Example #1
 public function store(Question $question, choiceRequest $req, Choice $choiceModel)
     $countchoice = 0;
     $msgdanger = 'لا تستطيع اضافة اجابة للسؤال المقالي';
     if ($question->type == 'essay') {
         return redirect()->back()->with('error', $msgdanger);
     if ($question->type == 'true_false') {
         $countchoice = $choiceModel->where('question_id', $question->id)->count();
         $msgerrorTrueFalse = 'لا تستطيع اضافة اكثر من اجابتين للسؤال الصح والخطاء';
         if ($countchoice > 1) {
             return redirect()->back()->with('error', $msgerrorTrueFalse);
     if ($question->type != 'multiple_choice' and $req->input('istrue') == 1) {
         $choice = $choiceModel->where('question_id', $question->id);
         $choice->update(['istrue' => 0]);
     $choice = $choiceModel->fill($req->all());
     $message = 'تم اضافة الاجابة بنجاح';
     if (request('submit') == 'save' and $countchoice < 1) {
         return redirect()->back()->with('success', $message);
     } else {
         return redirect()->route('choice.index', array('qid' => $question->id))->with('success', $message);
 public function updatequestion(Question $question, QuestionRequest $request, $id, $activity_id)
     $question = $question->findOrFail($id);
     $choices = $request->input('choices', 0);
     $choices_ids = (array) $request->input('choices_ids', 0);
     if (!$question->fill($request->all())->save()) {
         return redirect()->back()->with('error', 'وقع مشكل اثناء تحديث السؤال');
     if ($question->type == 'essay') {
         Choice::where('question_id', $question->id)->delete();
     } else {
         Choice::where('question_id', $question->id)->whereNotIn('id', $choices_ids)->delete();
     if (is_array($choices)) {
         foreach ($choices as $key => $choice) {
             if (array_key_exists($key, $choices_ids)) {
                 $id = $choices_ids[$key];
             } else {
                 $id = 0;
             if ($question->type == 'multiple_choice') {
                 $istrue = (int) $request->input('choices_correct_' . ($id > 0 ? $id : "new_" . $key));
             if ($question->type != 'multiple_choice') {
                 $istrue = $request->input('choices_correct_new_00') == $id ? 1 : 0;
             if ($id > 0) {
                 Choice::where('id', $id)->update(['choice' => $choice, 'istrue' => $istrue]);
             } else {
                 Choice::create(['choice' => $choice, 'question_id' => $question->id, 'istrue' => $istrue]);
     $lesson = Lesson::findOrFail($question->lesson_id);
     $message = 'تم تعديل السؤال بنجاح';
     if (request('submit') == 'save') {
         //return redirect()->route('choice.create',array('id'=>$id))->with('success' ,$message);
         return redirect()->back()->with('success', $message);
     } else {
         return redirect()->route('teachers.profile.questions', array('id' => $activity_id))->with('success', $message);