bitImage() public method

Should only be used if your printer does not support the graphics() command. See also bitImageColumnFormat().
public bitImage ( EscposImage $img, integer $size = Printer::IMG_DEFAULT )
$img EscposImage The image to print
$size integer Size modifier for the image. Must be either `Printer::IMG_DEFAULT` (default), or any combination of the `Printer::IMG_DOUBLE_HEIGHT` and `Printer::IMG_DOUBLE_WIDTH` flags.
Example #1

/* Example print-outs using the older bit image print command */
require __DIR__ . '/../autoload.php';
use Mike42\Escpos\Printer;
use Mike42\Escpos\EscposImage;
use Mike42\Escpos\PrintConnectors\FilePrintConnector;
$connector = new FilePrintConnector("php://stdout");
$printer = new Printer($connector);
try {
    $tux = EscposImage::load("resources/tux.png", false);
    $printer->text("These example images are printed with the older\nbit image print command. You should only use\n\$p -> bitImage() if \$p -> graphics() does not\nwork on your printer.\n\n");
    $printer->text("Regular Tux (bit image).\n");
    $printer->bitImage($tux, Printer::IMG_DOUBLE_WIDTH);
    $printer->text("Wide Tux (bit image).\n");
    $printer->bitImage($tux, Printer::IMG_DOUBLE_HEIGHT);
    $printer->text("Tall Tux (bit image).\n");
    $printer->bitImage($tux, Printer::IMG_DOUBLE_WIDTH | Printer::IMG_DOUBLE_HEIGHT);
    $printer->text("Large Tux in correct proportion (bit image).\n");
} catch (Exception $e) {
    /* Images not supported on your PHP, or image file not found */
    $printer->text($e->getMessage() . "\n");
Example #2
        /* Read stdout */
        $outputStr = stream_get_contents($fd[1]);
        /* Read stderr */
        $errorStr = stream_get_contents($fd[2]);
        /* Finish up */
        $retval = proc_close($process);
        if ($retval != 0) {
            throw new Exception("Command {$cmd} failed: {$outputStr} {$errorStr}");
    } else {
        throw new Exception("Command '{$cmd}' failed to start.");
    /* Load up the image */
    try {
        $img = EscposImage::load($dest);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        throw $e;
    /* Print it */
    // bitImage() seems to allow larger images than graphics() on the TM-T20. bitImageColumnFormat() is another option.
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage();
} finally {
Example #3
    $logo = EscposImage::load("resources/escpos-php.png", false);
    $imgModes = array(Printer::IMG_DEFAULT, Printer::IMG_DOUBLE_WIDTH, Printer::IMG_DOUBLE_HEIGHT, Printer::IMG_DOUBLE_WIDTH | Printer::IMG_DOUBLE_HEIGHT);
    foreach ($imgModes as $mode) {
        $printer->graphics($logo, $mode);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    /* Images not supported on your PHP, or image file not found */
    $printer->text($e->getMessage() . "\n");
/* Bit image */
try {
    $logo = EscposImage::load("resources/escpos-php.png", false);
    $imgModes = array(Printer::IMG_DEFAULT, Printer::IMG_DOUBLE_WIDTH, Printer::IMG_DOUBLE_HEIGHT, Printer::IMG_DOUBLE_WIDTH | Printer::IMG_DOUBLE_HEIGHT);
    foreach ($imgModes as $mode) {
        $printer->bitImage($logo, $mode);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    /* Images not supported on your PHP, or image file not found */
    $printer->text($e->getMessage() . "\n");
/* QR Code - see also the more in-depth demo at qr-code.php */
$testStr = "Testing 123";
$models = array(Printer::QR_MODEL_1 => "QR Model 1", Printer::QR_MODEL_2 => "QR Model 2 (default)", Printer::QR_MICRO => "Micro QR code\n(not supported on all printers)");
foreach ($models as $model => $name) {
    $printer->qrCode($testStr, Printer::QR_ECLEVEL_L, 3, $model);
Example #4

 * Example of dithering used in EscposImage by default, if you have Imagick loaded.
require __DIR__ . '/../../autoload.php';
use Mike42\Escpos\Printer;
use Mike42\Escpos\EscposImage;
use Mike42\Escpos\PrintConnectors\FilePrintConnector;
$connector = new FilePrintConnector("/dev/usb/lp0");
$printer = new Printer($connector);
try {
    /*  Load with optimisations enabled. If you have Imagick, this will get you
            a nicely dithered image, which prints very quickly
    $img1 = EscposImage::load(__DIR__ . '/../resources/tulips.png');
    /*  Load with optimisations disabled, forcing the use of PHP to convert the
            pixels, which uses a threshold and is much slower.
    $img2 = EscposImage::load(__DIR__ . '/../resources/tulips.png', false);
} finally {
    /* Always close the printer! */