a>' : '</span>');
            $s .= '</td><td>';
            foreach ($params as $param) {
                $s .= "{$h(Nette\String::truncate($param, self::$maxLength))}<br>";
            $s .= '</td><td>' . $rows . '</td></tr>';
        return empty($this->queries) ? '' : '<style> #nette-debug-database td.database-sql { background: white !important }
			#nette-debug-database .database-source { color: #BBB !important }
			#nette-debug-database tr table { margin: 8px 0; max-height: 150px; overflow:auto } </style>
			<h1>Queries: ' . count($this->queries) . ($this->totalTime ? ', time: ' . sprintf('%0.3f', $this->totalTime * 1000) . ' ms' : '') . '</h1>
			<div class="nette-inner">
				<tr><th>Time&nbsp;ms</th><th>SQL Statement</th><th>Params</th><th>Rows</th></tr>' . $s . '