toString() public static method

public static toString ( $callable ) : string
return string
Example #1
  * @return array
 public static function exportRules(Rules $rules, $json = TRUE)
     $payload = array();
     foreach ($rules as $rule) {
         if (!is_string($op = $rule->validator)) {
             if (!Nette\Utils\Callback::isStatic($op)) {
             $op = Nette\Utils\Callback::toString($op);
         if ($rule->branch) {
             $item = array('op' => ($rule->isNegative ? '~' : '') . $op, 'rules' => static::exportRules($rule->branch, FALSE), 'control' => $rule->control->getHtmlName());
             if ($rule->branch->getToggles()) {
                 $item['toggle'] = $rule->branch->getToggles();
         } else {
             $item = array('op' => ($rule->isNegative ? '~' : '') . $op, 'msg' => Validator::formatMessage($rule, FALSE));
         if (is_array($rule->arg)) {
             foreach ($rule->arg as $key => $value) {
                 $item['arg'][$key] = $value instanceof IControl ? array('control' => $value->getHtmlName()) : $value;
         } elseif ($rule->arg !== NULL) {
             $item['arg'] = $rule->arg instanceof IControl ? array('control' => $rule->arg->getHtmlName()) : $rule->arg;
         $payload[] = $item;
     return $json ? $payload ? Nette\Utils\Json::encode($payload) : NULL : $payload;
Example #2
  * Formats PHP code for class instantiating, function calling or property setting in PHP.
  * @return string
  * @internal
 public function formatStatement(Statement $statement)
     $entity = $this->normalizeEntity($statement->getEntity());
     $arguments = $statement->arguments;
     if (is_string($entity) && Strings::contains($entity, '?')) {
         // PHP literal
         return $this->formatPhp($entity, $arguments);
     } elseif ($service = $this->getServiceName($entity)) {
         // factory calling
         $params = [];
         foreach ($this->definitions[$service]->parameters as $k => $v) {
             $params[] = preg_replace('#\\w+\\z#', '\\$$0', is_int($k) ? $v : $k) . (is_int($k) ? '' : ' = ' . PhpHelpers::dump($v));
         $rm = new \ReflectionFunction(create_function(implode(', ', $params), ''));
         $arguments = Helpers::autowireArguments($rm, $arguments, $this);
         return $this->formatPhp('$this->?(?*)', [Container::getMethodName($service), $arguments]);
     } elseif ($entity === 'not') {
         // operator
         return $this->formatPhp('!?', [$arguments[0]]);
     } elseif (is_string($entity)) {
         // class name
         if ($constructor = (new ReflectionClass($entity))->getConstructor()) {
             $this->addDependency((string) $constructor->getFileName());
             $arguments = Helpers::autowireArguments($constructor, $arguments, $this);
         } elseif ($arguments) {
             throw new ServiceCreationException("Unable to pass arguments, class {$entity} has no constructor.");
         return $this->formatPhp("new {$entity}" . ($arguments ? '(?*)' : ''), [$arguments]);
     } elseif (!Nette\Utils\Arrays::isList($entity) || count($entity) !== 2) {
         throw new ServiceCreationException(sprintf('Expected class, method or property, %s given.', PhpHelpers::dump($entity)));
     } elseif (!preg_match('#^\\$?' . PhpHelpers::PHP_IDENT . '\\z#', $entity[1])) {
         throw new ServiceCreationException("Expected function, method or property name, '{$entity['1']}' given.");
     } elseif ($entity[0] === '') {
         // globalFunc
         return $this->formatPhp("{$entity['1']}(?*)", [$arguments]);
     } elseif ($entity[0] instanceof Statement) {
         $inner = $this->formatPhp('?', [$entity[0]]);
         if (substr($inner, 0, 4) === 'new ') {
             $inner = "({$inner})";
         return $this->formatPhp("{$inner}->?(?*)", [$entity[1], $arguments]);
     } elseif (Strings::contains($entity[1], '$')) {
         // property setter
         Validators::assert($arguments, 'list:1', "setup arguments for '" . Nette\Utils\Callback::toString($entity) . "'");
         if ($this->getServiceName($entity[0])) {
             return $this->formatPhp('?->? = ?', [$entity[0], substr($entity[1], 1), $arguments[0]]);
         } else {
             return $this->formatPhp($entity[0] . '::$? = ?', [substr($entity[1], 1), $arguments[0]]);
     } elseif ($service = $this->getServiceName($entity[0])) {
         // service method
         $class = $this->definitions[$service]->getImplement();
         if (!$class || !method_exists($class, $entity[1])) {
             $class = $this->definitions[$service]->getClass();
         if ($class) {
             $arguments = $this->autowireArguments($class, $entity[1], $arguments);
         return $this->formatPhp('?->?(?*)', [$entity[0], $entity[1], $arguments]);
     } else {
         // static method
         $arguments = $this->autowireArguments($entity[0], $entity[1], $arguments);
         return $this->formatPhp("{$entity['0']}::{$entity['1']}(?*)", [$arguments]);
Example #3
  * @return array
 protected static function exportRules($rules)
     $payload = array();
     foreach ($rules as $rule) {
         if (!is_string($op = $rule->operation)) {
             if (!Nette\Utils\Callback::isStatic($op)) {
             $op = Nette\Utils\Callback::toString($op);
         if ($rule->type === Rule::VALIDATOR) {
             $item = array('op' => ($rule->isNegative ? '~' : '') . $op, 'msg' => $rules->formatMessage($rule, FALSE));
         } elseif ($rule->type === Rule::CONDITION) {
             $item = array('op' => ($rule->isNegative ? '~' : '') . $op, 'rules' => static::exportRules($rule->subRules), 'control' => $rule->control->getHtmlName());
             if ($rule->subRules->getToggles()) {
                 $item['toggle'] = $rule->subRules->getToggles();
         if (is_array($rule->arg)) {
             foreach ($rule->arg as $key => $value) {
                 $item['arg'][$key] = $value instanceof IControl ? array('control' => $value->getHtmlName()) : $value;
         } elseif ($rule->arg !== NULL) {
             $item['arg'] = $rule->arg instanceof IControl ? array('control' => $rule->arg->getHtmlName()) : $rule->arg;
         $payload[] = $item;
     return $payload;
Example #4
  * @return array
 public static function exportRules(Rules $rules)
     $payload = [];
     foreach ($rules as $rule) {
         if (!is_string($op = $rule->validator)) {
             if (!Nette\Utils\Callback::isStatic($op)) {
             $op = Nette\Utils\Callback::toString($op);
         if ($rule->branch) {
             $item = ['op' => ($rule->isNegative ? '~' : '') . $op, 'rules' => static::exportRules($rule->branch), 'control' => $rule->control->getHtmlName()];
             if ($rule->branch->getToggles()) {
                 $item['toggle'] = $rule->branch->getToggles();
             } elseif (!$item['rules']) {
         } else {
             $item = ['op' => ($rule->isNegative ? '~' : '') . $op, 'msg' => Validator::formatMessage($rule, FALSE)];
         if (is_array($rule->arg)) {
             $item['arg'] = [];
             foreach ($rule->arg as $key => $value) {
                 $item['arg'][$key] = $value instanceof IControl ? ['control' => $value->getHtmlName()] : $value;
         } elseif ($rule->arg !== NULL) {
             $item['arg'] = $rule->arg instanceof IControl ? ['control' => $rule->arg->getHtmlName()] : $rule->arg;
         $payload[] = $item;
     if ($payload && $rules->isOptional()) {
         array_unshift($payload, ['op' => 'optional']);
     return $payload;
Example #5
  * Registers callback as template compile-time filter.
  * @param  callable
  * @return self
 public function registerFilter($callback)
     if ($callback instanceof Latte\Engine) {
         // back compatibility
         $this->latte = $callback;
     } elseif (is_array($callback) && $callback[0] instanceof Latte\Engine) {
         $this->latte = $callback[0];
     } elseif (strpos(Callback::toString($callback), 'Latte\\Engine') !== FALSE) {
         $this->latte = TRUE;
     } elseif ($this->latte) {
         throw new Nette\DeprecatedException('Adding filters after Latte is not possible.');
     } else {
         $this->filters[] = Callback::check($callback);
     return $this;
Example #6
 private function renderListeners($ids)
     static $addIcon;
     if (empty($addIcon)) {
         $addIcon = '<img width="18" height="18" src="data:image/png;base64,' . base64_encode(file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/add.png')) . '" title="Listener" />';
     $registeredClasses = $this->getClassMap();
     $h = 'htmlspecialchars';
     $shortFilename = function (Nette\Reflection\GlobalFunction $refl) {
         $title = '.../' . basename($refl->getFileName()) . ':' . $refl->getStartLine();
         if ($editor = Tracy\Helpers::editorUri($refl->getFileName(), $refl->getStartLine())) {
             return sprintf(' defined at <a href="%s">%s</a>', htmlspecialchars($editor), $title);
         return ' defined at ' . $title;
     $s = '';
     foreach ($ids as $id) {
         if (is_callable($id)) {
             $s .= '<tr><td width=18>' . $addIcon . '</td><td><pre class="nette-dump"><span class="nette-dump-object">' . Callback::toString($id) . ($id instanceof \Closure ? $shortFilename(Callback::toReflection($id)) : '') . '</span></span></th></tr>';
         if (!$this->sl->isCreated($id) && ($class = array_search($id, $registeredClasses, TRUE))) {
             $s .= '<tr><td width=18>' . $addIcon . '</td><td><pre class="nette-dump"><span class="nette-dump-object">' . $h(Nette\Reflection\ClassType::from($class)->getName()) . '</span></span></th></tr>';
         } else {
             try {
                 $s .= '<tr><td width=18>' . $addIcon . '</td><td>' . self::dumpToHtml($this->sl->getService($id)) . '</th></tr>';
             } catch (\Exception $e) {
                 $s .= "<tr><td colspan=2>Service {$id} cannot be loaded because of exception<br><br>\n" . (string) $e . '</td></th>';
     return $s;
Example #7
	 * Formats PHP code for class instantiating, function calling or property setting in PHP.
	 * @return string
	 * @internal
	public function formatStatement(Statement $statement)
		$entity = $this->normalizeEntity($statement->entity);
		$arguments = $statement->arguments;

		if (is_string($entity) && Strings::contains($entity, '?')) { // PHP literal
			return $this->formatPhp($entity, $arguments);

		} elseif ($service = $this->getServiceName($entity)) { // factory calling
			$params = array();
			foreach ($this->definitions[$service]->parameters as $k => $v) {
				$params[] = preg_replace('#\w+\z#', '\$$0', (is_int($k) ? $v : $k)) . (is_int($k) ? '' : ' = ' . PhpHelpers::dump($v));
			$rm = new Reflection\GlobalFunction(create_function(implode(', ', $params), ''));
			$arguments = Helpers::autowireArguments($rm, $arguments, $this);
			return $this->formatPhp('$this->?(?*)', array(Container::getMethodName($service), $arguments));

		} elseif ($entity === 'not') { // operator
			return $this->formatPhp('!?', array($arguments[0]));

		} elseif (is_string($entity)) { // class name
			if ($constructor = Reflection\ClassType::from($entity)->getConstructor()) {
				$arguments = Helpers::autowireArguments($constructor, $arguments, $this);
			} elseif ($arguments) {
				throw new ServiceCreationException("Unable to pass arguments, class $entity has no constructor.");
			return $this->formatPhp("new $entity" . ($arguments ? '(?*)' : ''), array($arguments));

		} elseif (!Nette\Utils\Arrays::isList($entity) || count($entity) !== 2) {
			throw new ServiceCreationException(sprintf('Expected class, method or property, %s given.', PhpHelpers::dump($entity)));

		} elseif ($entity[0] === '') { // globalFunc
			return $this->formatPhp("$entity[1](?*)", array($arguments));

		} elseif (Strings::contains($entity[1], '$')) { // property setter
			Validators::assert($arguments, 'list:1', "setup arguments for '" . Nette\Utils\Callback::toString($entity) . "'");
			if ($this->getServiceName($entity[0])) {
				return $this->formatPhp('?->? = ?', array($entity[0], substr($entity[1], 1), $arguments[0]));
			} else {
				return $this->formatPhp($entity[0] . '::$? = ?', array(substr($entity[1], 1), $arguments[0]));

		} elseif ($service = $this->getServiceName($entity[0])) { // service method
			$class = $this->definitions[$service]->implement;
			if (!$class || !method_exists($class, $entity[1])) {
				$class = $this->definitions[$service]->class;
			if ($class) {
				$arguments = $this->autowireArguments($class, $entity[1], $arguments);
			return $this->formatPhp('?->?(?*)', array($entity[0], $entity[1], $arguments));

		} else { // static method
			$arguments = $this->autowireArguments($entity[0], $entity[1], $arguments);
			return $this->formatPhp("$entity[0]::$entity[1](?*)", array($arguments));
Example #8
  * @return Statement
 public function completeStatement(Statement $statement)
     $entity = $this->normalizeEntity($statement->getEntity());
     $arguments = $statement->arguments;
     if (is_string($entity) && Strings::contains($entity, '?')) {
         // PHP literal
     } elseif ($service = $this->getServiceName($entity)) {
         // factory calling
         $params = [];
         foreach ($this->definitions[$service]->parameters as $k => $v) {
             $params[] = preg_replace('#\\w+\\z#', '\\$$0', is_int($k) ? $v : $k) . (is_int($k) ? '' : ' = ' . PhpHelpers::dump($v));
         $rm = new \ReflectionFunction(create_function(implode(', ', $params), ''));
         $arguments = Helpers::autowireArguments($rm, $arguments, $this);
         $entity = '@' . $service;
     } elseif ($entity === 'not') {
         // operator
     } elseif (is_string($entity)) {
         // class name
         if (!class_exists($entity)) {
             throw new ServiceCreationException("Class {$entity} not found.");
         } elseif ((new ReflectionClass($entity))->isAbstract()) {
             throw new ServiceCreationException("Class {$entity} is abstract.");
         } elseif (($rm = (new ReflectionClass($entity))->getConstructor()) !== NULL && !$rm->isPublic()) {
             $visibility = $rm->isProtected() ? 'protected' : 'private';
             throw new ServiceCreationException("Class {$entity} has {$visibility} constructor.");
         } elseif ($constructor = (new ReflectionClass($entity))->getConstructor()) {
             $arguments = Helpers::autowireArguments($constructor, $arguments, $this);
         } elseif ($arguments) {
             throw new ServiceCreationException("Unable to pass arguments, class {$entity} has no constructor.");
     } elseif (!Nette\Utils\Arrays::isList($entity) || count($entity) !== 2) {
         throw new ServiceCreationException(sprintf('Expected class, method or property, %s given.', PhpHelpers::dump($entity)));
     } elseif (!preg_match('#^\\$?' . PhpHelpers::PHP_IDENT . '(\\[\\])?\\z#', $entity[1])) {
         throw new ServiceCreationException("Expected function, method or property name, '{$entity['1']}' given.");
     } elseif ($entity[0] === '') {
         // globalFunc
         if (!Nette\Utils\Arrays::isList($arguments)) {
             throw new ServiceCreationException("Unable to pass specified arguments to {$entity['0']}.");
         } elseif (!function_exists($entity[1])) {
             throw new ServiceCreationException("Function {$entity['1']} doesn't exist.");
         $rf = new \ReflectionFunction($entity[1]);
         $arguments = Helpers::autowireArguments($rf, $arguments, $this);
     } else {
         if ($entity[0] instanceof Statement) {
             $entity[0] = $this->completeStatement($entity[0]);
         } elseif ($service = $this->getServiceName($entity[0])) {
             // service method
             $entity[0] = '@' . $service;
         if ($entity[1][0] === '$') {
             // property getter, setter or appender
             Validators::assert($arguments, 'list:0..1', "setup arguments for '" . Nette\Utils\Callback::toString($entity) . "'");
             if (!$arguments && substr($entity[1], -2) === '[]') {
                 throw new ServiceCreationException("Missing argument for {$entity['1']}.");
         } elseif ($class = empty($service) || $entity[1] === 'create' ? $this->resolveEntityClass($entity[0]) : $this->definitions[$service]->getClass()) {
             $arguments = $this->autowireArguments($class, $entity[1], $arguments);
     array_walk_recursive($arguments, function (&$val) {
         if ($val instanceof Statement) {
             $val = $this->completeStatement($val);
         } elseif ($val === $this) {
             trigger_error("Replace object ContainerBuilder in Statement arguments with '@container'.", E_USER_DEPRECATED);
             $val = self::literal('$this');
         } elseif ($val instanceof ServiceDefinition) {
             $val = '@' . current(array_keys($this->getDefinitions(), $val, TRUE));
         } elseif (is_string($val) && strlen($val) > 1 && $val[0] === '@' && $val[1] !== '@') {
             $pair = explode('::', $val, 2);
             $name = $this->getServiceName($pair[0]);
             if (!isset($pair[1])) {
                 // @service
                 $val = '@' . $name;
             } elseif (preg_match('#^[A-Z][A-Z0-9_]*\\z#', $pair[1], $m)) {
                 // @service::CONSTANT
                 $val = self::literal($this->getDefinition($name)->getClass() . '::' . $pair[1]);
             } else {
                 // @service::property
                 $val = new Statement(['@' . $name, '$' . $pair[1]]);
     return new Statement($entity, $arguments);