Example #1
  * Generate the API documentation using the markdown and include files
  * @param $folder
  * @return false|null
 public function generate($folder)
     $source_dir = $folder . '/source';
     if (!is_dir($source_dir)) {
         return false;
     $parser = new Parser();
     $document = $parser->parse(file_get_contents($source_dir . '/index.md'));
     $frontmatter = $document->getYAML();
     $html = $document->getContent();
     $renderer = new BladeRenderer([__DIR__ . '/../resources/views'], ['cache_path' => $source_dir . '/_tmp']);
     // Parse and include optional include markdown files
     if (isset($frontmatter['includes'])) {
         foreach ($frontmatter['includes'] as $include) {
             if (file_exists($include_file = $source_dir . '/includes/_' . $include . '.md')) {
                 $document = $parser->parse(file_get_contents($include_file));
                 $html .= $document->getContent();
     $output = $renderer->render('index', ['page' => $frontmatter, 'content' => $html]);
     file_put_contents($folder . '/index.html', $output);
     // Copy assets
     rcopy($source_dir . '/assets/images/', $folder . '/images');
     rcopy($source_dir . '/assets/stylus/fonts/', $folder . '/css/fonts');
 public function __invoke(Project $project)
     /** @var MarkdownFile[] $markdownFiles */
     $markdownFiles = $project->findFilesByType('Couscous\\Module\\Markdown\\Model\\MarkdownFile');
     foreach ($markdownFiles as $file) {
         $document = $this->markdownParser->parse($file->getContent());
         $metadataValues = $document->getYAML();
         if (is_array($metadataValues)) {
 public function parse($markdown)
     $parsed = $this->parser->parse($markdown, false);
     // Get the FrontYaml content
     $metadata = $parsed->getYAML();
     if (!is_array($metadata)) {
         $metadata = [];
     // Get the Markdown with the FrontYaml removed
     $markdown = $parsed->getContent();
     $document = $this->wrapped->parse($markdown);
     $document->metadata = array_merge($document->metadata, $metadata);
     return $document;
Example #4
 public function __invoke(Route $route, Console $console) : int
     $basePath = $route->getMatchedParam('path');
     $path = realpath($basePath) . '/data/blog';
     $cache = realpath($basePath) . '/data/cache/posts';
     $baseUri = new Uri('https://mwop.net');
     $middleware = $this->blogMiddleware;
     $console->writeLine('Generating static cache for blog posts', Color::GREEN);
     // Prepare final handler for middleware
     $failed = false;
     $done = function ($req, $res, $err = null) use(&$failed) {
         $failed = $err ? true : false;
     $parser = new Parser(null, new CommonMarkParser());
     foreach (new MarkdownFileFilter($path) as $fileInfo) {
         $document = $parser->parse(file_get_contents($fileInfo->getPathname()));
         $metadata = $document->getYAML();
         $message = '    ' . $metadata['id'];
         $length = strlen($message);
         $width = $console->getWidth();
         $console->write($message, Color::BLUE);
         $canonical = $baseUri->withPath(sprintf('/blog/%s.html', $metadata['id']));
         $request = (new Request(new PsrRequest([], [], $canonical, 'GET')))->withUri($canonical)->withAttribute('id', $metadata['id']);
         $failed = false;
         $response = $middleware($request, new Response(), $done);
         if (!$failed) {
             $this->cacheResponse($metadata['id'], $cache, $response->getBody());
         $this->reportComplete($console, $width, $length, !$failed);
     $console->writeLine('ALL DONE', Color::GREEN);
     return 0;
 public function __invoke(Route $route, Console $console) : int
     $basePath = $route->getMatchedParam('path');
     $postsPath = $route->getMatchedParam('postsPath');
     $authorsPath = $route->getMatchedParam('authorsPath');
     $dbPath = $route->getMatchedParam('dbPath');
     $message = 'Generating blog post database';
     $length = strlen($message);
     $width = $console->getWidth();
     $console->write($message, Color::BLUE);
     $pdo = $this->createDatabase($dbPath, $console);
     $path = sprintf('%s/%s', realpath($basePath), ltrim($postsPath));
     $trim = strlen(realpath($basePath)) + 1;
     $parser = new Parser(null, new CommonMarkParser());
     $statements = [];
     foreach (new MarkdownFileFilter($path) as $fileInfo) {
         $path = $fileInfo->getPathname();
         $document = $parser->parse(file_get_contents($path));
         $metadata = $document->getYAML();
         $html = $document->getContent();
         $parts = explode($this->postDelimiter, $html, 2);
         $body = $parts[0];
         $extended = isset($parts[1]) ? $parts[1] : '';
         $author = $this->getAuthor($metadata['author'], $authorsPath);
         $template = empty($statements) ? $this->initial : $this->item;
         $statements[] = sprintf($template, $pdo->quote($metadata['id']), $pdo->quote(substr($path, $trim)), (new DateTime($metadata['created']))->getTimestamp(), (new DateTime($metadata['updated']))->getTimestamp(), $pdo->quote($metadata['title']), $pdo->quote($author['id']), $metadata['draft'] ? 1 : 0, $metadata['public'] ? 1 : 0, $pdo->quote($body), $pdo->quote(sprintf('|%s|', implode('|', $metadata['tags']))));
     $pdo->exec(implode("\n", $statements));
     return $this->reportSuccess($console, $width, $length);
Example #6
 public static function routeMarkdown()
     if ($filename = static::findFileForRoute(Route::requestUri(), Conf::get('glueExtras/RouteTools/content/path'), array('md'))) {
         $parser = new Parser();
         if (!($document = $parser->parse(file_get_contents($filename)))) {
             echo "<div><strong>Error:</strong> Failed to parse markdown/front-YAML</div>";
         Route::any(Route::requestUri(), function () use($document) {
             echo $document->getContent();
 public function __invoke($req, $res, $next)
     $post = $this->mapper->fetch($req->getAttribute('id', false));
     if (!$post) {
         return $next($req, $res->withStatus(404), 'Not found');
     $parser = new Parser(null, new CommonMarkParser());
     $document = $parser->parse(file_get_contents($post['path']));
     $post = $document->getYAML();
     $parts = explode($this->postDelimiter, $document->getContent(), 2);
     $post = array_merge($post, ['body' => $parts[0], 'extended' => isset($parts[1]) ? $parts[1] : '']);
     $original = $req->getOriginalRequest()->getUri()->getPath();
     $path = substr($original, 0, -(strlen($post['id'] . '.html') + 1));
     $post = new EntryView($post, $this->disqus);
     return new HtmlResponse($this->template->render('blog::post', $post));
 public function __invoke(Route $route, Console $console) : int
     $basePath = $route->getMatchedParam('path');
     $path = realpath($basePath) . '/data/blog';
     $console->writeLine('Generating search metadata', Color::BLUE);
     $documents = [];
     $parser = new Parser();
     foreach (new MarkdownFileFilter($path) as $fileInfo) {
         $document = $parser->parse(file_get_contents($fileInfo->getPathname()), false);
         $metadata = $document->getYAML();
         $content = $document->getContent();
         $documents[] = ['id' => sprintf('/blog/%s.html', $metadata['id']), 'tags' => implode(' ', $metadata['tags']), 'title' => $metadata['title'], 'content' => $content];
     file_put_contents(realpath($basePath) . '/public/js/search_terms.json', json_encode(['docs' => $documents], JSON_PRETTY_PRINT | JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES | JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE));
     $console->write('[DONE]', Color::GREEN);
     $console->writeLine(' Generating search metadata');
     return 0;
Example #9
 private function generateFeed(string $type, string $fileBase, string $baseUri, string $title, string $landingRoute, string $feedRoute, array $routeOptions, Traversable $posts)
     $routeOptions['type'] = $type;
     $landingUri = $baseUri . $this->generateUri($landingRoute, $routeOptions);
     $feedUri = $baseUri . $this->generateUri($feedRoute, $routeOptions);
     $feed = new FeedWriter();
     $feed->setFeedLink($feedUri, $type);
     if ($type === 'rss') {
     $parser = new Parser(null, new CommonMarkParser());
     $latest = false;
     foreach ($posts as $details) {
         $document = $parser->parse(file_get_contents($details['path']));
         $post = $document->getYAML();
         $html = $document->getContent();
         $author = $this->getAuthor($post['author']);
         if (!$latest) {
             $latest = $post;
         $entry = $feed->createEntry();
         // $entry->setLink($baseUri . $this->generateUri('blog.post', ['id' => $post['id']]));
         $entry->setLink($baseUri . sprintf('/blog/%s.html', $post['id']));
         $entry->setDateModified(new DateTime($post['updated']));
         $entry->setDateCreated(new DateTime($post['created']));
         $entry->setContent($this->createContent($html, $post));
     // Set feed date
     $feed->setDateModified(new DateTime($latest['updated']));
     // Write feed to file
     $file = sprintf('%s%s.xml', $fileBase, $type);
     $file = str_replace(' ', '+', $file);
     file_put_contents($file, $feed->export($type));
Example #10
  * Parse markdown with YAML headers
  * This method returns an array of: content as the first member and
  * YAML values as the second member.
  * @param string $text
  * @return array
 public static function parseWithYAML($text)
     $parser = new Parser();
     $parsed = $parser->parse($text);
     return [$parsed->getContent(), $parsed->getYAML()];
Example #11
  * @TODO
  * @TODO Test
  * @return Document
 protected function parseContents()
     $parser = new Parser();
     $document = $parser->parse($this->contents, false);
     $this->header = $document->getYAML() ?: $this->header;
     $this->body = $document->getContent() ?: $this->body;
     return $this;
Example #12
 private function renderFile(MarkdownFile $file)
     $document = $this->markdownParser->parse($file->getContent());
     $filename = $this->replaceExtension($file->relativeFilename);
     return new HtmlFile($filename, $document->getContent(), $file);