public function getRates(Currency $base) { $rates = (array) Request::get(sprintf('', $base->getName()))->send()->body->rates; $ret = []; foreach ($rates as $key => $rate) { $ret[$key] = $rate; } return $ret; }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function subunitFor(Currency $currency) { if ($currency->getCode() !== self::CODE) { throw new UnknownCurrencyException($currency->getCode() . ' is not bitcoin and is not supported by this currency repository'); } return 8; }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function quote(Currency $baseCurrency, Currency $counterCurrency) { if (isset($this->list[$baseCurrency->getCode()][$counterCurrency->getCode()])) { return new CurrencyPair($baseCurrency, $counterCurrency, $this->list[$baseCurrency->getCode()][$counterCurrency->getCode()]); } throw UnresolvableCurrencyPairException::createFromCurrencies($baseCurrency, $counterCurrency); }
public function getCurrencyPair(Currency $counterCurrency, Currency $baseCurrency) { $from = $counterCurrency->getName(); $to = $baseCurrency->getName(); $pair = null; $url = self::URL . sprintf(self::QUERY, $from, $to); $html = @file_get_contents($url); if ($html == false) { throw new CurrencyRateException('Rate not avaiable, resource not found'); } $doc = new \DOMDocument(); @$doc->loadHTML($html); $el = $doc->getElementById('currency_converter_result'); if ($el && $el->hasChildNodes()) { foreach ($el->childNodes as $node) { if ($node->nodeName == 'span' && preg_match('/[0-9\\.]+ ' . $to . '/i', $node->textContent, $matches)) { $ratio = (double) $matches[0]; $pair = new CurrencyPair($counterCurrency, $baseCurrency, $ratio); } } } if (!$pair) { throw new CurrencyRateException('Rate not avaiable, can not parse result: ' . $html); } return $pair; }
public function getRate(Currency $from, Currency $to, DateTime $date = null) { $rates = $this->getRatesFromStore($date); $dollarFrom = $from->getName() == 'USD' ? 1.0 : $rates[$from->getName()]; $dollarTo = $to->getName() == 'USD' ? 1.0 : $rates[$to->getName()]; $rate = $dollarFrom / $dollarTo; return new CurrencyPair($from, $to, $rate); }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function quote(Currency $baseCurrency, Currency $counterCurrency) { try { $rate = $this->swap->latest($baseCurrency->getCode() . '/' . $counterCurrency->getCode()); } catch (ExchangerException $e) { throw UnresolvableCurrencyPairException::createFromCurrencies($baseCurrency, $counterCurrency); } return new CurrencyPair($baseCurrency, $counterCurrency, $rate->getValue()); }
private function getRates(Currency $currency) { $rates = $this->pool->getItem($currency->getName()); if ($rates->isMiss()) { $newRates = $this->rates->getRates($currency); $rates->set($newRates, $this->ttl); } return $newRates; }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function subunitFor(Currency $currency) { if (null === self::$currencies) { self::$currencies = $this->loadCurrencies(); } if (!isset(self::$currencies[$currency->getCode()])) { throw new UnknownCurrencyException('Cannot find ISO currency ' . $currency->getCode()); } return self::$currencies[$currency->getCode()]['minorUnit']; }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getCurrencyPair(Currency $baseCurrency, Currency $counterCurrency) { $swapCurrencyPair = new SwapCurrencyPair($baseCurrency->getCode(), $counterCurrency->getCode()); try { $rate = $this->swap->quote($swapCurrencyPair); } catch (SwapException $e) { throw UnresolvableCurrencyPairException::createFromCurrencies($baseCurrency, $counterCurrency); } return new CurrencyPair($baseCurrency, $counterCurrency, $rate->getValue()); }
/** * Retrieves exchange rates from * * @param Currency $currency */ private function retrieveExchangeRateFor(Currency $currency) { $response = $this->client->request('GET', self::EXCHANGE_RATE_API_URL . '/latest', ['query' => ['base' => $this->baseCurrency->getName()]]); Assert::same($response->getStatusCode(), 200); $rawExchangeRates = $response->getBody(); $exchangeRates = json_decode($rawExchangeRates, true); Assert::isArray($exchangeRates); Assert::keyExists($exchangeRates, 'rates'); Assert::keyExists($exchangeRates['rates'], $currency->getName()); Assert::numeric($exchangeRates['rates'][$currency->getName()]); $this->exchangeRates[$currency->getName()] = $exchangeRates['rates'][$currency->getName()]; }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function subunitFor(Currency $currency) { $item = $this->pool->getItem('currency|subunit|' . $currency->getCode()); if (false === $item->isHit()) { $item->set($this->currencies->subunitFor($currency)); if ($item instanceof TaggableItemInterface) { $item->addTag('currency.subunit'); } $this->pool->save($item); } return $item->get(); }
/** * Retrieves exchange rates from * * @param Currency $currency */ private function retrieveExchangeRateFor(Currency $currency) { $conversion = sprintf('%s_%s', $currency->getName(), $this->baseCurrency->getName()); $response = $this->client->request('GET', self::EXCHANGE_RATE_API_URL . '/api/v3/convert', ['query' => ['q' => $conversion]]); Assert::same($response->getStatusCode(), 200); $rawExchangeRates = $response->getBody(); $exchangeRates = json_decode($rawExchangeRates, true); Assert::isArray($exchangeRates); Assert::keyExists($exchangeRates, 'results'); Assert::keyExists($exchangeRates['results'], $conversion); Assert::keyExists($exchangeRates['results'][$conversion], 'val'); Assert::numeric($exchangeRates['results'][$conversion]['val']); $this->exchangeRates[$currency->getName()] = (double) $exchangeRates['results'][$conversion]['val']; }
public function getCurrencyPair(Currency $counterCurrency, Currency $baseCurrency) { $from = $counterCurrency->getName(); $to = $baseCurrency->getName(); $pair = null; $result = file_get_contents(sprintf(self::URL, $from, $to, $this->key)); $result = json_decode($result); if ($result && isset($result->rate)) { $pair = new CurrencyPair($counterCurrency, $baseCurrency, $result->rate); } if ($pair == null) { throw new CurrencyRateException('Rate not avaiable, missing in result'); } return $pair; }
function __toString() { $string = ''; $first = true; foreach ($this->sums as $currency_id => $sum) { if ($first) { $first = false; } else { $string .= '<br />'; } $string .= '<span style="white-space:nowrap;">'; $string .= number_format($sum, 2, '.', ' '); if (\App::$cur->money) { $currency = \Money\Currency::get($currency_id); if ($currency) { $string .= ' ' . $currency->acronym(); } else { $string .= ' руб.'; } } else { $string .= ' руб.'; } $string .= '</span>'; } return $string; }
/** * @inheritdoc */ public function getRelativeRatio($referenceCurrencyCode, $currencyCode) { $currency = new Currency($currencyCode); $referenceCurrency = new Currency($referenceCurrencyCode); if ($currencyCode === $referenceCurrencyCode) { return (double) 1; } $ratioList = $this->storage->loadRatioList(); if (!array_key_exists($currency->getName(), $ratioList)) { throw new MoneyException("unknown ratio for currency {$currencyCode}"); } if (!array_key_exists($referenceCurrency->getName(), $ratioList)) { throw new MoneyException("unknown ratio for currency {$referenceCurrencyCode}"); } return $ratioList[$currency->getName()] / $ratioList[$referenceCurrency->getName()]; }
public function getCurrencyPair(Currency $counterCurrency, Currency $baseCurrency) { $from = $counterCurrency->getName(); $to = $baseCurrency->getName(); $pair = null; $url = self::URL . sprintf(self::QUERY, $from, $to); $csv = @file_get_contents($url); if ($csv == false) { throw new CurrencyRateException('Rate not avaiable, resource not found'); } if (preg_match('/"' . $to . '",([0-9\\.]+)/i', $csv, $matches)) { if ($matches && isset($matches[1])) { $ratio = (double) $matches[1]; } else { throw new CurrencyRateException('Rate not avaiable, can not parse result: ' . $csv); } $pair = new CurrencyPair($counterCurrency, $baseCurrency, $ratio); } else { throw new CurrencyRateException('Rate not avaiable, can not parse result: ' . $csv); } return $pair; }
/** * Extracts a formatted money string. * @example echo Money::USD(500)->formattedString(); * @return string */ public function formattedString() { $decimal_separator = $this->currency->getDecimals(); $thousand_separator = $this->currency->getThousands(); $multiplier = $this->currency->getMultiplier(); $decimals = (int) log10($multiplier); $number = $this->getAmount() / $multiplier; $value = ''; $prefix = ''; $suffix = ''; if ($number < 0) { $prefix .= '-'; $number = -$number; } $value .= number_format($number, $decimals, $decimal_separator, $thousand_separator); if ($this->currency->hasSymbolFirst()) { $prefix .= $this->currency->getSymbol(); } else { $suffix .= $this->currency->getSymbol(); } return $prefix . $value . $suffix; }
/** * @param Currency $referenceCurrency * @param Currency $currency * * @return string The yahoo finance endpoint to get Currency exchange rate */ protected function getEndpoint(Currency $referenceCurrency, Currency $currency) { return '*' . $referenceCurrency->getName() . $currency->getName() . '%22)&format=json&'; }
public function getRates(Currency $base) { return $this->rates[$base->getName()]; }
/** * @return string */ public function getCurrencySymbol() { return Intl::getCurrencyBundle()->getCurrencySymbol($this->currency->getName(), $this->locale); }
public function exchangeAction() { $wallets = $this->module->getUserWallets(); $currency = !empty($_GET['currency_id']) ? \Money\Currency::get((int) $_GET['currency_id']) : null; if ($currency && empty($wallets[$currency->id])) { $currency = null; } $targetCurrency = !empty($_GET['target_currency_id']) ? \Money\Currency::get((int) $_GET['target_currency_id']) : null; if ($targetCurrency && empty($wallets[$targetCurrency->id])) { $targetCurrency = null; } $where = []; if ($currency) { $where[] = ['currency_id', $currency->id]; } else { $where[] = ['currency_id', implode(',', array_keys($wallets)), 'IN']; } if ($targetCurrency) { $where[] = ['target_currency_id', $targetCurrency->id]; } else { $where[] = ['target_currency_id', implode(',', array_keys($wallets)), 'IN']; } if ($where) { $rates = Money\Currency\ExchangeRate::getList(['where' => $where]); } else { $rates = []; } if (!empty($_GET['exchange']) && $currency && $targetCurrency && !empty($rates[$_GET['exchange']['rate_id']])) { $error = false; $rate = $rates[$_GET['exchange']['rate_id']]; if (empty($_GET['exchange']['give']['amount']) || !(double) $_GET['exchange']['give']['amount']) { Msg::add('Укажите сумму которую вы хотите отдать'); $error = true; } else { $amount = (double) $_GET['exchange']['give']['amount']; } if (!empty($amount) && $amount > $wallets[$currency->id]->amount) { Msg::add('Вы указали сумму большую чем вам доступно'); $error = true; } if (!$error) { $wallets[$currency->id]->diff(-$amount, 'Обмен валюты на ' . $targetCurrency->name()); $wallets[$targetCurrency->id]->diff($amount * $rate->rate, 'Обмне валюты с ' . $currency->name()); Tools::redirect('/users/cabinet', 'Обмен был успешно проведен'); } } $this->view->setTitle('Обмен валюты'); $this->view->page(['data' => compact('rates', 'currency', 'targetCurrency', 'wallets')]); }
/** * @param Currency $referenceCurrency * @param Currency $currency * * @return string The yahoo finance endpoint to get Currency exchange rate */ protected function getEndpoint(Currency $referenceCurrency, Currency $currency) { $q = sprintf('select * from where pair in ("%s%s")', $referenceCurrency->getName(), $currency->getName()); $queryString = http_build_query(array('q' => $q, 'format' => 'json', 'env' => 'store://')); return '' . $queryString; }
/** * @param \Money\Money $other * @return bool */ public function isSameCurrency(Money $other) { return $this->currency->equals($other->currency); }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function configureOptions(OptionsResolver $resolver) { $resolver->setDefaults(['currency' => $this->currency->getName()]); }
<?php return ['name' => 'Валюта', 'params' => ['currency_id' => ['type' => 'select'], 'type' => ['type' => 'select', 'source' => 'array', 'sourceArray' => ['procent' => 'Процент', 'amount' => 'Кол-во']], 'amount' => ['type' => 'decimal']], 'viewer' => function ($level) { $levelTypes = ['procent' => 'Процент', 'amount' => 'Сумма']; return $levelTypes[$level->params['type']->value] . ': ' . $level->params['amount']->value . ' ' . ($level->params['type']->value == 'procent' ? '%' : ($level->params['currency_id']->value ? \Money\Currency::get($level->params['currency_id']->value)->acronym() : '')); }, 'rewarder' => function ($reward, $sums, $user, $rootUser, $level, $rewardGet) { $wallets = \App::$cur->money->getUserWallets($user->id); $amount = 0; if (!empty($wallets[$level->params['currency_id']->value])) { switch ($level->params['type']->value) { case 'procent': $finalSum = 0; foreach ($sums as $currency_id => $sum) { if ($currency_id != $level->params['currency_id']->value) { $rate = \Money\Currency\ExchangeRate::get([['currency_id', $currency_id], ['target_currency_id', $level->params['currency_id']->value]]); if ($rate) { $finalSum += $sum * $rate->rate; } } else { $finalSum += $sum; } } switch ($reward->round_type) { case 'round': $finalSum = round($finalSum, $reward->round_precision); $amount = $finalSum / 100 * (double) $level->params['amount']->value; break; case 'floor': $finalSum = floor($finalSum); $amount = $finalSum / 100 * (double) $level->params['amount']->value; break;
public function bonusTrigger($event) { $cart = $event['eventObject']; foreach ($cart->cartItems as $cartItem) { foreach ($cartItem->price->offer->bonuses as $bonus) { if ($bonus->limited && $bonus->left <= 0) { continue; } elseif ($bonus->limited && $bonus->left > 0) { $bonus->left -= 1; $bonus->save(); } switch ($bonus->type) { case 'currency': $currency = \Money\Currency::get($bonus->value); $wallets = App::$cur->money->getUserWallets($cart->user->id); $wallets[$currency->id]->diff($bonus->count, 'Бонус за покупку'); break; } } } return $cart; }
?> </ul> <div class="tab-content"> <div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane fade in active" id="home"> <?php $form = new Ui\Form(); $form->begin(); $form->input('checkbox', 'config[view_empty_warehouse]', 'Показывать отсутствующие товары', ['value' => App::$cur->ecommerce->config['view_empty_warehouse']]); $form->input('checkbox', 'config[view_empty_image]', 'Показывать товары без изображения', ['value' => App::$cur->ecommerce->config['view_empty_image']]); $form->input('checkbox', 'config[sell_empty_warehouse]', 'Продавать отсутствующие товары', ['value' => App::$cur->ecommerce->config['sell_empty_warehouse']]); $form->input('checkbox', 'config[sell_over_warehouse]', 'Продавать сверх остатоков на складе', ['value' => App::$cur->ecommerce->config['sell_over_warehouse']]); $form->input('checkbox', 'config[show_zero_price]', 'Показывать товары с нулевой ценой', ['value' => App::$cur->ecommerce->config['show_zero_price']]); $form->input('checkbox', 'config[show_without_price]', 'Показывать товары без цен', ['value' => App::$cur->ecommerce->config['show_without_price']]); $form->input('select', 'config[defaultCategoryView]', 'Стандартный вид категории', ['value' => App::$cur->ecommerce->config['defaultCategoryView'], 'values' => App::$cur->ecommerce->viewsCategoryList()]); if (App::$cur->money) { $form->input('select', 'config[defaultCurrency]', 'Валюта по умолчанию', ['value' => App::$cur->ecommerce->config['defaultCurrency'], 'values' => ['' => 'Выберите'] + \Money\Currency::getList()]); } $form->input('text', 'config[orderPrefix]', 'Префикс для номеров заказов', ['value' => App::$cur->ecommerce->config['orderPrefix']]); $form->input('text', 'config[notify_mail]', 'E-mail оповещений о новых заказах', ['value' => App::$cur->ecommerce->config['notify_mail']]); $form->input('hidden', 'config[save]', '', ['value' => 1]); $form->end('Сохранить'); ?> <h3>Обслужвание</h3> <a href="/admin/ecommerce/reSearchIndex" class="btn btn-primary">Обновить поисковые индексы</a> <h3>Уведомления в браузере</h3> <a id ="push-notifications-button" href="#" class="btn btn-primary">Получать уведомления</a> <script> inji.onLoad(function () { document.querySelector('#push-notifications-button').addEventListener('click', function () { if (!Notification) { alert('Desktop notifications not available in your browser. Try Chromium.');
/** * Returns the name as string of the given currency * * @param Currency $currency * @return string */ public function formatCurrencyAsName(Currency $currency) { return $currency->getName(); }
/** * @param $units * @param Currency $referenceCurrency * @param Currency $currency * @return string The endpoint to get Currency conversion */ protected function getEndpoint($units, Currency $referenceCurrency, Currency $currency) { return sprintf('', $units, $referenceCurrency->getName(), $currency->getName()); }
/** * Creates an exception from Currency objects. * * @param Currency $baseCurrency * @param Currency $counterCurrency * * @return UnresolvableCurrencyPairException */ public static function createFromCurrencies(Currency $baseCurrency, Currency $counterCurrency) { $message = sprintf('Cannot resolve a currency pair for currencies: %s/%s', $baseCurrency->getCode(), $counterCurrency->getCode()); return new self($message); }