Example #1
 public function provideImage($param)
     //Check if all necessary variables exist and assign to class variables
     //Contain origin path to image
     $pathOrigin = $this->wwwDir . '/' . $this->prefix . '/' . $this->namespace . '/' . $this->filename;
     //First check if exist in cache(it is more common to get resize then origin size)
     if ($imageString = $this->imageCache->getFromCache($this->namespace, $this->width, $this->height, $this->flag, $this->filename)) {
         $image = Image::fromString($imageString, $this->type);
         //then look if height and width is null to provide origin
     } elseif ($this->height == null && $this->width == null) {
         $image = Image::fromFile($pathOrigin);
         //try get image, resize and save to cache
     } elseif (file_exists($pathOrigin)) {
         $image = Image::fromFile($pathOrigin);
         $image = $this->resizeImage($image, $this->width, $this->height, $this->flag);
         if (!$this->imageCache->saveTocache($image, $this->namespace, $this->width, $this->height, $this->flag, $this->filename)) {
             throw new BowtieImageException('There is something wrong :(');
         //else image not exist throw exception
     } else {
         throw new BadRequestException('Required image not found.');
     return $image;
Example #2
  * @param string $name
  * @param string $resolution
  * @param int $method
  * @throws ImageManager\ResolutionIsNotAllowedException
  * @throws ImageManager\RemoteFileDoesNotExistsException
  * @return bool
 public function send($name, $resolution, $method)
     $imagePath = $this->createImagePath($name, $resolution, $method);
     if ($imagePath->fs) {
         return TRUE;
     } elseif ($imagePath->url) {
         return TRUE;
     return FALSE;
  * @param Service $thumbator
  * @param string $original
  * @param string $filename
  * @param int $width
  * @param int $height
  * @param int $method
  * @return string
 public function placehold($thumbator, $original, $filename, $width, $height, $method)
     try {
         $data = @file_get_contents(sprintf($this->placeholder, $width, $height));
         if ($data) {
             $image = Image::fromString($data);
             Helpers::mkdir(dirname($thumbator->config->getStorageDir() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $original));
             $image->save($thumbator->config->getStorageDir() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $original);
             return $thumbator->create($original, $width, $height, $method);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         // Silent..
     return sprintf($this->placeholder, $width, $height);
Example #4
  * Return ImageNameScript and file for no-image image
  * @return array
 public function getNoImage($return_image = FALSE)
     $script = ImageNameScript::fromIdentifier($this->noimage_identifier);
     $file = implode('/', [$this->data_path, $script->original]);
     if (!file_exists($file)) {
         $identifier = '_storage_no_image/8f/no_image.png';
         $new_path = "{$this->data_path}/{$identifier}";
         if (!file_exists($new_path)) {
             $data = base64_decode(require __DIR__ . '/NoImageSource.php');
             $_image = Nette\Utils\Image::fromString($data);
             $_image->save($new_path, $script->quality ?: $this->quality);
         if ($return_image) {
             return new Image($this->friendly_url, $this->data_dir, $this->data_path, $identifier);
         $script = ImageNameScript::fromIdentifier($identifier);
         return [$script, $new_path];
     if ($return_image) {
         return new Image($this->friendly_url, $this->data_dir, $this->data_path, $this->noimage_identifier);
     return [$script, $file];
Example #5
  * @param string $original
  * @param int $width
  * @param int $height
  * @param null $filename
  * @param null $method
  * @return string
 protected function placehold($original, $width, $height, $filename = NULL, $method = NULL)
     try {
         $data = @file_get_contents(sprintf($this->placeholder, $width, $height, $filename, $method));
         if ($data) {
             $image = Image::fromString($data);
             $image->save($this->getWwwPath() . '/' . $original);
             return $this->create($filename, $width, $height, $method);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         // Silent..
     return sprintf($this->placeholder, $width, $height, $filename, $method);
  * @param \Carrooi\ImagesManager\Image\Image $image
  * @param int|null $width
  * @param int|null $height
  * @param int|null $resizeFlag
  * @return \Nette\Utils\Image
 public function getNetteImage(Image $image, $width = null, $height = null, $resizeFlag = null)
     return NetteImage::fromString(base64_decode('R0lGODlhAQABAIABAP///wAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw=='));