getProperties() public method

public getProperties ( $filter ) : Property[]
return Property[]
Example #1
  * @param \Nette\DI\Container $dic
  * @throws MemberAccessException
  * @throws MissingServiceException
  * @throws InvalidStateException
  * @throws UnexpectedValueException
 public function injectProperties(Nette\DI\Container $dic)
     if (!$this instanceof Nette\Application\UI\PresenterComponent && !$this instanceof Nette\Application\UI\Component) {
         throw new MemberAccessException('Trait ' . __TRAIT__ . ' can be used only in descendants of PresenterComponent.');
     $this->autowirePropertiesLocator = $dic;
     $storage = $dic->hasService('autowired.cacheStorage') ? $dic->getService('autowired.cacheStorage') : $dic->getByType('Nette\\Caching\\IStorage');
     $cache = new Nette\Caching\Cache($storage, 'Kdyby.Autowired.AutowireProperties');
     $containerFileName = ClassType::from($this->autowirePropertiesLocator)->getFileName();
     $cacheKey = [$presenterClass = get_class($this), $containerFileName];
     if (is_array($this->autowireProperties = $cache->load($cacheKey))) {
         foreach ($this->autowireProperties as $propName => $tmp) {
     $this->autowireProperties = [];
     $ignore = class_parents('Nette\\Application\\UI\\Presenter') + ['ui' => 'Nette\\Application\\UI\\Presenter'];
     $rc = new ClassType($this);
     foreach ($rc->getProperties() as $prop) {
         if (!$this->validateProperty($prop, $ignore)) {
     $files = array_map(function ($class) {
         return ClassType::from($class)->getFileName();
     }, array_diff(array_values(class_parents($presenterClass) + ['me' => $presenterClass]), $ignore));
     $files[] = $containerFileName;
     $cache->save($cacheKey, $this->autowireProperties, [$cache::FILES => $files]);
Example #2
  * @param Config $config
  * @throws LogicException
  * @return array
 public function getDataToArray(Config $config)
     if ($this instanceof NewPaymentRequest) {
     $reflection = new ClassType($this);
     $parameters = array();
     $errors = array();
     foreach ($reflection->getProperties() as $property) {
         if ($property->hasAnnotation('var') && $property->getAnnotation('var') == 'bool') {
             $getterPrefix = 'is';
         } else {
             $getterPrefix = 'get';
         $propertyGetter = $getterPrefix . ucfirst($property->getName());
         $value = $this->{$propertyGetter}();
         if ($value !== NULL) {
             $parameters[Strings::camelToUnderdash($property->getName())] = $value;
         if ($property->hasAnnotation('required') && $value === NULL) {
             $errors[] = $property->getName();
     if (count($errors) > 0) {
         throw new LogicException('Empty required properties: ' . implode(', ', $errors));
     $parameters['sig'] = $this->getSig($config->getKey1());
     return $parameters;
  * Returns array of classes persistent parameters. They have public visibility and are non-static.
  * This default implementation detects persistent parameters by annotation @persistent.
  * @return array
 public static function getPersistentParams()
     /*5.2*$arg = func_get_arg(0);*/
     $rc = new Nette\Reflection\ClassType(get_called_class());
     $params = array();
     foreach ($rc->getProperties(\ReflectionProperty::IS_PUBLIC) as $rp) {
         if (!$rp->isStatic() && $rp->hasAnnotation('persistent')) {
             $params[] = $rp->getName();
     return $params;
  * Generate form from entity
  * @return $this
 private function createForm()
     $properties = $this->entityReflection->getProperties();
     /** @var Property $property */
     foreach ($properties as $property) {
         $rule = $this->getPropertyRule($property->getName());
         if ($rule !== NULL) {
     return $this;
  * Annotation-boosted component factory
  * @param  string
  * @return Nette\ComponentModel\IComponent
 protected function createComponent($name)
      * Default method name
     $ucname = ucfirst($name);
     $method = 'createComponent' . $ucname;
     if (method_exists($this, $method)) {
         return parent::createComponent($name);
      * Find particular property with annotation @component
     $reflection = new Reflection\ClassType($this);
     $properties = $reflection->getProperties();
     foreach ($properties as $property) {
         $annotations = $property->getAnnotations();
         if (isset($annotations['component'])) {
             $script = new PresenterComponentScript($annotations);
             if ($script->component !== $name) {
             $property = $property->getName();
             $args = [];
             foreach ($script->args as $arg) {
                 $args[] = $this->{$arg};
             $reflection = new \ReflectionClass(get_class($this));
             $property_reflection = $reflection->getProperty($property);
             $property_value = $property_reflection->getValue($this);
             if (!is_callable([$property_value, $script->factory_method])) {
                 throw new PresenterComponentException(sprintf('Presenter property [<%s>, %s] is not callable', is_null($this->{$property}) ? 'NULL' : $property, $script->factory_method));
             $component = call_user_func_array([$property_value, $script->factory_method], $args);
             foreach ($script->callbacks as $callback) {
                 $component->{$callback['event']}[] = [$this, $callback['callback']];
             return $component;
     return parent::createComponent($name);
Example #6
  * Generates list of properties with annotation @inject.
  * @return array
 public static function getInjectProperties(Nette\Reflection\ClassType $class)
     $res = array();
     foreach ($class->getProperties(\ReflectionProperty::IS_PUBLIC) as $property) {
         $type = $property->getAnnotation('var');
         if (!$property->getAnnotation('inject')) {
         } elseif (!$type) {
             throw new Nette\InvalidStateException("Property {$property} has not @var annotation.");
         } elseif (!class_exists($type) && !interface_exists($type)) {
             if ($type[0] !== '\\') {
                 $type = $property->getDeclaringClass()->getNamespaceName() . '\\' . $type;
             if (!class_exists($type) && !interface_exists($type)) {
                 throw new Nette\InvalidStateException("Please use a fully qualified name of class/interface in @var annotation at {$property} property. Class '{$type}' cannot be found.");
         $res[$property->getName()] = $type;
     return $res;
Example #7
  * Generates list of properties with annotation @inject.
  * @return array
 public static function getInjectProperties(Nette\Reflection\ClassType $class)
     $res = array();
     foreach ($class->getProperties(\ReflectionProperty::IS_PUBLIC) as $property) {
         $type = $property->getAnnotation('var');
         if (!$property->getAnnotation('inject')) {
         } elseif (!$type) {
             throw new Nette\InvalidStateException("Property {$property} has not @var annotation.");
         $type = Nette\Reflection\AnnotationsParser::expandClassName($type, $property->getDeclaringClass());
         if (!class_exists($type) && !interface_exists($type)) {
             throw new Nette\InvalidStateException("Class or interface '{$type}' used in @var annotation at {$property} not found.");
         $res[$property->getName()] = $type;
     return $res;
 protected function bindEventProperties(Nette\DI\ServiceDefinition $def, Nette\Reflection\ClassType $class)
     foreach ($class->getProperties(Nette\Reflection\Property::IS_PUBLIC) as $property) {
         if (!preg_match('#^on[A-Z]#', $name = $property->getName())) {
         if ($property->hasAnnotation('persistent') || $property->hasAnnotation('inject')) {
             // definitely not an event
         $def->addSetup('$' . $name, array(new Nette\DI\Statement($this->prefix('@manager') . '::createEvent', array(array($class->getName(), $name), new Code\PhpLiteral('$service->' . $name)))));
Example #9
  * Generates list of properties with annotation @inject.
  * @return array
 public static function getInjectProperties(Nette\Reflection\ClassType $class, $container = NULL)
     $res = array();
     foreach ($class->getProperties(\ReflectionProperty::IS_PUBLIC) as $property) {
         $type = $property->getAnnotation('var');
         if (!$property->getAnnotation('inject')) {
         } elseif (!$type) {
             throw new Nette\InvalidStateException("Property {$property} has no @var annotation.");
         } elseif (!class_exists($type) && !interface_exists($type)) {
             if ($type[0] !== '\\') {
                 $type = $property->getDeclaringClass()->getNamespaceName() . '\\' . $type;
             if (!class_exists($type) && !interface_exists($type)) {
                 throw new Nette\InvalidStateException("Please use a fully qualified name of class/interface in @var annotation at {$property} property. Class '{$type}' cannot be found.");
         if ($container && !$container->getByType($type, FALSE)) {
             throw new ServiceCreationException("Service of type {$type} used in @var annotation at {$property} not found. Did you register it in configuration file?");
         $res[$property->getName()] = $type;
     return $res;
Example #10
	 * Generates list of properties with annotation @inject.
	 * @return array
	public static function getInjectProperties(Nette\Reflection\ClassType $class, $container = NULL)
		$res = array();
		foreach ($class->getProperties(\ReflectionProperty::IS_PUBLIC) as $property) {
			$type = $property->getAnnotation('var');
			if (!$property->getAnnotation('inject')) {

			} elseif (!$type) {
				throw new Nette\InvalidStateException("Property $property has no @var annotation.");

			$type = Nette\Reflection\AnnotationsParser::expandClassName($type, self::getDeclaringClass($property));
			if (!class_exists($type) && !interface_exists($type)) {
				throw new Nette\InvalidStateException("Class or interface '$type' used in @var annotation at $property not found. Check annotation and 'use' statements.");
			} elseif ($container && !$container->getByType($type, FALSE)) {
				throw new ServiceCreationException("Service of type {$type} used in @var annotation at $property not found. Did you register it in configuration file?");
			$res[$property->getName()] = $type;
		return $res;
 protected function bindEventProperties(Nette\DI\ServiceDefinition $def, Nette\Reflection\ClassType $class)
     foreach ($class->getProperties(Nette\Reflection\Property::IS_PUBLIC) as $property) {
         if (!preg_match('#^on[A-Z]#', $name = $property->getName())) {
         if ($property->hasAnnotation('persistent') || $property->hasAnnotation('inject')) {
             // definitely not an event
         $def->addSetup('$' . $name, [new Nette\DI\Statement($this->prefix('@manager') . '::createEvent', [[$class->getName(), $name], new Code\PhpLiteral('$service->' . $name), NULL, $property->hasAnnotation('globalDispatchFirst') ? (bool) $property->getAnnotation('globalDispatchFirst') : $this->loadedConfig['globalDispatchFirst']])]);