Example #1
  * Gets others plugins that have the `InstallShell` class
  * @return array
 protected function _getOtherPlugins()
     //Gets all plugins
     $plugins = Plugin::all(['exclude' => [METOOLS, MECMS]]);
     //Returns only the plugins that have the `InstallShell` class
     return af(array_map(function ($plugin) {
         return Plugin::path($plugin, 'src' . DS . 'Shell' . DS . 'InstallShell.php', true) ? $plugin : false;
     }, $plugins));
Example #2
  * Gets all loaded plugins.
  * Available options are:
  *  - `core`, if `false` exclude the core plugins;
  *  - `exclude`, a plugin as string or an array of plugins to be excluded;
  *  - `order`, if `true` the plugins will be sorted.
  * @param array $options Options
  * @return array Plugins
  * @uses MeTools\Core\Plugin::all()
 public static function all(array $options = [])
     $options = am(['core' => false, 'except' => [], 'order' => true], $options);
     $plugins = parent::all($options);
     if ($options['order']) {
         $key = array_search(MECMS, $plugins);
         if ($key) {
             array_unshift($plugins, MECMS);
     return $plugins;
Example #3
  * Renders a layout. Returns output from _render(). Returns false on
  *  error. Several variables are created for use in layout
  * @param string $content Content to render in a view, wrapped by the
  *  surrounding layout
  * @param string|null $layout Layout name
  * @return mixed Rendered output, or false on error
  * @see http://api.cakephp.org/3.3/class-Cake.View.View.html#_renderLayout
  * @uses MeCms\View\View\BaseView::renderLayout()
  * @uses MeTools\Core\Plugin::path()
  * @uses MeTools\View\Helper\HtmlHelper::meta()
  * @uses MeTools\View\Helper\LibraryHelper::analytics()
  * @uses MeTools\View\Helper\LibraryHelper::shareaholic()
  * @uses _addFacebookTags()
  * @uses $userbar
 public function renderLayout($content, $layout = null)
     $path = 'src' . DS . 'Template' . DS . 'Layout' . DS;
     if ($this->layoutPath()) {
         $path .= $this->layoutPath() . DS;
     $path .= $layout . '.ctp';
     //Uses the APP layout, if exists
     if (is_readable(ROOT . DS . $path)) {
         $this->plugin = false;
     //Sets the theme and uses the theme layout, if exists
     if (config('default.theme') && !$this->theme()) {
         if (is_readable(Plugin::path($this->theme()) . $path)) {
             $this->plugin = $this->theme();
     //Adds the "theme color" (the toolbar color for some mobile browser)
     if (config('default.toolbar_color')) {
         $this->Html->meta('theme-color', config('default.toolbar_color'));
     //Adds the meta tag for RSS posts
     if (config('default.rss_meta')) {
         $this->Html->meta(__d('me_cms', 'Latest posts'), '/posts/rss', ['type' => 'rss']);
     //Adds Google Analytics
     if (config('default.analytics')) {
         echo $this->Library->analytics(config('default.analytics'));
     //Adds Shareaholic
     if (config('shareaholic.site_id')) {
         echo $this->Library->shareaholic(config('shareaholic.site_id'));
     //Adds Facebook's tags
     //Assign the userbar
     $this->assign('userbar', implode(PHP_EOL, array_map(function ($element) {
         return $this->Html->li($element);
     }, $this->userbar)));
     return parent::renderLayout($content, $layout);
Example #4
  * Copies the configuration files
  * @return void
  * @uses $config
  * @uses MeTools\Core\Plugin::path()
 public function copyConfig()
     foreach ($this->config as $file) {
         list($plugin, $file) = pluginSplit($file);
         $file = sprintf('%s.php', $file);
         $target = ROOT . DS . 'config' . DS . $file;
         //Checks if the file already exists
         if (is_readable($target)) {
             $this->verbose(__d('me_tools', 'File or directory {0} already exists', rtr($target)));
         if (copy(Plugin::path($plugin, 'config' . DS . $file), $target)) {
             $this->verbose(__d('me_tools', 'The file {0} has been copied', rtr($target)));
         } else {
             $this->err(__d('me_tools', 'The file {0} has not been copied', rtr($target)));